I want to know the meaning of this function(.on()) in detail - javascript

i dont know what is 'data' and req.on() method, please help me
http.createServer( (req, res) => { .....
if( req.method === 'POST') {
if( req.url ==='/user') {
let body ='';
req.on('data', (data) => {
body += data;

Basically a user can send data to an HTTP server by connecting to it, send the date and then disconnect. this works for a small amount of data. by this kind of request when the user sends an HTTP request and when http.createServer( (req, res) => {} gets called, you'll have a complete body and can access it in req.body, in other words, you've got the whole data sent by the user.
But sometimes the user wants to send a huge file(a big image, video, etc), the problem is, that it's problematic to send that huge data with a single request, instead, the user sends the data with a stream of data chunks. the user connects to the server and http.createServer( (req, res) => {} gets called, then the user starts to send the data in chunks, now with every chunk of data that is being sent and is being received by the server, req.on('data', (data) => {}) gets called, and it adds the received data to the body of the request. when the streams are finished, you'll have a complete body that contains that big file or any kind of big data that the user sent, and after finishing streams, the user disconnects from the server.

The req.on method is part of node's Event Emitter model. It provides methods to bind functions to certain events (on in this case) and ways to dispatch events to that functions
The data event is one of those examples. It is dispatched when there's data available in the buffer for the request to read, basically.
You can find more information on Event Emitters here and about the http events, you can find it here.

The req.on method is a function which allows to attach event listener for the event named which is passed as the first argument emitter.on.
the req object is type of http.ClientRequest which extends the EventEmitte which as some function which are related to Publish–subscribe pattern more.
in your case which i repeat bellow
req.on('data', (data) => {
body += data;
You are attaching a listener which will be executed every time the req object dispatch in their internal work flow the data event.


How to use socket after connect event in socket.io?

sorry for my english.
There is a problem. Inside my app.js server, I added sockets, I use the join event, inside 'connection' event is a function that takes a socket as a parameter, however, I want to push the user into a room, but the name of this room is available inside the model of my REST API part of the server (from the session).
Question. How can I take and push a user who has connected to the right room inside my REST API model? (this model and its service are fired whenever a user requests a page, let's say an analogue of an authorization check). In addition to this problem, there is another service and model that are responsible for adding, for example, some kind of task, this is also a REST API, and so inside this model I would like to send messages to all the necessary users in sockets that a task has been added, EXCEPT the sender himself At the moment I can't do anything at all. It is sent to everyone in general, including the sender, the socket from the connection cannot be thrown in the REST API model
io.on('connection', (socket) => {
app.set('socket', socket);
socket.on('disconnect', () => {
Controller that sends data to all services, and those in the model
const controller = (ServiceClass, params) => {
return async (req, res, next) => {
const service = new ServiceClass({
session: req.session,
sessionId: req.sessionID,
cookies: req.cookies,
socketIo: req.app.get('socketio'),
socket: req.app.get('socket'),
const response = await service.run(params(req));
export default controller;
Inside the model that fires on every request to the site from the user, here I'm trying to give the right room
export default class IsLoggedService extends Service {
constructor(context) {
async execute() {
I send information to the client about the created task also from the rest api service + model
.emit('test', 'test');
I have already reviewed the entire socket.io documentation, it says everywhere that in order to send a message to everyone except yourself, you need to use a socket, but this does not work at all, it is sent to everyone, including the sender, I also tried to achieve a socket inside the service and model, all to no avail
The most logical implementation method is that you receive all the user through the json object that you receive when sending a message through the socket and implement the logic of the program according to the data.

