Disable movement of columns in agGrid - javascript

I'm using AgGrid table in my application. Here is the demo. According to the documentation i want to stop movement of the columns. For this i used:
suppressMovable: true
The above code I used here:
columnDefs: [
headerName: 'Athlete', //the generic name of header
children: [
field: 'athlete', //children header from generic header
width: 150,
field: 'age',
lockVisible: true,
cellClass: 'locked-visible',
field: 'country',
width: 150,
{ field: 'year' },
{ field: 'date' },
{ field: 'sport' },
suppressMovable:true, it works, and the athlete and age columns aren't possible to be moved like others, but this code also disable the movement of the main column: Athlete. So when i try to switch the place of Athlete and Medals columns, i can't, but i don't want this, i want to set this 2 main columns as movable.Question: How to disable movement of columns inside the Athlete and Column, but to keep the movement functionality of these 2 main columns?

Out of the box answer is you can't.
If any child is fixed, then AG Grid doesn't allow moving the group.
you can write custom event listener(if possible) to change the suppressMovable property of child columns while the parent column is being dragged and then again set them to not movable/suppressMovable to true. else you can programatically move all columns in a group using moveColumnByIndex(from,to)


UI-Grid auto resize columns width after column hiding

In the AngularJS UI-grid I would like to auto resize columns after I click to one column hiding, because now if I click to hide clumn there will be a empty place at the place where the column was.
This will most probably because you are setting the column width in you columnDef. The reason the demos work are because they dont specify the column width and they just resize after the columns are hidden. Check you column def and make sure you are not setting the column width.
columnDefs: [
{ name: 'name',width:150 },
{ name: 'gender', enableHiding: false,width:150 },
{ name: 'company',width:150 }
columnDefs: [
{ name: 'name' },
{ name: 'gender', enableHiding: false },
{ name: 'company' }
There will be differences in the behavior with the above configs.

Adjusting Shield UI Grid columns sequence

After doing some research I seem to be unable to solve a problem with a Shield UI Grid control. I want to be able to allow users to place columns in a order of their choice. I have similar orders like the code below:
$(function () {
dataSource: {
data: products
columns: [
{ field: "['Category']['CategoryName']", title: "CategoryName", format: "{0:c}", width: "330px" },
{ field: "UnitPrice", title: "Unit Price", format: "{0:c}", width: "130px" },
{ field: "UnitsInStock", title: "Units In Stock", width: "130px" },
{ field: "Discontinued", width: "130px" }
And after I didn’t find the solution I placed some additional controls on the page to display the columns sequence, but this doesn’t liik quite the way I want.
Is there a way to dynamically change places of the grid columns?
As a matter of fact the solution is quite simple. The Shield UI Grid control supports dynamical column reordering.
All you need is to include the columnReorder property set to true in your code:
columnReorder: true,
In addition to that there is no need to use additional controls. Using drag and drop users can just drag the column and place it in the desired position.

Create another toolbar in kendo grid

I am using Kendo library for grid. I want to have a toolbar in that grid.
I have followed this link -
and created a toolbar at the top
I also want to add another toolbar at the bottom of grid. Below or above pagination bar. I could not find any way to create this extra toolbar. Please help.
There are two ways of getting it:
You let Kendo UI generate in the top and then you move it to the bottom
You generate it to the bottom.
The first approach is fast and if you don't need header toolbar is the best. Just add the following code:
See it here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/WsRqP/1/
The second approach -using as base the example that you mention in your original question- would be something like this:
Step 1: Define a template, you might use the same than in the example:
<script type="text/x-kendo-template" id="template">
<div class="toolbar">
<label class="category-label" for="category">Show products by category:</label>
<input type="search" id="category" style="width: 150px"/>
Step 2: Initialize the grid, as you are doing now (in my case I will not include the toolbar as header but only as footer):
var grid = $("#grid").kendoGrid({
dataSource: {
type : "odata",
transport : {
read: "http://demos.kendoui.com/service/Northwind.svc/Products"
pageSize : 20,
serverPaging : true,
serverSorting : true,
serverFiltering: true
height : 430,
sortable : true,
pageable : true,
columns : [
{ field: "ProductID", title: "Product ID", width: 100 },
{ field: "ProductName", title: "Product Name" },
{ field: "UnitPrice", title: "Unit Price", width: 100 },
{ field: "QuantityPerUnit", title: "Quantity Per Unit" }
Step 3: Add a dataBound handler for creating the footer after the grid has been initialized. We have to do it on dataBound otherwise the Grid is still not correctly formatted and the footer will look wrong. I've implemented creating the footer toolbar in a separate function to do not mess dataBound in case you do more stuff here.
dataBound : function () {
initFooterToolbar(this, kendo.template($("#template").html()));
Step 4: Implement this initFooterToolbar:
function initFooterToolbar(grid, template) {
if (!this._footer) {
this._footer = $("<div class='k-toolbar k-grid-toolbar k-widget'></div>")
// Other code for initializing your template
What initFooterToolbar does is first check that it has not already been initialized otherwise if you do pagination of refresh the data you might end-up with multiple footer toolbars.
Finally append the toolbar to grid.wrapper.
So the important part for creating a footer toolbar is invoking grid.wrapper.append(...) and doing it when the grid is already created.
The original example modified here : http://jsfiddle.net/OnaBai/WsRqP/
I avoid using kendo toolbars and just make an external 1 which you can then tweak with greater control.
For example,
#Html.DropDownList("Year", (SelectList)ViewBag.YearList, "All years")
transport: {
read: {
url: '#Url.Action("_List", "Applications")',
data: refreshGridParams,
type: 'POST'
function refreshGridParams() {
return {
Year: $('#Year').val()
$('#Year').change(function () {
Year: $('#Year').val()
Then in my controller,
public JsonResult _List(int? Year, int skip, int take)
_db.Blargh.Where(w => w.Year== Year).Skip(skip).Take(take).ToList().ForEach(x => { waList.Add(new WAListDTO(x)); });
This should cover all the core code needed but means you can keep adding as many toolbars/dropdowns/datepickers/text searchs or etc and just alter each stage to include the additional data.
Here is another hack which uses column footertemplate. When databound is triggered, footertemplate table is arranged to have one column with colspan equals to the number of grid columns.
footerTemplate : "Row Count: #= data.name.count #"
dataSource: new kendo.data.DataSource({
aggregate: [{
aggregate: "count"
data: [{
name: "Jane",
age: 31
}, {
name: "John",
age: 33
dataBound: function() {
var footer = this.wrapper.find('.k-footer-template');
footer.children(":first").attr('colspan', this.columns.length);

