Dynamically check javascript value after database update - javascript

I am developing a dynamically generated and self updating form in ASP.NET MVC using javavascript, Jquery, JSON/Ajax calls.
Here is how I set up my view code from the controller. I loop through all available controls from the controller:
#using (Html.BeginForm("Index", "WebMan", FormMethod.Post)) {
foreach (var row in Model.controls)
#if (row.ControlType == "STRING" || row.ControlType == COMMENT")
<input type="text" name="#row.Name" id="#row.NameID" value="#row.Value" data-original-value="#row.Value" class="form-control data-field" style="width: 300px"/>
else if (row.ControlType == "DDL")
<select name="#row.Name" id="#row.NameID" class="form-control data-field" value="#row.Value" data-original-value="#row.Value" style="width: 300px">
#foreach (var o in row.Options)
<option value="#o.Value">#o.Text</option>
<button type="submit">Update</button>
(notice that I set the value to the value from the database and I also set the “data-original-value” to the value from the database as well)
I am using the “data-original-value” to check to see if the value has changed later.
I also set up a javascript timer that executes every 5 seconds. This timer is meant to “update” the page. (code for timer below)
var interval = setInterval(function () { Update(); }, 10000);
When the timer executes, we loop through each control in the “data-field” class. This allows me to check each dynamically generated control.
Basically, If a user has edited a control, I DO NOT want to update that control, I want to ignore it. I only want to update that specific control if a user has not changed the value. When a user changes the value, the current value != orig value (Data-original-value), so we set the field to yellow and ignore the database update code.
function Update() {
function UpdateControls() {
$(".data-field").each(function () {
var nameAttr = $(this).attr('name');
var id = $(this).attr('id');
var val = document.getElementById(id).value;
var origVal = $(this).data("original-value");
if (origVal == val) {
//user did not change control, update from database
var url = "/WebMan/UpdateControlsFromDB/";
url: url,
data: { name: nameAttr },
cache: false,
type: "POST",
success: function (data) {
if (data != null) {
document.getElementById(id).setAttribute("data-original-value", data);
document.getElementById(id).value = data;
else {
error: function (response) {
alert("Issue updating the page controls from database");
else {
document.getElementById(id).style.backgroundColor = "yellow";
//user changed control, do not update control and change color
If no change, this ajax method in my controller is called:
public ActionResult UpdateControlsFromDB(string name)
var curValue= db.Setup.Where(x => x.Name == name).Select(x =>Value).FirstOrDefault();
return Json(curValue);
The code works correctly if a user modifies the field. It senses that the user modifies the code, and changes the field yellow.
The part that does not work correctly, is if the database updates the field. When the database first updates the field, it looks great. We set the “data-original-field” value to the value as well, to tell our code that is should not turn yellow and the user has not modified it.
But after another update, “value” and “original-value” do not match. The code document.getElementById(id).value somehow gets the OLD version of the control. It does not get the current value. So then on next loop, the values don’t match and we stop updating from DB and the control turns yellow.
My issue is that my code senses that the control value changed (database update) and turns it yellow, when I only want to turn the control yellow when a USER has changed the value in the control.
I only want to change the control and prevent updating from DB when the control has been modified by the user.
Thank you for any help.


