How to use a variable - javascript

I have a question / problem about a variable.
I have two page, in the first one I recover data and in the second one I do some operations.
ActivityPage.js (the first one)
recoverActivity() {
// this function check every second if the size of array > 1000
// this call only a function in the other page (Operations)
arrayTimestamp: this.arrayTimestamp,
// other things
//this function when the user click a stop button.
stopActivity() {
arrayTimestamp: this.arrayTimestamp,
And the I have another page
//this is called from the first page directly
write(objectData) {
//this is call from the ComponentDidMount of the second page.
stopClick() {
Now my problem is in this timestampCheck function:
timestampCheck(timestamp) {
var int_max = 65536;
this.base = 0;
var diff = "";
var start = parseInt(this.contatore);
for (let i = 0; i < timestamp.length; i++) {
let timestamp = parseInt(timestamp[i]);
diff = (this.base + timestamp) - start;
if (diffDestro < 0) {
this.base+= int_max;
diff += this.base;
This function is called from the two function stopClick and write and there I have a variable this.base. Now I don't want that this variable loose his value when it leaves the functions timestampCheck. For example the arrayTimestamp has a size > 1000 an so it call the write() functions. here calculations are made and the value of this.base is set.
At this point, if the user clicks the stop key, the stopClick () function is called which calls the same timestampCheck function and must resume the previous value of this.base and not start from scratch.
How do you think I can do it?
thank you so much.

Just use a variable outside of the function to store the new value.
So outside of the function:
var countingValue = 0;
function timestampCheck(timestamp) {
var int_max = 65536;
this.base = 0;
var valueToUse = countingValue > 0 ? countingValue : this.base;
var diff = 0;
var start = parseInt(this.contatore);
for (let i = 0; i < timestamp.length; i++) {
let timestamp = parseInt(timestamp[i]);
diff = (valueToUse + timestamp) - start;
if (diffDestro < 0) {
valueToUse += int_max;
diff += valueToUse;
countingValue = countingValue + diff;
So what I have done here is create a variable outside of the function named countingValue with an initial value of 0.
Then underneath the initialisation of this.base I have used a type of If statement known as a ternary operator which says if the current countingValue is more than 0 then we will store that value in a variable named valueToUse otherwise we will use the this.base value and store it in the valueToUse variable.
In the rest of the code I have used the valueToUse variable for the computations now instead of this.base.
Note: I changed your variable diff to an integer because it was a string. You may want to review this and swap a couple of variables around if it's not exactly what you want.


How to display text sequentially using P5.js deviceMoved() function?

I am currently trying to make a program where the text changes as the phone moves every couple value(s) using the P5.JS deviceMoved() function.
(the gif below displays how i wanted the text to change eventually as the device moved)
As seen on the code below, I've put all the text in the array and I wanted to change the index to +1 each time say the move value ads 30 and repeat until all the text is gone.
let button;
let permissionGranted = false;
let nonios13device = false;
let cx, cy
let value = 0;
var myMessages = ["The", "Quick", "Brown", "Fox", "Jumped", "Over", "The", "Lazy", "Dog"];
var index = 0;
function setup() {
createCanvas(windowWidth, windowHeight);
function draw() {
text(myMessages[index], width / 2, height / 2);
text(value, width / 3, height / 3);
function deviceMoved() {
value = value + 5;
if (value > 255) {
value = 0;
function onMove() {
var currentValue = value + 30;
if (value = currentValue) {
if (index >= myMessages.length) {
index = 0;
<script src=""></script>
I think my problem is within the onMove function, where I need to define the current value and what values could change the text, I'm fairly new at this so any insight/solution to do this would be highly appreciated :)
Thank you!
There are several issues related to the onMove function. First and foremost it is never called, and unlike deviceMoved it is not a special function that p5.js automatically invokes. Additional issues:
function onMove() {
// You create a currentValue variable that is just value + 30.
// Within the same function, checking if value is >= currentValue,
// assuming that is what you intended, will be fruitless because it
// is never true.
// What you probably want to do is declare "currentValue" as a global
// variable and check the difference between value and currentValue.
var currentValue = value + 30;
// This is the assignment operator (single equal sign), I think you meant
// to check for equality, or more likely greater than or equal to.
if (value = currentValue) {
// You definitely do not want to return immediately here. This is where
// you need to check for the case where index is greater than or equal
// to myMessages.length
if (index >= myMessages.length) {
index = 0;
Here's a fixed version:
function deviceMoved() {
value = value + 5;
if (value > 255) {
// When value wraps around we need to update currentValue as well to
// keep track of the relative change.
currentValue = 255 - value;
value = 0;
let currentValue = 0;
function onMove() {
if (value - currentValue >= 30) {
// Update currentValue so that we will wait until another increment of
// 30 before making the next change.
currentValue = value;
// We only need to make this check after we've incremented index.
if (index >= myMessages.length) {
index = 0;
In order to test this out on my mobile device (iOS 14) I had to add some code to request access to the DeviceMotionEvent, and host it in an environment using HTTPS and not embedding in an iframe. You can see my code on glitch and run it live here.

