Nested component error: {#each} only iterates over array-like on drop - javascript

I'm trying to create a component that uses nested drag and drop from sevelte-dnd-action, using this object:
$forms = [
id: hexID(),
title: 'Data - test',
defined: true,
components: [
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'long',
placeholder: 'None'
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'Test'
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'CCC'
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'CDS'
id: hexID(),
title: 'Emails',
defined: true,
components: [
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'RGzzzz'
id: hexID(),
type: 'select',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'RGrrr'
id: hexID(),
title: 'Tel',
defined: true,
components: [
id: hexID(),
type: 'text',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'RaaaG'
id: hexID(),
type: 'select',
size: 'normal',
placeholder: 'Rtrea'
I call it first at the app.svelte and pass the array inside the object to the Horizontal.svelte component:
<section class='create_form_body'
{#each $forms as form (}
<HorizontalList {form}/>
this is the Horizontal component:
export let form
function handleDndConsider(cid, e) {
let chosenOne = $forms.findIndex(x => === cid)
$forms[chosenOne].components = e.detail.items;
$forms = [...$forms]
function handleDndFinalize(cid, e) {
let idx = $forms.findIndex(x => === cid)
$forms[idx].components = e.detail.items;
$forms = [...$forms]
<div class='form_box'>
<div class='form_header'>
<div class='form_header_combo'>
<section class='input_list'
use:dndzone={{items: form.components}}
on:consider={(e) => handleDndConsider(, e)}
on:finalize={(e) => handleDndFinalize(, e)}
{#each form.components as component (}
<ComponentGetter type={component}/>
if i delete all thee DIVs and leave the section it works perfectly, but with the divs it gives error: {#each} only iterates over array-like objects.Could someone give me a choice other than deleting the divs?
this is the REPL

the cause of the problem was the absence of the key 'type' in the use:dndzone={{items: objectArray, type: 'define name'}}. here is the link to the corrected code REPL


Conditionally Filter Options for References in Sanity IO

I have 3 schema,
i want to conditionally filter the list of options provided based on the current object. Lets say i want to create a new sub-section which is under Pizza Menu so i will input Menu: Pizza (I created it before) and so section input should only accept and display all the available sections under pizza menu only.
export default {
name: 'sub-section',
title: 'Sub-Section',
type: 'document',
fields: [
{ name: 'title', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'description', type: 'string' },
name: 'menu',
type: 'reference',
to: [{ type: 'menu' }],
name: 'section',
type: 'reference',
to: [{ type: 'section' }],
options: {
filter: 'menu == references($menu)', // this does not work
filterParams: { menu: 'Neopolitan' }, // ^ ^ This is static, cannot reference current object
export default {
name: 'section',
title: 'Section',
type: 'document',
fields: [
{ name: 'title', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'description', type: 'string' },
name: 'menu',
type: 'reference',
to: [{ type: 'menu' }],
export default {
title: 'Menu',
name: 'menu',
type: 'document',
fields: [
title: 'Title',
name: 'title',
type: 'string',

Recursively build an object based on the keys & values from another?

