Why is closure property not working in nodejs? - javascript

I am new to node js and taking a course to learn it. However, I am not able to make a simple closure property of javascript work in it. I have 2 files index.js and rectangle.js where in I am using callback to return the area & perimeter of rectangle.
var rect = require('./rectangle');
function solveRect(l,b) {
console.log("Solving for rectangle with l = " + l + "and b = " + b);
rect(l,b, (err,rectangle) => {
if(err) {
console.log("ERROR: " + err.message);
else {
console.log("The area of rectangle of dimensions l = "
+ l + "and b = " + b + " is " + rectangle.area());
console.log("The perimeter of rectangle of dimensions l = "
+ l + "and b = " + b + " is " + rectangle.perimeter());
console.log("This statement is after the call to rect()");
module.exports = (x,y,callback) => {
if( x <= 0 || y <= 0) {
setTimeout(() =>
callback(new Error("rectangle dimensions should be greater than zero"),
else {
setTimeout(() =>
perimeter: (x,y) => (2*(x+y)),
area: (x,y) => (x*y)
I see that since length and breadth are already available to the callback from the outer scope, there isn't any need to pass them when we call the rectangle.area() function.
Output: I get NaN returned as area and perimeter and not the actual calculated area.

The perimiter and area functions take arguments x and y, so they use those arguments to calculate the results, not the variables inherited from the closure. Since you're not supplying any arguments when you call them in solveRect(), you're performing arithmetic on undefined, which results in NaN.
Get rid of the arguments so they'll use the closure variables.
setTimeout(() =>
perimeter: () => (2*(x+y)),
area: () => (x*y)


Is there a "repeat [function] until [property = true]" type of loop in MakeCode JS?

I'm making a game in Microsoft MakeCode Arcade for a school project, and I wanted to know if there was a "repeat [function] until [property = true]" type of loop like there is in Luau. I wanted to use this so that the game waits until my player sprite is at a certain coordinate to run some code. I figured out a way to do this in a different way, but I wanted to know just for future reference.
If anyone is wondering, this is what the alternative way I am using.
game.onUpdateInterval(100, function () {
if (level == 1) {
if (myPlayer.x == 950 && myPlayer.y == 140) {
myPlayer.y = 100
myPlayer.x = 10
if (game.ask("Does " + level_1 + " + " + level1_2 + " = " + level1CorrectAns + "?")) {
console.log("Level 1 Completed successfully")
level += 1
} else {
You could use either while loop or do...while loop
For while loop, the following code will keep on running as long as the condition is true.
let x = 0
while (x < 3) {
console.log(x) // print 3
For do...while loop, the following code will keep on running as long as the condition is true. And this loop will run at least once.
let result = '';
let x = 0;
do {
x = x + 1;
result = result + x;
} while (x < 5);
console.log(result); // print "12345"
Coming back to your example, I believe you're running the loop every 100ms (based on first argument of your game.onUpdateInterval.
You could easily do this by adding a timer function and wrap this loop in as an async function.
const timer = ms => new Promise(res => setTimeout(res, ms))
async function updateInterval() {
while () {
// Your logic here
await timer(100) // You can change the timeout to your desired ms
While I'm not 100% sure of the functionality of your current workaround, but this is my interpretation (Hope it works)
const timer = (ms) => new Promise((res) => setTimeout(res, ms));
async function updateInterval() {
let state = true; // This is just a condition if the loop should continue
while (state) {
if (level == 1) {
if (myPlayer.x == 950 && myPlayer.y == 140) {
myPlayer.y = 100;
myPlayer.x = 10;
if (
'Does ' +
level_1 +
' + ' +
level1_2 +
' = ' +
level1CorrectAns +
) {
console.log('Level 1 Completed successfully');
level += 1;
state = false; // Update the state to false, so it will exit the while loop
} else {
await timer(100); // You can change the timeout to your desired ms