JavaScript: Assigning a variable if variable changed

If I have a variable which value is constantly changing (100+ times a second). How do I 'record' a specific value at a specific point in time?
Added to this, how do I base this point in time off of another variable of which value has changed?
This needs to be strictly in JavaScript. I've looked at the onChange() method, but I'm unsure if I have to use this in conjunction with HTML for it to work. If not, could someone give me an example where this is not the case?
I'm not 100% clear on what you're trying to do, but as Ranjith says you can use setTimeout to run arbitrary code at some (approximate) future time.
This example could likely be improved if I had a bit more detail about what you're doing.
If you're in a node environment you might consider using an event emitter to broadcast changes instead of having to have the variable in scope. (This isn't particularly hard to do in a browser either if that's where you are.)
The html/css parts of this are just for displaying the values in the example; not necessary otherwise.
const rand = document.getElementById('rand');
const snapshot = document.getElementById('snapshot');
let volatile = 0;
// update the value every ~100ms
setInterval(() => {
// assign a new random value
volatile = Math.random();
// display it so we can see what's going on
rand.innerText = volatile;
}, 100);
// do whatever you want with the snapshotted value here
const snap = () => snapshot.innerText = volatile;
// grab the value every 2 seconds
setInterval(snap, 2000);
div {
margin: 2rem;
<div id="rand"></div>
<div id="snapshot"></div>
Ok - well you can poll variable changes ... even though you can use setters...
Lets compare:
let previous;
let watched = 0;
let changes = 0;
let snap = () => previous = watched !== previous && ++changes && watched || previous;
let polling = setInterval(snap, 100);
let delta = 1000 * 2
let start =;
let last = start;
let now;
let dt = 0
while(start + delta >{
now =;
dt += now - last;
last = now;
if(dt > 100){
dt = 0;
document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = (changes === 0 ? 0 : 100 * watched / changes) + "% hit"
if(watched - changes === watched){
throw Error("polling missed 100%");
const dataChangeEvent = new Event("mutate");
const dataAccessEvent = new Event("access");
// set mock context - as it is needed
let ctx = document.createElement('span');
// add watchable variable
add('watched', 0);
//listen for changes
let changes = 0;
ctx.addEventListener('mutate', () => changes++);
let delta = 1000 * 2
let start =;
let last = start;
let now;
let dt = 0
while(start + delta >{
now =;
dt += now - last;
last = now;
if(dt > 100){
dt = 0;
document.getElementsByTagName('h1')[0].innerText = (changes === 0 ? 0 : 100 * ctx.watched / changes) + "% hit"
if(ctx.watched - changes === ctx.watched){
throw Error("trigger missed 100%");
function add(name, value){
let store = value
Object.defineProperty(ctx, name, {
ctx.dispatchEvent(dataAccessEvent, store)
return store;
ctx.dispatchEvent(dataChangeEvent, {
newVal: value,
oldVal: store,
store = value;
The usage of a while loop is on purpose.

What's a better way to initialize with zero or increment for objects?

I'm writing analytics and I have to initialize counter counts for (keys) hours, days, weeks, years so as to get frequency of user activity. I need to create a hit count for respective time and increment accordingly. Visits are fed via a loop.
I have this working but I'm not sure if the code below is ideal to do so.
if(!analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour]) {
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] = 0;
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] += 1;
if(!analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day]) {
analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day] = 0;
analytics.users[message.user].counts.daily[day] += 1;
I've tried the x = x + 1 || 0 method but that hasn't worked.
Also, is there a way I can set up a function for this?
You could use a function which take the object and the key and perfoms the check and update.
function increment(object, key) {
if (!object[key]) object[key] = 0;
Call with
increment(analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly, hour);
I've tried the x = x + 1 || 0
You almost got it. It should either be:
x = x || 0;
x = x + 1 || 1;
So, change your code to:
analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] =
(analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] + 1) || 1
If analytics.users[message.user].counts.hourly[hour] is undefined, the increment operation returns NaN. This is a falsy value. So, it takes 1
You can create a simple increment function like the one below. It first checks for the key to be initialized and if not, it will initialize it to 0. The next line with the increment is safe to execute since the key was previously created.
let message = {
user: "user"
let analytics = {
users: {
"user": {
counts: {
function incrementAnalytics(analytics, period) {
analytics[period] = analytics[period] || 0;
let test = analytics.users[message.user].counts;
incrementAnalytics(test, "hourly");
incrementAnalytics(test, "hourly");
incrementAnalytics(test, "daily");

