AppendData function: Insert JSON Content into HTML - javascript

I am following this tutorial to learn how to insert Text from a JSON into an Website. I rebuilt the example on the website succesfully - however I struggle to use my own JSON, which has a slightly different structure.
The JSON from the tutorial looks like this:
"id": "1",
"firstName": "John",
"lastName": "Doe"
"id": "2",
"firstName": "Mary",
"lastName": "Peterson"
The array is loaded into an object called data and I can access each of its values using an index and the key of the value i.e. data[0].firstName would result in "John" (as described in the short tutorial).
Now, the JSON I actually want to use has the following structure:
"Category1": [
"name": "Lorem",
"description": "A description",
"product": "a product",
"Category2": [
"name": "Lorem1",
"description": "Another description",
"product": "another product",
"name": "Lorem2",
"description": "A third description",
"product": "a third product"
"name": "Lorem3",
"description": "And one last description",
"product": "last product",
"Category3": [
How can I access all of these values? I tried to treat the data object as a multidimensional array (i.e. data[0][1] without success.
I am using the following function to insert into the HTML:
function appendData(data) {
var mainContainer = document.getElementById("myData");
for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
var div = document.createElement("div");
div.innerHTML = 'Name: ' + data[i].firstName;
Also - as a follow-up question: Is there a way to iterate through the Categories at all?

Call by data.ObjectName[index].propertyName
let data = {
"Category1": [
"name": "Lorem",
"description": "A description",
"product": "a product",
For Example:
let data = {
Category1: [
name: "Lorem",
description: "A description",
product: "a product",
Category2: [
name: "Lorem1",
description: "Another description",
product: "another product",
name: "Lorem2",
description: "A third description",
product: "a third product",
for (x in data) {
for (let i = 0, l = data[x].length; i < l; i++) {

Well... You can declare your arrays as a "normal" two-dimensional array, like:
const data = [
[{ "name": "Lorem", "description": "A description", "product": "a product" }],
{ "name": "Lorem1", "description": "A description", "product": "another product" },
{ "name": "Lorem2", "description": "A description", "product": "a third product" }
In case when you can't change your JSON structure you can iterate using Object.entiries:
const data = {
Category1: [
name: "Lorem",
description: "A description",
product: "a product",
Category2: [
name: "Lorem1",
description: "Another description",
product: "another product",
name: "Lorem2",
description: "A third description",
product: "a third product",
Object.entries(data).forEach((entry) => {
const categoryName = entry[0];
const values = entry[1];
// Replace console.logs with your functions that create div's/insert text/etc
values.forEach((value) => {


How to convert array of object into nested array of object in Javascript?

