React update State Array inside of Array - javascript

I'm currently try to update the state object inside of my react class based component.
The problem is that my state is an 2 dimensional array which looks like this:
this.state = {
items: [
title: 'first depth',
items: [
title: 'second depth',
For updating the first depth of the array inside my state object I use this code:
this.setState(({items}) => ({
items: [
...items.slice(0, index),
title: 'new Title',
...items.slice(index + 1),
But I cannot update the second depth of the array inside my state.
Does someone has an idea how to update the second depth?

create new state by spread, then change inner array by splice:
this.setState((oldState) => {
const newState = {...oldState};
const newItem = { ...newState.items[index], title:"new Title"};
newState.items.splice(index, 1, newItem);
return newState;

Following the same pattern, you will need the index of the 2nd depth item you want to change.
this.setState(({items}) => ({
items: [
...items.slice(0, index),
items: [
...items[index].slice(0, indexOf2ndDepth),
title: 'new Title'
...items[index].slice(indexOf2ndDepth + 1),
title: 'new Title',
...items.slice(index + 1),
This can get pretty complex and I recommended you isolate the 2nd depth array first, make changes, and insert it into the 1st depth array
this.setState(({ items }) => {
const secondDepthArray = [
...items[index].slice(0, indexOf2ndDepth),
title: 'new Title',
...items[index].slice(indexOf2ndDepth + 1),
return {
items: [
...items.slice(0, index),
items: secondDepthArray
title: 'new Title',
...items.slice(index + 1),

To do that you can store your state in variable and update your array after that use prev prevState to update your State your array

You can clone new array from state
const newItems = [...this.state.items]
// And then modify it
So if you want to update array just setState
this.setState({items: newItems})


Fast access to json tree data structure

I have a reducer which holds tree data structure (more then 100_000 items total). This is what the data looks like
text: 'A',
expanded: false,
text: 'AA',
expanded: false
text: 'AB',
expanded: false,
text: 'ABA',
expanded: false,
text: 'ABB',
expanded: false,
text: 'B',
expanded: false,
text: 'BA',
expanded: false
text: 'BB',
expanded: false
What I need to do is access this items really fast using text as an id (need to toggle expanded each time user clicks on item in a treeview). Should I just copy whole structure in to dictionary or is there a better way?
Maybe the following will help, let me know if you need more help but please create a runnable example (code snippet) that shows the problem:
const items = [
text: 'A',
expanded: false,
items: [
text: 'AA',
expanded: false,
text: 'AB',
expanded: false,
items: [
text: 'ABA',
expanded: false,
text: 'ABB',
expanded: false,
text: 'B',
expanded: false,
items: [
text: 'BA',
expanded: false,
text: 'BB',
expanded: false,
//in your reducer
const mapItems = new Map();
const createMap = (items) => {
const recur = (path) => (item, index) => {
const currentPath = path.concat(index);
mapItems.set(item.text, currentPath);
//no sub items not found in this path
if (!item.items) {
//recursively set map
//clear the map
//re create the map
const recursiveUpdate = (path, items, update) => {
const recur = ([current, ...path]) => (item, index) => {
if (index === current && !path.length) {
//no more subitems to change
return { ...item, ...update };
if (index === current) {
//need to change an item in item.items
return {
//nothing to do for this item
return item;
const reducer = (state, action) => {
//if you set the data then create the map, this can make
// testing difficult since SET_ITEM works only when
// when you call SET_DATA first. You should not have
// side effects in your reducer (like creating the map)
// I broke this rule in favor of optimization
if (action.type === 'SET_DATA') {
createMap(action.payload); //create the map
return { ...state, items };
if (action.type === 'SET_ITEM') {
return {
items: recursiveUpdate(
return state;
//crate a state
const state = reducer(
{ type: 'SET_DATA', payload: items }
const changed1 = reducer(state, {
type: 'SET_ITEM',
payload: { text: 'A', changed: 'A' },
const {
items: gone,
} = changed1.items[0];
console.log('1', withoutSubItems);
const changed2 = reducer(state, {
type: 'SET_ITEM',
payload: { text: 'ABB', changed: 'ABB' },
console.log('2', changed2.items[0].items[1].items[1]);
const changed3 = reducer(state, {
type: 'SET_ITEM',
payload: { text: 'BA', changed: 'BA' },
console.log('3', changed3.items[1].items[0]);
If all you wanted to do is toggle expanded then you should probably do that with local state and forget about storing expanded in redux unless you want to expand something outside of the component that renders the item because expanded is then shared between multiple components.
I think you may mean that the cost of handling a change of expansion is really high (because potentially you close/open a node with 100000 leaves and then 100000 UI items are notified).
However, this worries me as I hope only the expanded UI items exist at all (e.g. you don't have hidden React elements for everything, each sitting there and monitoring a Redux selector in case its part of the tree becomes visible).
So long as elements are non-existent when not expanded, then why is expansion a status known by anything but its immediate parent, and only the parent if it's also on screen?
I suggest that expansion state should be e.g. React state not Redux state at all. If they are on screen then they are expanded, optionally with their children expanded (with this held as state within the parent UI element) and if they are not on screen they don't exist.
Copy all the individual items into a Map<id, Node> to then access it by the ID.
const data = []// your data
// Build Map index
const itemsMap = new Map();
let itemsQueue = [];
let cursor = itemsQueue.pop();
while (cursor) {
itemsMap.set(cursor.text, cursor);
if (cursor.items)
for (let item of cursor.items) {
cursor = itemsQueue.pop();
// Retrieve by text id
// {
// text: 'ABB',
// expanded: false,
// }

