How to call pre-existing WebAssembly code from Emscripten - javascript

I've made a compiler from my programming language (called AEC) targeting WebAssembly. However, that compiler only produces WebAssembly Binary Toolkit (WABT) compatible code, as I couldn't find sufficient documentation for the assembly compatible with Emscripten. So, how can I call the functions in that language from Emscripten-compatible C or C++?
Previously, I made a compiler for that language targeting x86, and it was rather easy to use C++ to interact with code written in that language. The same, however, doesn't seem to be true when using WebAssembly.
Let's say I have this code in AEC:
Function plusOne(Integer32 integer) Which Returns Integer32 Does
Return integer + 1;
I compile it as follows:
[teo.samarzija#teos-acer-laptop debug]$ ../AECforWebAssembly/aec *.aec
Running the tests...
All the tests passed.
Reading the file...
All characters read!
Tokenizing the program...
Finished tokenizing the program!
Parsing the program...
Finished parsing the program!
Compiling the program...
Compilation finished!
Saving the assembly in file "plusOne.wat"...
Assembly successfully saved, quitting now.
[teo.samarzija#teos-acer-laptop debug]$ wat2wasm plusOne.wat
Now, let's say I want to call it from a C code such as this one:
#include <stdio.h>
extern int plusOne(int);
int main() {
return 0;
How do I compile the C program to be able to do that? If I try it in an analogous way I could do it with my AEC compiler targeting x86 assembly, I get this error:
[teo.samarzija#teos-acer-laptop debug]$ emcc -o test.html test.c plusOne.wasm
emcc: error: plusOne.wasm: Input file has an unknown suffix, don't know what to do with it!
So, what should I do?
The following NodeJS code accomplishes what I want:
const FileSystem = require('fs');
const wasmFileContent = FileSystem.readFileSync("plusOne.wasm");
let stack_pointer = new WebAssembly.Global({value : 'i32', mutable : true}, 0);
let memory = new WebAssembly.Memory({initial : 1, maximum : 1});
let importObject = {
JavaScript : {stack_pointer : stack_pointer, memory : memory}
WebAssembly.instantiate(wasmFileContent, importObject).then((results) => {
const exports = results.instance.exports;
let plusOne = exports.plusOne;
console.log("plusOne(4)=", plusOne(4));
So, how can I do that in C or C++ using Emscripten?


Can wasm use sysinfo dependency?

I was hoping to be able to write a very small Rust package and compile it to wasm, that would be able to read the system RAM/CPU resources.
Is this due to browser protection for the PC?
I can use the dependencies sysinfo dependency and run it no problem in Rust but once compiled into wasm, the values are no longer available. They just return back as 0.
use sysinfo::SystemExt;
use wasm_bindgen::prelude::*;
extern "C" {
#[wasm_bindgen(js_namespace = console)]
fn log(s: String);
pub fn specs() {
let mut system = sysinfo::System::new();
// First we update all information of our system struct.
// And finally the RAM:
let total_ram = system.get_total_memory();
let used_ram = system.get_used_memory();
let available_ram = total_ram - used_ram;
log(format!("Total memory: {} kB", total_ram)); <--- Work in Rust but return 0 in wasm
log(format!("Used memory: {} kB", used_ram)); <--- Work in Rust but return 0 in wasm
log(format!("Available memory: {} kB", available_ram)); <--- Work in Rust but return 0 in wasm
Web assembly is unsupported by sysinfo. This triggers a dummy implementation returning 0s.
As can be seen here:
Regarding the near future I would not get my hopes up to see support for web assembly. At least to me it would be also unclear to me what the meaning of the values should be. Would these values refer to the entire system, or just the memory available to Web Assembly?

