Promise Map keeps returning null - javascript

Been on this for over 24 hours, everything seems to work as I want but the promise keeps returning null.
here are my codes:
let vettedBatch = => {
getUser(current.userId).then((res) => {
// return resolve(JSON.parse(res.body));
let body = JSON.parse(res.body);
if (body.hasOwnProperty("Item")) {
return body;
} else {
//if user does not exist on the users table based on ID, lets take his transaction out of the fail-safe table
`user with id number ${current.userId} with transaction id ${current.txId} do not exist or must have been disabled`
User.deleteWithdrawalTx(current.txId).then(() => {
`transaction id ${current.txId} delete for unknown user with userId ${current.userId}`

You need to use Promise.all:
const data = [];
const promises = current => {
return await getUser(current.userId)
.then(res => { => {
let { body } = JSON.parse(item);
if (body.hasOwnProperty("Item")) {
} else {

Instead of mixing async/await and Promise syntax, I would suggest you to stick to one.
Here would be your code written fully in async/await syntax:
const getData = async () => { // async function instead of new Promise()...
return Promise.all( (current) => { // make map async and await it with Promise.all()
const res = await getUser(current.userId); // await instead of .then()
let body = JSON.parse(res.body);
if (body.hasOwnProperty("Item")) {
return body;
} else {
console.log(`user with id number ${current.userId} with transaction id ${current.txId} do not exist or must have been disabled`);
await User.deleteWithdrawalTx(current.txId); // await instead of .then()
console.log(`transaction id ${current.txId} delete for unknown user with userId ${current.userId}`);
// You should return something here too, but I dont know what you want to return, so...
let vettedBatch = await getData(); // await the async function
Your problem is actually a deviation of this question: How do I return the response from an asynchronous call?. Should be fixed in my answer, but I still suggest you to check out the linked thread.


FindOne inside map returns no results

I'm trying to do a search using FindOne inside map but it never finds the data by Product Id. I don't understand the reason. Im using express on nodejs.
This is my code:
const calc = (details) => {
let grandSubtotal = 0; async detail => {
const {verifyProduct} = await Product.find({ _id: detail._id});
console.log(verifyProduct); // UNDEFINED
Should be:
const result = await Promise.all( async (detail) => { … } ));
when you do it like you done you will get a pending promise object that never going to be resolved, I don’t know if you want to return some results, if no just do await Promise.all
Also this should be:
const calc = async (details) => { … }
Mongoose find returns a list of results. findOne returns an object.
The code is doing the equivalent of:
const {verifyProduct} = []
Use findOne to get an object to destructure, and test the result before use. async (detail) => {
const res = await Product.findOne({ _id: detail._id });
if (!res) {
//throw new Error('No id '.detail._id)
console.log('No id', detail._id)
const { verifyProduct } = res
Also (as #antokhio noted), if you want to use the returned result array of the you will need to await those as well.
You don't need await here
Product.find(({ _id }) => _id === detail._id );

Movie API:How Can I Return The Value?