SlickGrid Column Picker: Setting the default columns to display from a larger list

I am currently working with using SlickGrid and allowing the user to select which columns to display using the ColumnPicker.
Following the example at http://mleibman.github.com/SlickGrid/examples/example4-model.html I have been able to get this to work quite nicely.
The next step that I am unsure about is whether it is possible to choose a default list of columns to show at first time render.
For example, say I have an array of 5 columns declared something like below:
name: "Name"
field: "Name"
id: "Name"
sortable: true
minWidth: 120
editor: Slick.Editors.Text
name: "Address"
field: "Address"
id: "Address"
sortable: true
minWidth: 175
editor: Slick.Editors.Text
name: "Town"
field: "Town"
id: "Town"
sortable: true
minWidth: 80
editor: Slick.Editors.Text
name: "Country"
field: "Country"
id: "Country"
sortable: true
minWidth: 80
editor: Slick.Editors.Text
name: "Network"
field: "Network"
id: "Network"
sortable: true
minWidth: 80
editor: Slick.Editors.Text
At the moment all of these columns will be shown and can be selected to be hidden in the ColumnPicker. The functionality I am looking for is to, for example, say I only want the columns Name, Address and Network to be shown, but still have the others remain as options in the ColumnPicker.
Is this in place or is there an available method of achieving this?
To anyone who might come across this, I found a solution which works but may not be the best.
It is essentially using 2 separate arrays, 1 which holds the default columns to render, and the other holding the names of all the columns you can choose from, including the default column array.
When rendering, I instantiate my grid with the array of default columns:
#Grid = new Slick.Grid(#ElementId, #Data, #DefaultColumns, #GridOptions)
and then when setting the column picker, use the array of all the columns:
columnpicker = new Slick.Controls.ColumnPicker(#Columns, #Grid, #GridOptions)

Ext-JS: How to disable cell editing for individual cells in a grid?

I am now building a web application with Ext-JS 4.0.2, and I am using a editable grid to control the data to be shown for a table on the same page.
To make the grid editable, I followed the API documentation and used the following:
selType: 'cellmodel',
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2
However, for this grid, there are several cells that are not supposed to be changed.
I could simply let the event handler change the data back to the right state once it is changed in the grid, but this seems to be hacky, hard to maintain, and unreadable. Is there any better way to do this? I read the API but cannot find any useful attributes.
As for this particular app, just disable the first row would work. But I am also interested in choose several grid and make them not editable (imagine a Sudoku game with a grid).
As I've understand from comments you want to make first row not editable. There is ugly but quick solution. Assign to your plugin beforeedit handler. And when event is being fired check what row is being edited. If first - return false:
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2,
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(e, editor){
if (e.rowIdx == 0)
return false;
Check out docs for beforeedit.
Docs say that beforeedit has such set of params:
beforeedit( Ext.grid.plugin.Editing editor, Object e, Object options )
But there is mistake. The correct sequance is:
beforeedit( Object e, Ext.grid.plugin.Editing editor, Object options )
I've updated example due to this fact.
You can specify ColumnModel to declare editable and not editable columns:
var cm = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel({
columns: [{
dataIndex: 'id',
header: 'id',
hidden: true
dataIndex: '1',
header: '1',
editor: new Ext.form.TextField({})
dataIndex: '2',
header: '2',
editor: new Ext.form.NumberField({})
dataIndex: '3',
header: '3'
var grid = new Ext.grid.EditorGridPanel({
store: store,
clicksToEdit: 2,
cm: cm
In this example column id is unvisible, columns 1 and 2 editable (with text and number editors) and column 3 is not editable.
Prevent row editing:
grid.on('beforeedit', function(event) {
if (event.row == 0) {
event.cancel = true;
}, grid);
As Ziyao Wei mentioned the documentation for the beforeEdit event is wrong. However you need to reference the 'editor' parameter to get the row index and other values, not the first object parameter 'e'.
Updated example:
plugins: [
Ext.create('Ext.grid.plugin.CellEditing', {
clicksToEdit: 2,
listeners: {
beforeedit: function(e, editor){
if (editor.rowIdx == 0)
return false;

