How to create a screensaver in javascript - javascript

I want to create a screensaver in JavaScript but I don't know how can I set the time between the images,.
I have an Ajax call and I see if the time is, for example, 2s or 90s, but I don't know how to set that time between images, this is my code:
var cont = 0;
var time = 1000
setInterval(function() {
if(cont == imagenes.length){
return cont = 0;
var imagen = imagenes[cont].imagen;
$('#imgZona').attr('src', imagen);
var time = imagenes[cont].tiempoVisible;
finalTime = Number(time);
}, Number(finalTime ));
but the time between images is always the same, 1000, how can I change it for the time that I receive in the Ajax call? Which is imagenes[cont].tiempoVisible

I cannot comment as I don't have enough reputation, but take a look at this fiddle
var mousetimeout;
var screensaver_active = false;
var idletime = 5;
function show_screensaver(){
screensaver_active = true;
function stop_screensaver(){
screensaver_active = false;
function getRandomColor() {
var letters = '0123456789ABCDEF'.split('');
var color = '#';
for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
color += letters[Math.round(Math.random() * 15)];
return color;
if (screensaver_active) {
mousetimeout = setTimeout(function(){
}, 1000 * idletime); // 5 secs
function screensaver_animation(){
if (screensaver_active) {
{backgroundColor: getRandomColor()},
It will change background-color on idle mouse for 5 seconds, you can replace the code to change image, instead of background color.

Control set every timeout on each iteration.
var cont = 0;
var time = 1000
function next () {
if(cont == imagenes.length){
cont = 0;
var imagen = imagenes[cont].imagen;
$('#imgZona').attr('src', imagen);
setTimeout(next, Number(imagenes[cont].tiempoVisible));
setTimeout(next, Number(initialTime));
Also I fixed a frindge condition.


if body has class Fade in mp3 sound else fade out

I am trying to fade the volume of an mp3 in to 1 if the body has the class fp-viewing-0
How ever this isn't working and the volume doesn't change how can I fix this?
var audio0 = document.getElementById('audio-0');
audio0.volume = 0;
setInterval( function(){
if ($("body").hasClass("fp-viewing-0")) {
audio0.animate({volume: 1}, 1000);
else {
audio0.animate({volume: 0}, 1000);
}, 100);
<audio id="audio-0" src="1.mp3" autoplay="autoplay"></audio>
I've also tried:
$("#audio-0").prop("volume", 0);
setInterval( function(){
if ($("body").hasClass("fp-viewing-0")) {
$("#audio-0").animate({volume: 1}, 3000);
else {
$("#audio-0").animate({volume: 0}, 3000);
}, 100);
Kind Regards!
I have changed the jquery animate part to a fade made by hand. For that i created a fade time and steps count to manipulate the fade effect.
var audio0 = document.getElementById('audio-0');
audio0.volume = 0;
if ($("body").hasClass("fp-viewing-0")) {
audio0.volume = 1; //max volume
var fadeTime = 1500; //in milliseconds
var steps = 150; //increasing makes the fade smoother
var stepTime = fadeTime/steps;
var audioDecrement = audio0.volume/steps;
var timer = setInterval(function(){
audio0.volume -= audioDecrement; //fading out
if (audio0.volume <= 0.03){ //if its already inaudible stop it
audio0.volume = 0;
clearInterval(timer); //clearing the timer so that it doesn't keep getting called
}, stepTime);
Better would be to place all of this in a function that receives these values a fades accordingly so that it gets organized:
function fadeAudio(audio, fadeTime, steps){
audio.volume = 1; //max
steps = steps || 150; //turning steps into an optional parameter that defaults to 150
var stepTime = fadeTime/steps;
var audioDecrement = audio.volume/steps;
var timer = setInterval(function(){
audio.volume -= audioDecrement;
if (audio.volume <= 0.03){ //if its already inaudible stop it
audio.volume = 0;
}, stepTime);
Which would make your code a lot more compact and readable:
var audio0 = document.getElementById('audio-0');
audio0.volume = 0;
if ($("body").hasClass("fp-viewing-0")) {
fadeAudio(audio0, 1500);

How can I make my outputs cycle up or down to the final answer?

I've got a simple simulator code where the user selects buttons to vary the inputs, and the outputs change in response (an example extract of which is shown below).
However, the outputs update automatically to the solution, and I was wondering if there's a way to show the numbers ticking over and increasing from what was previously displayed to the new number?
<button onClick = "IncTHR()">Increase Throttle</button>
<button onClick = "DecTHR()">Decrease Throttle</button>
<input type="text" id="THR">
<div id="CoolantTemp1"></p>
var CoolantTemp1 = 366;
var Throttle = 5;
var ControlRodHeight = 50;
var PrimaryPump = 1;
function IncTHR(){
user = ++Throttle;
if (Throttle > 10){
Throttle = 10;
CoolantTemp1 = (220+(ControlRodHeight*2.2)+(PrimaryPump*20)+(Throttle*3.2));
function DecTHR(){
user = --Throttle;
if (Throttle < 0){
Throttle = 0;
CoolantTemp1 = (220+(ControlRodHeight*2.2)+(PrimaryPump*20)+(Throttle*3.2));
function update() {
document.getElementById("THR").value = Throttle;
function displayResults() {
document.getElementById("CoolantTemp1").innerHTML = "Coolant Temperature 1 is " + CoolantTemp1;
So currently, as soon as the user clicks either throttle button, the Coolant Temperature is updated immediately to the solution - is there a way for the output to cycle through from the number it previously was to the new number it will become as a result of the calculation change?
Hope that makes sense!
Thank you.
Something like this should work:
var CoolantTemp1 = 366;
var tempCounter = 366;
var Throttle = 5;
var ControlRodHeight = 50;
var PrimaryPump = 1;
function IncTHR(){
if (Throttle > 10){
Throttle = 10;
CoolantTemp1 = (220+(ControlRodHeight*2.2)+(PrimaryPump*20)+(Throttle*3.2));
var incInt = setInterval(function (){
if (tempCounter < CoolantTemp1){
} else {
tempCounter = CoolantTemp1;
}, 1000);
function DecTHR(){
if (Throttle < 0){
Throttle = 0;
CoolantTemp1 = (220+(ControlRodHeight*2.2)+(PrimaryPump*20)+(Throttle*3.2));
var decInt = setInterval(function (){
if (tempCounter > CoolantTemp1){
} else {
tempCounter = CoolantTemp1;
}, 1000);
function update() {
document.getElementById("THR").value = Throttle;
function displayResults(temp) {
document.getElementById("CoolantTemp1").innerHTML = "Coolant Temperature 1 is " + temp;

