Implementation problems while using React's Promises - javascript

I'm working on an assignment where I need to implement an order management system. The problem is that I need to make a GET call to get all the orders, and for each order I need to make another GET call so I can get the Items of this order.
My question is how can I make those calls and create some data structure of orders and items before rendering everything.
I tried using async/await but I couldn't manage to create this data structure of orders and their related items before everything rendered.
For now I only have the orders GET call handled
async componentDidMount() {
const orders = await api.getOrders()
I also created a function for the GET calls of the items which returns a Promise<Item[]>
createItemsList = (order: Order) => {
let a = => {
return api.getItem(;
return Promise.all(a);
Any suggestion for a way to combine those two? Thanks in advance!
*** Editing ***
This is the part of the code where I render the orders
{ => (
<div className={'orderCard'}>
<div className={'generalData'}>
<h5>Order Placed: {new Date(order.createdDate).toLocaleDateString()},
At: {new Date(order.createdDate).toLocaleTimeString()}</h5>
<Fulfilment order={order}/>
<div className={'paymentData'}>
<img src={App.getAssetByStatus(order.billingInfo.status)}/>
<ItemsList subItemsList={order.items} api={api}/>
The component ItemsList is where I render the Items of a specific order, and order.items is not the items itself but an array of items ID and quantities which I get with each order

I suggest you move the data retrieval into each component.
Check the sandbox here
import React, { PureComponent } from "react";
const fakeOrderItems = {
1: [
id: 1,
name: "Ramen",
qty: 1
id: 1,
name: "Beer",
qty: 1
2: [
id: 1,
name: "Steak",
qty: 1
id: 2,
name: "Iced Tea",
qty: 1
const fakeOrders = [
id: 1,
name: "Table 1",
totalItems: 2
id: 2,
name: "Table 3",
totalItems: 2
const fakeApi = {
getOrders() {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve(fakeOrders), 3000)
getOrderItems(id) {
return new Promise((resolve) =>
setTimeout(() => resolve(fakeOrderItems[id]), 3000)
class OrderItem extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { id, name, qty } = this.props;
return (
<div style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
{id}. {name} qty:{qty}
class OrderItemList extends PureComponent {
state = {
orderItems: []
componentDidMount() {
.then((orderItems) => this.setState({ orderItems }));
render() {
const { orderItems } = this.state;
if (!orderItems.length) {
return <span>Loading orderItems...</span>;
return => (
<OrderItem key={ +} {...item} />
class Order extends PureComponent {
render() {
const { id, name } = this.props;
return (
<div style={{ marginBottom: 10 }}>
<span>Order #{id}</span>
<span>For table {name}</span>
<OrderItemList orderId={id} />
class OrderList extends PureComponent {
state = {
orders: []
componentDidMount() {
fakeApi.getOrders().then((orders) => this.setState({ orders }));
render() {
const { orders } = this.state;
if (!orders.length) {
return <div>Loading orders...</div>;
return => <Order key={} {...order} />);
export default function App() {
return <OrderList />;

Create a separate method outside that gets the data you need.
First get the orders from the API. Then loop through each order and call the api again for each item. Await the Promise.all to wait for each item in the order to finish, then concatenate the result to an array where you store all the fetched items. Then after the loop is finished return the results array.
In your componentDidMount call this method and update the state based on the result that the promised returned.
state = {
orders: []
async getOrderItems() {
let orderItems = [];
const orders = await api.getOrders()
for (const order of orders) {
const items = await Promise.all( => api.getItem(
orderItems = [...orderItems, ...items]
return orderItems
componentDidMount() {
this.getOrderItems().then(orders => {
render() {
if (this.state.orders.length === 0) {
return null
return (
{ => (
// Render content.

