Javascript - Change name of all object keys in nested arrays - javascript

This is the array i get:
const packages = [
id: '641a1690-6c8b-4ada-ae97-8d82cc4fe7a3',
name: 'com.sample',
children: {
id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f',
name: '',
children: { id: 'e4ab-4a86-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }
{ id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f560', name: '' },
{ id: 'ca7f972e-64ee-4cb0-80b9-1036fac69d32', name: 'java.util' }
So, it is an array of objects, and each object can have children, which again have id, name and possibly children (children is optional), and so on, it can be nested X times.
I want to change key names, id to key, name to title and children will remain children. So, my problem is that i don't know how to change keys inside children, i just change the first level and that is all.. It should be like:
key: '641a1690-6c8b-4ada-ae97-8d82cc4fe7a3',
title: 'com.sample',
children: {
key: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f',
title: '',
children: { key: 'e4ab-4a86-0f66cc32f560', title: '' }

You can do this by using Recursion.
Check if the value of the [key-value] pair from the Object#entries() call is an object.
If so, call the transformObj function again recursively for that value. Else return the value as is.
And finally convert the array of [key-value] pairs back to an object by using Object#fromEntries:
const packages = [{ id: '641a1690-6c8b-4ada-ae97-8d82cc4fe7a3', name: 'com.sample', children: { id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f', name: '', children: { id: 'e4ab-4a86-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }}}, { id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }, { id: 'ca7f972e-64ee-4cb0-80b9-1036fac69d32', name: 'java.util' }];
const replacer = { "id": "key", "name" :"title"};
const transformObj = (obj) => {
if(obj && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype){
return Object.fromEntries(
.map(([k, v]) => [replacer[k] || k, transformObj(v)])
//Base case, if not an Object literal return value as is
return obj;
console.log( => transformObj(o)));

You can try to go through every object inside your array and recursively iterate through its keys. Then you can change the keys you want to change and iterate further through the childrens key.
const packages = [{id: '641a1690-6c8b-4ada-ae97-8d82cc4fe7a3',name:'com.sample',children: {id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f',name: '',children: { id: 'e4ab-4a86-0f66cc32f560', name: '' }}},{ id: 'd7384f60-e4ab-4a86-8e2e-0f66cc32f560', name: '' },{ id: 'ca7f972e-64ee-4cb0-80b9-1036fac69d32', name: 'java.util' }];
const renameNestedObjects = (obj) => {
Object.keys(obj).forEach((key, index) => {
if (key == "id") {
obj["key"] = obj["id"];
delete obj["id"];
if (key == "name") {
obj["title"] = obj["name"];
delete obj["name"];
if (key == "children") {
packages.forEach(obj => { renameNestedObjects(obj); });


Object.entries alternative transforming array of object into strings

I tried to print "person[0].name: a" and "person[1].name: b" and so on, based on this person array of object:
I used object entries twice, any other way I can make the loop more efficient?
const person = [{
name: 'a',
}, {
name: 'b'
Object.entries(person).forEach(([key, value]) => {
Object.entries(value).forEach(([key2, value2]) => {
console.log(`person[${key}].${key2}`, ':', value2)
You could take a recursive approach and hand over the parent path.
show = (object, parent) => {
const wrap = Array.isArray(object) ? v => `[${v}]` : v => `.${v}`;
Object.entries(object).forEach(([k, v]) => {
if (v && typeof v === 'object') show(v, parent + wrap(k));
else console.log(parent + wrap(k), v);
person = [{ name: 'a' }, { name: 'b' }];
show(person, 'person');
You don't really need the first call. person is already an Array.
const person = [{
name: 'a',
}, {
name: 'b'
person.forEach((value, key) => {
Object.entries(value).forEach(([key2, value2]) => {
console.log(`person[${key}].${key2}`, ':', value2)
Just in case forEach is for side effects. If you want to create another array with transformed values you better use map/flatMap instead.
const person = [{
name: 'a',
}, {
name: 'b'
const transformed = person.flatMap((value, key) => {
return Object.entries(value).map(([key2, value2]) => `person[${key}].${key2}:${value2}`)
You can also try something like this, with only one forEach() loop
const person = [{
name: 'a',
name: 'b'
person.forEach((el,i) => {
let prop = Object.keys(el).toString();
console.log(`person[${i}].${prop}`, ':', el[prop])

