How do I cycle words from an array in sequence JavaScript? - javascript

I created an automatic slideshow in a html webpage, i want to display some text outside the images. This is the script I'm using currently, I had asked on quora they gave me this script
var words = ['beautiful', 'cool', 'amazing'];
var t = setInterval(function() {
var randomNumber = Math.round( Math.random() * (words.length-1) );
$('#changing').html( words[ randomNumber ] );
}, 2000);
But this is randomizing the caption, and I want it in sequence so that it displays it to the approp image. Can someone please help me?

This sounds like you want to keep track of the previous index used in the array, maybe try something like this?
var words = ['beautiful', 'cool', 'amazing'];
var i = 0;
var t = setInterval(function() {
$('#changing').html( words[i] );
if (i >= words.length) i=0;
}, 2000);


How do I delay this code running in JavaScript?

I have written this code to change an image:
change = function(){
for (r=0; r<6; r++){
for (i = 0; i < 6 ; i++) {
setInterval(imgfile(number=i+1), 5000);
imgfile= function(number){
a = 'document.getElementById("imgdiv").src = "images/'+number+'.svg"';
The function change() is called when a button is clicked.
When I press the button the image changes straight to 6.svg, when I want it to go through the images 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and to repeat it 6 times. When I change setInterval to change.setInterval or imgfile.setInterval it doesn't work at all. How do I fix this?
change = function(i=0){
imgfile(i%6+1);//change image
if(i<36) setTimeout(change,5000,i+1);//next image in 5 seconds
imgfile= function(number){
document.getElementById("imgdiv").src = "images/"+number+".svg";//no need to use ev(i||a)l
Instead of loop/interval mess you can simply start a timeout that restarts itself after changing the image... This code will loop over 6 images with a delay of 5 seconds and that 6 times...
Something like this, perhaps?
var index, imgCount, loopCount, imgTag, countdown;
index = 0;
imgCount = 6;
loopCount = 6;
imgTag = document.getElementById('imgdiv');
countdown = function () {
if (index < imgCount * loopCount) {
imgTag.src = 'images/' + index % imgCount + '.svg';
index = index + 1;
setTimeout(countdown, 5000);
Here we're avoiding the double loop and using modular math (index % imgCount) to get the right file number.
For another question I wrote a nice utility function that has quite a number of uses, but can also handle this scenario very easily. The main issue is that there is no time elapsing between the different delays being set. So you are setting 6 different actions to all happen within 5000ms, and all will occur at the same moment.
Here's my original answer
Here's the utility function for that answer, along with its application to your problem.
function doHeavyTask(params) {
var totalMillisAllotted = params.totalMillisAllotted;
var totalTasks = params.totalTasks;
var tasksPerTick = params.tasksPerTick;
var tasksCompleted = 0;
var totalTicks = Math.ceil(totalTasks / tasksPerTick);
var initialDelay = params.initialDelay;
var interval = null;
if (totalTicks === 0) return;
var doTick = function() {
var totalByEndOfTick = Math.min(tasksCompleted + tasksPerTick, totalTasks);
do {
} while(tasksCompleted < totalByEndOfTick);
if (tasksCompleted >= totalTasks) clearInterval(interval);
// Tick once immediately, and then as many times as needed using setInterval
if (!initialDelay) doTick();
if (tasksCompleted < totalTicks) interval = setInterval(doTick, totalMillisAllotted / totalTicks);
// Do 6 actions over the course of 5000 x 6 milliseconds
totalMillisAllotted: 5000 * 6,
totalTasks: 6,
tasksPerTick: 1,
initialDelay: false, // Controls if the 1st tick should occur immediately
task: function(n) { console.log('Set image to "images/' + (n + 1) + '.svg"'); }
You want to do setTimeout().
setTimeout pauses for the millesecond value and then does the code. Where setInterval runs the code every whatever milleseconds.
Yeah, don't do change.setInterval or whatever, it is just setInterval.
An example for you would be this inside the for loop to replace the setInterval function.
setTimeout(imgfile(i+1), 5000);

