Match word(s) without title case in string - Regex - javascript

I am trying to match with RegEx any word in this sequence (ex: 1943 The brown Fox Jumped) that is a string that starts with numbers and then after that has words with spaces between them. I have spent hours trying to figure out how to match any word in that sequence that isn't title cased (eg. The Brown Fox Jumped). I have figured out how to match if all words aren't title cased but not if one or two are in the middle of a sentence. How would I go about creating a regular expression to detect if one or more words aren't title cased?
The pattern that I am working with currently is /(?<=^\d+\s)([a-z]+)/g. Here is a Regex101 demo of my last attempt. As mentioned earlier I figured out how to match if all of the words in the string weren't title cased as shown in this Regex101 demo. Any help would be greatly appreciated :)

You can use an infinite-width lookbehind based regex solution in case you must do it with a regex:
See the regex demo.
(?<=^\d+\s.*?) - a positive lookbehind that matches a location that is immediately preceded with
^ - start of string
\d+ - 1+ digits
\s - a whitespace]
.*? - any 0 or more chars as few as possible
\b[a-z]+\b - a whole word consisting of lowercase ASCII letters.
Note: this regex does not work in IE and older browsers that do not support the ECMAScript 2018+ standard.

Try this
It matches all words with Capital letters in them.
This is actually the default example in Regex Generator. Test it here:


Further narrow down regex character set so that one uppercase is mandatory

I have a long string like aaaaa123 ** bbbbb444 ** ccccc66 ** ddDddD77 ** eeeee667 and want to grab a substring using a Regex.
What I've got so far:
This should return any group of 7 to 14 characters consisting of uppercase, lowercase, digits - and _
So far so good.
However, I now want it to be more strict so that at least one uppercase character is mandatory. I.e. in my example only ddDddD77 should match. How do I do that?
If a lookahead and \w is supported and the word does not start or end with - you can assert for the length and match at least an uppercase:
Regex demo
Another option:
Regex demo
If the lookbehind is not supported, you could also opt for a capture group:
Regex demo

Extracting text from a string after 5 characters and without the last slash

I have a few strings:
I would like to receive:
I have tried regexp:
But this not working...
To get whatever comes after five #s and before the last /, you can use
and pick up the first group.
const regex = /#####(.*)\//;
the desired part of the string sample will always:
start after 5 #'s
end before a single /
suggestion: /(?<=#{5})\w*(?=\/)/
So (?<=#{5}) is a lookbehind assertion which will check to see if any matching string has the provided assertion immediately behind it (in this case, 5 #'s).
(?=\/) is a lookahead assertion, which will check ahead of a matching string segment to see if it matches the provided assertion (in this case, a single /).
The actual text the regex will return as a match is \w*, consisting of a character class and a quantifier. The character class \w matches any alphanumeric character ([A-Za-z0-9_]). The * quantifier matches the preceding item 0 or more times.
successful matches:
I would highly recommend learning Regular Expressions in-depth, as it's a very powerful tool when fully utilised.
MDN, as with most things web-dev, is a fantastic resource for regex. Everything from my answer here can be learned on MDN's Regular expression syntax cheatsheet.
Also, an interactive tool can be very helpful when putting together a complex regular expression. Regex 101 is typically what I use, but there are many similar web-tools online that can be found from a google search.
You pattern does not work because you are using negated character classes [^
The pattern [^#####]*[^\/] can be written as [^#]*[^\/] and matches optional chars other than # and then a single char other than /
Here are some examples of other patterns that can give the same match.
At least 5 leading # chars and then matching 1+ word chars in a group and the / at the end of the string using an anchor $, or omit the anchor if that is not the case:
Regex demo
If there should be a preceding character other than #
Regex demo
Matching at least 5 # chars and no # or / in between using a negated character class in this case:
Or with lookarounds:
Regex demo

Javascript Regular Expression for hashtags with emoji

I want to make Regular Expression for hashtags allowing English, number, underbar and all unicode emojis
and this is what I got so far
it does work for some emojis but not all emojis like 826 or so
And I found this regex to match all unicode emojis but I don't know how to combine them together..
so I want to know either a full regular expression for english, number and all unicode emojis or combining those two regex.
thanks in advance
-- Edited --
with #Wiktor Stribiżew help, I found shorter way to do it
You may use the following regex that matches 1 or more word chars (with the \w+ subpattern, 1+ ASCII digits, letters or/and _) or any of the emojis listed in the Emoji Keyboard/Display Test Data for UTR #51 (Version: 11.0) file:
See the regex demo
# - a # char
(?: - start of the alternation group
\w - a word char (ASCII letter/digit/_)
| - or
<emoji_unicode_codes> - emoji matching regex (built dynamically using a regex trie approach and condensed to some extent)
)+ - one or more occurrences of the chars in the alternation group.

