React updating UI after a change in Props feeded to useReducer - javascript

I have a React Functional Component that behaves in this way:
const Child = ({objValues, number}) => {
const emptyState = {
a: { b: "", c:""}
d: { e: "", f:""}
const initialState = {...emptyState, ...objValues}
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {...initialState})
return (
// render something based on state's nested objects.
// and the number prop.
const Parent = () => {
[objValues, setObjValues] = useState({});
[number, setNumber] = useState("");
//... some network requests to populate values
// and change number (using setState);
useEffect(() => {
// fetchAPI and then set values using spread operator
// to force creating a new object.
}, [number])
return ( <Child objValues={objValues} number={number}/>
I always get unique items (number, objValues) from the API I am using. Inside the component, I see that whenever I fire a new network request, the value of number gets updated in the UI, but the objValues shows the same values as the previous object. In the Component tabs in the react dev tools, I see that these values do update, nevertheless the UI stays the same.

const Child = ({objValues, number}) => {
const emptyState = {
a: { b: "", c:""}
d: { e: "", f:""}
const initialState = {...emptyState, ...objValues}
const [state, dispatch] = useReducer(reducer, {...initialState})
return (
// render something based on state's nested objects.
// and the number prop.

Couple of things
do not use the spread everywhere, dont see a reason for any of them in your code, if you pass object to setState it will take the current value and put it to state as value not reference so no reason to "force"
try typescript or try to not mix types, in your numer state you have default value a string, either have it empty, null or something that is close to a number
To your problem: since the reducer will resolve data, I dont think it has to update based on change in its initial data, what you should do, is ditch this populating some data and mixing them with redux data, but make the api request and once its done, save the data to redux and your reducer in another component will update itself
EDIT: Iam dumb its not useSelector from redux, regardless initial data got to be used only once, and they dont force the hook to update its value, basicaly any solid library for react or react itself, will look at initial data only when its called the first time, and then it doesnt matter how many times or how hard you change the initial data, it shouldnt affect it (most component or form libraries do follow this rule), basically in this case I would do useeffect and I would update the reducer with the data, or if that is not possible declare new constant, where you spread your default value and then spread your reducer data


Deriving state from a useStates instead of store

Afternoon fine people of the internet.
I'm building a little react component that will be standalone.
ie. not part of a larger app with a redux store.
I'm using a few useStates to hold some states, and I'd like to derive some additional data from those states.
export function useNeatoThing() {
const [datasetA, setDtasetA] = useState();
const [datasetB, setDtasetB] = useState();
fetch("apiA") ~~ pseudocode ~~> setDtasetA(data)
fetch("apiB") ~~ pseudocode ~~> setDtasetB(data)
const [myDerivedThing, setMyDerivedThing] = useState<number | undefined >()
return {myDerivedThing, data: {datasetA, datasetB}}
I'm wondering what the best pattern is.
I would very much like to avoid using a useEffect to do the derivation.
This just feels clunky:
useEffect(() => {
if (datasetA && datasetB) {
setMyDerivedThing(datasetA.alpha * datasetB.gamma)
}, [datasetA, datasetB] )
Am I stressing over nothing or is there a better way to do this?
You should not be using useEffect to set a derived state. You shouldn't be having a state that is derived from state or props in the first place. Just calculate it on render. If it's an expensive calculation, use useMemo to memoize the operation. So your code should be
export function useNeatoThing() {
const [datasetA, setDatasetA] = useState();
const [datasetB, setDatasetB] = useState();
fetch("apiA")~~~~> setDtasetA(data)
fetch("apiB")~~~~> setDtasetB(data)
const derivedThing = useMemo(() => {
if (datasetA && datasetB)
return datasetA.alpha * datasetB.gamma;
[datasetA, datasetB])
return {state, available, myDerivedThing, data: {datasetA, datasetB}}
Using useEffect for it makes it more complicated than necessary. It is inefficient too: it does an entire render pass with a stale value for the derived value, then immediately re-renders with the updated value.
As a rule, when you can derive something from state or props, you should not put it in a state.

useEffect hook spamming requests [duplicate]

