Unable to use async in forEach loop inside an API call - javascript

I have a get API call which looks like this
router.get('/review', async (req, res) => {
try {
const entity = await Entity.find();
const entityId = [];
Object.keys(entity).forEach((key) => {
const results = [];
Object.keys(entityId).forEach(async (key) => {
const reviews = await Review.find({ entityId: entityId[key] });
} catch (e) {
In entityId array it has a list of all the id i need and till there it works. Now what I want to do is iterate over each id of entityId and find the corresponding review that the entity has, push those review into a results array and return results.
review has an entityId field which is same as id of entity.
I also looked at - Using async/await with a forEach loop
which suggested to use for loop but it gave the following error.
iterators/generators require regenerator-runtime, which is too heavyweight for this guide to allow them. Separately, loops should be avoided in favor of array iterations.eslintno-restricted-syntax
How can I solve this?

forEach does not respect await therefore it may result in unintentional behaviour
you can use map to return array of promises from Review.find() and wrap those in await Promise.all({promises array here}) and use await on Promise.all.
This will result in parallel calls instead of doing them sequentially one after another.
const promisesWoAwait = this.entityIds.map(entityId => Review.find({ entityId }));
const result = await Promise.all(promisesWoAwait);

use promises instead of foreach.
Thy this
const data = async () => {
const entity = {
a: { _id: "1231" },
b: { _id: "1232" },
c: { _id: "1233" }
const entityId = [];
Object.keys(entity).forEach(key => {
const promise = [];
Object.keys(entityId).forEach(async key => {
const reviews = Review({ entityId: entityId[key] });
const results = await Promise.all(promise);
const Review = (option) => {
return true;


FindOne inside map returns no results

I'm trying to do a search using FindOne inside map but it never finds the data by Product Id. I don't understand the reason. Im using express on nodejs.
This is my code:
const calc = (details) => {
let grandSubtotal = 0;
details.map( async detail => {
const {verifyProduct} = await Product.find({ _id: detail._id});
console.log(verifyProduct); // UNDEFINED
Should be:
const result = await Promise.all(details.map( async (detail) => { … } ));
when you do it like you done you will get a pending promise object that never going to be resolved, I don’t know if you want to return some results, if no just do await Promise.all
Also this should be:
const calc = async (details) => { … }
Mongoose find returns a list of results. findOne returns an object.
The code is doing the equivalent of:
const {verifyProduct} = []
Use findOne to get an object to destructure, and test the result before use.
details.map( async (detail) => {
const res = await Product.findOne({ _id: detail._id });
if (!res) {
//throw new Error('No id '.detail._id)
console.log('No id', detail._id)
const { verifyProduct } = res
Also (as #antokhio noted), if you want to use the returned result array of the details.map you will need to await those as well.
You don't need await here
Product.find(({ _id }) => _id === detail._id );

Asynchronous processing of arrays (Promise.all or for..of)

I know there is a lot of information on this and I have read several articles, but I am still wandering.
I have an array of HTTP request urls. The order of each element in the array is very important. I want to get a response by fetching these request urls, and put the responses in the same order as the original array.
Below is the code I wrote. I thought it was right to use promise.all. We found promise.all to process arrays in parallel, but ordering is not guaranteed. (Is this correct?)
const getAllImagePaths = async urls => {
let copyPaths = [];
try {
const data = await Promise.all(urls.map(url => fetch(url)));
for (let item of data) {
const { url } = item;
return copyPaths;
} catch (err) {
const { response } = err;
if (response) alert(MESSAGES.GET_PHOTOS_FAIL);
So I modified the code by using the for..of statement.
const getAllImagePaths = async urls => {
let copyPaths = [];
try {
for(let url of urls) {
const res = await fetch(url);
const json = await res.json();
const data = json.parse();
const { url } = data;
return copyPaths;
} catch (err) {
const { response } = err;
if (response) alert(MESSAGES.GET_PHOTOS_FAIL);
However, when the for of statement is used, the response type of the data is 'cors'.
So to fix this, should I change the data to json and then parse the json again to use the data? I think this is very weird. This is because I only want to contain information called 'url' in the response object in the array.
We found promise.all to process arrays in parallel, but ordering is not guaranteed. (Is this correct?)
No, it isn't correct. The result array you get on fulfillment of the Promise.all promise is in the same order as the input array, regardless of the order in which the input promises settled. Here's an example:
function delayedValue(ms, value) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log(`Resolving with ${value}`);
}, ms);
async function example() {
const results = await Promise.all([
delayedValue(100, 1),
delayedValue(10, 2),
delayedValue(200, 3),
console.log(`results: ${results}`);
So you can just use the result directly:
const getAllImagePaths = async urls => {
try {
const data = await Promise.all(urls.map(url => fetch(url)));
return data;
} catch (err) {
const { response } = err;
if (response) alert(MESSAGES.GET_PHOTOS_FAIL);