I am having an array of objects like this
name: "dhanush",
goals: ["goal 1","goal 2"],
goalAmount: ["10000","20000"]
name: "kumar",
goals: ["goal 3", "goal 4"],
goalAmount: ["30000","40000"]
name: "test",
goals: ["goal 5"],
goalAmount: ["50000"],
Is that possible to convert the above array of object into the below structure like this
"name": "dhanush",
"goals": "---",
"subRows": [
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 1",
"goalAmount":" 10000"
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 2",
"goalAmount":" 20000"
"name": "kumar",
"goals": "---",
"subRows": [
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 3",
"goalAmount":" 30000"
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 4",
"goalAmount":" 40000"
"name": "Test",
"goals": "goal 5",
In the first data, you can see the user has multiple goals (which means the array length is more than 1), If the goal length is more than one, need to create another key and move the goal data into the above structure like this.
Why I am doing this because I got an ask to create a table that needs to support expandable rows. I used #tanstack/react-table for this row expansion. Here you can find the working demo link -
In the demo, you can see the row can expand. For the expansion that table requires the data format like this.
I tried to do something like this,
var data = [
name: "dhanush",
goals: ["goal 1","goal 2"]
name: "kumar",
goals: ["goal 3", "goal 4"]
name: "test",
goals: ["goal 5"]
let result =,i) => {
return {
...(val.goals.length === 1 && {goals: val.goals[0]}),
[val.goals.length > 1 && 'subRows']:,j) => {
name: "",
goals: val.goals[j]
But the output I am getting like this instead of the actual structure
"name": "dhanush",
"subRows": [
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 1"
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 2"
"name": ""
"name": "kumar",
"subRows": [
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 3"
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 4"
"name": ""
"name": "test",
"goals": "goal 5",
"false": [
"name": "",
"goals": "goal 5"
"name": ""
"name": ""
Could you please help to achieve this?
This here
[val.goals.length > 1 && 'subRows']: j) => {
evaluates to false if there's 1 goal or less, and results in the string property false. Then you're mapping the whole data again inside that for some reason. Only map over the goals of the current element you're iterating over, the val.goals.
Because the different possible resulting objects are pretty differently strucured, I think this would be easier to manage if they were entirely separate - return { name, goals: goals[0] } if there's only one goal, and return a completely different object mapping over the goals otherwise.
var data=[{name:"dhanush",goals:["goal 1","goal 2"],goalAmount:["10000","20000"]},{name:"kumar",goals:["goal 3","goal 4"],goalAmount:["30000","40000"]},{name:"test",goals:["goal 5"],goalAmount:["50000"]}];
const result ={ name, goals, goalAmount }) => {
return goals.length === 1
? { name, goals: goals[0], goalAmount: goalAmount[0] }
: {
goals: '---',
(goal, i) => ({ name: '', goal, goalAmount: goalAmount[i] })
Don't try to do this all in a single object literal, it's a confusing way to create properties conditionally. Just write normal conditional statements.
To get the goalAmount, use the index argument to the map() callback function so you can get the corresponding element in another array.
var data = [
name: "dhanush",
goals: ["goal 1","goal 2"],
goalAmount: ["10000","20000"]
name: "kumar",
goals: ["goal 3", "goal 4"],
goalAmount: ["30000","40000"]
name: "test",
goals: ["goal 5"],
goalAmount: ["50000"],
var result ={
}) => {
let item = {
if (goals.length == 1) {
item.goals = goals[0];
item.goalAmount = goalAmount[0];
} else {
item.goals = "---";
item.subRows =, i) => ({
name: "",
goals: g,
goalAmount: goalAmount[i]
return item;

How to reformat object using its property value as property key?

how can I assign object property value as property key?
I have a set of data:
const mydata = [
"id": 001,
"value": "Value 1",
"title": "Title 1"
"id": 002,
"value": [
"Name": "Name 1",
"Age": "20"
"Name": "Name 2",
"Age": "30"
"title": "Title 2"
I want to reformat it to become:
const mydata = [
"Title 1": "Value 1"
"Title 2": [
"Name": "Name 1",
"Age": "20"
"Name": "Name 2",
"Age": "30"
I have tried this code to achieve it: any) => {
dt.title: dt.value
However, it seems not working.
Any idea how can I reformat it to the one I desire?
Please use following code.
Reference URL How to use a variable for a key in a JavaScript object literal?
const mydata = [
"id": 001,
"value": "Value 1",
"title": "Title 1"
"id": 002,
"value": [
"Name": "Name 1",
"Age": "20"
"Name": "Name 2",
"Age": "30"
"title": "Title 2"
let reData = [];
reData.push({[dt.title]: dt.value});
If you want to transform the array to a different type of variable, use [reduce][1]
const mydata = [
id: 001,
value: "Value 1",
title: "Title 1",
id: 002,
value: [
Name: "Name 1",
Age: "20",
Name: "Name 2",
Age: "30",
title: "Title 2",
const data = mydata.reduce(
(acc, cur) => ({ ...acc, [cur.title]: cur.value }),
Your map function has an error, and your key assignment has another one. Let's fix it.
const newData = any) => ({
[dt.title]: dt.value,
First: You can't return an object from an arrow function without parenthesis, if you don't use it, the code will think it is a function body not an object.
Second: If you want to return a value as a key, you need put it inside "[ ]" (Square brackets)
Just that, simple mistakes, at the end you came up with the right logic to solve it
Add brackets around the return value.
Use square brackets for a computed property name.
const mydata = [
"id": 001,
"value": "Value 1",
"title": "Title 1"
"id": 002,
"value": [
"Name": "Name 1",
"Age": "20"
"Name": "Name 2",
"Age": "30"
"title": "Title 2"
const res ={value, title})=>({[title]: value}));

