URL regular expression pattern - javascript

I would like to parse URLs with Regular Expressions and find a pattern that matches with https://*.global.
Here is my URL test string on regex101.
Ideally, the regex would return https://app8.global instead of cover other https string.
const URL = `https://temp/"https://app8.global"https://utility.localhost/`;
const regex = /https:\/\/(.+?)\.global(\/|'|"|`)/gm;
const found = URL.match(regex);
How would I manipulate the regex so it will return the https://*.global?

First of all, you need to exclude slashes from the starting part, otherwise it'll match things from the previous url:
const regex = /https:\/\/([^\/]+?)\.global(\/|'|"|`)/gm;
Now, you can convert the weird 4 character or with a character group:
const regex = /https:\/\/([^\/]+?)\.global[\/'"`]/gm;
And now you can get the matches and trim off that last character:
const matches = URL.match(regex).map(v => v.slice(0, -1));
Then, matches would evaluate to ["https://app8.global"].

Using Group RegExp.$1
const URL = `https://temp/"https://app8.global"https://utility.localhost/`;
const regex = /(https:\/\/([^\/]+?)\.global[\/'"`])/;
const found = URL.match(regex);


How can I replace all duplicated paths of a url with a JS Regex

For the following URL:
I want to replace all the occurrences of "/test/", and its important that it "test" starts with and ends with a "/".
I tried with:
let url = "https://www.google.es/test/test/hello/world"
url.replace(/\/test\//g, "/");
But it returns:
It doesn't replace the second "/test/"
Any clues on how I could do this with a regex?
I basically want to replace the content that lives inside the dashes, but not the dashes themselves.
Something like this would work:
( - open capture group #1
\/ - find a literal slash
[^\/]+ - capture at least one non-slash char
) - close capture group #1
(?:\1)+ - repeat capture group #1 one or more times
\/ - ensure a closing slash
/g - global modifier
var regex = /(\/[^\/]+)(?:\1)+\//g;
var str = `https://www.google.es/test/test/hello/world
var subst = ``;
// The substituted value will be contained in the result variable
var result = str.replace(regex, subst);
You can do this with a regular expression, but it sounds like your intent is to replace only individual parts of the pathname component of a URL.
A URL has other components (such as the fragment identifier) which could contain the pattern that you describe, and handling that distinction with a regular expression is more challenging.
The URL class is designed to help solve problems just like this, and you can replace just the path parts using a functional technique like this:
function replacePathParts (url, targetStr, replaceStr = '') {
url = new URL(url);
const updatedPathname = url.pathname
.map(str => str === targetStr ? replaceStr : str)
url.pathname = updatedPathname;
return url.href;
const inputUrl = 'https://www.google.es/test/test/hello/world';
const result1 = replacePathParts(inputUrl, 'test');
console.log(result1); // "https://www.google.es/hello/world"
const result2 = replacePathParts(inputUrl, 'test', 'message');
console.log(result2); // "https://www.google.es/message/message/hello/world"
Based on conversation in comment, you can use this solution:
let url = "https://www.google.es/test/test/hello/world"
console.log( url.replace(/(?:\/test)+(?=\/)/g, "/WORKS") );
//=> https://www.google.es/WORKS/hello/world
RegEx Breakdown:
(?:\/test)+: Match 1+ repeats of text /test
(?=\/): Lookahead to assert that we have a / ahead

How to regex replace a query string with matching 2 words?

I have a url and I want to replace the query string. For example
I want to match the wid= and hei= and the numbers don't have to be 200 to replace the whole thing so it should look like this.
So I've tried doing but it only replaced the matching wei and hei.
const url = "www.test.com/is/images/383773?wid=200&hei=200"
url.replace(/(wid)(hei)_[^\&]+/, "#HT_dtImage")
You can match either wid= or hei= until the next optional ampersand and then remove those matches, and then append #HT_dtImage to the result.
The pattern matches:
\b A word boundary to prevent a partial word match
(?:wid|hei)= Non capture group, match either wid or hei followed by =
[^&]*&? Match 0+ times a char other than &, and then match an optional &
See a regex demo.
let url = "www.test.com/is/images/383773?wid=200&hei=200"
url = url.replace(/\b(?:wid|hei)=[^&]*&?/g, "") + "#HT_dtImage";
I would just use string split here:
var url = "www.test.com/is/images/383773?wid=200&hei=200";
var output = url.split("?")[0] + "?#HT_dtImage";
If you only want to target query strings havings both keys wid and hei, then use a regex approach:
var url = "www.test.com/is/images/383773?wid=200&hei=200";
var output = url.replace(/(.*)\?(?=.*\bwid=\d+)(?=.*\bhei=\d+).*/, "$1?#HT_dtImage");
You can make use of lookaround using regex /\?.*/
const url = 'www.test.com/is/images/383773?wid=200&hei=200';
const result = url.replace(/\?.*/, '?#HT_dtImage');
url.replace(/\?.*/, "?#HT_dtImage")

JavaScript - more concise way to grab string between two characters in URL?

