how to call my service in angular using setInterval - javascript

I have a service which gets returns some data at the page load,
return this.http.get(this.url_stat_Turbines_all);
in my component I consume this service:
this.service.getAllTurbinesStat().subscribe( s => {
allStat is an array, now every 3 minutes this function should be run to update data, should setInterval be in service or in my component? And how should I write it? Because the first time I don't need the setinterval, because once the page loaded first time, my data is updated.

You can try this.
First create one function in your component like this.
getAllTurbinesStat() {
this.service.getAllTurbinesStat().subscribe(s => {
And then in from ngOnInit() or from constructor of your component use this.
setInterval(() => this.getAllTurbinesStat(), 180000);

You can use interval for that like below:
in you service
return this.http.get(this.url_stat_Turbines_all);
getData(): {
return interval(3000).pipe(
switchMap( () => this.getAllTurbinesStat())
in your component
this.service.getData().subscribe( s => {

You can use timer from rxjs.
import { timer } from 'rxjs';
timer takes a second argument, how often to emit subsequent values
in this case we will emit first value after 0 second and subsequent
values every 3 minutes after
const source = timer(0, 180000);
//output: 0,1,2,3,4,5......
const subscribe = source.subscribe(val => console.log(val));
For you case.
return timer(0, 180000).pipe(
flatMap( () => this.getAllTurbinesStat())

First call your function one time in the ngOnInit of your component then get on with setInterval.
ngOnInit() {
setInterval(getAllTurbinesStat(), 3000);
getAllTurbinesStat() {
return this.http.get(this.url_stat_Turbines_all);


How do I make sure one Subcription finishes before another?

globleVariable: any;
ngOnInit() {
// This doesn't work. methodTwo throws error saying "cannot read someField from null. "
methodOne() {
this.firstService.subscribe((res) => { this.globleVariable = res });
methodTwo() {
this.secondService.subscribe((res) => { console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
As shown above, methodOne set the value of globleVariable and methodTwo uses it, therefore the former must finish running before the latter.
I am wondering how to achieve that.
Instead of subscribing in the methods, combine them into one stream and subscribe to that in ngInit(). You can use tap to perform the side effect of updating globaleVariable that you were previously performing in subscribe().
In the example below the "methods" are converted into fields since there is no reason for them to be methods anymore (you can keep them as methods if you want). Then the concat operator is used to create a single stream, where methodOne$ will execute and then when it's complete, methodTwo$ will execute.
Because concat executes in order, you are guaranteed that globaleVariable will be set by methodOne$ before methodTwo$ begins.
globleVariable: any;
methodOne$ = this.someService.pipe(tap((res) => this.globleVariable = res));
methodTwo$ = this.someService.pipe(tap((res) => console.log(this.globleVariable.someField));
ngOnInit() {
concat(this.methodOne$, this.methodTwo$).subscribe();
You can create a subject for which observable 2 will wait to subscribe like below :-
globalVariable: any;
subject: Subject = new Subject();
methodOne() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => { this.globleVariable = res;; });
methodTwo() {
this.subject.pipe(take(1), mergeMap(() => this.someService)).subscribe((res) => {
console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
The only way to guarantee a method call after a subscription yields is to use the subscription callbacks.
Subscriptions have two main callbacks a success and a failure.
So the way to implement a method call after the subscription yeilds is to chain it like this:
globleVariable: any;
ngOnInit() {
methodOne() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => {
this.globleVariable = res
this.methodTwo(); // <-- here, in the callback
methodTwo() {
this.someService.subscribe((res) => { console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
You might want to chain the calls with some other rxjs operators for a more standard usage.
ngOnInit() {
tap(res1 => this.globleVariable = res1)
switchmap(res1 => this.someService.method2), // <-- when first service call yelds success
catchError(err => { // <-- failure callback
return throwError(err)
).subscribe(res2 => { // <-- when second service call yelds success
console.log(this.globleVariable.someField) });
Please remember to complete any subscriptions when the component is destroyed to avoid the common memory leak.
my take,
so it's a bit confusing when you use same service that throws different results, so instead of someService I used firstService and secondService here.
switchMap(globalVariable) =>
map(fields => Object.assign({}, globalVariable, { someField: fields }))
).subscribe(result => {
this.globalVariable = result;
What I like about this approach is that you have the flexibility on how you want to use the final result as it is decoupled with any of the property in your class.

