How to improve flags in function? - javascript

I have the following code. I dislike this only aesthetically:
public createDocument() {
try {
if (this.isOpenDialog) throw 'Dialog already opened!';
this.loading = true;
this.isOpenDialog = true;
this.documentService.loadDocuments(this.application.reglamentid).then((response) => {
this.loading = false;{ title: 'Документ', application: this.application }).subscribe(() => {
this.isOpenDialog = false;
} catch (e) {
console.log('ERROR: ' + e);
As you can see there are two flags: this.loading and this.isOpenDialog. First controls opening dialog, The second indicates loading.
Is it possible somehow to improve it?

The pattern you have is typically what people use since it is two distinct states for two different things. Reason why is the dialog could be loading and be shown at the same time. That means both could be true. Depending on what you do with it might make this the optimal solution.
If you want you could have one state that holds both. It might seem cleaner, but as you can see the check to see if it is opened is a bit more confusing since it has to check two states.
enum ModalStates {
public createDocument() {
try {
if (this.modalState === ModalStates.Loading || this.modalState === ModalStates.Opened ) throw 'Dialog already opened!';
this.modalState = ModalStates.Loading;
this.documentService.loadDocuments(this.application.reglamentid).then((response) => {
this.modalState = ModalStates.Opened{
title: 'Документ',
application: this.application
}).subscribe(() => {
this.modalState = ModalStates.Closed
} catch (e) {
console.log('ERROR: ' + e);


Autodesk Forge: Viewer Extension cant use .getExternalIdMapping()

class IBSProgressExtension extends Autodesk.Viewing.Extension{
constructor(viewer, options) {
super(viewer, options);
load() {
//For proof of concept project, I will simply store the externalIds here in a variable.
const allExternalIds = [
this.viewer.model.getExternalIdMapping(data => onSuccessMapping(data));
function onSuccessMapping(data) {
const resArray = [];
allExternalIds.forEach(externalId => {
if (data[externalId]) resArray.push(data[externalId], externalId);
console.log('IBSProgressExtension is loaded.');
return true;
Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension("IBSProgressExtension", IBSProgressExtension);
Please have a look at my extension and please help me figure out why is this happening.
Every time i run it, the devtools logs: ViewerExtension.js:31 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'getExternalIdMapping').
The extensions get loaded before the model so the getExternalIdMapping() method does not have the model properties yet. To handle this scenario, we usually recommend using the viewer events such as Autodesk.Viewing.GEOMETRY_LOADED_EVENT to “catch” the moment when the model is available. It’s better to wait for the event. This will be fired when the model/drawing finishes loading.
Instead of:
this.viewer.model.getExternalIdMapping(data => onSuccessMapping(data));
Try this:
this.viewer.addEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.GEOMETRY_LOADED_EVENT, (x) => {
this.viewer.model.getExternalIdMapping(data => onSuccessMapping(data));
Please test this and see if it's helpful. I tried to incorporate items from your comments to help you structure it out.
class IBSProgressExtension extends Autodesk.Viewing.Extension {
constructor(viewer, options) {
super(viewer, options);
this._externalIds = null;
//Eventually will want to pass in your external IDs to this function, I assume:
//this._externalIds = options.externalIds
this._doStuff = () => {
load() {
console.log("loading extension");
//For now, hard coded like your example.
this._externalIds = [
//Not sure if this is truly the right event, but it worked when I tested on mine.
this.viewer.addEventListener(Autodesk.Viewing.MODEL_LAYERS_LOADED_EVENT, this._doStuff);
startDoingStuff() {
console.log("startDoingStuff executing");
this.getDbIds(this._externalIds).then((CombinedArray) => {
setCustomColors(arrayOfIDs) {
console.log("setCustomColors executing");
var somecolor = "#7D5B51";
var threecolor = new THREE.Color(somecolor);
var vectcolor = new THREE.Vector4(threecolor.r, threecolor.g, threecolor.b, 1);
arrayOfIDs.forEach((e) => {
this.viewer.setThemingColor(e[0], vectcolor, this.viewer.getVisibleModels()[0]);
getDbIds(externalIds) {
console.log("getDbIds executing");
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.viewer.model.getExternalIdMapping((d) => {
//console.log("getDbIdFromExternalId Executed");
let responseArr = [];
externalIds.forEach((externalId) => {
if (d[externalId]) responseArr.push([d[externalId], externalId]);
console.log("resolving", responseArr);
Autodesk.Viewing.theExtensionManager.registerExtension("IBSProgressExtension", IBSProgressExtension);
Regarding this, I was trying to achieve 3 things at this stage.
Get the externalIds from Mongodb.
Compare the externalIds with the ones gotten from getExternalIdMapping().
Get DbIds of those that matched.
Solved these by realising 2 and 3 can be put inside a.then() after .loadDocumentNode().