I've been playing around with the new hook system in React 16.7-alpha and get stuck in an infinite loop in useEffect when the state I'm handling is an object or array.
First, I use useState and initiate it with an empty object like this:
const [obj, setObj] = useState({});
Then, in useEffect, I use setObj to set it to an empty object again. As a second argument I'm passing [obj], hoping that it wont update if the content of the object hasn't changed. But it keeps updating. I guess because no matter the content, these are always different objects making React thinking it keep changing?
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
The same is true with arrays, but as a primitive it wont get stuck in a loop, as expected.
Using these new hooks, how should I handle objects and array when checking weather the content has changed or not?
Passing an empty array as the second argument to useEffect makes it only run on mount and unmount, thus stopping any infinite loops.
useEffect(() => {
}, []);
This was clarified to me in the blog post on React hooks at
Had the same problem. I don't know why they not mention this in docs. Just want to add a little to Tobias Haugen answer.
To run in every component/parent rerender you need to use:
useEffect(() => {
// don't know where it can be used :/
To run anything only one time after component mount(will be rendered once) you need to use:
useEffect(() => {
// do anything only one time if you pass empty array []
// keep in mind, that component will be rendered one time (with default values) before we get here
}, [] )
To run anything one time on component mount and on data/data2 change:
const [data, setData] = useState(false)
const [data2, setData2] = useState('default value for first render')
useEffect(() => {
// if you pass some variable, than component will rerender after component mount one time and second time if this(in my case data or data2) is changed
// if your data is object and you want to trigger this when property of object changed, clone object like this let clone = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data)), change it clone.prop = 2 and setData(clone).
// if you do like this 'data.prop=2' without cloning useEffect will not be triggered, because link to data object in momory doesn't changed, even if object changed (as i understand this)
}, [data, data2] )
How i use it most of the time:
export default function Book({id}) {
const [book, bookSet] = useState(false)
const loadBookFromServer = useCallback(async () => {
let response = await fetch('api/book/' + id)
response = await response.json()
}, [id]) // every time id changed, new book will be loaded
useEffect(() => {
}, [loadBookFromServer]) // useEffect will run once and when id changes
if (!book) return false //first render, when useEffect did't triggered yet we will return false
return <div>{JSON.stringify(book)}</div>
I ran into the same problem too once and I fixed it by making sure I pass primitive values in the second argument [].
If you pass an object, React will store only the reference to the object and run the effect when the reference changes, which is usually every singe time (I don't now how though).
The solution is to pass the values in the object. You can try,
const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [Object.values(obj)]);
const obj = { keyA: 'a', keyB: 'b' }
useEffect(() => {
// do something
}, [obj.keyA, obj.keyB]);
If you are building a custom hook, you can sometimes cause an infinite loop with default as follows
function useMyBadHook(values = {}) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* This runs every render, if values is undefined */
The fix is to use the same object instead of creating a new one on every function call:
const defaultValues = {};
function useMyBadHook(values = defaultValues) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* This runs on first call and when values change */
If you are encountering this in your component code the loop may get fixed if you use defaultProps instead of ES6 default values
function MyComponent({values}) {
useEffect(()=> {
/* do stuff*/
return null; /* stuff */
MyComponent.defaultProps = {
values = {}
Your infinite loop is due to circularity
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
setIngredients({}); will change the value of ingredients(will return a new reference each time), which will run setIngredients({}). To solve this you can use either approach:
Pass a different second argument to useEffect
const timeToChangeIngrediants = .....
useEffect(() => {
}, [timeToChangeIngrediants ]);
setIngrediants will run when timeToChangeIngrediants has changed.
I'm not sure what use case justifies change ingrediants once it has been changed. But if it is the case, you pass Object.values(ingrediants) as a second argument to useEffect.
useEffect(() => {
}, Object.values(ingrediants));
As said in the documentation (, the useEffect hook is meant to be used when you want some code to be executed after every render. From the docs:
Does useEffect run after every render? Yes!
If you want to customize this, you can follow the instructions that appear later in the same page ( Basically, the useEffect method accepts a second argument, that React will examine to determine if the effect has to be triggered again or not.
useEffect(() => {
document.title = `You clicked ${count} times`;
}, [count]); // Only re-run the effect if count changes
You can pass any object as the second argument. If this object remains unchanged, your effect will only be triggered after the first mount. If the object changes, the effect will be triggered again.
I'm not sure if this will work for you but you could try adding .length like this:
useEffect(() => {