Progress bar indicating form completion in jQuery

I'm working on a progress bar using the progress element that increases as the user completes fields in a lengthy form. I found this SO thread which was helpful in getting some baseline functionality using a data-* attribute, but my form has a "Save Progress" feature that will save any entered field information to the browser's local storage to be retrieved later. Thus, in the event that a user returns to the form with saved data, I'd like the bar to reflect that level of progress.
Here's what is working thus far- sample markup using the data-attribute data-prog for a form field:
<div id="form">
<div class="field-group required">
<label for="mgd_org_name">Organization Name:</label>
<input id="mgd_org_name" type="text" name="mgd_org_name" placeholder="Please enter your organization's name" required data-prog="6">
<!-- Progress bar -->
<div id="form-progress">
<p>Form Progress</p>
<progress max="100" value="0" id="progress"></progress>
And the jQuery thus far:
$(function() {
// get all form inputs w/ data-prog values
var inputs = $('#dossier-form').find('input[data-prog], textarea[data-prog]');
var progBar = $('#progress');
var progVal = 0;
$(inputs).change(function() {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
progVal += $(this).data('prog');
progBar.attr('value', progVal);
In this way, each field has a data-prog value that will be added to the progVal and reflected in the progress bar level. What I'm having trouble with is loading an initial value for any form fields that might already be filled on load—thus, I would need to find all fields that have a value entered, add the associated data-prog values, and initially load that value into the progress bar. I would also like to accordingly decrease the progress value in the event that a field is cleared.
For the initial load, I've been trying something like the following (not working):
var inputsSaved = $(inputs).val();
if($(inputsSaved).length > 0) {
progVal = $(inputs).data('prog');
console.log('has existing progress');
} else {
progVal = 0;
console.log('does not have existing progress');
I'm not quite sure how to find the fields with text entered on load and grab the associated prog values nor how to decrease the value accordingly if a field is cleared. Any assistance here is greatly appreciated!
First, your inputs selector can be replaced by:
var inputs = $('#dossier-form [data-prog]');
Then, $(inputs).change(..., inputs already is a jQuery object. No need to wrap it with $().
You had the progress update function correct. I just placed it in a named function to be able to call it from different places in code (and avoid duplicate code).
I added the localStorage save and retreive...
$(function() {
// get all form inputs w/ data-prog values
var inputs = $('#dossier-form [data-prog]');
var progBar = $('#progress');
var progVal = 0;
// Establish the "dificulty unit" base.
var totalDifficulty = 0;
totalDifficulty += $(this).data('prog');
var difficultyUnit = 100/totalDifficulty;
// Update progressbar
function updateProgress(el){
progVal += parseFloat($(el).data('prog')) * difficultyUnit;
// LocalStorage on load
var value = localStorage.getItem(this.id);
if(value !=null && value !=""){
}); // End load from LocalStorage
// Blur handler to save user inputs
// Reset the progress
progVal = 0;
// Loop through all inputs for progress
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
// LocalStorage
}); // End on blur
}); // End ready
localStorage isn't allowed in the SO snippets... So have a look at this CodePen.
So you can now give some "difficulty level" without worring about the total obtained by all the data-prog to be 100. Just give an arbitrary number you feel like. ;)
If you always add up the progress from scratch, you can do the same thing in both cases.
$(function() {
// get all form inputs w/ data-prog values
var inputs = $('#dossier-form').find('input[data-prog], textarea[data-prog]');
var progBar = $('#progress');
function update () {
var progVal = 0;
inputs.each( function () {
if ($(this).val().length > 0) {
progVal += Number( $(this).data('prog') );
progBar.attr('value', progVal);
inputs.change( update );
// Fill in fields from localStorage, then:

Calling an Action Method based on the value of DropDownList and the model

I have a dropdownlist in my View. I need to enable the user to select a value from the dropdownlist and click a button/ActionLink to call another action method in the same controller. The values that needs to be passed to the new ActionMethod are the ID of the selected Value from the dropdownlist and also the ID of the model which is being passed into the View. The model and the Dropdownlist are not linked together by any means.
I have tried onchnage = document.location.href to set the path of the action method and pass a single value to the action method. But the issue with document.location.href is that it appends the url to the existing url which is not appreciated; i.e, the final url turns out be localhost:port/controller1/action1/controller1/action2 which should have been simply localhost:port/controller1/action2
I am looking for a way where it could be done without using javascript as I have already tried it.
Code in the View
#using (Html.BeginForm("Copy","SetValues",FormMethod.Post))
#Html.DropDownList("OptionValueID", null, "Select")
<input type="submit" value="Copy" />
//This is the preferable method though
#*#Html.ActionLink("Copy", "Copy", "SetValues", new { #OptionValueID = #ViewBag.id,#CopyID = CopyDDL.SelectedValue},null)*#
The copy function is going to take two arguments: Id of the selected item and ID that is being passed through ViewBag.id
The View that is being returned by View would a different View
JavaScript that I have tried
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
function copy(_OptionValueID)
var url = "/SetValues/Copy";
url: url,
data: { copyid: _OptionValueID},
type: "POST",
success: function (data) { }
It doesn't evaluate at all.
Action Method that calls this View
public ActionResult Index(int id)
var ov = db.OptionValue.Include(x => x.Option).FirstOrDefault(x => x.OptionValueID == id);
var opid = ov.OptionID;
var op = db.Option.Include(x => x.TechnicalCharacteristic).FirstOrDefault(x => x.OptionID == opid);
var tcid = op.TechnicalCharacteristicID;
var tc = db.TechnicalCharacteristic.Include(x => x.TcSets).FirstOrDefault(x => x.TechnicalCharacteristicID == tcid);
var tcset = tc.TcSets;
var opv = db.OptionValue.FirstOrDefault(x => x.OptionValueID == id);
ViewBag.OptionValue = opv.OptionVal;
ViewBag.Option = opv.Option.OptionName;
ViewBag.Lsystem = opv.Option.Lsystem.LsystemName;
ViewBag.FamilyName = opv.Option.Lsystem.LsystemFamily.FamilyName;
ViewBag.OptionValID = id;
ViewBag.OptionID = opv.OptionID;
var setValue = db.SetValue.Where(x=>x.OptionValueID==id).OrderBy(x=>x.TcSet.SetName);
ViewBag.OptionValueID = new SelectList(db.OptionValue.Where(x=>x.OptionID==opid), "OptionValueID", "OptionVal");
return View(setValue.ToList());
I ahve checked most question relating to this, but none had the overhead of passing two parameters without using a model.
UPDATE: making it more clear
public ActionResult copy(int OptionValueID,int CopyID)
//do Something
return View("Error");
Above is the Copy Method
OptionValueID = ViewBag.OptionValID //Got from the Action Method Index of SetValues
CopyID = Value from the DropDownlist
Edit Based on Answer
#using (Html.BeginForm("Copy","SetValues",FormMethod.Post))
#Html.DropDownList("CopyID", null, "Select")
<button type="submit" id="Copy" data-id="#ViewBag.OptionValID"> Copy </button>
now the page is being redirected but the no parameters are being passed. Should I be adding routevalues?
You cannot do it without javascript. Your ActionLink() method is parsed on the server before its sent to the client, so any route values are the initial values in the controller, not any edited values the user makes in the view. In order to respond to client side events you need javascript.
You can use ajax to post the values to the server method.
Include a button and handle its click event
<button type="button" id="Copy" data-id="#ViewBag.id">Copy</button>
var url = '#Url.Action("Copy", "SetValues")';
$('#Copy").click(function() {
var optionID = $(this).data('id');
var copyID = $('#OptionValueID').val();
$.get(url, { OptionValueID: optionID, copyID : CopyID }, function(response) {
// do something with the response
or alternatively if you wanting to redirect, then replace the $.get() with
location.href = url + '?OptionValueID=' + optionID + '&CopyID=' + copyID;
Based on revised question and comments, if you wanting to post and redirect, there is no need for any javascript or the link. The dropdownlist needs to be #Html.DropDownList("CopyID", null, "Select") so that its selected value is bound to method parameter int CopyID and since the OptionValueID is not edited, then either add its value as a route parameter in the form
#using (Html.BeginForm("Copy", "SetValues", new { OptionValueID = ViewBag.OptionID }, FormMethod.Post))
or add a hidden input for the value
<input type="hidden" name="OptionValueID" value="#ViewBag.OptionID" />