I want to programmatically build a dynamic data object based on a context object, like in the example below.
const context = {
...other props...,
groups: [
heading: 'basic',
canHaveMultiple: false, // data.basic = {username: { type: 'text', value: '' }, password: { type: 'password', value: ''}}
inputs: [
name: 'username',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'username',
name: 'password',
type: 'password',
placeholder: 'password',
heading: 'about',
canHaveMultiple: false, // data.about = {about: { type: 'textarea', value: '' }}
inputs: [
name: 'about',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'about',
canHaveMultiple: false,
heading: 'hobbies',
canHaveMultiple: true, // data.hobbies = { model: { title: {type: 'text', value: ''}, description: {type: 'textarea', value: ''} }, values: [ { title: {type: 'text', value: ''}, description: {type: 'textarea', value: ''} }]
inputs: [
name: 'title',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'about',
canHaveMultiple: false,
name: 'description',
type: 'description',
placeholder: null,
canHaveMultiple: false,
heading: 'friends',
canHaveMultiple: true, // data.friends = { model: {title: {type: 'text', value: '' }, description: { type: 'textarea', value: '' }} }, values: [{ name: {type: 'text', value: ''},hobbies: [{ title: {type: 'text', value: ''}, description: {type: 'textarea', value: ''}} }] }
inputs: [
name: 'name',
type: 'text',
placeholder: 'this is fine',
canHaveMultiple: false
name: 'hobbies',
type: 'nested',
canHaveMultiple: true,
inputs: [
name: 'title',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'about',
canHaveMultiple: false,
name: 'description',
type: 'textarea',
placeholder: 'about',
canHaveMultiple: false,
The output data should be something like so:
data: {
basic: {
username: {
type: 'text',
value: '',
password: {
type: 'password',
value: ''
about: {
about: {
type: 'textarea',
value: '',
hobbies: {
model: {
title: {
type: 'text',
value: '',
description: {
type: 'textarea',
value: '',
values: [
title: {
type: 'text',
value: '',
description: {
type: 'textarea',
value: '',
friends: {
model: {
name: {
type: 'text',
value: '',
hobbies: {
title: {
type: 'text',
value: '',
description: {
type: 'textarea',
value: '',
values: [
In essence,
groups[int].heading becomes the top level property of the data object, and
each group along with each of the child from inputs has a canHaveMultiple property, which distinguishes whether the resulting object structure will be either:
canHaveMultiple == false {
value: ''
canHaveMultiple == true
model: { {
type: group.input.type,
value: ''
... etc
values: [{
group.input[0].name: {
type: group.input[0].type,
value: '',
group.input[1].name: {
type: group.input[1].type,
value: '',
The model is there so that I can easily push a new copy of that object into the values array.
So here is my question:
Is there a way to recursively do this so that the program will create the data object from the context object, and keep looking down the context object chain for any 'nested' type (also within the inputs array) until there is none left? Is this do-able and efficient or am I thinking and going about this the wrong way?
*PS: I have been trying real hard and wrecking my head for a few days now on this but I cannot seem to get it working for Nested Objects beyond 3 levels because I am a newbie in recursion. Please help me :(
This function first group by heading (using reduce) then goes recursively over the inputs fields. That is if an input has inputs we loop that too.
const context={groups:[{heading:"basic",canHaveMultiple:!1,inputs:[{name:"username",type:"text",placeholder:"username"},{name:"password",type:"password",placeholder:"password"},]},{heading:"about",canHaveMultiple:!1,inputs:[{name:"about",type:"textarea",placeholder:"about",canHaveMultiple:!1},]},{heading:"hobbies",canHaveMultiple:!0,inputs:[{name:"title",type:"text",placeholder:"about",canHaveMultiple:!1},{name:"description",type:"textarea",placeholder:null,canHaveMultiple:!1},]},{heading:"friends",canHaveMultiple:!0,inputs:[{name:"name",type:"text",placeholder:"this is fine",canHaveMultiple:!1},{name:"hobbies",type:"nested",canHaveMultiple:!0,inputs:[{name:"title",type:"textarea",placeholder:"about",canHaveMultiple:!1},{name:"description",type:"textarea",placeholder:"about",canHaveMultiple:!1},]}]},]}
