Why i cant use for this way? - javascript

The plan is:
sort 'arr' from less to greater.
push values in range of both number from arr, inclusively.
find smallest common number which dividible on each value from 'arrForAll' without reminder.
Assign to 'i' first value from 'arrForAll'.
Output 'while' condition isn't false. Condition is: 'i' don't divide on each value from 'arrForAll' without reminder.
I tried this:
function smallestCommons(arr) {
let sortedArray = arr.sort();
let arrForAll = []
for (let i = sortedArray[0]; i < sortedArray[1] + 1; i++) {
for (let i = sortedArray[1]; arrForAll.every(x => i % x !== 0); i += i) {
return arr;
console.log(smallestCommons([1, 5]));
But console output nothing.
What's wrong in code?

In conditioin of for loop it must use logic operators '<','>', etc.
So this situation while loop is more suitable solution
function smallestCommons(arr) {
var i=0;
let sortedArray = arr.sort();//here store sorted value
let arrForAll=[]
for(let i=sortedArray[0];i<sortedArray[1]+1;i++){
}//store [x to y]
if(arrForAll.every(x => i % x == 0)){
return i;}
console.log(smallestCommons([23, 18]));//returns 6056820, [1,5] will return 60


Trying to find the second largest value in a javascript array

I am trying to find the second largest value in an array but my code returns the second smallest value in an array. Any pointers as to where i'm missing it? The code is suppose to simply loop backwards through the array, matching any value that is less than the highest value and also "one less than" the highest value.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
let sNums = nums.sort();
let max = sNums.length - 1;
for (let i = sNums.length; i > 0; i--) {
if (sNums[i] < max && (sNums[i] === (max - 1))) {
return sNums[i];
You can sort it by descending and take the second item.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
return nums.sort((n1,n2) => n2-n1)[1];
If there are duplicates, you can use this.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
return nums.sort((n1,n2) => n2-n1).filter(function(item, pos, ary) {
return !pos || item != ary[pos - 1];
The issue with Tino's code is finding the second max number. It should be let max = sNums[sNums.length - 1]; instead of let max = sNums.length - 1;, the loop should start at sNums.length - 1and it goes until i >= 0, and the if statement just needs to compare the current value with the max value. If a second largest is not found return null. Null means all the elements in the array have the same value.
function getSecondLargest(nums) {
let sNums = nums.sort((a,b) => a-b);
let max = sNums[sNums.length - 1];
for (let i = sNums.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
if (sNums[i] < max) {
return sNums[i];
return null;
Ok, my suggestion - ES6 to the rescue
See other answers and comment why original code did not work
const getSecondLargest = numArr => Array.from(new Set(numArr)) // makes array of unique entries
.sort((a,b) => b-a)[1]; // sorts in descending numerical order
If you want to avoid sort method. Here's the simplest solution IMO. It'll also work if there's duplicate numbers of largest integer.
function getSecondLargest(arr) {
const largest = Math.max.apply(null, arr);
for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
if (largest === arr[i]) {
arr[i] = -Infinity;
return Math.max.apply(null, arr);
console.log(getSecondLargest([2, 3, 4, 4, 4])); //3

How can I get the highest 3 values from a json file

So I need to get the highest 3 values from an array, though I don't know how many values I need to check since that number will change periodically, I tried running this loop but it doesn't work.
numbers = new array();
numbers = (6,34,6623,22,754,2677,12)
var num1 = 0
var num2 = 0
var num3 = 0
for (var i=0; i<numbers.length;i++) {
if num1<numbers[i] {
num1 = numbers[i]
} else if num2<numbers[i] {
num2 = numbers[i]
} else if num3<numbers[i] {
num3 = numbers[i]
All of the other answers propose the correct and fast way to do this, i.e. to sort the array in descending order and take the first three elements.
If you're interested why your code did not work: The problem is that you need to keep track of each of the last found max values if a new one is found. You need to change your code to something like this:
const numbers = [6, 34, 6623, 22, 754, 2677, 12]
let max = 0;
let oneLowerToMax = 0;
let twoLowerToMax = 0;
for (let i = 0; i < numbers.length; i++) {
if (numbers[i] > max) {
twoLowerToMax = oneLowerToMax;
oneLowerToMax = max;
max = numbers[i];
}else if(numbers[i] > oneLowerToMax) {
twoLowerToMax = oneLowerToMax;
oneLowerToMax = numbers[i];
}else if(numbers[i] > twoLowerToMax) {
twoLowerToMax = numbers[i];
console.log(max, oneLowerToMax, twoLowerToMax) // prints 6623, 2677, 754
Sort the array in descending order and then get all 3 element by its index:
let numbers = new Array(6,34,6623,22,754,2677,12);
numbers.sort(function(a, b){return b-a});
console.log(numbers[0], numbers[1], numbers[2]);
you can sort array
var numbers = [1,65,8,98,689,12,33,2,3,789];
var topValues = [... numbers].sort((a,b) => b-a).slice(0,3);
there is a simpler way you can achieve this.
first, run a sort() on your array, then pick the highest ones.
const myArray = [7,4,99,10,55,1];
console.log(myArray.sort((a,b)=>b-a).slice(0, 3)) // [99, 55, 10]
Simply sort your array in descending order, then slice the first three values.
Note: .sort().reverse() is the speediest approach for sorting in descending order. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/52030227/129086
function getTopThree(arr) {
// spread avoids modifying the original array
return [...arr].sort().reverse().slice(0, 3);
Whenever your numbers array is updated or changed, call getTopThree(numbers) again.