loop popup confusion

Can someone tell me how to make my URLs properly loop into the I created? I’m wondering if the loop is the right answer to make each URL rotate based on my setInterval? If yes, I was wondering if the loop needs to be under var rotate = []{for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++)};.
var urls = ["","",""];
var rotate = 0;
function goRandom()
var newwin =
urls[ rotate ],
var loop = setInterval(goRandom, 5000);
Just change
urls[ rotate ],
urls[ (rotate++) % urls.length ],
The index is incremented each iteration and % urls.length (% is used for getting the remainder after division, hence it ensures the result never grows beyond the array size). You can try it here (remember to allow popups).
You are not updating the value of rotate..
Try doing this
<script type="text/javascript">
var urls = ["","",""];
var rotate = 0;
function goRandom( )
rotate= (rotate+1) % urls.length;
var newwin =
urls[ rotate ],
"height=400,width=600,scrollbars=yes" );
var loop= setInterval(goRandom, 5000);
While the other answers are technically correct, here's a simplied version if you're just starting out with js, all that % can be confusing.
// setup urls
var urls = ["","",""];
// rotate is a global variable so can be accessed anywhere
var rotate = 0;
function goRandom( )
var newwin =
urls[ rotate ],
"height=400,width=600,scrollbars=yes" );
// move to the next array position
// Check if at the end of the array and move back to the beginning
if (rotate >= urls.length)
rotate = 0;
// Keep going indefinitely
setInterval(goRandom, 5000);
Now, your function is called goRandom() while this will goSequence() (or goNext()), so you can change this without any form of loop to pick a random url (though your loop var is called 'rotate' so maybe not what you wanted).
// setup urls (global so accessed from anywhere)
var urls = ["","",""];
function goRandom( )
// get a random url
var rotate = Math.floor(Math.random() * (urls.length - 1));
var newwin =
urls[ rotate ],
"height=400,width=600,scrollbars=yes" );
// Keep going indefinitely
setInterval(goRandom, 5000);

Random lottery number generator

What I'm trying to do is generate 6 random numbers, five in a range of 1-45 and one in a range of 1-25 for a Greek lottery game (Tzoker). The first 5 numbers should be unique. By pressing a button, I want to add these numbers to a div using jQuery (I have some working code for this part).
I thought it would be pretty easy using a loop, but I've found myself unable to check if the number generated already exists. The loop would only contain the first 5 numbers, because the last number can be equal to one of the other 5.
Let me propose you some simpler solution.
Make a list of all numbers from 1 to 45.
Sort the list using Math.random (plus minus something, read the docs of Array.sort to find out) as the comparison function. You will get the list in random order.
Take 5 first items from the list.
Then, when you already have the numbers, put them all into your div.
This way you don't mix your logic (getting the numbers) with your presentation (putting stuff into the DOM).
I leave the implementation as an exercise for the reader. :)
Like this?
$(function() {
$('button').on('click', function(e) {
var numArray = [];
while( numArray.length < 5 ) {
var number = Math.floor((Math.random() * 45 ) + 1);
if( $.inArray( number, numArray ) == -1 ) {
numArray.push( number );
numArray.push( Math.floor((Math.random() * 25 ) + 1) );
$('div').html( numArray.join("<br />") );
<script src=""></script>
While this might be not exactly what you were asking for, if you would use lodash, this would be as simple as:
_.sample(_.range(1, 46), 5) // the 5 numbers from 1..45
_.random(1, 26) // one more from 1..25
This is why functional programming is so cool. You can read for example Javascript Allonge to find out more.
var tzoker = $("#tzoker");
var results = $("#results"); {
var properResults = [];
var rand = 0;
var contains = false;
for (i = 1; i < 7; i++) {
(rand = Math.floor((Math.random() * (i != 6 ? 45 : 25)) + 1));
contains = properResults.indexOf(rand) > -1;
} while(contains)
results.append("<br />", rand, "<br />");
Here is the main idea of a solution. You can define the max value as a parameter for the random.
Then, check the existence of the item in a simple array with only the data you want.
You may use a general function which generates random numbers from 1 to maxValue, and adds them to an array only if they don't exist. Then, to display, cycle through the array items and append them to #randomNumbers.
<div id="randomNumbers"></div>
JS (with jQuery)
var randomNumbersArray = [];
$(function() {
function generateRandomNumbers() {
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
function generateRandomNumberFrom1To(maxValue) {
var randomNumber;
do {
randomNumber = Math.ceil(Math.random() * maxValue);
} while ($.inArray(randomNumber, randomNumbersArray) > -1);
function displayRandomNumbers() {
for (i in randomNumbersArray) {
$("#randomNumbers").append(randomNumbersArray[i] + "<br>");