Communicating between Angular components and non-Angular components: Returning data from an observable coming from a callback

I have an application that requires that I use non-Angular JavaScript for certain things. To trigger an action in the Angular component, I'm passing a down a callback to the non-Angular component. When the callback is triggered, an observable runs on the Angular component (doing an http call). This works but the only piece of the puzzle I'm having trouble with is getting the data returned from this observable passed back down to the non-Angular component somehow. My actual application is fairly complex so I've created a Stackblitz for a much more simplified version to make it easier to see what I'm doing.
This is tricky for me as the GET call in doStuff is async, so I can't just return the results. I'd have some ideas on how to work around this in a pure Angular app... but I'm not sure how to accomplish this when sharing data between an Angular component and a Non-Angular one.
export class AppComponent {
constructor(private http: HttpClient){}
doStuff() {
let randomNum = this.getRandomInt(2); // Simulate different http responses
this.http.get<any>(`${randomNum}`).subscribe(x => {
if (x === 1) {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
} else {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
ngOnInit() {
var x = new NonAngularComponent(this.doStuff.bind(this));
private getRandomInt(max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * Math.floor(max)) + 1;
export class NonAngularComponent {
constructor(private onSave: () => void) {
init() {
const newElement = document.createElement('button');
newElement.innerHTML = 'Click';
newElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
this.onSave(); // Works, but now I need to do something with the results of doStuff()
Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
It would be better to return Observable from your doStuff() method and use tap operator if you want to have some side effect in Angular component:
doStuff() {
let randomNum = this.getRandomInt(2);
return this.http.get<any>(`${randomNum}`).pipe(tap(x => {
if (x === 1) {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
} else {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
newElement.addEventListener('click', () => {
this.onSave().subscribe(res => {
// do whatever you want
Forked Stackblitz
I think that the easiest solution would be to simply have an instance of your NonAngularComponent inside the AppComponent
this.nonAngularComponent = new NonAngularComponent(this.doStuff.bind(this));
And in the callback simply call the method you want from the NonAngularComponent like so:
doStuff() {
let randomNum = this.getRandomInt(2);
.subscribe(x => {
if (x === 1) {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
// console.log(;
} else {
// Here is where I want to share data with the non-Angular component
// console.log(;
doSomething method:
public doSomething(result) {
console.log("Non-Angular component received result", result);
And console output:

How to subscribe to an observable once?

My function access() needs to subscribe once, each and every call.
In the snippet below, $valueChanges emits data to each change made. Calling access() without const $ = ... and $.unsubscribe(), $valueChanges observable emits unnecessary streams of values.
Is there an rxjs operator/function that emits once in subscription inside a function? Even if the function is called multiple times the subscription emits once?
access() {
const $ = $valueChanges.pipe(
map((res) =>
).subscribe((res) => {
You can consider using the take() operator, and emit only the first value before completing.
According to the documentation, the take operator
Emit provided number of values before completing.
This is how you can use it:
access() {
map((res) =>
).subscribe((res) => {
Try shareReply(1). Then the original stream will be called only once and its emit will be shared with all subscribers. If the stream emits 2nd time - the update will go to all subscribers too.
access() {
const $ = $valueChanges.pipe(
map((res) =>
// take(1), // in case if you need just 1 emit from it.
shareReply(1), // in case if you don't want to trigger `$valueChanges` on every subscription.
).subscribe((res) => {
// $.unsubscribe(); // it's useless in case of `take(1)`.

Angular RXJS retry a task based on a value

Ok, so I have a service that checks to see if a particular 3rd party JS plugin has loaded. I want to listen in for when it has entered the DOM, meanwhile it is in an undefined state. How do I do that? So far I have tried using a subject and retrying periodically but I can't get it to work:
$apiReady: Subject<boolean> = new Subject();
RegisterOnNewDocumentLoadedOnDocuViewareAPIReady(reControl: any): any {
this.$apiReady.asObservable().subscribe((isReady: boolean) => {
if (isReady) {
//Do something
return of(isReady);
let IsreControlInitialized = ThirdPartyAPI.IsInitialized(reControl);
if (IsreControlInitialized) {
return throwError(false);
Then in the component:
retryWhen(error => {
return error.pipe(delay(2000)); //<---- Doesn't work
})).subscribe((response: boolean) => {
if (response) {
//Do some stuff
My intentions were to check if the API element had been loaded, if not retry in 2 seconds but this doesn't work, can anyone help?
Throwing and catching an error until some condition is met is a little counter-intuitive to me.
My approach consists of using the interval operator along with takeUntil operator.
apiReady = new Subject();
interval(2000) // Check every 2s
map(() => this.isApiReady())
.subscribe(isReady => {
if (isReady) {;

setInterval function is running in other components also in Angular 6

I am new to Angular(6). I am using setInterval function in a component. It is working but when I navigate to another route, setInterval continues to execute. Please help me to identify the reason.
//Calling it in ngOnit()
autosavedraftsolution() {
setInterval(() => {
if (this.solutionTitleValid) {
}, this.autoSaveInterval);
savedraftsolution() {
Title: this.draftSolutionForm.get('Title').value,
Product: this.draftSolutionForm.get('Product').value
} as Draftsolution).subscribe(draftsol => {
It keeps on showing me "saving.." and "saved" message in console.
You need to call clearInterval to stop it when your component unmounts:
this.intervalId = setInterval(...);
When your component is unmounting:
ngOnDestroy() {
Dominic is right. You have to clear the interval when the component is destroyed. You can make something like this
this.saveInterval = setInterval(() => {}, 1000)
Make sure that your component implements OnInit and OnDestroy.