How to return multiple updates of a JSON using expressjs and nodejs

I have a server side task that takes some time to compute, and I'd like to periodically send updates to the client. I store and send the information as an object (via JSON), and it isn't an array where I can send data sequentially. Rather, I want to send some new information, and update others as the calculation continues.
From other posts on here I realize that:
response.json(object) is a nice and easy way to send an object json in one go, with headers set and everything. However, this - like response.send() - terminates the connection:
var app = express()
app.get('/', (request, response) => {
response.json( { hello:world } );
Alternatively, one could set the headers manually, and then use response.write with JSON.stringify
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
response.write(JSON.stringify({ hello:world } ));
The above two methods work for sending an object in one go, but ideally what I'd like to do is send incremental updates to my object. E.g.
response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/json');
response.write( JSON.stringify( { hello:[world], foo:bar } ) );
// perform some operations
response.write( JSON.stringify( { hello:[world, anotherWorld], foo:cat } ) );
However, what is happening on the clientside is:
After the first response.write, the client receives { hello:[world], foo:bar } but does not trigger my callback
After the second response.write, I can see the data received is { hello:[world], foo:bar }{ hello:[world, anotherWorld], foo:cat } still does not trigger my callback
My callback is only called after response.end(), and then I get an exception when trying to parse it as JSON, because it isn't a valid JSON anymore, but a bunch of JSONs stuck back to back with no comma or anything: Uncaught (in promise) SyntaxError: JSON.parse: unexpected non-whitespace character after JSON data at line 1 column XXX of the JSON data.
Ideally my client callback would be triggered upon receiving each write, and it would remove that bit of data from the buffer so to speak, so the next incoming json would be standalone.
Is what I want to do possible? If so, how?
My fetch code btw:
.then(response => response.json()) // parse the JSON from the server
.then(returnInfo => {
For your use-case, you can consider using WebSockets to deliver incremental updates to your UI. There are 3 stages of WebSockets connections. Connect, message and disconnect. One page load your front-end maintains persistent connection with backend. You can send first JSON data on connect and then when your backend has updates, send data in your message call back. I have written a blog post that implements WebSockets using Python and Javascript. However, you can implement similar logic using NodeJS

Is there a way to send response from server even if no callback is provided from client side?

Issue clarification
When we use .emit() or .send() and we also want to confirm message reception (so called acknowledgements) we simply write something like this:
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback);
What this question is all about is a callback part. That's the great stuff as it allows to generally send back some data as a response with no extra events emitted. All that server needs to do is to handle the request in a proper way:
socket.on('someEvent', (payload, callback) => {
That works just fine when we deal with a success case. But what shall we do in these cases:
1) Callback was not sent from the client side / callback's not a function and there's a need to respond from the server side with something like 'Error: no callback is provided. Usage: ...'
Client side - socket.emit('someEvent'); or socket.emit('someEvent', 1);
Server side - socket.on('someEvent', callback => callback());
2) While handling the request something went wrong (e.g. an unsuccessful validation result) and we need to report this in a way like: 'No payload is provided or it is invalid'
Server side -
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback => {
Client side - socket.on('someEvent', invalidPayload, callback);
Question: is there a mechanism to create custom callback from responder's side?
My workings and workarounds
1) As for the missing callback or that one which is not a function I've concluded that I can only validate it and then invoke it only in case of its validity. So the server side is undergoing some changes:
socket.emit('someEvent', callback => callback instanceof Function && callback()); //check callback correctness
Pros: there won't be an internal error if a callback is not a function as expected.
Cons: in case of invalid callback a client won't be noticed about it.
2) As for the case when we need to send some error back I've only found a workaround to return a specific, agreed in advance, falsy value like null so that it means that no data can be returned.
socket.emit('someEvent', payload, callback => {
callback(someData || null); //send falsy, error-like value instead
Pros: a client will be noticed about some error by getting null.
Cons: from server side there's no simple middleware function that validates the input data and returns error before the main logic is being executed.
I've thought about middlewares for reaching the needed functionality, but there's no, so to say, 'event level middlewares' yet, only on the whole namespace and socket levels. Shall I try to filter events by their names on the socket level to attach the needed functionality and send error in a way like next(new Error(...));? In this case there can be a work with error event listening, I guess.
socket.io / socket.io-client versions used: 2.3.0
1) Callback was not sent from the client side / callback's not a function and there's a need to respond from the server side with something like 'Error: no callback is provided. Usage: ...'
The client and server have to agree how to do this. If the client doesn't provide a callback, then the server argument will be undefined so you can detect that from the server.
So, the proper way to do it is this:
// client
socket.emit('someMsg', someData, function(response) {
console.log(`Got ${response} from server`);
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
fn("got your data");
So, if the client does not pass the callback, then fn on the server side will be undefined. So, you are correct to test for that before calling it.
2) As for the case when we need to send some error back I've only found a workaround to return a specific, agreed in advance, falsy value like null so that it means that no data can be returned.
Yes, you have to agree in advance how to send an error back. The cleanest way to send an error back would probably be to wrap your response in an object and use a .error property on that object.
// client
socket.emit('someMsg', someData, function(response) {
if (response.error) {
console.log(`Got error ${response.error} from server`);
} else {
console.log(`Got data ${response.data} from server`);
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
// no error here
fn({error: null, data: "Got your message"});
What you're seeing here is that socket.io is not really a request/response type protocol and socket.io has tried to shoehorn in a bit of a response around which you have to build your own structure.
Or, you can send an error object if there's an error:
// server
io.on('connection', socket => {
socket.on('someMsg', (data, fn) => {
console.log(`Got data ${data} from client, sending response`);
// if client wants a response, send the response
if (fn) {
// send an error here
fn({error: new Error("xxx Error")});
From server side there's no simple middleware function that validates the input data and returns error before the main logic is being executed.
I don't really understand what you're trying to use middleware for or to validate? the only place this data is present is on your message handler so any server-side validation you want to do on what the client sent needs to be there. You can certainly do that validation before you've send a response.
Shall I try to filter events by their names on the socket level to attach the needed functionality and send error in a way like next(new Error(...));? In this case there can be a work with error event listening, I guess.
Socket.io doesn't work like Express and I don't really see why you'd try to make it work that way. There is no next() involved in receiving a socket.io message so I'm not sure what you're trying to do there. There is an option for middleware when the socket.io connection is first made, but not for subsequent messages sent over that connection.
Is there a way to send response from server even if no callback is provided from client side?
If the client does not provide a callback, then the only way to send a response back to the client would be to send another message. But, the whole point of sending a response is if you have a cooperating client that is listening and expecting a response so the client may as well use the callback if they want the response. If the client doesn't want the response and won't code anything to receive it, there's nothing you can do about that.