Using math.random in button to set a select option?

I'm trying to make a button that randomly sets a select option when clicked. I can't figure out what I am doing wrong though...
function() {
var num = "";
document.getElementById("mySelect").value.innerHTML = favWebComics[num];
var randNum = function() {
num = Math.round(Math.random() * 2) + 1;
return num;
The shown code is only a small part of the larger script housed in the linked jsfiddle.
I plan to add more selections later, but I want to get the code figured out before I spend time on those.
Worth mentioning, my understanding of this is very limited, so keeping the advice simple is GREATLY appreciated.
The relevant part of your code that you will need to change will look like this when complete (see the updated jsfiddle):
$('#rand').click(function() {
var $select = document.getElementById('mySelect'),
max = $select.getElementsByTagName('option').length - 1;
$select.selectedIndex = randNum(1, max);
var randNum = function(min, max) {
num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
return num;
var myFunction = function() {
var x = document.getElementById("mySelect").value;
document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "You selected: " + x;
document.getElementById("image").innerHTML = favWebComics[x][1];
document.getElementById("web").innerHTML = favWebComics[x][0];
document.getElementById("tags").innerHTML = "Tags: " + favWebComics[x][2];
I haven't changed the style or structure of your code, but just some of the basic properties.
The problem you have is with innerHTML. You cannot set innerHTML on an element's value.
Instead, what you can do is generate a random number and set the selectedIndex property of the select element to that random number.
Then, you'll call the function that displays the images and whatnot that you need.
You cannot change the select with innerHTML like this:
document.getElementById("mySelect").value.innerHTML = favWebComics[num];
You have to instead change the value, and apply the change like so
$("#mySelect").val("New text").change();
$("#mySelect").prop('selectedIndex', index).change();

Code review --- Random link with memory -- Javascript

var links = ["", "", "", ""];
var random = Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
var previous = [];
return previous
for (var i = 0; i < previous.length; i++) {
while (previous[i] == random) {
random = Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
window.location = links[random];
I'm trying to make a code that will be used to lead users to a random site from a set of sites. This will be activated by a button in google sites, I just haven't gotten to the html part. Anyways, when I try to run this code in jsfiddle, the output is just a blank screen. Whats wrong? here's my logic
An array of the set sites.
'random' picks a number between 0 and 4, which corresponds to the sites in the array
an empty array
This pushes 'random's output to the empty array
This for loop checks to see if there is any data in the empty array
While loop says "ok, if random chooses a number already in the array 'previous', I will run random again.
Once an unchosen number is outputted, a new window opens to the chosen site.
Sadly, it's not performing this way. Any tips?
Edit: Jsfiddle
I think a slight reworking of the code might do the trick with particular emphasis on removing the loop:
var links = ["", "", "", ""];
var previous = [];
function showLink() {
if (previous.length !== links.length) {
var random = Math.round(Math.random() * ((links.length - 1) - 0) + 0 );
if (previous.indexOf(links[random]) > -1) {
} else {
console.log(links[random], previous)
} else {
console.log('No more links');
And at this point just keep calling showLink until you run out of links.
var links = ["", "", "", ""];
var random = Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
var previous = [];
for (var i = 0; i < previous.length; i++) {
while (previous[i] == random) {
random = Math.round(Math.random() * 4);
window.location = links[random];
You were missing a bracket, and you had a return statement before your for loop. So of course it wasn't working since the code under the return statement was unreachable the way you had it written.