You can try this solution.I was stuck in the same issue a few days ago.So what it does is that setState renders after createItemsList function is run
async componentDidMount() {
const orders = await api.getOrders()
() => this.createItemsList()


React.js + updating state changes position of list items

export default class extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
status: [],
services: []
getAppData((err,opt, data) => {
function Exists(list, id) {
return list.some(function(el) {
return == id;
if (opt == "sysinfo"){
var filtered = this.state.status;
if (Exists(filtered,{
filtered = this.state.status.filter(function(el) { return !=; });
filtered.push({ data })
this.setState({status: filtered})
} else if (opt == "init_services"){
this.setState({services: data})
render() {
const timestampforuse = this.state.status
const totalList =
const mainList = =>
<ListGroup.Item key={} keyProp={}>Name: {} Node: {link.node}</ListGroup.Item>
const listItems = =>
<ListGroup.Item ><p key={}>ID: {} Node: {} <br/>Ram usage: {} / 100% Cpu usage: {} / 100%</p></ListGroup.Item>
return (
Data from sysinfo:
cores: 16,
cpu: 0,
id: "00ffab6ca93243f08eb10670d9c491d54cf674173d13c24a0a663ebb3f5e54d042ae",
node: "1",
p_cpu: 0,
p_ram: 0.18230482881430612,
pid: 29216,
ram: 28.78515625,
threads: 5,
time: 1609179904302,
time_from_startup: 1609179876.271594,
time_since_boot: 1608562209.0201786
Data for init:
add_game: true
description: "a test script"
id: "00ffab6ca93243f08eb10670d9c491d54a0a663ebb3f5e54d042ae"
name: "test331112321"
node: "1"
Socket script:
import openSocket from '';
const socket = openSocket('http://localhost:3000');
function getAppData(cb) {
socket.on('update_system', data => cb(null,"sysinfo", data));
socket.on('init_services', data => cb(null,"init_services", data));
socket.emit('updated', 1000);
export { getAppData };
I have tried using a map and using it as a list but when it updates every second it updates too fast to even read. How would I make the name appear, then once data gets sent have that update the list but not update the entire list? At the moment, it allows it to update and change, and no issues if it's 1 item being updated but if there are 2 or more it updates too fast to see. How do I get around this?
I have fixed this by updating an array of objects on the server-side. Updating a service on that list and returning the entire list. This tackled the issue of having it update too fast.
End code front end code:
export default class extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
services: []
getAppData((err,opt, data) => {
if (opt == "sysinfo"){
this.setState({services: data})
componentDidMount() {
fetch("http://localhost:3000/api/v1/bot/me/getservices").then(res => res.json()).then(data =>{
this.setState({services: data})
render() {
const totalList =
const listItems = =>
<ListGroup.Item key={}>Name: {} Node: {link.node} <br/>Ram usage: {link.p_ram.toFixed(2)} / 100% Cpu usage: {link.p_cpu.toFixed(2)} / 100%</ListGroup.Item>
return (