function transform(arr) {
var result = arr.reduce(function(agg, item) {
var heading = item.heading
var canHaveMultiple = item.canHaveMultiple
var parent;
agg[heading] = {}
if (canHaveMultiple === false) {
parent = agg[heading]
if (canHaveMultiple === true) {
agg[heading] = {
model: {},
values: []
parent = agg[heading]['model']
function do_inputs(parent, inputs) {
inputs.forEach(function(input) {
if (!input.inputs) {
parent[] = {
type: input.type,
value: ''
// todo: placeholder and other properties
} else {
// nested
parent[] = {}
do_inputs(parent[], input.inputs)
do_inputs(parent, item.inputs)
return agg;
}, {})
return result;
.as-console-wrapper {
max-height: 100% !important;
I have two snippets which might get you most of the way there.
The first one is perhaps too simple, ignoring your model/value part. But it should be easy to understand:
const convert = (xs) => Object .fromEntries (
xs .map (({name, type, inputs = []}) =>
[name, inputs .length ? convert (inputs) : {type, value: ''}]
const restructure = (context) => ({
data: Object .fromEntries (context .groups .map (
({heading, inputs}) => [heading, convert (inputs)]
const context = {other: "props", groups: [{heading: "basic", canHaveMultiple: !1, inputs: [{name: "username", type: "text", placeholder: "username"}, {name: "password", type: "password", placeholder: "password"}]}, {heading: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1, inputs: [{name: "about", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}]}, {heading: "hobbies", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "title", type: "text", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "description", type: "description", placeholder: null, canHaveMultiple: !1}]}, {heading: "friends", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "name", type: "text", placeholder: "this is fine", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "hobbies", type: "nested", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "title", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "description", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}]}]}]}
console .log (restructure (context))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
The second one does add the model/value part at the expense of some additional complexity. And it's not clear to me if it's entirely correct, although I think it's close:
const convert = (xs) => Object .fromEntries (
xs .map (({name, type, inputs = [], canHaveMultiple}) => [
? {model: convert (inputs), values: [convert (inputs)]}
: inputs.length ? convert (inputs) : {type, value: ''}
const restructure = (context) => ({
data: Object .fromEntries (context .groups .map (
({heading, inputs, canHaveMultiple}) => [
? {model: convert (inputs), values: [convert (inputs)]}
: convert (inputs)
const context = {other: "props", groups: [{heading: "basic", canHaveMultiple: !1, inputs: [{name: "username", type: "text", placeholder: "username"}, {name: "password", type: "password", placeholder: "password"}]}, {heading: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1, inputs: [{name: "about", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}]}, {heading: "hobbies", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "title", type: "text", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "description", type: "description", placeholder: null, canHaveMultiple: !1}]}, {heading: "friends", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "name", type: "text", placeholder: "this is fine", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "hobbies", type: "nested", canHaveMultiple: !0, inputs: [{name: "title", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}, {name: "description", type: "textarea", placeholder: "about", canHaveMultiple: !1}]}]}]}
console .log (restructure (context))
.as-console-wrapper {max-height: 100% !important; top: 0}
In both of them, we could simplify a lot if you had a consistent interface. That is, if groups was called inputs and heading was called name, we could consolidate the two repetitive functions into a single one.

