Javscaript Make image appear when button is clicked - javascript

I working on displaying information when we press a radio button. I wanted to display an image in addition to this, so I did the following, but the text appears well, but the image is not displayed. What should I do?
The image will look like this:
my project path
<form name="image_type">
<input type="radio" name="check_img" value="눈" onclick="eyesinfo()" /><span>눈</span
<p class="disease-information"></p>
function eyesinfo(){
var info = "sometext<br><img src='images\earsexample.jpg'>";

Please use below code it will work for you.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<form name="image_type">
<input type="radio" name="check_img" value="눈" onclick="eyesinfo()" /><span>눈</span>
<p class="disease-information"></p>
function eyesinfo(){
var info = "sometext<br><img src='https://www.google.com/images/branding/googlelogo/2x/googlelogo_color_92x30dp.png'>";

Make sure to add a real image path for the attribute of img.
var info = "sometext<br><img src='https://freeiconshop.com/wp-content/uploads/edd/eye-outline.png'>";

Please change your script as follows:
function eyesinfo(){
let img = document.createElement("img");


How do I simplify a website redirecting program in javascript

So, my goal was to have it so that when the main button was clicked it would automatically redirect to a certain page in a new tab by doing something along the lines of
document.getElementById('mybutton').onclick = function() {
addselect("List of gems", "gemstones.org")
addselect("Whatever", "A url"
So that it would be very simple to make the tags be created, and then have the program redirect depending on what its InnerHTML was.
But so far I only have:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1 align="center">Misc Info</h1>
<p>Select a website to go to.</p>
<select id="searches">
<button tyoe="button" id="submit">Go to list</button>
function addWebsite(name, url) {
var select = document.getElementById('searches');
var text = document.createTextNode(name);
var option = document.createElement("OPTION")
Now I am stuck and clueless, any suggestions
have you try to combine 2 onclick function () ??
<button onclick="function1(); function2()">

Get Element Breaking Code

I'm trying to improve my Javascript by starting a simple web interface, but every time I try to add an event listener to an input field, it breaks my code.
Here's my HTML:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="colors.css">
<script src="spot.js"></script>
<div id="ask">
Search for an artist to see their top songs:
<input type="text" name="artist" id="artist-search">
<div id="sub">
And here's my Javascript:
window.onload = loaded;
var inField;
function loaded() {
document.getElementById("sub").addEventListener("click", search);
inField = document.getElementById("artist-search");
function search() {
//var query = "//https://api.spotify.com/v1/search?q=";
When I add the getElementById to "artist-search", the alert in the search function stops working. Why is this? And is there a better way to get the text in an input field when someone clicks a submit button using vanilla Javascript?

Showing hidden input field with custom text

I have this text field hidden with HTML hidden code, now when the user enter an invalid input I use javascript to unhide the text field and display an error message, this is what is suppose to happen.
I have seen a lot of css style like
`style.visibility = 'visible';` and `style.display='block';`
But none of them are working for me what happens is that the error text shows for less than a second and then disappears, any one would like to share their thoughts.
This is the complete code for better understanding, it's still not working in firefox and Edge while IE and Chrome wont do anything, in Firefox, it just blinks once on each button press and that about it.
function validate(){
var firstname = document.getElementById("fn").value;
if (firstname == "") {
document.getElementById("fn").style.visibility = "visible";
document.getElementById("fn").text = "ERROR";
function init()
var formData = document.getElementById("enqForm");
formData.onsubmit = validate;
window.onload = init;
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script src="scripts.js"></script>
<form id="enqForm">
<input id="fn" type="text" placeholder="First Name *" />
<input id="sendbutton" type="submit" value="Enquire" />
Instead of changing the style, you can change the form's type attribute.
Using JavaScript - assuming you want to change lnspan to text:
document.getElementById('lnspan').type = 'text';
Style is not the same as the type attribute.
Also there's two id attributes in your <input>, you may want to change that.
function newDoc() {
<input type="button" value="Load new document" onclick="newDoc()">
<input type="hidden" id="hid" value="">
<!--However this makes your error message as text field which is not good.
What you can do is make the Error into embedded into paragraph <p> so the
users cannot change it and it also looks more professional
<!DOCTYPE html>
function newDoc() {
<input type="button" value="Load new document" onclick="newDoc()">
<p id="te">

How do I use Javascript to access the contents of an HTML p tag

I have 2 php pages
I have 1 Javascript page, which I called javascript from home.php.
I want to access the value of the p tag in about.php.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<input type="submit" onclick='myfunction()'>
function myfunction()
<!DOCTYPE html>
<head lang="en">
<p id='demo'>i want to access this value in javascript function</p>.
You probably want something in pure javascript like:
document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML='change the p tag value';
function myfunction(){
var val= document.getElementById('demo').textContent;
var pTag = document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML;
The variable pTag will now hold the value(text) of your "demo" tag,
ready for you to do what you wish with it.
Using Javascript, set the value of a hidden form field when you change the contents of your tag.
Then pass the values using php, like below...
<form action="about.php">
<input type="hidden" name="demo" id="demo" />
<p id="pDemo"> </p>
<button type="submit"></button>
Then in about.php:
<p id='demo'>
$demo= $_GET['demo'];
//use your variable "demo'
This link should help, here.
You can use ajax or you can use load of jquery.
$(document).ready(function() {
$("#bAdd").load("about.php",function(response,status,xhr){// use if less data to load
var pTag = document.getElementById('demo').innerHTML;
<input type="hidden" id="bAdd" value="">

onclick event result disappears

When I use this code the console.log and the value in the field disappear right away.
window.onload = bereken;
function bereken(){
var knop = document.getElementById('berekenKnop').onclick = function (){
var aantalKm = document.getElementById('bereken');
How can I prevent that from happening. Or what am I doing wrong?
The final goal will be to append the result of a calculation by the value of the field into another field.
<script src="bereken.js"></script>
<form id="berekenForm">
Bereken: <input type="text" name="bereken" id="bereken"/><br />
<input type="submit" value="Bereken" id="berekenKnop"/>
The submit button is doing its default task. i.e. submitting the form. Try handling that.
Value in the field 'bereken' not disappearing.See the code below. If this is not the expected answer, please, Update the question with question in details:
<script type="text/javascript">
window.onload = bereken;
function bereken(){
var knop = document.getElementById('berekenKnop').onclick = function (){
var aantalKm = document.getElementById('bereken');
<div id="berekenKnop">
Click Here to console value
<input type="text" value=" bereken value" id="bereken" />