Unable to update state

I am using MERN and Redux.
I have a clickHandler function that calls a findAuthor function which is imported from my actions. This finds a user by their id and returns it. I have added the user to the global state. I want to then retrieve the user and add their name to local state but i can't get this working. I keep getting this error TypeError: this.props.subAuthor is undefined. What am i missing here? When i try just printing to console i get no object showing until the second click. How do i get it t update straight away?
import React, { Component } from "react";
import PropTypes from "prop-types";
import GoogleSearch from "./GoogleSearch";
import { connect } from "react-redux";
import { fetchSubjects } from "../../actions/subject";
import { fetchComments } from "../../actions/comment";
import { updateSubject } from "../../actions/subject";
import { getUser } from "../../actions/authActions";
class Subject extends Component {
// on loading the subjects and comments
// are fetched from the database
componentDidMount() {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
// set inital state for subjects
// description, summary and comments all invisible
viewDesription: -1,
viewSummary: -1,
comments: [],
name: "",
componentWillReceiveProps(nextProps) {
// new subject and comments are added to the top
// of the arrays
if (nextProps.newPost) {
if (nextProps.newPost) {
clickHandler = (id) => {
// when a subject title is clicked pass in its id
// and make the description and comments visible
const { viewDescription } = this.state;
this.setState({ viewDescription: viewDescription === id ? -1 : id });
// add relevant comments to the state
var i;
var temp = [];
for (i = 0; i < this.props.comments.length; i++) {
if (this.props.comments[i].subject === id) {
comments: temp,
// save the subject id to local storage
// this is done incase a new comment is added
// then the subject associated with it can be retrieved
// and added as a property of that comment
localStorage.setItem("passedSubject", id);
//testing getUser
this.findAuthor(id); // this updates the tempUser in state
this.setState({ name: });
// hovering on and off subjects toggles the visibility of the summary
hoverHandler = (id) => {
this.setState({ viewSummary: id });
hoverOffHandler = () => {
this.setState({ viewSummary: -1 });
rateHandler = (id, rate) => {
const subject = this.props.subjects.find((subject) => subject._id === id);
// when no subject was found, the updateSubject won't be called
subject &&
this.props.updateSubject(id, rate, subject.noOfVotes, subject.rating);
alert("Thank you for rating this subject.");
// take in the id of the subject
// find it in the props
// get its author id
// call the getUser passing the author id
findAuthor(id) {
console.log("Hitting findAuthor function");
const subject = this.props.subjects.find((subject) => subject._id === id);
const authorId =;
render() {
const subjectItems = => {
// if the state equals the id set to visible if not set to invisible
var view = this.state.viewDescription === subject._id ? "" : "none";
var hover = this.state.viewSummary === subject._id ? "" : "none";
var comments = this.state.comments;
var subjectAuthor =;
return (
<div key={subject._id}>
<div className="subjectTitle">
onClick={() => this.clickHandler(subject._id)}
onMouseEnter={() => this.hoverHandler(subject._id)}
onMouseLeave={() => this.hoverOffHandler()}
<p className="rate">
Rate this subject:
<button onClick={() => this.rateHandler(subject._id, 1)}>
<button onClick={() => this.rateHandler(subject._id, 2)}>
<button onClick={() => this.rateHandler(subject._id, 3)}>
<button onClick={() => this.rateHandler(subject._id, 4)}>
<button onClick={() => this.rateHandler(subject._id, 5)}>
<p className="rating">
Rating: {(subject.rating / subject.noOfVotes).toFixed(1)}/5
<p className="summary" style={{ display: hover }}>
<div className="subjectBody " style={{ display: view }}>
<div className="subjectAuthor">
<p className="author">
Subject created by: {subjectAuthor}
<br /> {}
<div className="subjectDescription">
<p className="description">{subject.description}</p>
<div className="subjectLinks">Links:</div>
<div className="subjectComments">
<p style={{ fontWeight: "bold" }}>Comments:</p>
{, i) => {
return (
<div key={i} className="singleComment">
<br />
<br />
Comment by : {}
<a href="/addcomment">
<div className="buttonAddComment">ADD COMMENT</div>
return (
<div id="Subject">
<GoogleSearch />
Subject.propTypes = {
fetchSubjects: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
fetchComments: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
updateSubject: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
getUser: PropTypes.func.isRequired,
subjects: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
comments: PropTypes.array.isRequired,
newPost: PropTypes.object,
subAuthor: PropTypes.object,
const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
subjects: state.subjects.items,
newSubject: state.subjects.item,
comments: state.comments.items,
newComment: state.comments.item,
subAuthor: state.auth.tempUser[0],
// export default Subject;
export default connect(mapStateToProps, {
updateSubject, // rate subject
getUser, // used for getting author name
})(Subject, Comment);
I'd like to offer an alternative solution to the current code you have been writing so far. I know this is not codereview (and it wouldn't be on topic there, unless it is actually working code), but still, I would like to show you a different way of dividing up your components.
From what I see, you have many components, currently all jampacked in to one very large component. This can complicate things on the long run, and if you can, you should avoid it.
As I see it from the code you have posted, you really have several components, which I divided in:
By dividing your now large component, you are making it easier to handle the data for one component at a later time and reuse the components you are making. You might want to reuse some of these components.
For the purpose of an alternative solution, I created a very quick and basic demo on how you might refactor your code. This is only a suggestion, in the hope that it will also solve your current problem.
The problem you are having is that you want to load that data, and use it directly. Any fetch operation is however asynchronous, so after you have called this.props.getUser(authorId); your author gets added somewhere in your state, but it will not be available until fetching has been completed and your component gets re-rendered.
I hope the information in the demo can give you some insight, it might not be exactly matching your scenario, but it should give you an indication of what you could do differently.
// imports
const { Component } = React;
const { Provider, connect } = ReactRedux;
const { render } = ReactDOM;