// fetch from server and set as obj
}, [obj.length]);
In my case (I was fetching an array!) it fetched data on mount, then again only on change and it didn't go into a loop.
If you include empty array at the end of useEffect:
It would run once.
If you include also parameter on array:
It would run whenever text parameter change.
I often run into an infinite re-render when having a complex object as state and updating it from useRef:
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
newIngedient: { ... }
}, [ingredients]);
In this case eslint(react-hooks/exhaustive-deps) forces me (correctly) to add ingredients to the dependency array. However, this results in an infinite re-render. Unlike what some say in this thread, this is correct, and you can't get away with putting ingredients.someKey or ingredients.length into the dependency array.
The solution is that setters provide the old value that you can refer to. You should use this, rather than referring to ingredients directly:
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
setIngredients(oldIngedients => {
return {
newIngedient: { ... }
}, []);
If you use this optimization, make sure the array includes all values from the component scope (such as props and state) that change over time and that are used by the effect.
I believe they are trying to express the possibility that one could be using stale data, and to be aware of this. It doesn't matter the type of values we send in the array for the second argument as long as we know that if any of those values change it will execute the effect. If we are using ingredients as part of the computation within the effect, we should include it in the array.
const [ingredients, setIngredients] = useState({});
// This will be an infinite loop, because by shallow comparison ingredients !== {}
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients]);
// If we need to update ingredients then we need to manually confirm
// that it is actually different by deep comparison.
useEffect(() => {
if (is(<similar_object>, ingredients) {
}, [ingredients]);
The main problem is that useEffect compares the incoming value with the current value shallowly. This means that these two values compared using '===' comparison which only checks for object references and although array and object values are the same it treats them to be two different objects. I recommend you to check out my article about useEffect as a lifecycle methods.
The best way is to compare previous value with current value by using usePrevious() and _.isEqual() from Lodash.
Import isEqual and useRef. Compare your previous value with current value inside the useEffect(). If they are same do nothing else update. usePrevious(value) is a custom hook which create a ref with useRef().
Below is snippet of my code. I was facing problem of infinite loop with updating data using firebase hook
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react'
import 'firebase/database'
import { Redirect } from 'react-router-dom'
import { isEqual } from 'lodash'
import {
} from '../../hooks/firebase-hooks'
export function TMDPage({ match, history, location }) {
const usePrevious = value => {
const ref = useRef()
useEffect(() => {
ref.current = value
return ref.current
const userId = match.params ? : ''
const teamId = location.state ? location.state.teamId : ''
const [userStatistics] = useUserStatistics(userId, teamId)
const previousUserStatistics = usePrevious(userStatistics)
useEffect(() => {
if (
!isEqual(userStatistics, previousUserStatistics)
) {
In case you DO need to compare the object and when it is updated here is a deepCompare hook for comparison. The accepted answer surely does not address that. Having an [] array is suitable if you need the effect to run only once when mounted.
Also, other voted answers only address a check for primitive types by doing obj.value or something similar to first get to the level where it is not nested. This may not be the best case for deeply nested objects.
So here is one that will work in all cases.
import { DependencyList } from "react";
const useDeepCompare = (
value: DependencyList | undefined
): DependencyList | undefined => {
const ref = useRef<DependencyList | undefined>();
if (!isEqual(ref.current, value)) {
ref.current = value;
return ref.current;
You can use the same in useEffect hook
React.useEffect(() => {
}, useDeepCompare([state]));
You could also destructure the object in the dependency array, meaning the state would only update when certain parts of the object updated.
For the sake of this example, let's say the ingredients contained carrots, we could pass that to the dependency, and only if carrots changed, would the state update.
You could then take this further and only update the number of carrots at certain points, thus controlling when the state would update and avoiding an infinite loop.
useEffect(() => {
}, [ingredients.carrots]);
An example of when something like this could be used is when a user logs into a website. When they log in, we could destructure the user object to extract their cookie and permission role, and update the state of the app accordingly.
my Case was special on encountering an infinite loop, the senario was like this:
I had an Object, lets say objX that comes from props and i was destructuring it in props like:
const { something: { somePropery } } = ObjX
and i used the somePropery as a dependency to my useEffect like:
useEffect(() => {
// ...
}, [somePropery])
and it caused me an infinite loop, i tried to handle this by passing the whole something as a dependency and it worked properly.
Another worked solution that I used for arrays state is:
useEffect(() => {
setIngredients(ingredients.length ? ingredients : null);
}, [ingredients]);