Objects gets empty in VueJS Component

I'm trying to build an application in VueJS where I'm having a component something like this:
<base-subheader title="Members" icon="la-home" heading="Member Details" description="Home"></base-subheader>
<div class="m-content">
<div class="row">
<div class="col-xl-6">
title="Add Member/User"
info="Fill the details below to add user, fields which are mandatory are label with * (star) mark."
<div class="col-xl-6">
export default {
name: "member-add",
data() {
return {
form_elements: [
field_name: 'first_name',
config_elements: {
label: 'First Name *',
type: 'text',
inputStyle: 'pill',
placeholder: 'Enter first name of user',
formControl: true,
addonType: 'left-icon',
addon: {leftAddon: 'la-exclamation'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-input'
field_name: 'last_name',
config_elements: {
label: 'Last Name',
type: 'text',
inputStyle: 'pill',
placeholder: 'Enter last name of user',
formControl: true,
addonType: 'left-icon',
addon: {leftAddon: 'la-exclamation'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-input'
field_name: 'email',
config_elements: {
label: 'Email *',
type: 'email',
inputStyle: 'pill',
placeholder: 'Enter email of user',
formControl: true,
addonType: 'left',
addon: {leftAddon: '#'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-input'
field_name: 'password',
config_elements: {
label: 'Password *',
type: 'password',
inputStyle: 'pill',
placeholder: 'Enter password',
formControl: true,
addonType: 'left-icon',
addon: {leftAddon: 'la-expeditedssl'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-input'
field_name: 'confirm_password',
config_elements: {
label: 'Confirm Password *',
type: 'password',
inputStyle: 'pill',
placeholder: 'Confirm password should match',
formControl: true,
addonType: 'left-icon',
addon: {leftAddon: 'la-expeditedssl'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-input'
field_name: 'role',
config_elements: {
label: 'Select Role *',
inputStyle: 'pill',
options: [
{option: 'Select one'},
{value: '1', option: 'Admin'},
{value: '2', option: 'Subscriber'},
{value: '3', option: 'Analyst'},
{value: '4', option: 'Guest'}
addonType: 'left-icon',
addon: {leftAddon: 'la-user-secret'},
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-select'
field_name: 'profile_pic',
config_elements: {
label: 'Profile pic',
value: '',
nitsFormType: 'nits-file-input'
<style scoped>
Whenever I try to pass data to my component config_elements which holds an object of all attributes being passed to child component gets lost, if I move from other component to nits-form-portlet> it renders the child components appropriately, but in my Vue-debug tool it shows empty:
But the components are rendered properly:
And same happens to the props inside the component:
But in case of any event or refreshing the page it shows:
Since all the attributes are gone, if I try to configure my config_elements object data, I get the attributes but within a fraction of seconds it again goes to empty. But attributes gets passed and it displays the fields:
I am using render function to render these components so for nits-form-portlet component I have:
return createElement('div', { class: this.getClasses() }, [
createElement('div', { class: 'm-portlet__head' }, [
createElement('div', { class: 'm-portlet__head-caption' }, [element])
createElement('form', { class: 'm-form m-form--fit m-form--label-align-right' }, [
createElement('div', { class: 'm-portlet__body' }, [
createElement('div', { class: 'form-group m-form__group m--margin-top-10' }, [infoElement]), => {
if(this.error[a.field_name]) {
a.config_elements.error = this.error[a.field_name][0];
return createElement(a.nitsFormType, { attrs: a.config_elements, on: {
input: (event) => {
this.form[a.field_name] = event
return createElement(a.nitsFormType, { attrs: a.config_elements, on: {
input: (event) => {
this.form[a.field_name] = event
And I think factors affecting the template is this map statement: => {
if(this.error[a.field_name]) {
a.config_elements.error = this.error[a.field_name][0];
return createElement(a.nitsFormType, { attrs: a.config_elements, on: {
input: (event) => {
this.form[a.field_name] = event
return createElement(a.nitsFormType, { attrs: a.config_elements, on: {
input: (event) => {
this.form[a.field_name] = event
but still I'm sharing my whole code of render function, Link to code # github hoping someone can help me with this strange situation.
It's a bit hard to tell for me without running the code, but I've noticed something that may be related.
I see that you're overwriting the formElements prop here:
a.config_elements.error = this.error[a.field_name][0];
Vue usually gives you a warning that you can't do that, but maybe because it's abstracted through the computed it's not doing so.
If you want to extend the data for use in the child component, then it's best to do copy of the object (preferably a deep copy using computed, which will allow you to have it dynamically updated)
because config_elements is an object, when you add error variable you are likely triggering an observer, that may be clearing the data in the parent.
Anyway, it's just a guess, but something you may want to resolve anyway.