const { createStore, combineReducers } = Redux;
// some fake db data
const db = {
comments: [
{ id: 1, subject: 2, user: 2, comment: 'Interesting book' },
{ id: 2, subject: 2, user: 3, comment: 'Is interesting the only word you know, you twit' }
subjects: [
id: 1,
title: 'Some interesting title',
summary: 'Some interesting summary / plot point',
author: 2,
rate: 0,
noOfVotes: 0
id: 2,
title: 'Some less interesting title',
summary: 'Some more interesting summary / plot point',
author: 1,
rate: 5,
noOfVotes: 2
authors: [
{ id: 1, name: 'John Doe' },
{ id: 2, name: 'Jane Doe' }
users: [
{ id: 1, name: 'user 1' },
{ id: 2, name: 'user 2' },
{ id: 3, name: 'user 3' }
// reducers
const authorReducer = ( state = {}, action ) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'author/add':
return { ...state, []: action.payload };
return state;
const userReducer = ( state = {}, action ) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'user/add':
return { ...state, []: action.payload };
return state;
const subjectReducer = ( state = {}, action ) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'subject/retrieved':
return Object.assign( {}, subject => ({ []: subject }) ) );
case 'subject/add':
return { ...state, []: action.payload };
case 'subject/update':
const { id } = action.payload;
return { ...state, [id]: action.payload };
return state;
const commentReducer = ( state = [], action ) => {
switch (action.type) {
case 'comment/retrieved':
return action.payload.slice();
case 'comments/add':
return [...state, action.payload ];
return state;
// create the store
const store = createStore( combineReducers({
users: userReducer,
authors: authorReducer,
comments: commentReducer,
subjects: subjectReducer
}) );
// some promise aware fetch methods
const fakeFetch = (entity, filter = null) => {
const entities = db[entity];
return Promise.resolve( (filter ? entities.filter( filter ) : entities).map( e => ({...e}) ) );
const fakeUpdate = (entity, id, updatedValue ) => {
const targetEntity = db[entity].find( e => === id );
if (!targetEntity) {
return Promise.reject();
Object.assign( targetEntity, updatedValue );
return Promise.resolve( { ...targetEntity } );
// separate components
class App extends Component {
render() {
return <Subjects />;
// subjects component
// cares about retrieving the subjects and displaying them
class SubjectsComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { subjects } = this.props;
if (!subjects || !subjects.length) {
return <div>Loading</div>;
return (
{ subject => <Subject key={} subject={subject} /> ) }
// subject component
// displays a subject and fetches the comments for "all" subjects
// this should probably only fetch its own comments, but then reducer has to be changed aswell
// to be aware of that
class SubjectComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
const { subject } = this.props;
return (
<div className="subject">
<h1>{ subject.title }<RateView subject={subject} /></h1>
<p>{ subject.summary }</p>
<Rate subject={subject} />
{ this.props.comments && comment => <Comment key={} comment={comment} /> ) }
// Just displays a comment and a User component
const Comment = ({ comment }) => {
return (
<div className="comment">
<p>{ comment.comment }</p>
<User id={comment.user} />
// User component
// fetches the user in case he hasn't been loaded yet
class UserComponent extends Component {
componentDidMount() {
if (!this.props.user) {
this.props.fetchUser( );
render() {
return <span className="user">{ this.props.user && }</span>;
// shows the current rating of a post
const RateView = ({ subject }) => {
if (subject.noOfVotes === 0) {
return <span className="rating">No rating yet</span>;
const { rate, noOfVotes } = subject;
return <span className="rating">Total rating { (rate / noOfVotes).toFixed(1) }</span>;
// enables voting on a subject, can be triggered once per rendering
// this should truly be combined with the user who rated the subject, but it's a demo
class RateComponent extends Component {
constructor() {
this.onRateClicked = this.onRateClicked.bind( this );
this.state = {
hasRated: false,
rateValue: -1
onRateClicked( e ) {
const userRate = parseInt('data-value') );
const { subject } = this.props;
this.setState({ hasRated: true, rateValue: userRate }, () => {
this.props.updateRate( { ...subject, rate: subject.rate + userRate, noOfVotes: subject.noOfVotes + 1 } );
render() {
if (this.state.hasRated) {
return <span className="user-rate">You rated this subject with { this.state.rateValue }</span>;
return (
{ [1, 2, 3, 4, 5].map( value => <button type="button" onClick={ this.onRateClicked } data-value={value} key={value}>{ value }</button> ) }
// connecting all the components to the store, with their states and dispatchers
const Subjects = connect(
state => ({ subjects: Object.values( state.subjects ) }),
dispatch => ({
fetchSubjects() {
return fakeFetch('subjects').then( result => dispatch({ type: 'subject/retrieved', payload: result }) );
}))( SubjectsComponent );
// ownProps will be used to filter only the data required for the component that it is using
const Subject = connect(
(state, ownProps) => ({ comments: state.comments.filter( comment => comment.subject === ) }),
dispatch => ({
fetchComments() {
return fakeFetch('comments' ).then( result => dispatch({ type: 'comment/retrieved', payload: result }) );
}))( SubjectComponent );
const User = connect(
(state, ownProps) => ({ user: state.users[] }),
dispatch => ({
fetchUser( id ) {
return fakeFetch('users', user => === id).then( result => dispatch({ type: 'user/add', payload: result[0] }) );
}))( UserComponent );
const Rate = connect( null, dispatch => ({
updateRate( updatedSubject ) {
return fakeUpdate('subjects',, updatedSubject).then( updated => dispatch({ type: 'subject/update', payload: updated }) );
}))( RateComponent );
// bind it all together and run the app
const targetElement = document.querySelector('#container');
render( <Provider store={store}><App /></Provider>, targetElement );
.user {
font-style: italic;
font-size: .9em;
.comment {
padding-left: 10px;
background-color: #efefef;
border-top: solid #ddd 1px;
h1, h2 {
font-size: .8em;
line-height: .9em;
.rating {
padding: 5px;
display: inline-block;
<script src="" integrity="sha512-SUJujhtUWZUlwsABaZNnTFRlvCu7XGBZBL1VF33qRvvgNk3pBS9E353kcag4JAv05/nsB9sanSXFbdHAUW9+lg==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-SYsXmAblZhruCNUVmTp5/v2a1Fnoia06iJh3+L9B9wUaqpRVjcNBQsqAglQG9b5+IaVCfLDH5+vW923JL5epZA==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-Ae6lzX7eAwqencnyfCtoAf2h3tQhsV5DrHiqExqyjKrxvTgPHwwOlM694naWdO2ChMmBk3by5oM2c3soVPbI5g==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<script src="" integrity="sha512-P36ourTueX/PrXrD4Auc1kVLoTE7bkWrIrkaM0IG2X3Fd90LFgTRogpZzNBssay0XOXhrIgudf4wFeftdsPDiQ==" crossorigin="anonymous"></script>
<div id="container"></div>