Knex promises inside for loop

I'm new to Node/asynchronous coding and I realize this is a basic question that speaks to some fundamentals I'm missing, but for the life of me I just can't understand how this is supposed to work. I'm seeding a database using knex, by reading in data from a CSV and iterating through the rows in a for loop. Within that loop, I need to query another table in the database and return an associated value as part of the new row to be created.
I understand that knex returns a pending Promise, so it doesn't have access to the returned value yet. But I can't seem to get the structure right with async/await or Promise.all; I've tried it a bunch of ways based on other answers I've seen, but none seem to actually explain what's happening well enough that I can apply it successfully to my case. Any help hugely appreciated.
My seed file currently looks like this:
exports.seed = function(knex) {
const fs = require('fs');
function createImage(row, event_id) {
return {
name: row[1],
event_id: event_id
function get_event_id(loc) {
.where({location: loc})
.then(result => {console.log(result)}); // <-- this never executes
let images = [];
const file = fs.readFileSync('./data.csv');
const lines = file.toString().replace(/[\r]/g, '').split('\n');
for (i=1; i<lines.length; i++) {
var row = lines[i].split(',');
var event_id = (async function () { return await get_event_id(row[0]) }) ();
images.push(createImage(row, event_id));
// Inserts seed entries
// return knex('table_name').insert(images);
[ { name: '003.jpg', event_id: undefined } ]
My data.csv is structured like:
You can change your for loop into an Array.map and use Promise.all on returned promises.
Also, seed will return a promise so invoke it properly
exports.seed = async function (knex) {
const fs = require('fs');
function createImage(row, event_id) {
return {
name: row[1],
event_id: event_id
function get_event_id(loc) {
return knex('events')
.where({ location: loc })
.then(result => { console.log(result); return result }); // <-- this never executes
const file = fs.readFileSync('./data.csv');
const lines = file.toString().replace(/[\r]/g, '').split('\n');
let promises = lines.map(async (line) => {
let [row] = line.split(',');
let event_id = await get_event_id(row)
return createImage(row, event_id)
let images = await Promise.all(promises);
// Inserts seed entries
// return knex('table_name').insert(images);

Javascript promise chain hell

I'm having a problem with promise chains that I don't know how to resolve. Summary of my code: I do a mongoose query for a specific user, fetch his CarIds and then query each car for his details and return these details via JSON response.
let carsDetails = [];
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
carIds.forEach((carId) => {
.then(car => {
.catch(err => { throw err; });
return res.status(200).json({ data: carsDetails });
.catch(error => {
throw error;
The problem is that no cars get actually pushed onto carsDetails array on the carsDetails.push(car); line, because it jumps to return statement before it manages to fill up the array. Is there a workaround that could do those queries and return a result in a form of an array, object...? I tried writing everything in async await form too with self-made async forEach statement, but it doesn't help me. Any suggestions? I already tried with Promise.all(), but didn't manage to fix the issue. Thanks!
You'll need to collect the promises of your Car.findById(carId) calls and use Promise.all() to wait for all of them before responding. You can use array.map() to map each ID to a promise from Car.findById().
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
const carPromises = carIds.map(carId => Car.findById(carId))
return Promise.all(carPromises)
.then(cars => {
res.status(200).json({ data: cars })
.catch(error => {
throw error
If you can have a lot of cars to find, you may want to do your query in a single request, no need to stack multiple promises :
.then(user => {
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
// if carsDetails is not an array of objectIds do this instead :
// const carIds = user.carsDetails.map(id => mongoose.Types.ObjectId(id));
return Car.find({ _id: { $in: carIds });
.then(userCars => {
res.status(200).json({ data: userCars })
await/async is the way to go, with await/async you use regular for ... of loops instead of forEach.
async function getCarDetails() {
let carsDetails = [];
let user = await User.findById(userId);
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
for (let carID of carIds) {
let car = await Car.findById(carId)
return res.status(200).json({
data: carsDetails
Or you use Promise.all and map instead of for ... of
async function getCarDetails() {
let user = await User.findById(userId);
const carIds = user.carsDetails;
let carsDetails = await Promise.all(carIds.map(carID => Car.findById(carID)));
return res.status(200).json({
data: carsDetails
Those two solutions are slightly different. The second version with the map will send all requests to the DB at once, and then waits until they are all resolved. The first one will send the request one after another. Which one is better depends on the use-case, the second one could lead to request peeks, and might be easier be abused for DDoS.
Try to use async/await to solve this problem. It will be more readable and clean
async function getCarDetail() {
let carsDetails = []
try {
const user = await User.findById(userId)
const carIds = user.carsDetails
for (let i = 0; i < carIds.length; i++) {
const carId = carIds[i]
const car = await Car.findById(carId)
return res.status(200).json({ data: carsDetails })
} catch(error) {