JavaScript, looping, and functional approach

Data Structure coming back from the server
id: 1,
type: "Pickup",
items: [
id: 1,
description: "Item 1"
id: 2,
type: "Drop",
items: [
id: 0,
description: "Item 0"
id: 3,
type: "Drop",
items: [
id: 1,
description: "Item 1"
id: 2,
description: "Item 2"
id: 0,
type: "Pickup",
items: [
id: 0,
description: "Item 0"
id: 2,
description: "Item 2"
Each element represents an event.
Each event is only a pickup or drop.
Each event can have one or more items.
Initial State
On initial load, loop over the response coming from the server and add an extra property called isSelected to each event, each item, and set it as false as default. -- Done.
This isSelected property is for UI purpose only and tells user(s) which event(s) and/or item(s) has/have been selected.
// shove the response coming from the server here and add extra property called isSelected and set it to default value (false)
const initialState = {
events: []
moveEvent method:
const moveEvent = ({ events }, selectedEventId) => {
// de-dupe selected items
const selectedItemIds = {};
// grab and find the selected event by id
let foundSelectedEvent = events.find(event => === selectedEventId);
// update the found event and all its items' isSelected property to true
foundSelectedEvent = {
isSelected: true,
items: => {
item = { ...item, isSelected: true };
// Keep track of the selected items to update the other events.
selectedItemIds[] =;
return item;
events = => {
// update events array to have the found selected event
if( === {
return foundSelectedEvent;
// Loop over the rest of the non selected events
event.items = => {
// if the same item exists in the selected event's items, then set item's isSelected to true.
const foundItem = selectedItemIds[];
// foundItem is the id of an item, so 0 is valid
if(foundItem >= 0) {
return { ...item, isSelected: true };
return item;
const itemCount = event.items.length;
const selectedItemCount = event.items.filter(item => item.isSelected).length;
// If all items in the event are set to isSelected true, then mark the event to isSelected true as well.
if(itemCount === selectedItemCount) {
event = { ...event, isSelected: true };
return event;
return { events }
Personally, I don't like the way I've implemented the moveEvent method, and it seems like an imperative approach even though I'm using find, filter, and map.
All this moveEvent method is doing is flipping the isSelected flag.
Is there a better solution?
Is there a way to reduce the amount of looping? Maybe events should be an object and even its items. At least, the lookup would be fast for finding an event, and I don't have to use Array.find initially. However, I still have to either loop over each other non selected events' properties or convert them back and forth using Object.entries and/or Object.values.
Is there more a functional approach? Can recursion resolve this?
Usage and Result
// found the event with id 0
const newState = moveEvent(initialState, 0);
// Expected results
id: 1,
type: 'Pickup',
isSelected: false,
items: [ { id: 1, isSelected: false, description: 'Item 1' } ]
id: 2,
type: 'Drop',
// becasue all items' isSelected properties are set to true (even though it is just one), then set this event's isSelected to true
isSelected: true,
// set this to true because event id 0 has the same item (id 1)
items: [ { id: 0, isSelected: true, description: 'Item 0' } ]
id: 3,
type: 'Drop',
// since all items' isSelected properties are not set to true, then this should remain false.
isSelected: false,
items: [
{ id: 1, isSelected: false, description: 'Item 1' },
// set this to true because event id 0 has the same item (id 2)
{ id: 2, isSelected: true, description: 'Item 2' }
id: 0,
type: 'Pickup',
// set isSelected to true because the selected event id is 0
isSelected: true,
items: [
// since this belongs to the selected event id of 0, then set all items' isSelected to true
{ id: 0, isSelected: true, description: 'Item 0' },
{ id: 2, isSelected: true, description: 'Item 2' }
One of the problems with the current solution is data duplication. You are basically trying to keep the data between the different items in sync. Instead of changing all items with the same id, make sure there are no duplicate items by using an approach closer to what you would find in a rational database.
Let's first normalize the data:
const response = [...]; // data returned by the server
let data = { eventIds: [], events: {}, items: {} };
for (const {id, items, ...event} of response) {
data.eventIds.push(id);[id] = event;
event.items = [];
for (const {id, ...item} of items) {
data.items[id] = item;
This should result in:
const data {
eventIds: [1, 2, 3, 0], // original order
events: {
0: { type: "Pickup", items: [0, 2] },
1: { type: "Pickup", items: [1] },
2: { type: "Drop", items: [0] },
3: { type: "Drop", items: [1, 2] },
items: {
0: { description: "Item 0" },
1: { description: "Item 1" },
2: { description: "Item 2" },
The next thing to realize is that the isSelected property of an event is computed based on the isSelected property of its items. Storing this would mean more data duplication. Instead calculate it though a function.
const response = [{id:1,type:"Pickup",items:[{id:1,description:"Item 1"}]},{id:2,type:"Drop",items:[{id:0,description:"Item 0"}]},{id:3,type:"Drop",items:[{id:1,description:"Item 1"},{id:2,description:"Item 2"}]},{id:0,type:"Pickup",items:[{id:0,description:"Item 0"},{id:2,description:"Item 2"}]}];
// normalize incoming data
let data = { eventIds: [], events: {}, items: {} };
for (const {id, items, ...event} of response) {
data.eventIds.push(id);[id] = event;
event.items = [];
for (const {id, ...item} of items) {
data.items[id] = item;
item.isSelected = false;
// don't copy isSelected into the event, calculate it with a function
const isEventSelected = ({events, items}, eventId) => {
return events[eventId].items.every(id => items[id].isSelected);
// log initial data
for (const id of data.eventIds) {
console.log(`event ${id} selected?`, isEventSelected(data, id));
// moveEvent implementation with the normalized structure
const moveEvent = (data, eventId) => {
let { events, items } = data;
for (const id of events[eventId].items) {
items = {...items, [id]: {...items[id], isSelected: true}};
return {, items };
data = moveEvent(data, 0);
// log after data applying `moveEvent(data, 0)`
for (const id of data.eventIds) {
console.log(`event ${id} selected? `, isEventSelected(data, id));
// optional: convert structure back (if you still need it)
const convert = (data) => {
const { eventIds, events, items } = data;
return => ({
isSelected: isEventSelected(data, id),
items: events[id] => ({id, ...items[id]}))
Check browser console, for better ouput readability.
I'm not sure if this answers solves your entire problem, but I hope you got something useful info out of it.