Remove object from array inside a recursive function

I have the following model object:
const model = {
_id: '1',
children: [
id: '2',
isCriteria: true
id: '3',
isCriteria: true
PS: The depth of children is unknown, so I have to use a recursive function to navigate through it.
I want to delete specific objects fro children array based on the array of ids.
So for example if make the following call removeCriteria(model, ['2']), the result should be:
const model = {
_id: '1',
children: [
id: '2',
isCriteria: true
I implemented this function as follows:
function removeCriteria(node, criteria, parent = []) {
if (node.isCriteria) {
if (criteria.length && !criteria.includes( {
parent = parent.filter(criteria => !==;
console.log(parent) // here the parents object is correct but it doesn't modify the original object
if (node.children)
for (const child of node.children) removeCriteria(child, criteria, node.children);
Assigning to parent doesn't assign to the object property where the value came from.
You need to filter node.children and assign back to that property.
function removeCriteria(node, criteria) {
if (criteria.length == 0) {
if (node.children) {
node.children = node.children.filter(child => !child.isCriteria || criteria.includes(;
node.children.forEach(child => removeCriteria(child, criteria));
const model = {
_id: '1',
children: [{
id: '2',
isCriteria: true
id: '3',
isCriteria: true
removeCriteria(model, ['2']);
The issue is you're reassigning the variable parent, which doesn't accomplish anything since you're not mutating the array to remove objects, and instead you're assigning it to a newly created array. I would suggest introducing a parentObj reference to the object to which parent belongs, so then you can set parentObj.children to parent and actually mutate the original object's array property:
const model = {
_id: '1',
children: [
id: '2',
isCriteria: true
id: '3',
isCriteria: true
function removeCriteria(node, criteria, parent = [], parentObj = {}) {
if (node.isCriteria) {
if (criteria.length && !criteria.includes( {
parent = parent.filter(criteria => !==;
parentObj.children = parent;
console.log('parent', parent) // here the parents object is correct but it doesn't modify the original object
if (node.children)
for (const child of node.children) removeCriteria(child, criteria, node.children, node);
removeCriteria(model, ['2']);

Delete specific object with id

I have an array of objects, I need to delete a complete object based on the id
Input :
filters: [
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
key: "dateDue[min]",
label: "15/12/2019",
value: "15/12/2019",
id: 1
key: "dateDue[max]",
label: "02/02/2020",
value: "02/02/2020",
id: 2
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
type: "receipts",
label: "APL",
value: "apl",
id: 5
type: "spending",
label: "taxes",
value: "taxes",
id: 6
So I created a removeItem method with the id that must be deleted in parameters
removeItem method :
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const remove = _.reject(filters, el => {
if (!_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return el.values.find(o => === id);
if (_.isEmpty(el.values)) {
return === id;
filters: remove
I use lodash to make my job easier and more specifically _.reject
My issue is the following :
I manage to correctly delete the classic objects for example
key: "status",
label: "En attente",
value: "waiting",
id: 0
but my method however does not work for objects of the following form
key: "bien",
values: [
label: "Studio Bordeaux",
value: 36,
id: 3
label: "Studio 2",
value: 34,
id: 184
currently the whole object is deleted and not only the object in the values array according to its id
Here is my codesandbox!
thank you in advance for your help
I found a solution with lodash (compact), I share my solution here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
The values false, null, 0, "", undefined, and NaN are removed with lodash compact (_.compact(array))
Here is my updated codesandbox
You will need to filter the filters array and each values separately. Below is a recursive function which will remove items with the given id from the filters array and from the values property.
PS. This example is not using Lodash as I think it is not needed in this case.
removeIdFromCollection = (collection, id) => {
return collection.filter(datum => {
if (Array.isArray(datum.values)) {
datum.values = this.removeIdFromCollection(datum.values, id);
return !== id;
removeItem = (e, id) => {
const { filters } = this.state;
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(filters, id),
The problem would be the structure of the object. You'll need to refactor for that inconvenient array out of nowhere for uniformity:
// Example
filters: [
key: "type",
values: [
type: "receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
// could be
filters: [
key: "type-receipts",
label: "Loyer",
value: "loyer",
id: 4
Repeat the pattern on all of it so you could just use the native array filter like this:
const newFilters = filters.filter(v => !== id);
filters: newFilters,
I found a solution with lodash, I share it with you here :
removeIdFromCollection = id => {
const { filters } = this.state;
const newFilters = [];, filter => {
if (filter.values) {
const valuesTmp = _.compact(, value => {
if ( !== id) return value;
if (!_.isEmpty(valuesTmp)) {
return newFilters.push({
key: filter.key,
values: valuesTmp
if ( && !== id) return newFilters.push(filter);
return newFilters;
removeItem = id => e =>
filters: this.removeIdFromCollection(id)
Here is my updated codesandbox

TS/JS - Get "value" from an Array of Objects if a Property of an Object from the Array matches another Property from a separate Object