How to handle useReducer dispatch on props change?

At the outset I'd like to say that I'm a React beginner and I'm stuck! And I've no idea how to proceed.
I'll be very happy if someone can either help me get my current code working or suggest an alternate approach.
So the most simple background is that I have a React app running on Electron framework to build a desktop application that reads in a JSON file and performs various tasks which includes displaying trees and graphs from the JSON data. To show the graph I have a multiple Menu components which allow the user to select what they want to see. The current state of the Menus are maintained by a component called the MainPane which uses a custom hook called useMenuState for maintaining the menu state (this hook uses only useState).
The values from useMenuState hook are passed by the MainPane as props to a component called the TreeViewer which uses another custom hook called useTreeState which uses a useReducer hook (to generate current tree using the information provided in the props). The custom hook returns the tree data and dispatcher function provided by the reducer hook.
To be able to show a different tree when user selects a new menu option, I have added a useEffect hook in the TreeViewer component which calls the dispatch function.
So I've added the values from the prop in the dependancy array of the useEffect function.
But the effect function is not running when the props change? As far as I can tell, all props being passed are created as new objects and no object state is mutated.
Here is a simple representation of my code (it has all the bits I talked about).
// CUSTOM HOOK useMenuState
const useMenuState = (props) => {
const [menu1State, updateMenu1] = useState();
const [menu2State, updateMenu2] = useState();
const handleMenuClick = (pMenuIdx, pClickedVal) = {
// generate and update respective menu state value using the jsonObj in props
let menuState = {
menu1: menu1State,
menu2: menu2State
return { menuState, menuClickHandler:handleMenuClick};
const MainPane = (props) => {
// props here gets a object that manages the data in the JSON file
const {menuState, menuClickHandler} = useMenuState({...props});
let treeViewerProps = {
treeType: menuState.menu1,
treeID: menuState.menu2,
jsonObj: props.jsonObj
return (<TreeViewer {...treeViewerProps} />);
// CUSTOM HOOK useTreeState
const useTreeState = (props) => {
const updaterFunction = (currentTreeState, action) => {
// update tree state as per action and return
let initTreeState = {} // build initial state of the tree
const [treeObj, treeUpdateDispatcher] = useReducer(updaterFunction, initTreeState);
let treeStateObj = { treeData: treeObj, treeUpdater: treeUpdateDispatcher };
return treeStateObj;
// COMPONENT TreeViewer
const TreeViewer = (props) => {
let treeStateProps = {
jsonObj: props.jsonObj,
treeType: props.treeType,
treeID: props.treeID
treeUpdater({type:'NEW TREE', id: props.treeID})
}, [props.treeType, props.treeID]); // look for changes in the tree type or ID and call the dispatch function
const { treeData, treeUpdater } = useTreeState(treeStateProps); // custom hook to handle tree State
return (<Tree data={treeData} />);
Why isn't the useEffect hook running when the props change?
Is there a better way to handle this?
Any pointers will be hugely appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined in functional component while it works in class component [duplicate]