unable to change image source in DOM javascript

I’m Rahul and I’m new to coding. I have a query related to DOM event. Please look at the following code snippet -
let door1 = document.getElementById('one');
door1.src = "closed_door.svg";
const isClicked = (door) => {
if(door.src === "closed_door.svg") {
return true;
else {
return false;
door1.onclick = () => {
if(isClicked(door1)) {
door1.src = "beach.svg";}
To give you brief, one is an id for an element. Without isClicked, I am able to successfully change the src from closed door to beach on clicking. But when I introduce isClick, it doesn’t change. Can someone please tell me what I’m missing. I’ll be very thankful
Note - I'm building game similar to this - They are using the same process as mine. So please suggest a solution that tells me about the error I'm making here rather than an alternative to the problem
As reported here:
the src reflected property will be the resolved URL — that is, the absolute URL that that turns into. So if that were on the page, document.getElementById("foo").src would give you "".
so to get the real src attribute you should use .getAttribute('src') like so:
const isClicked = (door) => {
if(door.getAttribute('src') === "closed_door.svg") {
return true;
else {
return false;
Ans also BTW, you can just shortcut it to:
const isClicked = (door) => door.getAttribute('src') === "closed_door.svg";
Replace your code with this..
let door1 = document.getElementById('one');
door1.src = "";
const isClicked = (door1) => {
if(door1.src === "") {
return true;
else {
return false;
door1.onclick = () => {
if(isClicked(door1)) {
door1.src = "";}

Finding Sub Spans within Element XPath using Protractor Framework

I have the following lines of code:
.then(function click(services) {
var tryItElement;
if (services.length < 1) {
buttonElement = element(by.xpath('//div[#class="my-class" and contains(., \'' + services[0].title + '\')]//span[contains(., \'Button Text\')]'));
return browser.wait(protractor.ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(buttonElement), getWaitTime())
.then(function() {
return buttonElement.getWebElement();
.then(function(buttonElement) {
var protocol = url.parse(services[0].actionUrl).protocol;
if (protocol === null) {
throw new Error('expected ' + protocol + ' not to be null');
.then(function() {
.then(function() {
return browser.wait(helper.ExpectedConditions.responseCompleted(proxy, services[0].actionUrl), getWaitTime());
.then(function() {
return browser.get(browser.baseUrl);
.then(function() {
return click(services.slice(1));
I expect the first to find an element on my page with the class that contains some text as specified from services[0].title. It does and the following line finds a span within that element that contains the text Button Text.
I have this in a loop and for some reason, the buttonElement stays the same even though performing the action manually in the Chrome dev tools gives me the expected results.
Any other ways of trying this or suggestions? I can clarify some more if needed.

How to prevent Dynamics CRM 2015 from creating an opportunity when a lead is qualified?