How can I refresh a page with the same selection selected? (Jade/HTML)

I am using Jade to create a drop down list on a webpage. I want to have this webpage constantly reload(perhaps by a certain time interval) when an item is selected, but I want it to reload with the same selection still selected.
Using something like meta(http-equiv='refresh', content='30') could work for me, but it only reloads the original page every 30 seconds, but not the page with the selected item in the list already selected.
Here is my code:
select(id="foo", multiple="2", size=listStuff.length)
each val in listStuff
$('#foo').on('change', function(context) {
//insert what the selection displays when changed
I know I am using jade, but any html experience is welcome, as I can convert between the two languages.
So you need to persist the option in select after refresh. You have couple of options, use session/local storage api or set it in a cookie.
using session storage:
$('#foo').on('change', function(context) {
sessionStorage.setItem("foo", $("#foo").val());
and then on page load
If on cookie, you would use something like (jQuery cookie)
$.cookie("foo", $("#foo").val());
Following is an example using the Query string from the URL.
I use the id of the select element as the query string name.
window.addEventListener('load', initPage, false);
var elSelect; // select element
function initPage(sender) {
var selectionValue; // selection from url
// get select, set value, refresh page in 30 seconds
elSelect = document.getElementById('foo');
selectionValue = getQueryString(elSelect.id);
if (selectionValue) {
elSelect.value = selectionValue;
setTimeout(refreshPage, 30000);
function refreshPage(sender) {
var newUrl; // url to load
// set new query portion, reload
newUrl = "?" + elSelect.id + "=" + elSelect.value;
window.location.href = window.location.href.split('?')[0] + newUrl;
// get query string value by name
function getQueryString(sParm) {
var asParms; // query String parameters array
var sLocation; // location URL
var sParmName; // parameter name
var sParmVal; // parameter value
// return false if not found
sParmVal = false;
// split query portion of url, look for sParm name
sLocation = location.search.substring(1, location.search.length);
asParms = sLocation.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i < asParms.length; i++) {
sParmName = asParms[i].substring(0,asParms[i].indexOf("="));
if (sParmName === sParm) {
sParmVal = asParms[i].substring(asParms[i].indexOf("=") + 1)
return sParmVal;
<select id="foo">
<option value="1" selected>fe</option>
<option value="2">fi</option>
<option value="3">fo</option>

Angular js, on select element i want to POST data to save it in the database then i want to update it with PUT without page reload