Is there a more concise or more standard way to grab a string between the last slash and query question mark of a URL than this?
const recordId= window.location.href.split("item/")[1].split("?")[0]
In this case I'm using item/ because my URLs are always:
A regular expression can do the trick - match a /, followed by word characters, up until a ?.
const str = 'mysite.com/item/recordIdIwantToGrab?foo=bar&life=42';
const result = str.match(/\/(\w+)\?/)[1];
\/ - match a literal /
(\w+) - capturing group, match word characters
\ - match a literal ?
[1] - extract the value matched by the capturing group
We can achieve with URL class in javascript.
let url = 'http://example.com/item/recordIdIwantToGrab?foo=bar&life=42';
url = new URL(url);
let result = url.pathname.split('/').at('-1');
You can achieve the result using lastIndexOf and indexOf
const str = `mysite.com/item/recordIdIwantToGrab?foo=bar&life=42`;
const result = str.slice(str.lastIndexOf("/") + 1, str.indexOf("?"));

Manipulate a string containing a file's path to get only the file name

I got a file path as
as file extension will change as file type
file path will also change
how could I manipulate string to get file name as
is in given example
2nd example of path and file type change
you can do simply
let str="falsefile:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D4B6F6CD-5E5C-4459-90CC-0C649B3B31B8/Documents/ExponentExperienceData/%2540hherax%252Fiia-mas-app-new//IIAMASATTCHMENTS/BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E.MOV"
console.log( str.split(".")[0].split("/").pop()
just remember split split pop
Some variation of slice/split would work
const str = 'falsefile:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D4B6F6CD-5E5C-4459-90CC-0C649B3B31B8/Documents/ExponentExperienceData/%2540hherax%252Fiia-mas-app-new//IIAMASATTCHMENTS/BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E.MOV'
// or
You can use regular expression for example.
The first thing comes in my mind is:
const filepath = 'falsefile:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D4B6F6CD-5E5C-4459-90CC-0C649B3B31B8/Documents/ExponentExperienceData/%2540hherax%252Fiia-mas-app-new//IIAMASATTCHMENTS/BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E.MOV'
const filenameWithoutExtension = filepath.match(/IIAMASATTCHMENTS\/(.*)\./)[1] // "BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E"
If you know the format of the value you want to capture, you might get a more exact match using a regex and capture your value in the first capturing group.
You might use the /i flag to make the match case insensitive.
That will match:
( Capturing group
[A-Z0-9]+ Match 1+ times what is listed in the character class
(?:-[A-Z0-9]+){4} Repeat 4 times matching a hyphen and 1+ times what is listed in the character class
) Close capturing group
\.\w+$ Match a dot, 1+ times a word char and assert the end of the string
Regex demo
let strs = [
let pattern = /([A-Z0-9]+(?:-[A-Z0-9]+){4})\.\w+$/i;
strs.forEach(str => console.log(str.match(pattern)[1]));
You could use regular expressions like here:
function get_filename(str) {
const regex = /\/([A-Z0-9\-_]+)\.[\w\d]+/gm;
let m = regex.exec(str);
return m[1];
var filpath = "falsefile:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D4B6F6CD-5E5C-4459-90CC-0C649B3B31B8/Documents/ExponentExperienceData/%2540hherax%252Fiia-mas-app-new//IIAMASATTCHMENTS/BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E.MOV"
filpath.substring(filpath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, filpath.length).substring(1, filpath.substring(filpath.lastIndexOf('/') + 1, filpath.length).lastIndexOf('.'))
var str = "falsefile:///var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/D4B6F6CD-5E5C-4459-90CC-0C649B3B31B8/Documents/ExponentExperienceData/%2540hherax%252Fiia-mas-app-new//IIAMASATTCHMENTS/BD6FE729-70F1-48B0-83EB-8E7D956E599E.MOV",
re = /[\w|-]*\.\w*/
stringNameWithExt = str.match(re)
stringNameWithoutExt = str.match(re)[0].split(".")[0]

javascript regex - match between slashes

I have a URL: https://api.example.com/main/user1/collection1/contents/folder1/test.js
To capture only collection1, I tried the following but it returns user1 along with it, how can I exclude user1?
To capture only folder1/test.js, the following also returns contents and I want to exclude it
If you want to use a regex. you could try (?:\/user1\/)([^\/]+) to capture only collection1.
This captures the part after /user1/ in a capturing group ([^\/]+).
const pattern = /\/user1\/([^\/]+)/;
const str = "https://api.example.com/main/user1/collection1/contents/folder1/test.js";
matches = str.match(pattern);
To capture only folder1/test.js you could use folder1\/.*$
const pattern = /folder1\/.*$/;
const str = "https://api.example.com/main/user1/collection1/contents/folder1/test.js";
matches = str.match(pattern);
Without regex you might use URL:
const str = "https://api.example.com/main/user1/collection1/contents/folder1/test.js";
const url = new URL(str);
const parts = url.pathname.split('/');
console.log(parts[5] + '/' + parts[6]);