React map over the array object

I'm quite new with react stuff, what I am trying is to generate some dynamic stuff using .map()
This is my component:
import React, { Component } from "react";
class DynamicStuff extends Component {
state = {
options: [
{ id: 1, optionOne: "OptionOne" },
{ id: 2, optionTwo: "OptionTwo" },
{ id: 3, optionThree: "OptionThree" }
render() {
const options = [...this.state.options];
return (
{ => {
return {option}
export default DynamicStuff;
What I am doing wrong here and why the map is not generating expected result ?
Is it ok?
import React, { Component } from "react";
class DynamicStuff extends Component {
state = {
options: [
{ id: 1, value: "OptionOne" },
{ id: 2, value: "OptionTwo" },
{ id: 3, value: "OptionThree" }
render() {
const options = [...this.state.options];
return (
{ => {
return <span>{option.value}</span>
export default DynamicStuff;
You have made your options object incorrectly. We need to have a same attribute over all the objects in the array.
class App extends React.Component {
state = {
options: [
{ id: 1, option: "OptionOne" },
{ id: 2, option: "OptionTwo" },
{ id: 3, option: "OptionThree" }
render() {
const options = [...this.state.options];
return (
{, index) => (
<li key={index}>{option.option}</li>
Another thing, If you need to map an array. You don't need to have many spans. Having a one is just enough. The map function will iterate and give you all the things.
The map used here is actually to convert the js object into a react element, but your usage here is still a js object after the map conversion. The react element may be a <p key = {}> {option. optionOne} </p>.
If there is a react element after the return in your map, it is correct.
{ => {
return <p key = {}> {option. optionOne} </p>
{ => <p key = {}> {option. optionOne} </p>)}
YOu need to map and return the HTML element
return ({ => {
return `<span key={}>${option. option}</span>`
You should do something like
render() {
const { options } = this.state;
return (
<div className="option-wrapper">
{options.length > 0 && => {
return <span key={}>{option.option}</span>

