How to import CSS files to React JS application? - javascript

I am creating an application, created multiple CSS files but those are not able to import.
I tried by installing css-loader and style-loader. But it doesn't help
Please look below picture, I have Burger.css file. but it not visible to import

VS Code by default doesn't autocomplete all file types. If you write import ./Burger/Burger.css or import ./Burger/BurgerIngredient/BurgerIngredient.css in your Layout.js file, your css files will be loaded fine.
If you want to use autocomplete for all files in VS Code, you can use this extension.
Without Extension
With Extension

Ok since you confirmed that your ./Layout.css import does not work, you should not name your import when it's about a css file. Doing :
import './myFile.css';
is enough to apply your css.
Note that css is global in React, so you might want to use styled component or encapsulate your css to prevent side effect on other components).
Now, if you really want to add style the way you tried to, there is the style attribute which accepts an object. So you could do:
<div style={{backgroundColor: 'red'}}>Hello World !</div>
Note that the css properties are written in camelCase.

Your file structure appears to me to be...
Your primary application, from what it appears here, is in /Burger. Considering that, when you type import, you see the dropdown appear, showing helpful suggestions, and it lists...
As a possible, valid location. In that case, why don't we try importing css, by typing out...
import burgercss from '../Burger/BurgerIngredient/Burger.css';
Note, for instance, Burger.css wouldn't show up until you select BurgerIngredient, because that's its conntaining folder.


Bootstrap cdn overrides my custom css styles in react js

I have designed a web page in ReactJS using CSS. For one of the component I have used Bootstrap for styling. I garbed the latest bootstrap cdn link and pasted it in "index.html" file. When I use that bootstrap link, it overrides few of my custom styles. Each component of my project has a separate CSS and JS file. Please suggest any solution, where should I put that bootstrap link in my project so that it doesn't override my custom css styles. Thanks.
It's smell like wrong css include order. You may check it in browser. To resolve this, you can go through few ways:
Try to include bootstrap css as very first link in head section (after meta).
Try to include your css via import in your index.js file.
Second way should be look like this:
import "";
import "./styles.css";
It’s very simple. Link your custom CSS file just below the bootstrap.css and override the class in your custom.css file.
You can rely on descendant selectors, ID and ‘!important’ notation together to override the styles but that is against the CSS best practices. You can use them only when it is absolutely necessary.
You can simply use this method. Follow the following articles. I hope you help this.
Override Bootstrap CSS styles
CSS Overrides

Importing CSS in one component is adding CSS affect to other Components. How and Why?

I am from Angular Background and as far as I know. Each component has its own beauty and till we import a CSS file inside itthose CSS classes should not be applied even if we add to HTML Elements to the component in case we have not added or imported any CSS files for classes used inside this new/2nd component.
What I did in React was made 2 components - Home1.js and Home2.js. When I am importing a css file named Home.css to Home1 Component and NOT to Home2.js component - How in the world is those CSS classes affect being applied even too Home2 Component. This is sheer absurd.
That's why I am importing someFile.css **specifically** to the component where I want its affect to be there. This provided a kind of encapsulation affect, which I am seeing is failing. Now, someone can explain me how in the world, wherever I am not importing someFile.css, there also the classes are having affect?
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import './home.css';
class Home1 extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div className="red">1...</div>
<div className="green">2...</div>
export default Home1;
import React, {useState} from 'react';
const Home2 = () => {
return (
<div className="red">1..</div>
<div className="green">2...</div>
export default Home2;
Angular does it through viewEncapsulation, but this notion does not exists in react. You either need to scope your css manually by adding a main class on the top node of your component, or use a library that can do it for you (haven't tried it, you can refer to #Abdelrhman Arnos comment).
In React, like someone already had commented, you need the CSS modules to handle your problem. Actually, it's already included in the css-loader, which is a very basic module you need for webpack to handle the CSS files in the bundling process. I am not sure if you build your React app from the ground up, but I am quite sure you already had this module in your project.
loader: 'css-loader',
options: {
// Automatically enable css modules for files satisfying `/\.module\.\w+$/i` RegExp.
modules: { auto: true },
I believe you are an experienced web app programmer, and just complaining about the design of the React, but I would like to provide a little basic knowledge of browser rendering mechanism here for whom just start learning web programming and thinking about the same question.
The basic of the rendering engine in the browser is interpreting the HTML, XML documents. After loading assets by such as <script>, <style>. There are a couple of steps to complete the rendering. The step to apply CSS rules on pixels is Style calculations.
What browser does is very simple, it takes the CSS files, applies the rules, something about the scope of the styles really rely on the practice of library/framework, you can imagine that the best they can do is preprocessing the CSS files and add some unique properties to each CSS rules corresponding to the specific class names it can find in your code.
Where to import the CSS file is just for readability and maintainability. In the old times, when people still program web app with jQuery or pure JS, you just include the CSS file in the .html file, maybe it forces you to care about the naming of the classes and styles earlier, but actually we also have the same problems when you try to separate it for bigger projects.