I have a table which had a select field in it which I'd like to save into database if it dosnt exist yet through POST data. If it does exist then I'd like to update the already existing row in the database.
This can be found in the tbody in which i have my tablerow with an ng-repeat to display all data from a json.
<select id="statusSelect{{anime.id}}" ng-model="statusId" ng-options="animeStatus.id as animeStatus.status for animeStatus in animeStatuses"
ng-change='addUserAnime( "<?php echo Yii::app()->user->id; ?>", anime.id, statusId )'>
Next this is my code for what im trying to do in the angular controller:
$scope.addUserAnime = function( userId, animeId, statusId, userAnime )
if ( userId == '' ) {
//alert user that he/she needs to log in first
} else {
//loop through my json where i saved from which user which anime is saved with which status
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.usersAnime.length; i++) {
//if there is an already existing entry then i want to update it if not then i want to introduce it into DB with POST
if ($scope.usersAnime[i].anime_id == animeId && $scope.usersAnime[i].user_id == userId) {
$scope.userAnime = $.extend({}, $scope.usersAnime[i]);
$scope.userAnime.status_id = statusId;
$scope.userAnime.date_modified = today;
$scope.userAnime = {
id: 0,
user_id: userId,
anime_id: animeId,
status_id: statusId,
rating: '',
date_modified: today
Problem is that if i POST a new entry it gets saved in the database, but if i dont reload the page and i change the select again giving it a new option it gets POSTed again instead of using PUT for update.In the end i end up with two entries instead of one. I want to introduce it to database on first select and i want to update it if its changed after. Is that possible. I tryed doing it with $dirty using the table as form but thats a nono.
In the saveUserAnime() function its correctly deffined to use POST if its new entry and use PUT if its an existing one. I have another form for which it works. The problem must be in this current function.
Just put that code where you get the object with the animeStatus and put that in a function and call it directly after that. Now you can call that function when your POST is done, so the new data will be loaded.
Otherwise you could also check through SQL, if that value exists in your table, so you don't need your check in angularjs, that would be easier than this one.

Retrieve the disabled attributes even after page refresh using localStorage

I have an HTML code with a select tag where the options are dynamically populated. Once the onchange event occurs the option selected gets disabled. And also if any page navigation happens the options populated previously are retrieved.
In my case once options are populated and any option is selected gets disabled( intention to not allow the user to select it again). So there might be a case where out of 3 options only two are selected and disabled so once I refresh and the options not selected previously should be enabled. And the options selected previously should be disabled. But my code enables all the options after refresh. How can I fix this?
html code
<select id="convoy_list" id="list" onchange="fnSelected(this)">
js code
//This function says what happnes on option change
function fnSelected(selctdOption){
var vehId=selctdOption.options[selctdOption.selectedIndex].disabled=true;
//some code and further process
//this function says the process on the drop-down list --on how data is populated
function test(){
//some requests and data sent
//get the response back
var unitID=//some value from the ajax response
var select=$(#convoy_list);
var conArr=[];
//In the display function--on refresh how the stored are retrievd.
function display(){
for(var i=0;i<localStorage.length;i++){
var listId=$.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("test"+i)));
var select=$(#list);
In the display function the previously populated values for the drop down are retrieved but the options which were selected are not disabled. Instead all the options are enabled.
I tried the following in display function
var select=$(#list);
But this does not work.
Elements on your page shouldn't have same ids
<select id="convoy_list" onchange="fnSelected(this)">
In your fnSelected() function you always store item {"vehId" : true} no matter what item is selected. Instead, you should for example first assign some Id to each <option\> and then save the state only for them.
For example:
function test(){
//some requests and data sent
//get the response back
var unitID=//some value from the ajax response
var select=$("#convoy_list"); \\don't forget quotes with selectors.
var itemId = "test" + i;
$('<option>').text(unitID).attr("id", itemId) \\we have set id for option
var conArr=[];
Now we can use that id in fnSelected():
function fnSelected(options) {
var selected = $(options).children(":selected");
localStorage.setItem(selected.attr("id") + "disabled", true);
And now in display():
function display(){
for(var i=0;i<localStorage.length;i++){
var listId = $.parseJSON(localStorage.getItem("test"+i)));
var select = $("convoy_list");
var option = $('<option>').text(listId).id(listId);
if(localStorage.getItem(listId + "disabled") == "true"){
Also maybe not intended you used following shortcut in your fnSelected:
var a = b = val;
which is the same as b = val; var a = b;
So your fnSelected() function was equivalent to
function fnSelected(selctdOption){
var vehId = selctdOption.options[selctdOption.selectedIndex].disabled;
localStorage.setItem("vehId",vehId); \\ and "vehId" is just a string, always the same.
Beware of some errors, I didn't test all of this, but hope logic is understood.