How to use filter function in multiple states at one time in react native

I want to filter the data from my multiple states at one time. But I am getting the data of only second state.
I have two states and both states are getting seprate data from seprate apis. Now I want to filter the data from it. thank youI don't know what i m doing wrong so pls help me and look at my code.
searchFeatured = value => {
const filterFeatured = (
this.state.latestuploads || this.state.featuredspeakers
).filter(item => {
let featureLowercase = ( + " " + item.title).toLowerCase();
let searchTermLowercase = value.toLowerCase();
return featureLowercase.indexOf(searchTermLowercase) > -1;
featuredspeakers: filterFeatured,
latestuploads: filterFeatured
class SearchPage extends Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
loading: false,
featuredspeakers: [],
latestuploads: [],
componentDidMount() {
.then(responseArr => {
//this will be executed only when all requests are complete
featuredspeakers: responseArr[0].data,
latestuploads: responseArr[1].data,
loading: !this.state.loading,
Using the || (OR) statement will take the first value if not null/false or the second. What you should do is combine the arrays
You should try something like
[...this.state.latestuploads, ... this.state.featuredspeakers].filter(item=>{});
Ahmed, I couldn't get your code to work at all - searchFeatured is not called anywhere. But I have some thoughts, which I hope will help.
I see that you're setting featuredspeakers and latestuploads in componentDidMount. Those are large arrays with lots of data.
But then, in searchFeatured, you are completely overwriting the data that you downloaded and replacing it with search/filter results. Do you really intend to do that?
Also, as other people mentioned, your use of the || operator is just returning the first array, this.state.latestuploads, so only that array is filtered.
One suggestion that might help is to set up a very simple demo class which only does the filtering that you want. Don't use axios at all. Instead, set up the initial state with some mocked data - an array of just a few elements. Use that to fix the filter and search functionality the way that you want. Here's some demo code:
import React from 'react';
import { Button, View, Text } from 'react-native';
class App extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.searchFeatured = this.searchFeatured.bind(this);
this.customSearch = this.customSearch.bind(this);
this.state = {
loading: false,
featuredspeakers: [],
latestuploads: [],
searchFeatured = value => {
// overwrite featuredspeakers and latestuploads! Downloaded data is lost
featuredspeakers: this.customSearch(this.state.featuredspeakers, value),
latestuploads: this.customSearch(this.state.latestuploads, value),
customSearch = (items, value) => {
let searchTermLowercase = value.toLowerCase();
let result = items.filter(item => {
let featureLowercase = ( + " " + item.title).toLowerCase();
return featureLowercase.indexOf(searchTermLowercase) > -1;
return result;
handlePress(obj) {
let name =;
handleReset() {
featuredspeakers: [{ name: 'Buffy', title: 'Slayer' }, { name: 'Spike', title: 'Vampire' }, { name: 'Angel', title: 'Vampire' }],
latestuploads: [{ name: 'Sarah Michelle Gellar', 'title': 'Actress' }, { name: 'David Boreanaz', title: 'Actor' }],
loading: !this.state.loading,
componentDidMount() {
getList(arr) {
let output = [];
if (arr) {
arr.forEach((el, i) => {
return output;
render() {
let slayerList = this.getList(this.state.featuredspeakers);
let actorList = this.getList(this.state.latestuploads);
return (
<Button title="Search results for Slayer"
onPress={this.handlePress.bind(this, {name: 'Slayer'})}></Button>
<Button title="Search results for Actor"
onPress={this.handlePress.bind(this, {name: 'Actor'})}></Button>
<Button title="Reset"
<Text>Found Slayers?</Text>
<Text>Found Actors?</Text>
export default App;
You should apply your filter on the lists separately then. Sample code below =>
const searchFeatured = value => {
featuredspeakers: customSearch(this.state.featuredspeakers, value),
latestuploads: customSearch(this.state.latestuploads, value)
const customSearch = (items, value) => {
return items.filter(item => {
let featureLowercase = ( + " " + item.title).toLowerCase();
let searchTermLowercase = value.toLowerCase();
return featureLowercase.indexOf(searchTermLowercase) > -1;