Regex for a valid hashtag

I need regular expression for validating a hashtag. Each hashtag should starts with hashtag("#").
Valid inputs:
1. #hashtag_abc
2. #simpleHashtag
3. #hashtag123
Invalid inputs:
1. #hashtag#
2. #hashtag#hashtag
I have been trying with this regex /#[a-zA-z0-9]/ but it is accepting invalid inputs also.
Any suggestions for how to do it?
The current accepted answer fails in a few places:
It accepts hashtags that have no letters in them (i.e. "#11111", "#___" both pass).
It will exclude hashtags that are separated by spaces ("hey there #friend" fails to match "#friend").
It doesn't allow you to place a min/max length on the hashtag.
It doesn't offer a lot of flexibility if you decide to add other symbols/characters to your valid input list.
Try the following regex:
It'll close up the above edge cases, and furthermore:
You can change {1,30} to your desired min/max
You can add other symbols to the [0-9_] and [a-zA-Z0-9_] blocks if you wish to later
Here's a link to the demo.
To answer the current question...
There are 2 issues:
[A-z] allows more than just letter chars ([, , ], ^, _, ` )
There is no quantifier after the character class and it only matches 1 char
Since you are validating the whole string, you also need anchors (^ and $)to ensure a full string match:
See the regex demo.
If you want to extract specific valid hashtags from longer texts...
This is a bonus section as a lot of people seek to extract (not validate) hashtags, so here are a couple of solutions for you. Just mind that \w in JavaScript (and a lot of other regex libraries) equal to [a-zA-Z0-9_]:
#\w{1,30}\b - a # char followed with one to thirty word chars followed with a word boundary
\B#\w{1,30}\b - a # char that is either at the start of string or right after a non-word char, then one to thirty word (i.e. letter, digit, or underscore) chars followed with one to thirty word chars followed with a word boundary
\B#(?![\d_]+\b)(\w{1,30})\b - # that is either at the start of string or right after a non-word char, then one to thirty word (i.e. letter, digit, or underscore) chars (that cannot be just digits/underscores) followed with a word boundary
And last but not least, here is a Twitter hashtag regex from Sorry, too long to paste in the SO post, here it is:
You could try the this : /#[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/
This will only include letters, numbers & underscores.
A regex code that matches any hashtag.
In this approach any character is accepted in hashtags except main signs !##$%^&*()
Usage Notes
Turn on "g" and "m" flags when using!
It is tested for Java and JavaScript languages via and VSCode tools.
It is available on this repo.
Unicode general categories can help with that task:
I use \p{L} and \p{Nd} unicode categories to match any letter or decimal digit number. You can add any necessary category for your regex. The complete list of categories can be found here:
Regex live demo:
useful and tested regex for detecting hashtags in the text
examples of valid matching hashtag:
allow any language characters or characters with numbers or _.
numbers alone or numbers with _ are not allowed.
It's unicode regex, so if you are using Python, you may need to install regex.
to test it

Regex lookaround for a group doesn't work

Happy Saturday,
I'm wondering if Stackoverflow's users could give me a clue about one specific Regex..
The above regex works well..
It says that :
visite12345 --> is a good anwser (the string does match)
visite1a --> is not a good anwser (the string doesn't match)
However for:
visite12345a --> It doesn't work.
Indeed, the output is visite1234, whereas I'd like to get the same answer that for visite1a (string doesn't match)...
I use to test my regexp.
Do you have any idea how to so?
Thank you very much.
The regex (^visite\d+)(?!\D) matches visite at the start of the string, followed with one or more digits that should not be followed with a non-digit.
The "issue" is that the engine can backtrack within \d+ pattern and it can match 2 digits if the third is not followed with a nondigit.
The best way to solve it is to check the actual requirements and adjust the pattern.
If the digits are the last characters in the string you just should replace the lookahead with the $ anchor.
A generic solution for this is making the subpattern atomic with a capturing group inside a positive lookahead and a backreference, and make sure the lookahead is changed to something like (?![a-zA-Z]) - fail if there is a letter):
See the regex demo
Or if a word boundary should follow the digits (i.e. digits should be followed with a letter, digit or an underscore), use \b instead of the lookahead:
See another demo