I'm using The Movie Database API. And the problem that i can't solve is returning "keys" variable when i call the function with Movie's id.I'm new on JavaScript that's why i can't solve this. Hope someone can help me, thanks in advance.
const APIURL = "[MY API KEY HERE]&page-1";
async function getMovies(url)
const resp = await fetch(url);
const respData = await resp.json();
async function getTrailer(id)
const resp = await fetch(`${id}/videos?api_key=[MY API KEY HERE]&language=en-US`);
const respDataa = await resp.json();
let results = respDataa.results;
let keys = results[0].key;
return keys;
function showMovies(movies){
movies.forEach(movie => {
const modals = document.createElement('div');
modals.innerHTML = ` <a target="_blank" href ="${getTrailer(}">Watch Trailer</a>`
Well, first of all, always hide your api keys if you're posting your code somewhere (even if it's a private repository, you shouldn't do it).
Secondly, if you want to return multiple keys, you can map the results to extract id from each of them and do a return:
async function getTrailer(id)
const resp = await fetch(`${id}/videos?api_key=04c35731a5ee918f014970082a0088b1&language=en-US`);
const respDataa = await resp.json();
let results = respDataa.results;
return{ key }) => key);
Async functions return a Promise in JavaScript.
Simply add return keys at the end of your function.
Then you can do:
getTrailer(528085).then(data => {
// do something with the data
You can also handle errors:
.then(data => {
// do something with the data
.catch(err => {
An error occured. You can use err.toString() to convert the error into a string
If you want to get the returned data immediately from an async function(or a promise), put your logic inside an async function, then you can simply do:
let keys = await getTrailer(528085)
And, here is how to handle errors in async/await:
try {
let keys = await getTrailer(528085)
An error occured. You can use err.toString() to convert the error into a string
By the way, like Desiigner said, don't keep your API keys in the client. Anyone can see your API key. Use a server to return the API response to the client.
We have to await or.then the return (it’s a Promise).
function showMovies(movies) {
// make the forEach callback async
movies.forEach(async (movie) => {
console.log(getTrailer( // Promise {<pending>}
const trailer = await getTrailer(;
console.log({ trailer });
const modals = document.createElement("div");
modals.innerHTML = ` <a target="_blank" href ="${trailer}">Watch Trailer</a>`;

Bad behavior of Promise.all in map of array?

I am using Vue and i am trying to make some axios request in map over array but i get very bad result.
my function is :
async getFavoriteRecipes(){
let myRecipes=[]
const response = await this.axios.get("")
myRecipes= await Promise.all( (recipeInfo) =>{
const result = await this.axios.get(""
return myRecipes
const result = (await this.axios.get(""
return myRecipes
i am expecting to get array of 6 json objects , but instead i get an array of 6 arrays and every array hold the same 6 json objects.
Someone can explain me why its happen?
It looks like, you want to have an array of the result's data of each request. So I would suggest instead of pushing the data to the myRecipes data to returning it. That would automatically "add" (or better replace) it in the list. The code would then look like this:
async getFavoriteRecipes() {
try {
let myRecipes = []
const response = await this.axios.get("")
let myFavoritedIds =;
myRecipes = await Promise.all( (recipeInfo) => {
if (id.type === "spooncalur") {
const result = await this.axios.get("" +
} else {
const result = (await this.axios.get("" +
this.myFavoriteRecipe = myRecipes
} catch (err) {
if (err.response.status === '401') {
this.$ = undefined
If you don't understant the map function this might help or
Ayk already explained the cause of the problem... but also code can be reduced to
const path = "" +
id.type==="spooncalur" ? '' : 'userecipe/'
myRecipes = await Promise.all( =>
this.axios.get(path +
No need to make this.axios.get(path + async because Promise all get an array of promises as parameter, not result values