Adding clicked items to new array in React

I am making API calls and rendering different components within an object. One of those is illustrated below:
class Bases extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {
'basesObject': {}
componentDidMount() {
getBases() {
.then(results => results.json())
.then(results => this.setState({'basesObject': results}))
render() {
let {basesObject} = this.state;
let {bases} = basesObject;
//FALSY values: undefined, null, NaN, 0, false, ""
return (
{bases && =>
<button key={item.key} className="boxes">
{/* <p>{item.key}</p> */}
{/* <p>{item.ingredients}</p> */}
The above renders a set of buttons. All my components look basically the same.
I render my components here:
class App extends Component {
state = {
ordersArray: []
render() {
return (
<Bases />
<Frostings />
<Toppings />
I need to figure out the simplest way to, when a button is clicked by the user, add the key of each clicked element to a new array and I am not sure where to start. The user must select one of each, but is allowed to select as many toppings as they want.
Try this
We can use the same component for all categories. All the data is handled by the parent (stateless component).
function Buttons({ list, handleClick }) {
return (
{{ key, name, price, isSelected }) => (
className={isSelected ? "active" : ""}
onClick={() => handleClick(key)}
Fetch data in App component, pass the data and handleClick method into Buttons.
class App extends Component {
state = {
basesArray: [],
toppingsArray: []
componentDidMount() {
// Get bases and toppings list, and add isSelected attribute with default value false
basesArray: [
{ key: "bases1", name: "bases1", price: 1, isSelected: false },
{ key: "bases2", name: "bases2", price: 2, isSelected: false },
{ key: "bases3", name: "bases3", price: 3, isSelected: false }
toppingsArray: [
{ key: "topping1", name: "topping1", price: 1, isSelected: false },
{ key: "topping2", name: "topping2", price: 2, isSelected: false },
{ key: "topping3", name: "topping3", price: 3, isSelected: false }
// for single selected category
handleSingleSelected = type => key => {
this.setState(state => ({
[type]: state[type].map(item => ({
isSelected: item.key === key
// for multiple selected category
handleMultiSelected = type => key => {
this.setState(state => ({
[type]: state[type].map(item => {
if (item.key === key) {
return {
isSelected: !item.isSelected
return item;
// get final selected item
handleSubmit = () => {
const { basesArray, toppingsArray } = this.state;
const selectedBases = basesArray.filter(({ isSelected }) => isSelected);
const selectedToppings = toppingsArray.filter(({ isSelected }) => isSelected);
// submit the result here
render() {
const { basesArray, toppingsArray } = this.state;
return (
export default App;
button {
margin: 5px;
} {
background: lightblue;
I think the following example would be a good start for your case.
Define a handleClick function where you can set state with setState as the following:
handleClick(item) {
this.setState(prevState => {
return {
clickedItems: [...prevState.clickedItems, item.key]
Create an array called clickedItems in constructor for state and bind handleClick:
constructor() {
this.state = {
basesObject: {},
clickedItems: [],
this.handleClick = this.handleClick.bind(this);
You need to add a onClick={() => handleClick(item)} handler for onClick:
<button key={item.key} className="boxes" onClick={() => handleClick(item)}>
{/* <p>{item.key}</p> */}
{/* <p>{item.ingredients}</p> */}
I hope that helps!