javascript weird console logs

I've got a assignment to make function that gives you a sorted array with 6 random numbers from 1 to 45. None of the array values should equal to one another.
I thought about a solution that would work in Java but the JavaScript console logs I get are pretty confusing. Could anyone help me out?
"use strict";
var numbers = [];
for(var x = 1; x <46;x++){
function LottoTipp(){
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i <6; i++){
var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random()* 45);
var pushed = numbers[randomNum];
return console.log(result) + console.log(numbers);
the console logs
[ 34, 7, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined ]
[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ]
There were three problems:
If you want to remove one item of an array you have to splice it by the items index and give a deletecount.
In your case: numbers.splice(randomNum, 1);
You have to use Math.floor instead of Math.round, because Math.floor always down to the nearest integerer, while Math.round searches for the nearest integer wich could be higher than numbers.length.
After removing one item the length of the array has been changed. So you have to multiply by numbers.lenght instead of 45.
In your case: var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random()* numbers.length);
"use strict";
var numbers = [];
for(var x = 1; x < 46; x++){
function LottoTipp(){
var result = [];
for(var i = 0; i < 6; i++){
var randomNum = Math.floor(Math.random()* numbers.length);
var pushed = numbers[randomNum];
numbers.splice(randomNum, 1);
return console.log(result) + console.log(numbers);
If you only want an array with random unique numbers I would suggest doing it like this:
var array = [];
for(i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
var number = Math.round(Math.random() *45);
if(array.indexOf(number) == -1) { //if number is not already inside the array
} else { //if number is inside the array, put back the counter by one
There is no issue with the console statement the issue is that you are modifying the numbers array in your for loop. As you are picking the random number between 1-45 in this statement:-
var randomNum = Math.round(Math.random()* 45);
and you expect that value would be present in the numbers array at that random index. However you are using array.splice() and providing only first parameter to the function. The first parameter is the start index from which you want to start deleting elements, find syntax here. This results in deleting all the next values in the array.Therefore if you pick a random number number say.. 40, value at numbers[40] is undefined as you have deleted contents of the array.
if you want to generate unique set of numbers follow this post.
hope it helps!
Just add the number in the result if it is unique otherwise take out a new number and then sort it. Here is an implementation:
let result = []
while(result.length < 6) {
let num = Math.round(Math.random() * 45);
if(!result.includes(num)) {
result.sort((a,b) => {
return parseInt(a) - parseInt(b);

How to adjust return values of map() function?