I'm finding these two pieces of the React Hooks docs a little confusing. Which one is the best practice for updating a state object using the state hook?
Imagine a want to make the following state update:
propA: true,
propB: true
stateAfter = {
propA: true,
propB: false // Changing this property
From the Using the React Hook article, we get that this is possible:
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
setCount(count + 1);
So I could do:
const [myState, setMyState] = useState(INITIAL_STATE);
And then:
propB: false
And from the Hooks Reference we get that:
Unlike the setState method found in class components, useState does
not automatically merge update objects. You can replicate this
behavior by combining the function updater form with object spread
setState(prevState => {
// Object.assign would also work
return {...prevState, ...updatedValues};
As far as I know, both works. So, what is the difference? Which one is the best practice? Should I use pass the function (OPTION 2) to access the previous state, or should I simply access the current state with spread syntax (OPTION 1)?
Both options are valid, but just as with setState in a class component you need to be careful when updating state derived from something that already is in state.
If you e.g. update a count twice in a row, it will not work as expected if you don't use the function version of updating the state.
const { useState } = React;
function App() {
const [count, setCount] = useState(0);
function brokenIncrement() {
setCount(count + 1);
setCount(count + 1);
function increment() {
setCount(count => count + 1);
setCount(count => count + 1);
return (
<button onClick={brokenIncrement}>Broken increment</button>
<button onClick={increment}>Increment</button>
ReactDOM.render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"));
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="root"></div>
If anyone is searching for useState() hooks update for object
Through Input
const [state, setState] = useState({ fName: "", lName: "" });
const handleChange = e => {
const { name, value } =;
setState(prevState => ({
[name]: value
Through onSubmit or button click
setState(prevState => ({
fName: 'your updated value here'
The best practice is to use separate calls:
const [a, setA] = useState(true);
const [b, setB] = useState(true);
Option 1 might lead to more bugs because such code often end up inside a closure which has an outdated value of myState.
Option 2 should be used when the new state is based on the old one:
setCount(count => count + 1);
For complex state structure consider using useReducer
For complex structures that share some shape and logic you can create a custom hook:
function useField(defaultValue) {
const [value, setValue] = useState(defaultValue);
const [dirty, setDirty] = useState(false);
const [touched, setTouched] = useState(false);
function handleChange(e) {
return {
value, setValue,
dirty, setDirty,
touched, setTouched,
function MyComponent() {
const username = useField('some username');
const email = useField('');
return <input name="username" value={username.value} onChange={username.handleChange}/>;
Which one is the best practice for updating a state object using the state hook?
They are both valid as other answers have pointed out.
what is the difference?
It seems like the confusion is due to "Unlike the setState method found in class components, useState does not automatically merge update objects", especially the "merge" part.
Let's compare this.setState & useState
class SetStateApp extends React.Component {
state = {
propA: true,
propB: true
toggle = e => {
const { name } =;
prevState => ({
[name]: !prevState[name]
() => console.log(`this.state`, this.state)
function HooksApp() {
const INITIAL_STATE = { propA: true, propB: true };
const [myState, setMyState] = React.useState(INITIAL_STATE);
const { propA, propB } = myState;
function toggle(e) {
const { name } =;
setMyState({ [name]: !myState[name] });
Both of them toggles propA/B in toggle handler.
And they both update just one prop passed as
Check out the difference it makes when you update just one property in setMyState.
Following demo shows that clicking on propA throws an error(which occurs setMyState only),
You can following along
Warning: A component is changing a controlled input of type checkbox to be uncontrolled. Input elements should not switch from controlled to uncontrolled (or vice versa). Decide between using a controlled or uncontrolled input element for the lifetime of the component.
It's because when you click on propA checkbox, propB value is dropped and only propA value is toggled thus making propB's checked value as undefined making the checkbox uncontrolled.
And the this.setState updates only one property at a time but it merges other property thus the checkboxes stay controlled.
I dug thru the source code and the behavior is due to useState calling useReducer
Internally, useState calls useReducer, which returns whatever state a reducer returns.
initialState: (() => S) | S,
): [S, Dispatch<BasicStateAction<S>>] {
currentHookNameInDev = 'useState';
try {
return updateState(initialState);
} finally {
where updateState is the internal implementation for useReducer.
function updateState<S>(
initialState: (() => S) | S,
): [S, Dispatch<BasicStateAction<S>>] {
return updateReducer(basicStateReducer, (initialState: any));
useReducer<S, I, A>(
reducer: (S, A) => S,
initialArg: I,
init?: I => S,
): [S, Dispatch<A>] {
currentHookNameInDev = 'useReducer';
const prevDispatcher = ReactCurrentDispatcher.current;
ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = InvalidNestedHooksDispatcherOnUpdateInDEV;
try {
return updateReducer(reducer, initialArg, init);
} finally {
ReactCurrentDispatcher.current = prevDispatcher;
If you are familiar with Redux, you normally return a new object by spreading over previous state as you did in option 1.
propB: false
So if you set just one property, other properties are not merged.
One or more options regarding state type can be suitable depending on your usecase
Generally you could follow the following rules to decide the sort of state that you want
First: Are the individual states related
If the individual state that you have in your application are related to one other then you can choose to group them together in an object. Else its better to keep them separate and use multiple useState so that when dealing with specific handlers you are only updating the relavant state property and are not concerned about the others
For instance, user properties such as name, email are related and you can group them together Whereas for maintaining multiple counters you can make use of multiple useState hooks
Second: Is the logic to update state complex and depends on the handler or user interaction
In the above case its better to make use of useReducer for state definition. Such kind of scenario is very common when you are trying to create for example and todo app where you want to update, create and delete elements on different interactions
Should I use pass the function (OPTION 2) to access the previous
state, or should I simply access the current state with spread syntax
state updates using hooks are also batched and hence whenever you want to update state based on previous one its better to use the callback pattern.
The callback pattern to update state also comes in handy when the setter doesn't receive updated value from enclosed closure due to it being defined only once. An example of such as case if the useEffect being called only on initial render when adds a listener that updates state on an event.
Both are perfectly fine for that use case. The functional argument that you pass to setState is only really useful when you want to conditionally set the state by diffing the previous state (I mean you can just do it with logic surrounding the call to setState but I think it looks cleaner in the function) or if you set state in a closure that doesn't have immediate access to the freshest version of previous state.
An example being something like an event listener that is only bound once (for whatever reason) on mount to the window. E.g.
useEffect(function() {
window.addEventListener("click", handleClick)
}, [])
function handleClick() {
setState(prevState => ({...prevState, new: true }))
If handleClick was only setting the state using option 1, it would look like setState({...prevState, new: true }). However, this would likely introduce a bug because prevState would only capture the state on initial render and not from any updates. The function argument passed to setState would always have access to the most recent iteration of your state.
Both options are valid but they do make a difference.
Use Option 1 (setCount(count + 1)) if
Property doesn't matter visually when it updates browser
Sacrifice refresh rate for performance
Updating input state based on event (ie; if you use Option 2, it will set event to null due to performance reasons unless you have event.persist() - Refer to event pooling.
Use Option 2 (setCount(c => c + 1)) if
Property does matter when it updates on the browser
Sacrifice performance for better refresh rate
I noticed this issue when some Alerts with autoclose feature that should close sequentially closed in batches.
Note: I don't have stats proving the difference in performance but its based on a React conference on React 16 performance optimizations.
I find it very convenient to use useReducer hook for managing complex state, instead of useState. You initialize state and updating function like this:
const initialState = { name: "Bob", occupation: "builder" };
const [state, updateState] = useReducer(
(state, updates) => {...state, ...updates},
And then you're able to update your state by only passing partial updates:
updateState({ occupation: "postman" })
The solution I am going to propose is much simpler and easier to not mess up than the ones above, and has the same usage as the useState API.
Use the npm package use-merge-state (here). Add it to your dependencies, then, use it like:
const useMergeState = require("use-merge-state") // Import
const [state, setState] = useMergeState(initial_state, {merge: true}) // Declare
setState(new_state) // Just like you set a new state with 'useState'
Hope this helps everyone. :)

