react-photo-collage working on localhost, but on server, just renders a blank page, after removing the part with collage from my code it renders normal.
Weird was it was working all fine yesterday.
Github : repository
Problem lies in the events.js
App works flawlessly locally. I have had lots of trouble getting it deployed correctly to Heroku. Using Mongodb Atlas, Heroku, and Express. It's a basic Forum app that appends posts to the page from the databse. It's correctly hitting the database and the posts get returned and they're EVEN THERE! But they are invisible, yet still clickable. I have no idea what is causing this. ANY IDEAS WELCOME
Github Repo
Deployed Heroku App
So the problem was that in the css file correlating to the missing posts, the opacity value was set as a percentage. It was fine running locally, but when deployed, it defaulted to an opacity of 1%, making it seem like they were missing. After changing the value to a decimal, it works as intended.
I am working on this project, now everything on the server is running fine but I am having issues viewing the rest of the components for the web app of the page beside the header.
Here is the link to my codebase
no errors or messages can't seem to find the bug
I am developing a website using Vue and Vue-Router in local. Then I commit changes with git to the production server and the site files get updated.
I was making a payment status page and it's working perfectly in local, so i uploaded the changed to the production server but for some reason the component isn't being loaded on the production server. I am getting no errors.. The rest of the routes I made (were always and are still) working fine, but the new routes I made/make dont in production (again, working perfectly locally)
Does anyone have any debugging suggestions to try and figure out whats happening?
I fixed the problem, It had to do with caching
I am introducing myself to react for UI development, and have been working through a number of tutorials. From my most recent one, react-hackernews, I ran into an odd issue. I successfully was able to render the UI from app.js to show the front page while pulling in new stories. However, when I quit running my server and returned to the project later on, app.js would no longer work; the other modules do work i.e NewsHeader.html, NewsList.html
I am trying to integrate Zero Clipboard into tornado web application and I am running into some problems. this page works perfectly, but when I try to view same page on my local machine ('Save page as..' to get all the files locally) after opening HTML file I get . And this happens (same error) even if I do everything what is written in tutorial (only required lines of code).
Maybe some one had similar problem?
I had the similar problem and I made it to work by uploading it to server where it worked fine.
Instead of testing it on local, please test it some where on server.