I have an array of Objects. And a currentObject, that I currently am viewing. I want to get the value from a Property that comes from the Array of Objects, if 2 other properties match.
Here is the Array, simplified:
ARRAY = [{
id: 1,
metadata: {author: "Company1"}
id: 2,
metadata: {author: "Company2"}
Here is the Object, simplified:
name: "Something
templateId: 2
So, basically, I want to return, the information, if the, matches the OBJECT.templateId..
Here is the code I wrote..
const getAuthorInfo = (connTemplates: ARRAY[], currentConn: ITEM_OBJECT) => {
connTemplates.find((connTemplate: ARRAY_ITEM_OBJECT) => === currentConn.templateId);
console.log('Author Info:', connection); // This though returns the OBJECT, not the ARRAY_ITEM
Any ideas, on how to make this work? I tried to filter as well, with the same condition, but that returned undefined, when I called it in my ReactComponent.
is this what you need?
const arr = [{
id: 1,
metadata: { author: "Company1" }
id: 2,
metadata: { author: "Company2" }
const obj = {
name: "Something",
templateId: 2
function getAuthorInfo(arr, obj) {
const arrItem = arr.find(item => === obj.templateId)
console.log(getAuthorInfo(arr, obj))
You are on the right path:
const result = arr.find(f => == obj.templateId);
const arr = [{
id: 1,
metadata: {author: "Company1"}
id: 2,
metadata: {author: "Company2"}
const obj = {
name: "Something",
templateId: 2
const result = arr.find(f => == obj.templateId);

How to add non duplicate objects in an array in javascript?

I want to add non-duplicate objects into a new array.
var array = [
id: 1,
label: 'one'
id: 1,
label: 'one'
id: 2,
label: 'two'
var uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(elem, i, array) {
return array.indexOf(elem) === i;
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
// output: [object, object, object]
live code
I like the class based approach using es6. The example uses lodash's _.isEqual method to determine equality of objects.
var array = [{
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 2,
label: 'two'
class UniqueArray extends Array {
constructor(array) {
array.forEach(a => {
if (! this.find(v => _.isEqual(v, a))) this.push(a);
var unique = new UniqueArray(array);
<script src=""></script>
Usually, you use an object to keep track of your unique keys. Then, you convert the object to an array of all property values.
It's best to include a unique id-like property that you can use as an identifier. If you don't have one, you need to generate it yourself using JSON.stringify or a custom method. Stringifying your object will have a downside: the order of the keys does not have to be consistent.
You could create an objectsAreEqual method with support for deep comparison, but this will slow your function down immensely.
In two steps:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
// Create a string representation of your object
function getHash(obj) {
return Object.keys(obj)
.sort() // Keys don't have to be sorted, do it manually here
.map(function(k) {
return k + "_" + obj[k]; // Prefix key name so {a: 1} != {b: 1}
.join("_"); // separate key-value-pairs by a _
function getHashBetterSolution(obj) {
return; // Include unique ID in object and use that
// When using `getHashBetterSolution`:
// { '1': { id: '1', label: 'one' }, '2': /*etc.*/ }
var uniquesObj = array.reduce(function(res, cur) {
res[getHash(cur)] = cur;
return res;
}, {});
// Convert back to array by looping over all keys
var uniquesArr = Object.keys(uniquesObj).map(function(k) {
return uniquesObj[k];
// To show the hashes
You can use Object.keys() and map() to create key for each object and filter to remove duplicates.
var array = [{
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 1,
label: 'one'
}, {
id: 2,
label: 'two'
var result = array.filter(function(e) {
var key = Object.keys(e).map(k => e[k]).join('|');
if (!this[key]) {
this[key] = true;
return true;
}, {});
You could use a hash table and store the found id.
var array = [{ id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 2, label: 'two' }],
uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(elem) {
return !this[] && (this[] = true);
}, Object.create(null));
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
Check with all properties
var array = [{ id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 1, label: 'one' }, { id: 2, label: 'two' }],
keys = Object.keys(array[0]), // get the keys first in a fixed order
uniqueProducts = array.filter(function(a) {
var key = (k) { return a[k]; }).join('|');
return !this[key] && (this[key] = true);
}, Object.create(null));
console.log('uniqueProducts', uniqueProducts);
You can use reduce to extract out the unique array and the unique ids like this:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
var result = array.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
if(prev.ids.indexOf( === -1) {
return prev;
}, {array: [], ids: []});
If you don't know the keys, you can do this - create a unique key that would help you identify duplicates - so I did this:
concat the list of keys and values of the objects
Now sort them for the unique key like 1|id|label|one
This handles situations when the object properties are not in order:
var array=[{id:1,label:"one"},{id:1,label:"one"},{id:2,label:"two"}];
var result = array.reduce(function(prev, curr) {
var tracker = Object.keys(curr).concat(Object.keys(curr).map(key => curr[key])).sort().join('|');
if(!prev.tracker[tracker]) {
prev.tracker[tracker] = true;
return prev;
}, {array: [], tracker: {}});