How to use an async reducer to build an array of promises?

Here is a function to build db queries:
const buildDbQueries = async elements => elements.reduce(
async (acc, element) => {
// wait for the previous reducer iteration
const { firstDbQueries, secondDbQueries } = await acc
const asyncStuff = await someApi(element)
// leave if the API does not return anything
if (!asyncStuff) return { firstDbQueries, secondDbQueries }
// async db query, returns a Promise
const firstDbQuery = insertSomethingToDb({
id: asyncStuff.id,
name: asyncStuff.name
// another async db query, returns a Promise
// have to run after the first one
const secondDbQuery = insertAnotherthingToDb({
id: element.id,
name: element.name,
somethingId: asyncStuff.id
return {
firstDbQueries: [...firstDbQueries, firstDbQuery],
secondDbQueries: [...secondDbQueries, secondDbQuery]
// initial value of the accumulator is a resolved promise
firstDbQueries: [],
secondDbQueries: []
This function returns promises which should not be executed until they are resolved.
Now we use that function
const myFunc = async elements => {
const { firstDbQueries, secondDbQueries } = await buildDbQueries(elements)
// we don't want any query to run before this point
await Promise.all(firstDbQueries)
console.log('Done with the first queries')
await Promise.all(secondDbQueries)
console.log('Done with the second queries')
The problems are:
the queries are executed before we call Promise.all.
the firstDbQueries queries are not executed before the secondDbQueries causing errors.
As suggested in a comment, I tried not to use reduce, but a for … of loop.
const buildDbQueries = async elements => {
const firstDbQueries = []
const secondDbQueries = []
for (const element of elements) {
const asyncStuff = await someApi(element)
// leave if the API does not return anything
if (!asyncStuff) continue
// async db query, returns a Promise
const firstDbQuery = insertSomethingToDb({
id: asyncStuff.id,
name: asyncStuff.name
// another async db query, returns a Promise
// have to run after the first one
const secondDbQuery = insertAnotherthingToDb({
id: element.id,
name: element.name,
somethingId: asyncStuff.id
return { firstDbQueries, secondDbQueries }
This still produces the exact same problems as the previous version with reduce.
Don't use an async reducer. Especially not to build an array of promises. Or an array of things to run later. This is wrong on so many levels.
I guess you are looking for something like
function buildDbQueries(elements) {
return elements.map(element =>
async () => {
const asyncStuff = await someApi(element)
// leave if the api doesn't return anything
if (!asyncStuff) return;
await insertSomethingToDb({
id: asyncStuff.id,
name: asyncStuff.name
return () =>
id: element.id,
name: element.name,
somethingId: asyncStuff.id
async function myFunc(elements) {
const firstQueries = buildDbQueries(elements)
// we don't want any query to run before this point
const secondQueries = await Promise.all(firstQueries.map(query => query()));
// this call actually runs the query ^^^^^^^
console.log('Done with the first queries');
await Promise.all(secondQueries.map(query => query()));
// this call actually runs the query ^^^^^^^
console.log('Done with the second queries')