JSGrid add icon instead of text based on true or false value

I am trying to add an icon(a lock) based on whether a value is true or false in a JSGrid.
I have a variable called SoftLock, and if this is true I want to insert a lock icon on the grid.
I have the following fields but am unsure about how to continue:
var fields = [
{ name: 'ID', type: 'text', visible: false },
{ name: 'SoftLock', type: 'text', title: 'Locked', formatter : function () {return "<span class='fa fa-lock'><i class='fa fa-lock' aria-hidden='true'></i></span>"} },
{ name: 'Status', type: 'select', items: MatterStatusEnum.List, valueField: 'Id', textField: 'Name', width: 70, title: 'Account Status' },
{ name: 'AttorneyRef', type: 'text', title: 'Reference' },
{ name: 'Investors', type: 'text', title: 'Investor/s' },
{ name: 'AccountNumber', type: 'text', width: 70, title: 'Account Number' },
{ name: 'IntermediaryName', type: 'text', title: 'Intermediary Name' },
{ name: 'CreatedBy', type: 'text', title: 'Captured By' },
{ name: 'RequestedDate', type: 'date', title: 'Requested Date'}
I have used the formatter with no luck. Also, how can I show an icon if true, and nothing if false.
Any help would be appreciated.
I solved this by using the itemTemplate as follows:
name: 'SoftLock', type: 'text', title: 'Locked', width: 30,
itemTemplate : function (value, item) {
var iconClass = "";
if (value == true) {
iconClass = "fa fa-lock"; //this is my class with an icon
return $("<span>").attr("class", iconClass);
Simple as that :)
Much later but try the following
type: "control",
editButton: true
Also the answer is better described in the formal documentation.

Building an object with required and optional paramaters

I am trying to create a grid builder object. This grid builder has a method, buildGrid, which I've designed to expect an object defining a bunch of paramaters for a grid:
buildOrdersGrid: function () {
var ordersGrid = buildGrid({
gridElementID: 'OrdersGrid',
gridPagerElementID: 'OrdersGridPager',
colNames: ['Order ID', 'Project Subcode', 'Incident Number', 'Cost Center', 'Name', 'Customer'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'ID', hidden: true },
{ name: 'ProjectSubcode' },
{ name: 'IncidentNumber' },
{ name: 'CostCenter' },
{ name: 'Name' },
{ name: 'Customer' }
defaultCaption:'Orders: no filter applied',
return ordersGrid;
function buildGrid(data) {
var grid = $('#' + data.gridElementID);
var gridPager = $('#' + data.gridPagerElementID);
datatype: 'local',
colNames: data.colNames,
colModel: data.colModel,
gridview: true,
height: 'auto',
pager: gridPager,
viewrecords: true,
multiselect: true,
defaultCaption: data.defaultCaption,
caption: data.defaultCaption,
shrinkToFit: false
return grid;
Something like that, but it's really new code, so open to advice on how to improve.
Now, I would like to extend this buildGrid method such that it can take non-predefined properties and give them to the jqGrid. Something like:
buildTaskGrid: function () {
var tasksGrid = buildGrid({
gridElementID: 'TasksGrid',
gridPagerElementID: 'TasksGridPager',
colNames: ['Order', 'Task ID', 'Task #', 'Type', 'Status', 'Assignee', 'Current Location', 'Dest Location', 'Change No', 'Net Patched', 'SAN Patched'],
colModel: [
{ name: 'Order' },
{ name: 'TaskID', hidden: true },
{ name: 'TaskNo' },
{ name: 'Type' },
{ name: 'Status' },
{ name: 'Assignee' },
{ name: 'CurrentLocation' },
{ name: 'DestLocation' },
{ name: 'ChangeNo' },
{ name: 'NetPatched' },
{ name: 'SANPatched' }
defaultCaption:'Tasks: no filter applied',
//Decorate with task-specific properties.
grouping: true,
groupingView: {
groupField: ['Order'],
groupColumnShow: [false]
ondblClickRow: function (rowid) {
$(this).trigger('taskDoubleClicked', selector.getRowData(rowid));
return tasksGrid;
I'm not sure how I should best 'find' the unanticipated properties and give them to the grid. Any ideas?
I think you can use this