I have been trying to make a excercise in the course I am taking. At the end, I did what was asked, but I personally think I overdid too much and the output is not convenient -- it's a nested array with some blank arrays inside...
I tried to play with return, but then figured out the problem was in the function I used: map always returns an array. But all other functions, which are acceptable for arrays (in paticular forEach and I even tried filter) are not giving the output at all, only undefined. So, in the end, I have to ask you how to make code more clean with normal output like array with just 2 needed numbers in it (I can only think of complex way to fix this and it'll add unneeded junk to the code).
Write a javascript function that takes an array of numbers and a target number. The function should find two different numbers in the array that, when added together, give the target number. For example: answer([1,2,3], 4) should return [1,3]
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const easierArray = [1, 3, 5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = ((arr, targetNum) => {
const correctNumbers = arr.map((num, index) => {
let firstNumber = num;
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
const arrayWeNeed = arr.filter((sub_num, sub_index) => {
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum) {
const passableArray = [firstNumber, sub_num] //aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return sub_num; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return arrayWeNeed
return correctNumbers;
// return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(easierArray, 8));
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(array1, 4));
for the first one
You can clean up the outpu by flatting the returned arrays :
return arrayWeNeed.flat();
return correctNumbers.flat();
const array1 = [1, 2, 3];
const easierArray = [1, 3, 5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = ((arr, targetNum) => {
const correctNumbers = arr.map((num, index) => {
let firstNumber = num;
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
const arrayWeNeed = arr.filter((sub_num, sub_index) => {
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum) {
const passableArray = [firstNumber, sub_num] //aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return sub_num; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return arrayWeNeed.flat();
return correctNumbers.flat();
// return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(easierArray, 8));
console.log(findTwoPartsOfTheNumber(array1, 4));
However, using a recursive function could be simpler :
const answer = (arr, num) => {
if (arr.length < 1) return;
const [first, ...rest] = arr.sort();
for (let i = 0; i < rest.length; i++) {
if (first + rest[i] === num) return [first, rest[i]];
return answer(rest, num);
console.log(answer([1, 2, 3], 4));
console.log(answer([1, 3, 5], 8));
It looks like you are trying to leave .map() and .filter() beforehand, which you can't (without throwing an error). So I suggest a normal for approach for this kind of implementation:
const array1 = [1,2,3];
const easierArray = [1,3,5] //Let's assume number we search what is the sum of 8
const findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = (arr,targetNum) =>{
for(let index = 0; index < arr.length; index++) {
let firstNumber = arr[index];
// console.log('num',num,'index',index);
for(let sub_index = 0; sub_index < arr.length; sub_index++){
const sub_num = arr[sub_index];
// console.log('sub_num',sub_num,'sub_index',sub_index);
if (index != sub_index && (firstNumber + sub_num) === targetNum){
const passableArray = [firstNumber,sub_num]//aka first and second numbers that give the targetNum
return passableArray; //passableArray gives the same output for some reason,it doesn't really matter.
return `there is no such numbers,that give ${targetNum}`;
I've just grab your code and changed map and filter to for implementation.
There doesn't appear to be any requirement for using specific array functions (map, forEach, filter, etc) in the problem statement you listed, so the code can be greatly simplified by using a while loop and the fact that you know that the second number has to be equal to target - first (since the requirement is first + second == target that means second == target - first). The problem statement also doesn't say what to do if no numbers are found, so you could either return an empty array or some other value, or even throw an error.
const answer = (list, target) => {
while (list.length > 0) { // Loop until the list no longer has any items
let first = list.shift() // Take the first number from the list
let second = target - first // Calculate what the second number should be
if (list.includes(second)) { // Check to see if the second number is in the remaining list
return [first, second] // If it is, we're done -- return them
return "No valid numbers found" // We made it through the entire list without finding a match
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 3))
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 4))
console.log(answer([1,2,3], 7))
You can also add all the values in the array to find the total, and subtract the total by the target to find the value you need to remove from the array. That will then give you an array with values that add up to the total.
let arr1 = [1, 3, 5]
const target = 6
const example = (arr, target) => {
let total = arr.reduce((num1, num2) => {
return num1 + num2
total = total - target
const index = arr.indexOf(total)
if (index > -1) {
return arr.filter(item => item !== total)
console.log(example(arr1, target))
Map and filter are nice functions to have if you know that you need to loop into the whole array. In your case this is not necessary.
So you know you need to find two numbers, let's say X,Y, which belong to an array A and once added will give you the target number T.
Since it's an exercise, I don't want to give you the working code, but here is a few hints:
If you know X, Y must be T - X. So you need to verify that T - X exists in your array.
array.indexOf() give you the position of an element in an array, otherwise -1
If X and Y are the same number, you need to ensure that their index are not the same, otherwise you'll return X twice
Returning the solution should be simple as return [X,Y]
So this can be simplified with a for (let i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) loop and a if statement with a return inside if the solution exist. This way, if a solution is found, the function won't loop further.
After that loop, you return [] because no solution were found.
Since you want a solution with map and filter:
findTwoPartsOfTheNumber = (arr, tNumber) => {
let solution = [];
arr.map((X, indexOfX) => {
const results = arr.filter((Y, indexOfY) => {
const add = Y + X
if (tNumber === add && indexOfX != indexOfY) return true;
else return false;
if (results > 0) solution = [X, results[0]];
return solution;