When using useState hook - Is there an importance to changing the setState functions call order?

I have a React functional component with two state variables (itemsData & itemsCollections). The variables are updated in the useEffect method. But after useEffect occur one of the state variables is null.
Upon switching the setStateFunctions (setItemsData & setItemsCollect) call order both arguments are inialized as expected.
How's that?
const MyComponent = ({itemsIds}) => {
const [itemsData, setItemsData] = useState([]);
const [itemsCollections, setItemsCollect] = useState({});
useEffect(() => {
fetchItemsData({ itemsIds }).then(({ items, itemCollect }) => {
}, [itemsIds]);
console.log('itemsData', itemsData) // the expected array
console.log('itemCollect', itemCollect) // empty objecy
State after useEffect: itemCollect = {}, itemsData = [{value:...},...]
Switching the order of the calls:
const MyComponent = ({itemsIds}) => {
useEffect(() => {
fetchItemsData({ itemsIds }).then(({ items, itemCollect }) => {
setItemsCollect(itemCollect); // <--> switched rows
setItemsData(items); // <--> switched rows
}, [itemsIds]);
console.log('itemsData', itemsData) // the expected array
console.log('itemCollect', itemCollect) // the expected object
State after useEffect: itemCollect = { someValue: ...} , itemsData = [{value:...},...]
There is a performance optimization called batching, which can change between React versions. When this optimization is applied, multiple setState calls will be batched together before the next render (and the order does not matter).
When not applied (e.g. inside a Promise as in your case, see Does React batch state update functions when using hooks?), then each state update will trigger a new render (and the order matters).
=> console.log('itemCollect', itemCollect) may log different data in each render.
If you need to force a single state update, then calling a single dispatch from useReducer might be the best option.