Filter inside a nested array with objects

I have an array that contains three book objects. Each book object has an array of bookIds . I want to filter by bookId (3,1) in a fast and efficient way since my array will grow up easly in the future. I tried with map, but it change my original array even with a deepCopy ! Is there a way to use the filter function instead without using recursivity ?
this.booksList =
"books": [
"bookId": 3
"bookId": 2
"id": 1,
"name": "Name 1",
"description": "desc 1"
"books": [
"bookId": 5
"bookId": 2
"id": 2,
"name": "Name 2",
"description": "desc 2"
"books": [
"bookId": 1
"bookId": 3
"id": 3,
"name": "Name 3",
"description": "desc 3"
The map approach :
let results = (book) {
book.books = book.books.filter(x => x.bookId == 1 || x.bookId == 3);
return book;
}).filter(({ books }) => books.length);
Result with map : not expected result !
"books": [
"bookId": 3
"id": 1,
"name": "Name 1",
"description": "desc 1"
"books": [
"bookId": 1
"bookId": 3
"id": 3,
"name": "Name 3",
"description": "desc 3"
expected results :
"books": [
"bookId": 3
"bookId": 2
"id": 1,
"name": "Name 1",
"description": "desc 1"
"books": [
"bookId": 1
"bookId": 3
"id": 3,
"name": "Name 3",
"description": "desc 3"
I think you are looking for filter and some -
const input =
[{books:[{bookId:3},{bookId:2}],id:1,name:"Name 1",description:"desc 1"},{books:[{bookId:5},{bookId:2}],id:2,name:"Name 2",description:"desc 2"},{books:[{bookId:1},{bookId:3}],id:3,name:"Name 3",description:"desc 3"}]
const query =
[3, 1]
const result =
input.filter(({ books = [] }) =>
books.some(({ bookId = null }) => query.includes(bookId))
console.log(JSON.stringify(result, null, 2))
Output -
"books": [
"bookId": 3
"bookId": 2
"id": 1,
"name": "Name 1",
"description": "desc 1"
"books": [
"bookId": 1
"bookId": 3
"id": 3,
"name": "Name 3",
"description": "desc 3"
const booksList=[
{books:[{bookId:3},{bookId:2}],id:1,name:"Name 1",description:"desc 1"},
{books:[{bookId:5},{bookId:2}],id:2,name:"Name 2",description:"desc 2"},
{books:[{bookId:1},{bookId:3}],id:3,name:"Name 3",description:"desc 3"},
const byBookIDs = (...IDs) =>
booksList.filter(b => b.books.some(b => IDs.includes(b.bookId)));
console.log(byBookIDs(1, 3));
MDN Array Filter - to return a subset
MDN Array Some - to match (and return) as soon as some
MDN Array Includes - to find item in array