Requirements when clicking the Qualify button in the Lead entity form:
Do not create an Opportunity
Retain original CRM qualify-lead JavaScript
Detect duplicates and show duplicate detection form for leads
Redirect to contact, either merged or created version, when done
The easiest approach is to create a plugin running on Pre-Validation for message "QualifyLead". In this plugin you simply have to set CreateOpportunity input property to false. So it would look like:
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
context.InputParameters["CreateOpportunity"] = false;
Or you can go with more fancy way:
public void Execute(IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
IPluginExecutionContext context = (IPluginExecutionContext)serviceProvider.GetService(typeof(IPluginExecutionContext));
var qualifyRequest = new QualifyLeadRequest();
qualifyRequest.Parameters = context.InputParameters;
qualifyRequest.CreateOpportunity = false;
Remember that it should be Pre-Validation to work correctly. Doing it like that allows you to remain with existing "Qualify" button, without any JavaScript modifications.
So Pawel Gradecki already posted how to prevent CRM from creating an Opportunity when a Lead is qualified. The tricky part is to make the UI/client refresh or redirect to the contact, as CRM does nothing if no Opportunity is created.
Before we begin, Pawel pointed out that
some code is not supported, so be careful during upgrades
I don't have experience with any other versions than CRM 2015, but he writes that there are better ways to do this in CRM 2016, so upgrade if you can. This is a fix that's easy to implement now and easy to remove after you've upgraded.
Add a JavaScript-resource and register it in the Lead form's OnSave event. The code below is in TypeScript. TypeScript-output (js-version) is at the end of this answer.
function OnSave(executionContext: ExecutionContext | undefined) {
let eventArgs = executionContext && executionContext.getEventArgs()
if (!eventArgs || eventArgs.isDefaultPrevented() || eventArgs.getSaveMode() !== Xrm.SaveMode.qualify)
// Override the callback that's executed when the duplicate detection form is closed after selecting which contact to merge with.
// This callback is not executed if the form is cancelled.
let originalCallback = Mscrm.LeadCommandActions.performActionAfterHandleLeadDuplication
Mscrm.LeadCommandActions.performActionAfterHandleLeadDuplication = (returnValue) => {
// Because Opportunities isn't created, and CRM only redirects if an opportunity is created upon lead qualification,
// we have to write custom code to redirect to the contact instead
// CRM doesn't tell us when the contact is created, since its qualifyLead callback does nothing unless it finds an opportunity to redirect to.
// This function tries to redirect whenever the contact is created
function RedirectToContact(retryCount = 0) {
if (retryCount === 10)
return Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("Could not redirect you to the contact. Perhaps something went wrong while CRM tried to create it. Please try again or contact the nerds in the IT department.")
setTimeout(() => {
if ($("iframe[src*=dup_warning]", parent.document).length)
return // Return if the duplicate detection form is visible. This function is called again when it's closed
let leadId =
$.getJSON(Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + `/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/LeadSet(guid'${leadId}')?$select=ParentContactId`)
.then(r => {
if (!r.d.ParentContactId.Id)
return RedirectToContact(retryCount + 1)
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("contact", r.d.ParentContactId.Id)
.fail((_, __, err) => Xrm.Utility.alertDialog(`Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the IT-department.\n\nGuru meditation:\n${err}`))
}, 1000)
TypeScript definitions:
declare var Mscrm: Mscrm
interface Mscrm {
LeadCommandActions: LeadCommandActions
interface LeadCommandActions {
performActionAfterHandleLeadDuplication: { (returnValue: any): void }
declare var Xrm: Xrm
interface Xrm {
Page: Page
SaveMode: typeof SaveModeEnum
Utility: Utility
interface Utility {
alertDialog(message: string): void
openEntityForm(name: string, id?: string): Object
interface ExecutionContext {
getEventArgs(): SaveEventArgs
interface SaveEventArgs {
getSaveMode(): SaveModeEnum
isDefaultPrevented(): boolean
interface Page {
context: Context
data: Data
interface Context {
getClientUrl(): string
interface Data {
entity: Entity
interface Entity {
getId(): string
declare enum SaveModeEnum {
function OnSave(executionContext) {
var eventArgs = executionContext && executionContext.getEventArgs();
if (!eventArgs || eventArgs.isDefaultPrevented() || eventArgs.getSaveMode() !== Xrm.SaveMode.qualify)
var originalCallback = Mscrm.LeadCommandActions.performActionAfterHandleLeadDuplication;
Mscrm.LeadCommandActions.performActionAfterHandleLeadDuplication = function (returnValue) {
function RedirectToContact(retryCount) {
if (retryCount === void 0) { retryCount = 0; }
if (retryCount === 10)
return Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("Could not redirect you to the contact. Perhaps something went wrong while CRM tried to create it. Please try again or contact the nerds in the IT department.");
setTimeout(function () {
if ($("iframe[src*=dup_warning]", parent.document).length)
var leadId =;
$.getJSON(Xrm.Page.context.getClientUrl() + ("/XRMServices/2011/OrganizationData.svc/LeadSet(guid'" + leadId + "')?$select=ParentContactId"))
.then(function (r) {
if (!r.d.ParentContactId.Id)
return RedirectToContact(retryCount + 1);
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm("contact", r.d.ParentContactId.Id);
.fail(function (_, __, err) { return Xrm.Utility.alertDialog("Something went wrong. Please try again or contact the IT-department.\n\nGuru meditation:\n" + err); });
}, 1000);
There is a fully functional and supported solution posted over at our Thrives blog:
Basically we combine the plugin modification as mentioned by Pawel with a Client Side redirect (using only supported JavaScript) afterwards:
function RefreshOnQualify(eventContext) {
if (eventContext != null && eventContext.getEventArgs() != null) {
if (eventContext.getEventArgs().getSaveMode() == 16) {
setTimeout(function () { () {
var contactId = Xrm.Page.getAttribute("parentcontactid").getValue();
if (contactId != null && contactId.length > 0) {
Xrm.Utility.openEntityForm(contactId[0].entityType, contactId[0].id)
}, function (error) { console.log(error) });;
}, 1500);

Suddenly not able to call Mojo.Controller.stageController.pushScene() from app-assistant

Here is how the code is.
function AppAssistant() {
this.dbObj = new DatabaseAssistant();
this.schemaObj = new SchemaAssistant();
this.result = {};
AppAssistant.prototype.setup = function() {
AppAssistant.prototype.handleLaunch = function(launchParams) {
if (gConfigDatabase.engine == "sqllite") {
} else {
AppAssistant.prototype.processResult = function() {
AppAssistant.prototype.execMigrations = function(version) {
// Database error handler
// If the db does not exists, it will generate set of tables
AppAssistant.prototype.errorHandler = function() {"In app asst error handler.");
if (gConfigDatabase.engine == "sqllite") {
try {
// execute some queries to create tables and insert some values in the HTML Opendatabase.
// Show disclaimer Page
} catch (e) {
Mojo.Log.error("In AppAssistant errorHandler : ", e);
} else {"db8 part of app asst error handler");
try {
// execute operations to create kinds for db8 analogous to tables
} catch (e) {"Error in db8 appAsst error handler", e);
AppAssistant.prototype.handleCommand = function(event) {
All this was done to support both sqllite and db8 for an webOS app. The problem i am facing is that when i configure a variable (gConfigDatabase) as sqllite then the Mojo.Controller.stageController.pushScene` method which is there in the errorHandler function works. but when i change it so that db8 engine is used, then i get an error saying undefined method pushScene. Any clues or hints on debugging or solving this ?