Changing a specific thing in a varible

I have a equation like this stored in a varible
(50 * 1.07^1) its very simple. I want to know how I can change the power each time a function runs like so: 50*1.07^2, 50*1.07^3 and so forth. Any help?
Here is my code:
var mathForCost = 50 * 1.07 ^ 1;
function gainCoinsPS() {
if (coins >= costPS) {
coinsPS += 10;
coins -= costPS;
// Here is where I am changing the cost each time the function runs,
// so I need to make the power(^1) add 1 each time
costPS = document.getElementById("changePrice1").innerHTML = "Cost: " + costPS;
} else {;
alert("You dont have enough coins!");
Save the power to a variable, and you can update it when needed. It is preferred that you put the equation into a function and pass power to it, and return the solution.
var power = 1,
eq = function(p){
return 50*1.07^+p; // returns solution
for(var i=0; i<10; i++){
power = i;
console.log( eq(power) ); // solution
You can store your power in a variable and increment it each time your function is called.
var power = 1;
function calculate() {
console.log(50 * Math.pow(1.07, power));
In Javascript you can't really store an equation in a variable, except maybe as a string (but that is fraught with issues of its own). Your function will be evaluated the moment you execute, and the value of the output will instead be stored in the variable.
To do what you want to do, you would be better having a function that runs the equation, and increments the power each time-- this works if the power is in a higher scope (or it can be accomplished with a closure)
var power = 1;
function getCost()
var cost = Math.pow(50*1.07, power);
return cost;
Each time this function runs, it returns the calculated cost and also increments the value of power, so it will be one higher the next time it runs.
Alternately, if you wanted to go the closure route, you could do something like this:
var getCost = (function () {
var power = 1;
return function () {
var cost = Math.pow(50*1.07, power);
return cost;
You can store a state to the function that runs the equation. This helps you avoid adding more state outside of the function. Let the function keep track of how many times it has been called.
function calc() {
if (!this.i) {
this.i = 1;
return (50 * Math.pow(1.07, this.i++));
There is Math.pow function is javascript for this.
You can use something like this
var pow = 1;
for(var power=1; power<limit; power++){ // run the loop upto a limit
console.log(Math.pow(50*1.07, power);
To increment power of 1.07 by 1, just multiply value by 1.07 every time (pow function is not needed at all)
var mathForCost = 50 * 1.07;
mathForCost = mathForCost * 1.07;
You could use a function for it.
getCost = function (n) { return 50 * Math.pow(1.07, n); };
Or with ES6's arrow function
getCost = n => 50 * Math.pow(1.07, n);
Call it with
value = getCost(1);

jQuery - setInterval issue

I am using jQuery to generate and add a random amount of Clouds to the Header of the page and move them left on the specified interval. Everything is working fine, execpt the interval only runs once for each Cloud and not again. Here is my code:
if(enableClouds) {
var cloudCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * 11); // Random Number between 1 & 10
for(cnt = 0; cnt < cloudCount; cnt++) {
var cloudNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 4);
var headerHeight = $('header').height() / 2;
var cloudLeft = Math.floor(Math.random() * docWidth);
var cloudTop = 0;
var thisHeight = 0;
var cloudType = "one";
if(cloudNumber == 2) {
cloudType = "two";
}else if(cloudNumber == 3) {
cloudType = "three";
$('header').append('<div id="cloud' + cnt + '" class="cloud ' + cloudType + '"></div>');
thisHeight = $('#cloud' + cnt).height();
headerHeight -= thisHeight;
cloudTop = Math.floor(Math.random() * headerHeight);
$('#cloud' + cnt).css({
'left' : cloudLeft,
'top' : cloudTop
setInterval(moveCloud(cnt), 100);
function moveCloud(cloud) {
var thisLeft = $('#cloud' + cloud).css('left');
Any help is appreciated!
This is the way to go:
return function(){
})(cnt), 100);
Engineer gave you the code you need. Here's what's happening.
The setInterval function takes a Function object and an interval. A Function object is simply an object that you can call, like so:
/* Create it */
var func = function() { /* ... blah ... */};
/* Call it */
var returnVal = func(parameters)
The object here is func. If you call it, what you get back is the return value.
So, in your code:
setInterval(moveCloud(cnt), 100);
you're feeding setInterval the return value of the call moveCloud(cnt), instead of the the function object moveCloud. So that bit is broken.
An incorrect implementation would be:
for(cnt = 0; cnt < cloudCount; cnt++) {
/* ... other stuff ... */
var interval = setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
Now, you're feeding it a function object, which is correct. When this function object is called, it's going to call moveCloud. The problem here is the cnt.
What you create here is a closure. You capture a reference to the variable cnt. When the function object that you passed to setInterval is called, it sees the reference to cnt and tries to resolve it. When it does this, it gets to the variable that you iterated over, looks at its value and discovers that it is equal to cloudCount. Problem is, does not map on to a Cloud that you created (you have clouds 0 to (cloudCount -1)), so at best, nothing happens, at worst, you get an error.
The right way to go is:
return function(){
})(cnt), 100);
This uses an 'immediate function' that returns a function. You create a function:
return function(){
that returns another function (let's call it outer) which, when called with a value i, calls moveCloud with that value.
Then, we immediately call outer with our value cnt. What this gives us is a function which, when called, calls moveCloud with whatever the value of cnt is at this point in time. This is exactly what we want!
And that's why we do it that way.