Create function to iterate through object key

I am playing around with binance API, im very new to javascript, the first section in my code
binance.prices((error, ticker) => {
console.log("prices()", ticker);
console.log("Price of BTC: ", ticker.BTCUSDT);
above code outputs:
ETHBTC: '0.07421500',
LTCBTC: '0.01994000',
BNBBTC: '0.00110540',
NEOBTC: '0.00853400',
QTUMETH: '0.02604400',
the code below runs a check on an selected key (GTOBTC), I cant seem to be able to create a loop which takes the name from the keys above.
binance.depth("GTOBTC", (error, depth, symbol) => {
a = 0;
b = 0;
for (value in depth.bids){
a += Number(value);
for (value in depth.asks){
b += Number(value);
var c = a - b;
var d = (c / a) * 100;
if (d >= 2.0){
console.log(symbol + " Percent ok");
} else {
console.log(symbol + " percentage not sufficient");
output for code above:
GTOBTC percentage not sufficient
Any help would be great thanks.
You can use Object.keys as below:
Object.keys(object).map((key) => {
or when you have jquery in web, u can use this:
$.each(object, function(key, value) {
console.log(key + ' ' + value);

node.js(yargs) numbers are entering as strings?

When I run solve-3 with --l=4 and --w=4, function rectangle.perimeter and rectangle.area output NaN. Why?
To me it seemed like the integers entered are being converted to strings hence why I added Number(), but that did not change anything.
File 1: rect-2.js
module.exports = function(l,w,callback) {
try {
if (l < 0 || w < 0) {
throw new Error("Rectangle dimensions should be greater than zero: l = " + l + ", and w = " + w);
callback(null, {
perimeter: function(l,w) {
return (2*(l+w));
area: function(l,w) {
return (l*w);
catch (error) {
File 2: solve-3.js
var argv = require('yargs')
.usage('Usage: node $0 --l=[number] --w=[number]')
var rect = require('./rect-2');
function solveRect(l,w) {
console.log("Solving for rectangle with length: " + l + " and width: " + w);
rect(l,w, function(err,rectangle) {
if (err) {
else {
console.log("The area of a rectangle with length = "+l+" and width = "+w+" is "+rectangle.area());
console.log("The perimeter of a rectangle with length = "+l+" and width = "+w+" is "+rectangle.perimeter());
Look at the functions you've defined:
perimeter: function(l,w) {
return (2*(l+w));
You expect this function to take two arguments.
Then you call it with no arguments:
The arguments you're defining are shadowing the ones in the upper scope of your rect-2 file. A simple workaround is just to remove the function arguments:
perimeter: function() {
return (2*(l+w));
area: function() {
return (l*w);
Now these two functions are said to "close over" the l and w variables present in the upper scope.
While wrapping a string in Number() will technically work in this case, note that yargs lets you specify the types of user input values on the command line, such as the .number() syntax:
var argv = require('yargs')

