Firebase Javascript retrieve a user details using UID - javascript

I wonder if it is possible to retrieve a user details only using it's UID, I want it because I want to show my users their list of friends, I have checked the documentation on Firebase Auth., It seems to be only supported in 'admin' section. Should I save my user data in the database instead of Auth. or Is there a way to do it without using Firebase Auth. in my server ? I am running a web application and using Javascript to manipulate data.

There is no API to list or query Firebase Auth accounts directly from a web or mobile app. That would be a security problem, and that's why it's limited to admin/backend access only via the Firebase Admin SDK.
If you do want anyone to be able to find other user accounts, you will need to store that user data in your database, or provide a backend API endpoint that it can access.


React Firebase 9 where is Auth user stored? [duplicate]

I am currently using firebase to make an ionic app. I am using firebase simple login for social auth (facebook, twitter, email & password). The auth works perfectly, it $broadcasts the authed user. However it doesn't seem to create a user in the actual firebase db. I was wondering how I can get the users that have been authed using my app.
For most of the authentication protocols it supports, Firebase doesn't store user data anywhere. Even for the protocols where it does store data (I only know of email+password doing this), it stores this information in a place that your application can't access (though you can find those users in the dashboard of your Firebase).
To quote the Firebase documentation:
It does not store profile or user state in your Firebase. To persist user data you must save it to your Firebase.
What most applications end up doing, is keeping a list of users inside their Firebase that they manage themselves. So when a user first authenticates with the application, it creates a node under /users/<uid> that contains the information for that user.
See this section of the Firebase documentation that describes storing user data.
Firebase does not store profile or user state in your Firebase instance. To persist user data you must save it to your Firebase.
Firebase provides multiple authentications services
Using existing social login providers such Facebook, Twitter, Google, and GitHub. Using these services provides an option for your users to access your application without creating a new account.
Using built-in support for logging in with email & password. This requires registration and account creation that is handled by Firebase. The user account information is stored outside you application.
Using a custom authentication to implement existing server-side authentication, single sign-on, legacy systems, or third-party OAuth based services (such as Yahoo).
Once authenticated, Firebase return a variable auth to your application that you can use for authorization and access control. This variable is null for unauthenticated users, but for authenticated users it is an object containing the user's unique (auth.uid) and potentially other data about the user.
If you want to persist additional user information such as name
and location, then you need to use auth.uid and store it in your
Firebase with additional profile data.
Internally, Firebase generates JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) and creates authenticated sessions by calling Firebase.loginWithCustomToken() with those tokens. Each user is assigned a uid (a unique ID), which is guaranteed to be distinct across all providers, and to never change for a specific authenticated user.
The user data for firebase authentication is stored in firebaseLocalStorageDb in IndexedDB. After login to website, if you delete firebaseLocalStorageDb, the login user data for firebase authentication is all deleted so you need to log in website again.

firebase.auth(...).getUserByEmail is not a function

In my project I need to link an existing email account whithout the user signed in.
I have the user's email, so I'm trying this code:
on the client side.
But it gives me the firebase.auth(...).getUserByEmail is not a function error.
Does anyone know how to get the user by email address on the client side so I can link the accounts, the existing one and the providers?
Thanks in advance.
Using sdk 17.4.5
For web clients, firebase.auth() returns an Auth object. As you can see from the API documentation, there is no getUserByEmail method. on it. You're probably looking at the API documentation for Auth from the Firebase Admin SDK, which does not work on web clients. It only works on backends running nodejs.
If you want to use getUserByEmail, you'll need to run it on a backend, and invoke that from your web client.
You should know that linking user accounts does actually require the use of this method. You link accounts after the user has signed in to both of them.

Can Custom Authentication be made in Firebase

I am trying to use a 6 digit code to log-in a user.
The code is available for 20 seconds and is unique to every user.
Briefly explained:
User is already logged in on a mobile app
User press the button "Get Unique Code"
Then, user enter the code on a WebPage on his PC
If the code is correct, show data for that user
What am I asking is if there is way to properly authenticate the user who introduces that code correctly given that I have the userID and all the informations about the user?
I can try and "fake log-in" (display all the information for that user when the code is correct) but there are some issues with this and I would like to avoid it.
I am using Firebase Authentication and Firebase Firestore. JavaScript is used for Web.
You can implement any authentication scheme you want by creating a custom provider for Firebase Authentication.
See Authenticate with Firebase in JavaScript Using a Custom Authentication System and Creating Custom Tokens with the Admin SDK.
In this flow you:
Sign in the users yourself.
Create a custom token for those users in a trusted environment, such as a server you control, or Cloud Functions.
Pass that custom token to Firebase Authentication, which can then use it to identify the user, and secure access to Firestore, Storage, and Realtime Database.

Facebook Javascript SDK Autologin & Tokens

I am using the Facebook login as an authentication for my PhoneGap application - once a user logs in, their data is retrieved from my database to display information. I am not using the SDK for any other purpose.
I have the Facebook auto login working fine - it retrieves an authResponse and my Facebook information. Since the access token changes with each login, what can I use to store locally and in my database to authenticate the user on my server for future logins?
Here is a flow that I think could work...
User sees logs in screen and enters Facebook credentials
Facebook securely validates and returns user information & access token
The app uses localStorage to store user email and access token
For future autologin, the localStorage values are used as email/password
I feel like this cannot be the correct answer, however.
I figured out a solution - I was confused about storing passwords on my database to fetch user information. Rather, these are the correct steps:
Use Facebook SDK to handle the login and retrieve the authResponse
Update the user table in my database with the temporary access token and retrieve user's information
For every POST or GET the user wishes to perform, I will match the FB.getLoginStatus() results from the database's access token (the check will be done server side)
If the tokens match, perform requests. Otherwise, force the user to login again.

How to impersonate individual IAM users with AWS SDK in the Browser

I want to create a client-side (server-less) application using the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser. All intended users of the tool have individual IAM users and access to the AWS Web Console.
I want all API calls to be executed in the context of individual IAM users, so they are subject to each user's individual permissions, and so that I can see who did what in CloudTrail.
Since no kind of browser local storage should be trusted with persistent credentials, I cannot simply let the user enter his secret access key once and keep it.
However I guess I could request the user's access key id and secret access key on the beginning of each session, then call STS GetSessionToken with it, and only store the resulting temporary security credentials in the session storage and use that for all following SDK usage.
Of course it would be much nicer for users to be able to log in with their IAM user and password instead of their long and cryptic access key (think of mobile devices...).
Is there any kind of federated login option for IAM users (redirecting them to the AWS IAM login page), or a way to call the STS API with username and password?
Ideally, what you want is login via IAM user/password combination. As far as I am aware (and also see this) there is no standard way of doing this.
In one of my projects, I've simulated online login using HTTP client. If you can get the session token with that, that could work for you. But it does not support MFA, and is relying on the internals of the AWS authentication implementation which might change without warnings.