How to use setTimeout with a "do while" loop in Javascript?

I'm trying to make a 30 second countdown on a span element (#thirty) that will be started on click of another element (#start). It doesn't seem to work. I would appreciate your help.
var countdown = function() {
setTimeout(function() {
var i = 30;
do {
} while (i > 0);
}, 1000);
use this :
var i = 30;
var countdown = function() {
var timeout_ = setInterval(function() {
i = 30;
}, 1000);

Execute function IF another function is complete NOT when

I am having trouble creating a slider that pauses on hover, because I execute the animation function again on mouse off, if I flick the mouse over it rapidly (thereby calling the function multiple times) it starts to play up, I would like it so that the function is only called if the other function is complete, otherwise it does not call at all (to avoid queue build up and messy animations)
What's the easiest/best way to do this?
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
//Mouse on
n = 0;
$('.slider').stop(true, false);
}, function() {
//Mouse off
n = 1;
if (fnct == 0) sliderLoop();
//Called in Slide Loop
function animateSlider() {
$('.slider').delay(3000).animate({ marginLeft: -(slide_width * i) }, function() {
var i = 0;
var fnct = 0
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
fnct = 1
if(n == 1) {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
i = 0;
fnct = 0
The slider works fine normally, but if I quickly move my mouse on and off it, then the slider starts jolting back and forth rapidly...been trying to come up with a solution for this for hours now..
Here's what fixed it, works a charm!
$(document).ready(function() {
//get variables
var slide_width = $('.slider_container').width();
var number_of_slides = $('.slider_container .slide').length;
var slider_width = slide_width*number_of_slides;
//set element dimensions
var n = 1;
var t = 0;
$('.slider_container').hover(function() {
}, function() {
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);
var marginSize = i = 1;
var fnctcmp = 0;
//Called in Doc Load
function sliderLoop() {
if (i < number_of_slides) {
marginSize = -(slide_width * i++);
marginSize = i = 1;
$('.slider').animate({ marginLeft: marginSize });
t = setInterval(sliderLoop,3000);

Check if all percentages in the array were shown

I'm using this Code to show the current progress in my progressbar:
var rotatingTextElement;
var rotatingText = new Array();
var ctr = 0;
function initRotateText() {
rotatingTextElement = document.getElementById("percent");
rotatingText[0] = rotatingTextElement.innerHTML;
rotatingText[1] = "5%";
rotatingText[2] = "10%";
rotatingText[3] = "15%";
rotatingText[4] = "20%";
rotatingText[5] = "25%";
rotatingText[6] = "30%";
rotatingText[7] = "35%";
rotatingText[8] = "40%";
rotatingText[9] = "45%";
rotatingText[10] = "50%";
rotatingText[11] = "55%";
rotatingText[12] = "60%";
rotatingText[13] = "65%";
rotatingText[14] = "70%";
rotatingText[15] = "75%";
rotatingText[16] = "80%";
rotatingText[17] = "85%";
rotatingText[18] = "90%";
rotatingText[19] = "95%";
rotatingText[20] = "100%";
setInterval(rotateText, 500);
function rotateText() {
if(ctr >= rotatingText.length) {
ctr = 0;
rotatingTextElement.innerHTML = rotatingText[ctr];
window.onload = initRotateText;
It basicly writs a new percentage in span#percent every 500 miliseconds.
The problem is that after the progressbar has reached 100% it starts again with 0%, 5% and so on.
How can I check if the percentages in the array rotatingText till [20] were all shown and then stop the rotation?
Do this instead:
var rotatingTextElement = document.getElementById("percent");
var ctr = 0;
function rotateText() {
rotatingTextElement.innerHTML = ctr + "%";
ctr += 5;
if (ctr <= 100) {
window.setTimeout(rotateText, 500);
There are a few ways you can tidy this up. To answer your question, start by assigning the interval to a variable:
var rotator = null;
rotator = setInterval(rotateText, 500);
function rotateText() {
if(ctr >= rotatingText.length -1) {
rotatingTextElement.innerHTML = rotatingText[ctr];
Then instead of resetting the iterator to 0 when it goes out of bounds, clear the interval so it stops changing the value. You'll need to add the -1 so that it stops on rotatingText[length-1] (the last element)