My http.createserver in node.js doesn't work?

Hello guys i just started learning node.js today and search a lot off stuff on the internet , then try to code in node.js i use these two codes to show me the same result but the last one is show the error on my browser something likes "can not find the page".So please explain to me why?
// JScript source code
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, { 'Content-Type': 'text/plain' });
res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(1337, "");
console.log('Server running at');
This is working but
// Include http module.
var http = require("http");
// Create the server. Function passed as parameter is called on every request made.
// request variable holds all request parameters
// response variable allows you to do anything with response sent to the client.
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
// Attach listener on end event.
// This event is called when client sent all data and is waiting for response.
request.on("end", function () {
// Write headers to the response.
// 200 is HTTP status code (this one means success)
// Second parameter holds header fields in object
// We are sending plain text, so Content-Type should be text/plain
response.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
// Send data and end response.
response.end('Hello HTTP!');
}).listen(1337, "");
This one is not working
The link of the last one that's not working
Thank you for all the answers, but i still don't understand about the problems.
the last one that is not working just has request.on?
request is an instance of http.IncomingMessage, which implements the stream.Readable interface.
Documentation at http://nodejs.org/api/stream.html#stream_event_end says:
Event: 'end'
This event fires when no more data will be provided.
Note that the end event will not fire unless the data is completely consumed. This can be done by switching into flowing mode, or by calling read() repeatedly until you get to the end.
var readable = getReadableStreamSomehow();
readable.on('data', function(chunk) {
console.log('got %d bytes of data', chunk.length);
readable.on('end', function() {
console.log('there will be no more data.');
So in your case, because you don't use either read() or subscribe to the data event, the end event will never fire.
request.on("data",function() {}) // a noop
within the event listener would probably make the code work.
Note that using the request object as a stream is only necessary for when the HTTP request has a body. E.g. for PUT and POST requests. Otherwise you can consider the request to have finished already, and just send out the data.
If the code your posting is taken literally from some other site, it may be that this code example was based on Node 0.8. In Node 0.10, there have been changes in how streams work.
From http://blog.nodejs.org/2012/12/20/streams2/
WARNING: If you never add a 'data' event handler, or call resume(), then it'll sit in a paused state forever and never emit 'end'.
So the code you posted would have worked on Node 0.8.x, but does not in Node 0.10.x.
The function you are applying to the HTTP server is the requestListener which supplies two arguments, request, and response, which are respectively instances of http.IncomingMessage and http.ServerResponse.
The class http.IncomingMessage inherits the end event from the underlying readable stream. The readable stream is not in flowing mode, so the end event never fires, therefore causing the response to never be written. Since the response is already writable when the request handler is run, you can just directly write the response.
var http = require('http');
http.createServer(function(req, res) {
res.writeHead(200, {
'Content-Type': 'text/plain'
res.end('Hello HTTP!');