Node.js C++ add-on trying to execute javascript code with `require` function

I'm maintaining a Node.js add-on in C++.
I need to call a SQL parser (a very non-standard variant of SQL, actually) inside an asynchronously called C++ function, but unfortunately (for me) that parser has been implemented in Javascript using some Node.js libraries (the function require is being used); this is an example of the kind of javascript code I need to execute:
require("./util/SqlParser")("SELECT 1 FROM DUAL").getSyntaxTree()
I've tried writing something like this:
v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::GetCurrent();
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = isolate->GetCurrentContext();
v8::TryCatch trycatch;
v8::Local<v8::String> source = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate
"require(\"./util/SqlParser\")(\"SELECT 1 FROM DUAL\").getSyntaxTree()"
v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(context, source).ToLocalChecked();
v8::MaybeLocal<v8::Value> result = script->Run(context);
if( result.IsEmpty() )
v8::Local<v8::Value> exc = trycatch.Exception();
if( !exc.IsEmpty() )
auto msg = exc->ToString();
if( !msg.IsEmpty() )
throw std::string( *v8::String::Utf8Value(msg) );
throw "unknown error in called js function";
But unfortunately this doesn't work. The net outcome is the error message "ReferenceError: require is not defined": apparently, my context doesn't know anything about Node.js.
I tried to wrap the above expression in a js function parseSqlText, but this function is equally unknown to the script executor (I get the error message "ReferenceError: parseSqlText is not defined").
My question is: is there any way to get around this?
Any help would be very appreciated. I would be very glad to avoid reimplementing that parser in C++... which at present seems the only viable way to do what I need.
First, v8 is not Node.js, Node.js is built on top of v8.
v8 is a javascript engine
Thus Node.js libraries are not carried with v8 by it-self
The N-API is the answer to question. Although, normally it is used to write native C++ plugins for Node.js. The github thread belwo has some examples. Additionally, the node.js docs for N-API have also been linked.
Github Thread
Node N-API Docs
EDIT: It would seem the work has been done already, here in this repository. The writer made it so it appears to abstract all the prep work of v8 and be one line for you.
#include "node_embed.h"
int main(int argc, char** argv) {
node_context *context = nodeSetup(argc, argv);
if (context) {
nodeExecuteString(context, "let foo = 1", "__init__");
nodeExecuteString(context, "foo = 2", "__init__");
nodeExecuteString(context, "console.log(foo)", "__init__");
return nodeTeardown(context);
} else {
return 12;
The above is from the repository and will allow you to run that snippet of code.
I suggest that you go find an SQL parser that is already written in C++. I found one immediately in a ten-second search on
In my opinion, there is zero technical justification for bringing the JavaScript language into this scenario, just to be able to "parse SQL." You will not have to "write from scratch" anything at all. It will just be an object – pluck it "off the shelf," instantiate an instance of it, and use it.

WebAssembly calling JavaScript methods from wasm i.e. within C++ code

I was playing with WebAssembly and so far and I was able to manage emscripten compile my test C++ project to wasm file
em++ provides me 2 files i.e.
mainTest.js mainTest.wasm
When I load mainTest.js in my html page then I get a JavaScript object called
I did found how to call C++/wasm methods from javascript i.e. something like:
var myTestInteger = Module._callMyTestMethod();
and read strings from the
, but I do NOT understand how to call JavaScript from C++ code.
i.e. I would like to be able to do something like that:
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
extern void testExternJSMethod();
int main()
cout << " Hello From my Test1 !" << endl;
return 0;
int EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE callMyTestMethod(){
return 26;
#ifdef __cplusplus
and the my js method testExternMethod that I am loading in another js file called utils.js
function testExternMethod() {
console.log("Hello from testExternMethod!" + )
Here I would like to call the JavaScript testExternJSMethod from C++.
When I run the page in Firefox get "-1" in the debugger console.
So what I am missing in this case? Unfortunately The Mozilla documentation is giving only examples in those S-expressions instead of C++.
What am I missing in example? In C++ I have defined the method with the extern keyword i.e.
extern void testExternJSMethod();
but I get the feeling that that is not all I have to do.
I believe that I should somehow link that JavaScript method to the Module somehow but I do not know how.
Module.asm gives me the exports. Which method call should give me the imports? since I believe that this _testExternJSMethod() should be in some imports method I can not figure out how to get to it.
I'm not exactly sure of your use case, but you are missing important steps to be able to use your function testExternalJSMethod. You have two options here:
Option 1 - Library
1 - Define your function in c/c++ .
extern void testExternalJSMethod();
2 - Create a file called myLibrary.js
3 - The JS function needs to be added to the LibraryManager in your library file with the following code:
function makeAlert(text) {
if (typeof mergeInto !== 'undefined') mergeInto(LibraryManager.library, {
testExternalJSMethod: function() {
makeAlert("Hello world");
4 - If testExternalJSMethod depends on anything outside of its own scope (for example, makeAlert above), make sure to include the script in your html page
<script async type="text/javascript" src="myLibrary.js"></script>
5 - Add option --js-library to your emcc command, and immediately after the relative path to myLibrary.js
emcc ... --js-library myLibrary.js
Option 2 - Passing Pointers
1 - Define your javascript function type in c/c++
typedef void testExternalJSMethod()
2 - Wherever you want this function to be used, accept an int param which will be the function pointer, and cast the pointer to your function
void passFnPointer(int ptr) {
3 - Use emscripten's addFunction() and store its returned value (the pointer in c/c++)
var fnPtr = Module.addFunction(function () {
alert("You called testExternalJSMethod");
4 - Use the stored pointer value from step 3 to pass to our function passFnPointer
var passFnPointer = Module.cwrap('passFnPointer', 'undefined', ['number']);
5 - Add option -s RESERVED_FUNCTION_POINTERS to your emcc command
Have you tried looking at the Emscripten documentation? It has a whole section on interacting with code that details how to expose C / C++ functions to JavaScript and call JavaScript functions from C / C++.
Emscripten provides two main approaches for calling JavaScript from C/C++: running the script using emscripten_run_script() or writing “inline JavaScript”.
It is worth noting that the Mozilla documentation details plain WebAssembly, whereas Emscripten adds a lot more framework and tooling around WebAssembly in order to make it easier to port large C / C++ codebases.