How do I use different CSS reset stylesheets through CRA?

There is a section in create-react-app about adding a css reset.
From what I understand, CRA includes PostCSS Normalize as a dependency, and all you need to do is create a css file and add #import-normalize; to it, and you will have normalize.css. (By the way, my editor gives me "Unknown CSS at-rule" with this #import-normalize).
What I want is a reset that includes having the margin on body be zero. I can't even tell if the reset is being applied just by looking at my app. I just want to make sure: this setting is not actually included in the normalize.css that is included by following the instructions?
Also, where can I find an explanation of what #import-normalize means? I haven't seen this syntax before.
Finally, is there a way through CRA to use a different reset file, or should I just install another one and import it as usually done?
Here is a bit of background on normalize.css
With CRA you can normalize/reset CSS with any method you like. You just need to create a stylesheet with the reset/normalized CSS rules in it and import it into App. i.e import './myCustomReset.css
or you can also add the reset CSS file to the public folder, and add it as a link tag to your index.html. i.e <link rel="stylesheet" href="./customResetStyles.css">
I tend to use whenever I need to reset styles instead of just normalizing.

AngularJS custom bootstrap CSS not working at component level

I decided to convert a landing page to an AngularJS website, because I needed to add an admin section. To separate the website section from the admin section, I created two modules: website and admin.
The original website has been made with Bootstrap 3, and has a style.css that is custom CSS for all the Bootstrap and the website in general.
On the Angular version, I can load the website properly after I installed Bootstrap 3, and in the root-level style.css I do the following :
#import './app/website/assets/css/style.css';
The issue is that I don't want this CSS to be loaded for the full website (website + admin). With this configuration, the admin section is also affected by the CSS.
The import only works if it is in style.css. If I move the import to the website module in the root component.css styles won't load at all.
I know it must have something to do something with style scoping and ng-deep.
EDIT: The only way I can have the website load properly with the CSS imports within its own module is :
encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
As of right now, there is no way to import css at the module level. Global styles are applied globally, and the default ViewEncapsulation makes it so that component specific styles don't bleed out to the rest of the app.
If I move the import to the website module in the root component.css
styles won't load at all.
Importing that css at the modules root component only applies the styles to that one component. I also wouldnt look too hard at ng-deep as it is / will be deprecated
Without knowing how many components are in WebsiteModule or what styles.css looks like, I'll present two options.
1) Rename styles.css (could get confusing since it's not going to be global anymore), import it in each of the components in WebsiteModule.
If that turns out to be too tedious (one bazillion components in WebsiteModule), then
2) I would take a good hard look at the styles.css in question, and see what styles should be applied globally.
Turning off ViewEncapsulation should be a last resort IMO.

How can I style React-Table?

I am using react-table to create a filterable table, however I wanted to style it the way I want. Should I change it directly inside node_modules application or should I create my own CSS file and override inspecting the element on the fly?
For React-Table v6, you can basically do it in 2 ways if you want to use css files.
Start with the css file from the npm package and override pieces you want to change
Start with your own css file and style everything that needs to be styled
Ad 1:
import "react-table/react-table.css"
import "./your_own_styles.(s)css"
Ad 2:
import "./your_own_styles.(s)css"
To get an idea what you can use in your own css file you can have a look at this gist:
Or start by copying the react-table/react-table.css from the react-table npm package (in your node_modules).
Definitely do not change the node_modules. You can either style inline or attach styles.
Definitely override the CSS classes with your own file. That's common practice for styling components from libraries.