An algorithm to find the closest values in javascript array

I'm working on a small algorithm to find the closest values of a given number in an random array of numbers. In my case I'm trying to detect connected machines identified by a 6-digit number ID ("123456", "0078965", ...) but it can be useful for example to find the closest geolocated users around me.
What I need is to list the 5 closest machines, no matter if their IDs are higher or lower. This code works perfectly but I'm looking for a smarter and better way to proceed, amha I got to much loops and arrays.
let n = 0; // counter
let m = 5; // number of final machines to find
// list of IDs founded (unordered: we can't decide)
const arr = ["087965","258369","885974","0078965","457896","998120","698745","399710","357984","698745","789456"]
let NUM = "176789" // the random NUM to test
const temp = [];
const diff = {};
let result = null;
// list the [m] highest founded (5 IDs)
for(i=0 ; i<arr.length; i++) {
if(arr[i] > NUM) {
for(j=0 ; j<m; j++) {
} break;
// list the [m] lowest founded (5 IDs)
for(i=arr.length ; i>=0; i--) {
if(arr[i] < NUM) {
for(j=m ; j>=0; j--) {
} break;
// now we are certain to get at least 5 IDs even if NUM is 999999 or 000000
temp.sort(function(a, b){return a - b}); // increase order
for(i=0 ; i<(m*2); i++) {
let difference = Math.abs(NUM - temp[i]);
diff[difference] = temp[i]; // [ 20519 : "964223" ]
// we now get a 10-values "temp" array ordered by difference
// list the [m] first IDs:
for(key in diff){
if(n < m){
let add = 6-diff[key].toString().length;
let zer = '0'.repeat(add);
let id = zer+diff[key]; // "5802" -> "005802"
result += (n+1)+":"+ id +" ";
-> "1:0078965 2:087965 3:258369 4:357984 5:399710" for "176789"
You actually don't need to have so many different iterations. All you need is to loop twice:
The first iteration attempt is to use .map() to create an array of objects that stores the ID and the absolute difference between the ID and num
The second iteration attempt is simply to use .sort() through the array of objects created in step 1, ranking them from lowest to highest difference
Once the second iteration is done, you simply use .slice(0, 5) to get the first 5 objects in the array, which now contains the smallest 5 diffs. Iterate through it again if you want to simply extract the ID:
const arr = ["087965","258369","885974","078965","457896","998120","698745","399710","357984","698745","789456"];
let num = "176789";
let m = 5; // number of final machines to find
// Create an array of objects storing the original arr + diff from `num`
const diff = arr.map(item => {
return { id: item, diff: Math.abs(+item - +num) };
// Sort by difference from `num` (lowest to highest)
diff.sort((a, b) => a.diff - b.diff);
// Get the first m entries
const filteredArr = diff.slice(0, m).map(item => item.id).sort();
// Log
// Completely optional, if you want to format it the way you have in your question
console.log(`"${filteredArr.map((v, i) => i + ": " + v).join(', ')}" for "${num}"`);
You could take an array as result set, fill it with the first n elements and sort it by the delta of the wanted value.
For all other elements check if the absolute delta of the actual item and the value is smaller then the last value of the result set and replace this value with the actual item. Sort again. Repeat until all elements are processed.
The result set is ordered by the smallest delta to the greatest by using the target value.
absDelta = (a, b) => Math.abs(a - b),
sortDelta = v => (a, b) => absDelta(a, v) - absDelta(b, v),
array = [087965, 258369, 885974, 0078965, 457896, 998120, 698745, 399710, 357984, 698745, 789456],
value = 176789,
n = 5,
result = array.reduce((r, v) => {
if (r.length < n) {
return r;
if (absDelta(v, value) < absDelta(r[n - 1], value)) {
r[n - 1] = v;
return r;
}, []);
console.log(result); // sorted by closest value
A few good approaches so far, but I can't resist throwing in another.
This tests a sliding window of n elements in a sorted version of the array, and returns the one whose midpoint is closest to the value you're looking for. This is a pretty efficient approach (one sort of the array, and then a single pass through that) -- though it does not catch cases where there's more than one correct answer (see the last test case below).
const closestN = function(n, target, arr) {
// make sure we're not comparing strings, then sort:
let sorted = arr.map(Number).sort((a, b) => a - b);
target = Number(target);
let bestDiff = Infinity; // actual diff can be assumed to be lower than this
let bestSlice = 0; // until proven otherwise
for (var i = 0; i <= sorted.length - n; i++) {
let median = medianOf(sorted[i], sorted[i+n-1]) // midpoint of the group
let diff = Math.abs(target - median); // distance to the target
if (diff < bestDiff) { // we improved on the previous attempt
bestDiff = diff; // capture this for later comparisons
bestSlice = i;
// TODO handle diff == bestDiff? i.e. more than one possible correct answer
return sorted.slice(bestSlice, bestSlice + n)
// I cheated a bit here; this won't work if a > b:
const medianOf = function(a, b) {
return (Math.abs(b-a) / 2) + a
console.log(closestN(5, 176789, ["087965", "258369", "885974", "0078965", "457896", "998120", "698745", "399710", "357984", "698745", "789456"]))
// more test cases
console.log(closestN(3, 5, [1,2,5,8,9])) // should be 2,5,8
console.log(closestN(3, 4, [1,2,5,8,9])) // should be 1,2,5
console.log(closestN(1, 4, [1,2,5,8,9])) // should be 5
console.log(closestN(3, 99, [1,2,5,8,9])) // should be 5,8,9
console.log(closestN(3, -99, [1,2,5,8,9])) // should be 1,2,5
console.log(closestN(3, -2, [-10, -5, 0, 4])) // should be -5, 0, 4
console.log(closestN(1, 2, [1,3])) // either 1 or 3 would be correct...