Grouping a multilevel array of objects

I am trying to learn javascript reduce and map an I came across some difficulties.
I have an array with the following format. The id of the parent is same as the location_id of the child. I need to group the array into a nested format.
arr = [
"id": 4583211,
"name": "Location 1",
"location_id": null,
"id": 7458894,
"name": "Location 12",
"location_id": 4583211
"id": 7463953,
"name": "Location 13",
"location_id": 4583211
"id": 80302210,
"name": "Location 121",
"location_id": 7458894
"id": 80302219,
"name": "Location 122",
"location_id": 7458894
"id": 7464314,
"name": "Location 131",
"location_id": 7463953
"id": 4583216,
"name": "Location 2",
"location_id": null,
"id": 3566353,
"name": "Location 21",
"location_id": 4583216
This array should be grouped as:
result = [
"id": 4583211,
"name": "Location 1",
"locations": [
"id": 7458894,
"name": "Location 12",
"locations": [
"id": 80302210,
"name": "Location 121"
"id": 80302219,
"name": "Location 122"
"id": 7463953,
"name": "Location 13",
"locations": [
"id": 7464314,
"name": "Location 131"
"id": 4583216,
"name": "Location 2",
"locations": [
"id": 3566353,
"name": "Location 21"
I tried to group it using the following method found on SO but it gives different result.
result = arr.reduce(function (r, a) {
r[a.location_id] = r[a.location_id] || [];
return r;
}, Object.create(null));
You could do this using reduce and recursion you just need to check if parent is equal to current elements location_id.
const data = [{"id":4583211,"name":"Location 1","location_id":null},{"id":7458894,"name":"Location 12","location_id":4583211},{"id":7463953,"name":"Location 13","location_id":4583211},{"id":80302210,"name":"Location 121","location_id":7458894},{"id":80302219,"name":"Location 122","location_id":7458894},{"id":7464314,"name":"Location 131","location_id":7463953},{"id":4583216,"name":"Location 2","location_id":null},{"id":3566353,"name":"Location 21","location_id":4583216}]
function create(data, parent = null) {
return data.reduce((r, e) => {
if(parent == e.location_id) {
const o = { id:, name: }
const children = create(data,;
if(children.length) o.locations = children;
return r
}, [])

Ramda to loop over array

Loop may be the wrong term, but it kind of describes what I am attempting.
I want to give structure to flat data, but I also need to keep track of the array it came from.
Basically my rules are (per array):
If level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array. EACH time a level 1 appears (even in the same array) it should create a new entry.
Inside typechild, put the any items with level >1
If NO level 1 exists- give it the name of the item, and a typechild array.
My code below is almost there, with the exception that it should create an array EVERYTIME it sees a level 1. My example will make sense:
Input data
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
Note: Animal and Food are both LEVEL 1 items. So it should create two ARRAYS like so...
Desired output
name: "Animal",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "Food",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Chicken"
name: "NoName",
typechild: [
level: 2,
name: "Foo"
Ramda attempt (try here:
const levelEq = (n) => pipe(prop('level'), equals(n));
const topLevel = pipe(prop('type'), find(levelEq(1)));
const topLevelName = pipe(topLevel, propOr('NoName', 'name'));
const extract2ndLevel = pipe(pluck('type'), flatten, filter(levelEq(2)));
const convert = pipe(
map(zipObj(['name', 'typechild']))
Something like this?
var output = [{
"name": "Animal",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Food",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"name": "No name",
"typechild": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
let out = {},
typechild = {},
const data = [{
"title": "Test 1",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Food",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Chicken",
"level": 3
}, {
"title": "Test 2",
"type": [{
"name": "Foo",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 3",
"type": [{
"name": "Baz",
"level": 2
}, {
"title": "Test 4",
"type": [{
"name": "Animal",
"level": 1
}, {
"name": "Dog",
"level": 2
data.forEach((node) => {
k = false;
typechild[node.title] = [];
node.type && node.type.forEach((t, i) => {
if (t.level == 1) {
k = true;
!out[] ? out[] = {
typechild: typechild[node.title]
} : out[].typechild = out[].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);
} else {
if (i == node.type.length - 1 && !k && typechild[node.title].length) {
out['No name'] = out['No name'] || {
name: 'No name',
typechild: []
out['No name'].typechild = out['No name'].typechild.concat(typechild[node.title]);