Javascript promise chain hell

I'm having a problem with promise chains that I don't know how to resolve. Summary of my code: I do a mongoose query for a specific user, fetch his CarIds and then query each car for his details and return these details via JSON response.
let carsDetails = [];
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
carIds.forEach((carId) => {
.then(car => {
.catch(err => { throw err; });
return res.status(200).json({ data: carsDetails });
.catch(error => {
throw error;
The problem is that no cars get actually pushed onto carsDetails array on the carsDetails.push(car); line, because it jumps to return statement before it manages to fill up the array. Is there a workaround that could do those queries and return a result in a form of an array, object...? I tried writing everything in async await form too with self-made async forEach statement, but it doesn't help me. Any suggestions? I already tried with Promise.all(), but didn't manage to fix the issue. Thanks!
You'll need to collect the promises of your Car.findById(carId) calls and use Promise.all() to wait for all of them before responding. You can use to map each ID to a promise from Car.findById().
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
const carPromises = => Car.findById(carId))
return Promise.all(carPromises)
.then(cars => {
res.status(200).json({ data: cars })
.catch(error => {
throw error
If you can have a lot of cars to find, you may want to do your query in a single request, no need to stack multiple promises :
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
// if carsDetails is not an array of objectIds do this instead :
// const carIds = => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id));
return Car.find({ _id: { $in: carIds });
.then(userCars => {
res.status(200).json({ data: userCars })
await/async is the way to go, with await/async you use regular for ... of loops instead of forEach.
async function getCarDetails() {
let carsDetails = [];
let user = await User.findById(userId);
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
for (let carID of carIds) {
let car = await Car.findById(carId)
return res.status(200).json({
data: carsDetails
Or you use Promise.all and map instead of for ... of
async function getCarDetails() {
let user = await User.findById(userId);
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
let carsDetails = await Promise.all( => Car.findById(carID)));
return res.status(200).json({
data: carsDetails
Those two solutions are slightly different. The second version with the map will send all requests to the DB at once, and then waits until they are all resolved. The first one will send the request one after another. Which one is better depends on the use-case, the second one could lead to request peeks, and might be easier be abused for DDoS.
Try to use async/await to solve this problem. It will be more readable and clean
async function getCarDetail() {
let carsDetails = []
try {
const user = await User.findById(userId)
const carIds = user.carsDetails
for (let i = 0; i < carIds.length; i++) {
const carId = carIds[i]
const car = await Car.findById(carId)
return res.status(200).json({ data: carsDetails })
} catch(error) {

properly using async and await

The function below calls several asynchronous functions in a for loop. It's parsing different CSV files to build a single JavaScript object. I'd like to return the object after the for loop is done. Its returning the empty object right away while it does the asynchronous tasks. Makes sense, however I have tried various Promise / async /await combinations hopes of running something once the for loop has completed. I am clearly not understanding what is going on. Is there a better pattern to follow for something like this or am I thinking about it incorrectly?
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object>
return new Promise(resolve => {
const retConfig: any = {};
for (const file of files) {
file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD')) ?
parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => {
retConfig.fields =;
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FORM'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.formProperties =[0])
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PDF'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.jsPdfProperties =[0])
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('META'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => { =[0].name;
retConfig.imgType =[0].imgType;
: file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PAGES'))
? parseCsv(file).then(parsedData => retConfig.pages =
: console.log('there is an extra file: ' + file);
resolve(retConfig); // <- THIS RETURNS: {}
This is the code I'm using to call the function in hopes of getting my 'retConfig' filled with the CSV data.
.then(async (files) => {
const config = await createFormConfig(files);
.catch(err => console.error(err));
First, an async function returns a Promise, so you dont have to return one explicitely.Here is how you can simplify your code:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
// return new Promise(resolve => { <-- remove
const retConfig: any = {};
// ...
// The value returned by an async function is the one you get
// in the callback passed to the function `.then`
return retConfig;
// }); <-- remove
Then, your function createFormConfig returns the config before it has finished to compute it. Here is how you can have it computed before returning it:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
const retConfig: any = {};
// Return a Promise for each file that have to be parsed
const parsingCsv = file => {
if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.fields = data;
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FORM'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.formProperties = data[0];
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PDF'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.jsPdfProperties = data[0];
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('META'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file); = data[0].name;
retConfig.imgType = data[0].imgType;
} else if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('PAGES'))) {
const { data } = await parseCsv(file);
retConfig.pages = data;
} else {
console.log('there is an extra file: ' + file);
// Wait for the Promises to resolve
await Promise.all(parsingCsv)
return retConfig;
async functions already return promises, you don't need to wrap the code in a new one. Just return a value from the function and the caller will receive a promise that resolves to the returned value.
Also, you have made an async function, but you're not actually using await anywhere. So the for loop runs through the whole loop before any of your promises resolve. This is why none of the data is making it into your object.
It will really simplify your code to only use await and get rid of the then() calls. For example you can do this:
async function createFormConfig(files: string[]): Promise<object> {
const retConfig: any = {};
for (const file of files) {
if (file.match(matchFilesForFormConfigMap.get('FIELD')){
// no need for the then here
let parsedData = await parseCsv(file)
retConfig.field =
// ...etc
At the end you can just return the value:
return retConfig