Update property value in nested array (redux state)

How do you update a certain nested property in redux state?
Let's say I only want to update the "value" property in the object below. I know you shouldn't deep copy the previous state but how do i only change the property of an object in an array in an object of an array?
Thanks in advance!
market {
shops: [
name: 'abc',
items: [
name: 'item1',
value: 40,
id: '234rfds32'
Something like the following:
state = {
shops: [
shops[index].items = [
Something like this would work. (code looks ugly, didn't test though)
var shop = state.shops[index];
var items = [];
items[<index>].value = 'your value';
shop.items = items;
var shops = [...state.shops];
shops[index] = shop;
state = {

Update nested data arrays of object (Redux)

I have an issue with updating the immutable redux and quite nested data. Here's an example of my data structure and what I want to change. If anyone could show me the pattern of accessing this update using ES6 and spread operator I would be thankful. 😀
const formCanvasInit = {
id: guid(),
fieldRow: [{
id: guid(),
fieldGroup: [
{ type: 'text', inputFocused: true }, // I want to change inputFocused value
{ type: 'text', inputFocused: false },
// ...
This should do the trick, assuming the data is set up exactly as shown, with the given array indices:
const newData = {
fieldRow: [{
fieldGroup: [
{ ...formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup[0], inputFocused: newValue },
...formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup.slice(1, formCanvasInit.fieldRow[0].fieldGroup.length)
If index of the element to be changed is to be determined dynamically, you'll need to use functionality such as filter to find and remove the array element you're updating, and then spread the corresponding subarrays by editing the structure of the call to slice.
Try using Immutability Helper
I think in your structure, like this
let news = update(formCanvasInit, {
fieldRow: [{
fieldGroup: [
{ $set: {type: "number", inputFocused: false}}
I've tried it
Click Me
This is a longer solution but might help you as your redux state grows. I've also changed some of the values in the original state to make a clearer explanation.
const formCanvasInit = {
fieldRow: [
id: 1001,
fieldGroup: [
{type: 'text1', inputFocused: true}, // I want to change inputFocused value
{type: 'text2', inputFocused: false},
id: 1002,
fieldGroup: [
{type: 'text3', inputFocused: true},
{type: 'text4', inputFocused: true},
// the id of the field row to update
const fieldRowID = 1001;
// the value of the field type to update
const fieldTypeValue = 'text1';
const fieldRow = [...formCanvasInit.fieldRow];
// obtain the correct fieldRow object
const targetFieldRowIndex = formCanvasInit.fieldRow.findIndex(fR => === fieldRowID);
let fieldRowObj = targetFieldRowIndex && formCanvasInit.fieldRow[targetFieldRowIndex];
// obtain that fieldRow object's fieldGroup
const fieldGroup = [...fieldRowObj.fieldGroup];
// obtain the correct object in fieldGroup
const fieldIndex = fieldGroup.findIndex(fG => fG.type === fieldTypeValue);
const fieldToChange = fieldIndex && fieldGroup[fieldIndex];
// replace the old object in selected fieldGroup with the updated one
fieldGroup.splice(fieldIndex, 1, {...fieldToChange, inputFocused: false});
// update the target fieldRow object
fieldRowObj = {...fieldRowObj, fieldGroup};
// replace the old fieldGroup in selected fieldRow with the updated one
fieldRow.splice(targetFieldRowIndex, 1, fieldRowObj);
// create the new formCanvasInit state
const newFormCanvasInit = {...formCanvasInit, fieldRow};