Declaring variable within functions

Ok, so I I'm having this strange behaviour that I cannot explain. Look at the following:
$("#completeData").on("click", function() {
var toUpdate = {};
var toUpdateCount = 0;
var ratios = {};
//1) Select all sizes that are equal to NA or are Equal to 0 (means its a new one)
$.each(This.logements, function(key, l) {
if (l.sizeMyId === "NA" || l.sizeMyId === 0) {
toUpdate[l.rueNum] = l;
} else { //else init the ratios because it means they are actually present
//My problem is this variable,
I want it to be equal to an empty object
But for reasons I cannot seem to understand,
it takes in account the latter modification in the code
that happens to this variables
ratios[l.sizeMyId] = {};
//2) Calculate Ratios and build the ratios function of the toUpdate
$.each(This.sizeRatio, function(sizeMyId, count) {
if (sizeMyId !== "NA" && sizeMyId != 0) {
console.log("COUNT SIZE: " + count + " COUNT LOGEMENT: " + This.countLogement + " toUpdateCount: " + toUpdateCount + " SizeMyId: " + sizeMyId);
console.log("Calculation: " + count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount);
ratios[sizeMyId].count = Math.ceil(count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount);
console.log("Calculation WITH CEIL: " + Math.ceil(count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount));
ratios[sizeMyId].grade = This.sizeGrade[sizeMyId];
ratios[sizeMyId].sizeMyId = sizeMyId;
As explained in the multiline comment, my problem is the ratio variable. I tried declaring the variable without var prefix, so that JS doesn't know its existence but still, I want it to be empty object. In fact, the problem has stronger roots than simply that, I cannot update it. Each change I make to the ratios var are not registered, but I wanna start with the beginning how can I make sure that this variable is empty at the beginning of the function.
I don't know if this question is really worth. Thinking about deleting it. My bug was that the count variable in the each function as well as the ratio definition were the same hence not registering.
As for the variable not being an empty one at function start. It simply how the JS engine works. If there is something not working, more likely than not, there is something wrong in your code.
$.each(This.sizeRatio, function (sizeMyId, count) {
if (sizeMyId !== "NA" && sizeMyId != 0) {
console.log("COUNT SIZE: " + count + " COUNT LOGEMENT: " + This.countLogement + " toUpdateCount: " + toUpdateCount + " SizeMyId: " + sizeMyId);
console.log("Calculation: " + count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount);
//HERE ratios[sizeMyId].count IS THE SAME than the anonymous function.
ratios[sizeMyId].count = Math.ceil(count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount);
console.log("Calculation WITH CEIL: " + Math.ceil(count / This.countLogement * toUpdateCount));
ratios[sizeMyId].grade = This.sizeGrade[sizeMyId];
ratios[sizeMyId].sizeMyId = sizeMyId;

Result of a while loop still happens even when the condition isn't met

I'm practising writing Javascript by making a Roguelike dungeon game but there is a problem when I want to create monsters. I have written a while loop such as:
this.getRandomCoordinatesInRoom = function(roomNumber) {
var validLocationFound = false;
while (!validLocationFound){
// Generate co-ords in room first
x = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.roomList[roomNumber].width) + (this.roomList[roomNumber].posX));
y = Math.floor(Math.random() * (this.roomList[roomNumber].height) + (this.roomList[roomNumber].posY));
// Find location of (x,y) in Dungeon Array
var tmpX = ((this.roomList[roomNumber]).posX + x);
var tmpY = ((this.roomList[roomNumber]).posY + y);
var arrayLocation = ((tmpY * 80) + tmpX);
//var arrayLocation = ((this.roomList[roomNumber].posX + x) + (80 * (this.roomList[roomNumber].posY + y)));
if (this.dungeonArray[(tmpY + tmpX)] === "floor") {
validLocationFound = true;
if ((x<this.roomList[roomNumber].posX) || (x>(this.roomList[roomNumber].posX + this.roomList[roomNumber].width))){
alert("x out of bounds");
if ((y<this.roomList[roomNumber].posY) || (y>(this.roomList[roomNumber].posY + this.roomList[roomNumber].height))){
alert("y out of bounds");
writeToScreen("Room upper left corner = " + (this.roomList[roomNumber].posX).toString() + "," + (this.roomList[roomNumber].posY).toString(),10);
return [x,y];
if (!(getTileAt(arrayLocation) === "floor")){
alert("It messed up");
The code randomly generates an x,y coordinate and converts it to a single number (My dungeon array is one dimensional, 0-79 across and then 80 is a new row). however, even when the code generates a coordinate that isn't valid (!= "floor"), it still finishes the function as though it returned true. Why is this?
Your function returns [x,y] from inside the while loop. Declare the variables outside of the loop and then return the value from outside the loop. Or else, return is when validLocationFound is true.
var x, y ;
while(...) {
return [x, y];