Access fields of a JavaScript object in Java

I am writing a Scala application (that is supposed to run on Hadoop using Spark) and my users are to execute JavaScript snippets that they upload and I want to provide access to certain helper functions written in Scala (like "make an HTTP call" etc.) to these JavaScript users. So what I do is writing a big JavaScriptHelpers object and then give access to that object using
engine = scriptEngineManager.getEngineByName("JavaScript")
engine.put("jql", JavaScriptHelpers)
so users can say jql.httpPost(...) from within JavaScript. The Scala code that makes this possible looks as follows:
def httpPost(where: String, params: Object): Try[String] = {
params match {
// JavaScript string becomes Java's String:
case body: String =>
// ...
// JavaScript object becomes Java's ScriptableObject
case obj: ScriptableObject =>
val params = convertToMap(obj)
// ...
protected def convertToMap(obj: ScriptableObject): Map[String, String] = {
(for (key <- obj.getIds().toList) yield {
(key.toString, obj.get(key) match {
case s: String =>
case d: java.lang.Double if d.toString.endsWith(".0") =>
case other => other.toString
The only way I found to access information stored in JavaScript objects is to look at them as an instance of Now this works like a charm on my local OpenJDK installation
java version "1.7.0_75"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (fedora- u75-b13)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.75-b04, mixed mode)
but when I run the same code on my Hadoop cluster, which is running
java version "1.7.0_67"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_67-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 24.65-b04, mixed mode)
then I get:
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: sun/org/mozilla/javascript/ScriptableObject<init>(<init>(<init>(
and looking at the version of Rhino that Oracle bundles with the JDK 7 as downloadable from it seems like all* classes have been moved to*.
Now how do I deal with that situation? Is there any Rhino-independent way of accessing the fields of a JavaScript object in Java? Or, how can I force the Oracle JVM to use the ...javascript.internal.ScriptableObject while using ...javascript.ScriptableObject in my local environment?
Any help much appreciated.
You can use function overloading instead.
// `params` matches a JavaScript string
def httpPost(where: String, params: String): Try[String] = {
// ...
// `params` matches a JavaScript object
def httpPost(where: String, params: java.util.Map[_, _]): Try[String] = {
// ...
This solution worked on my environment (Oracle JDK 8 and OpenJDK 1.7).

Notifying javascript from a node.js native addon (c++)

I do not have much knowledge about javascript. I have written in C++ a shared library that does certain things in a daemon thread. I needed this to be invoked from javascript. By using SWIG I've successfully able to generate a wrapper and compile my code along with it into .node module using node-gyp (wrote binding.gyp for it too). Now i can drop to node prompt and do something like:
> var a = require("./module_name")
> a.SomeCppFunction("SomeString")
and wonderfully invoke the cpp functions, start a detached thread there and return the control back to javascript. However I want to notify the javascript from the detached cpp thread about stuffs. I tried registering javascript functions by collecting function() {} signature types in void(*fp)() etc., to call them back later from c++, but that didn't work. Is there anyway to be able to achieve this ie., register javascript functions (or something else) as callback in the cpp code ?
You can use a combination of SWIG and Napi. An existing repo which does this is available here, with a blog here. But I'll sum up the process here.
Create your class to use in SWIG, which has a thread running in the threadMain method :
#include <Thread.H>
class Test : public ThreadedMethod {
void *threadMain(void);
void setFnPointer(const char* s);
Now in the Napi code, you will generate your thread safe function like so :
Napi::ThreadSafeFunction tsfn; ///< The node api's threadsafe function
Napi::Value Start( const Napi::CallbackInfo& info ){
Napi::Env env = info.Env();
// Create a ThreadSafeFunction
tsfn = Napi::ThreadSafeFunction::New(env,
info[0].As<Napi::Function>(), // JavaScript function to call
"Resource Name", 0,1);
// return the tsfn as a pointer in a string
char addr[24];
return Napi::String::New(env, addr);
// some small code to call NODE_API_MODULE here, check the file NapiCode.C in the repo
You compile the SWIG code to one module and the Napi code down to a different module and you pass the thread safe funciton pointer from one to the other like so :
var libNapiNodejs = require('../swig/.libs/libNapiNodejs');
let fp = libNapiNodejs.start(function () {
console.log("JavaScript callback called with arguments", Array.from(arguments));
}, 5);
// SWIG get our C++ and thread running
var libSwigCNodejs = require('../swig/.libs/libSwigCNodejs');
let test = new libSwigCNodejs.Test;
test.setFnPointer(fp); // tell swig the callback function pointer to execute; // run the C++ thread in the SWIG module
You will see that the C++ thread calls the javascript function. This is what the C++ thread looks like in SWIG :
Napi::ThreadSafeFunction *tsfn; ///< The node api's threadsafe function
void *Test::threadMain(void){
printf("C++ Thread enter %s\n",__func__);
auto callback = []( Napi::Env env, Napi::Function jsCallback, int* value ) {
jsCallback.Call( {Napi::Number::New( env, *value )} );
for (int i=0; i<10; i++){
if (*tsfn) {
printf("calling tsfn->BlockingCall\n");
napi_status status = tsfn->BlockingCall( &i, callback );
if ( status != napi_ok ) // Handle error
printf("C++ Thread exit %s\n",__func__);
return NULL;