How do you define a state of an object inside an array of an array in a reducer (ReactJS + Redux)?

So inside my reducer, I have an array of objects called 'todos', and an object of 'todos' has a state which is also an array of objects, called 'comments'. And inside each of 'comments' array, I would like to define a string state 'commentText', but I can't seem to figure out how to do so. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Following is an example of what I would like to achieve:
let todoReducer = function(todos = [], action){
case 'ADD_TODO':
return [{
commentText: action.commentText
}, ...todos]
return [{
commentText: action.eventValue
], ...todos.comments] //Referencing todos.comments as 'comments' array of objects of an object of 'todos' array. Would like to directly update if possible and build up 'comments' array.
return todos
export default todoReducer
if( ==={
//want to add a new a 'comment' object to the todo's 'comments' array
//Something like the following:
todo.comments: [{
commentText: action.commentText
}, ...todo.comments]
This sounds like a great use case for the .map() Array method.
Assuming your data looks like this:
var todos = [
id: 1,
title: 'Todo 1 Title',
body: 'Todo 1 Body',
date: 1425364758,
comments: [
id: 1,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 1, Comment 1 Text',
date: 1425364758
id: 2,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 1, Comment 2 Text',
date: 1425364758
id: 3,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 1, Comment 3 Text',
date: 1425364758
id: 2,
title: 'Todo 2 Title',
body: 'Todo 2 Body',
date: 1425364758,
comments: [
id: 1,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 2, Comment 1 Text',
date: 1425364758
id: 3,
title: 'Todo 3 Title',
body: 'Todo 3 Body',
date: 1425364758,
comments: [
id: 1,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 3, Comment 1 Text',
date: 1425364758
id: 2,
commentorId: 42069,
text: 'Todo 3, Comment 2 Text',
date: 1425364758
When updating a comment, you'd need to pass in a todoId and a commentId so you know what to look for. When adding a comment, you'd only need to pass in a todoId so you know which todo to update:
const todoReducer = (todos = [], action) => {
switch(action.type) {
case 'ADD_TODO':
return [
const { todoId, comment } = action;
// Map through all the todos. Returns a new array of todos, including the todo with a new comment
return => {
// Look for the todo to add a comment to
if ( === todoId) {
// When the todo to update is found, add a new comment to its `comments` array
// Return the todo whether it's been updated or not
return todo;
const { todoId, commentId, commentText } = action;
// Map through all the todos. Returns a new array of todos, including the todo with the updated comment
return => {
// First find the todo you want
if ( === todoId) {
// Then iterate through its comments
todo.comments.forEach(comment => {
// Find the comment you want to update
if ( === commentId) {
// and update it
comment.text = commentText;
// Return the todo whether it's been updated or not
return todo;
return todos;
export default todoReducer;
As for your payloads, you can make them whatever you want, and they'll be created in your action creator. For example, here's an implementation of ADD_TODO that gives the todo a unique ID, timestamps it, and adds an empty comments array before firing the action:
import uuid from 'node-uuid';
const addTodo = ({title, body}) => {
const id = uuid.v4();
const date = new Date().getTime();
return {
type: 'ADD_TODO',
todo: {
comments: []
Your ADD_COMMENT action creator might look something like this:
import uuid from 'node-uuid';
const addComment = ({todoId, commentorId, commentText}) => {
const id = uuid.v4();
const date = new Date().getTime();
return {
type: 'ADD_COMMENT',
comment: {
text: commentText
This is untested but hopefully gives you an idea.