node.js http.request event flow - where did my END event go?

I am working on a cunning plan that involves using node.js as a proxy server in front of another service.
In short:
Dispatch incoming request to a static file (if it exists)
Otherwise, dispatch the request to another service
I have the basics working, but now attempting to get the whole thing working with Sencha Connect so I can access all the kick-ass middleware provided.
All of the action happens in dispatchProxy below
connect.static(__dirname + '/public'),
(request, response) ->
dispatchProxy(request, response)
dispatchProxy = (request, response) ->
options = {host: host, port: port, method: request.method, headers: request.headers, path: request.url}
proxyRequest = http.request(options, (proxyResponse) ->
proxyResponse.on('data', (chunk) ->
response.write(chunk, 'binary')
proxyResponse.on('end', (chunk) ->
response.writeHead proxyResponse.statusCode, proxyResponse.headers
request.on('data', (chunk) ->
proxyRequest.write(chunk, 'binary')
# this is never triggered for GETs
request.on('end', ->
# so I have to have this here
You will notice proxyRequest.end() on the final line above.
What I have found is that when handling GET requests, the END event of the request is never triggered and therefore a call to proxyRequest.end() is required. POST requests trigger both DATA and END events as expected.
So several questions:
Is this call to proxyRequest.end() safe? That is, will the proxyResponse still be completed even if this is called outside of the event loops?
Is it normal for GET to not trigger END events, or is the END being captured somewhere in the connect stack?
The problem is less the end event and more the data event. If a client makes a GET requests, there's headers and no data. This is different from POST, where the requester is sending data, so the on("data") handler gets hit. So (forgive me for the JS example, I'm not that familiar with coffeescript):
var http = require('http');
// You won't see the output of request.on("data")
http.createServer(function (request, response) {
request.on("end", function(){
request.on("data", function(data) {
console.log("I am here");
response.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
response.end('Hello World\n');
console.log('Server running at');
If I make a curl call to this server, the data event never gets hit, because the GET request is nothing more than headers. Because of this, your logic becomes:
// okay setup the request...
// However, the callback doesn't get hit until you
// start writing some data or ending the proxyRequest!
proxyRequest = http.request(options, (proxyResponse) ->
// So this doesn't get hit yet...
proxyResponse.on('data', (chunk) ->
response.write(chunk, 'binary')
// and this doesn't get hit yet
proxyResponse.on('end', (chunk) ->
// which is why your response.on("end") event isn't getting hit yet
response.writeHead proxyResponse.statusCode, proxyResponse.headers
// This doesn't get hit!
request.on('data', (chunk) ->
proxyRequest.write(chunk, 'binary')
// So this isn't going to happen until your proxyRequest
// callback handler gets hit, which hasn't happened because
// unlike POST there's no data in your GET request
request.on('end', ->
// now the proxy request call is finally made, which
// triggers the callback function in your http request setup
So yes you're going to have to manually call proxyRequest.end() for GET requests due to the logic branching I just mentioned.
my experience is that request.on('end',) is not consistently called unless it's a POST. I suspect the event (of someone making a http.request) is over before the script gets a chance to detect it.

