Wait for angularfire storage upload - javascript

I'm doing the "complete your profile" part of my app and I want to upload some images to Firebase.
It is all done in 2 methods located in my "auth" service. I'm having issues getting the data from the uploads, this is the code so far:
async updateUserProfile(
profilePicture: File,
name: string,
birthdate: Date,
countryCode: string,
photoID: File
) {
let updatedAppUser: authenticatedUser;
this.appUser.pipe(take(1)).subscribe((currentAppUser) => {
updatedAppUser = currentAppUser;
const uploadPackage = new FormData();
uploadPackage.append(updatedAppUser.UID, profilePicture);
uploadPackage.append(updatedAppUser.UID + "_", photoID);
let uploadedData = await this.fileUpload(uploadPackage);
let profilePicturePath: string;
let photoIDPath: string;
if (uploadedData) {
profilePicturePath = uploadedData[0];
photoIDPath = uploadedData[1];
//TO-DO: call backend and update the user profile
//after success from backend call
//console.log("photoID Path: ", photoIDPath);
updatedAppUser.showKYC = false;
updatedAppUser.userProfilePicture = profilePicturePath;
updatedAppUser.isPendingValidation = true;
updatedAppUser.userName = name;
updatedAppUser.userBirthdate = birthdate;
updatedAppUser.userCountryCode = countryCode;
//save to local storage
//new updated appuser
And this is the method I'm using to upload data to Firebase:
private async fileUpload(data: FormData) {
const filePaths: string[] = [];
const promises: AngularFireUploadTask[] = [];
for (const value of data.entries()) {
const uploadTask = this.firebaseStorage.ref(value[0]).put(value[1]);
const promiseArray = await Promise.all(promises);
if (promiseArray) {
promiseArray.forEach(async (filePromise) => {
filePaths.push(await filePromise.ref.getDownloadURL());
return filePaths;

I'd probably use a second Promise.all for the download URL retrievals, and remove the use of await since it makes things confusing:
private async fileUpload(data: FormData) {
const promises: AngularFireUploadTask[] = [];
for (const value of data.entries()) {
const uploadTask = this.firebaseStorage.ref(value[0]).put(value[1]);
Promise.all(promises).then((tasksArray) => {
const filePaths = tasksArray.map((task) => task.ref.getDownloadURL());
return Promise.all(filePaths);


How to filter two arrays of splitting?

I'm a bit confused
I am sending emails with nodemailer, and every time I send one I perform certain validations in order to manage the upload limit of the attachments. If the upload limit exceeds what is established, the service divides that email and sends it in different emails with the same subject and body as well as its attachment.
Every time this happens, it does a _.chunk that takes care of splitting the pdfs array into smaller elements. But, it should be noted that before that, he made a method to prepare the attachments and this is in charge of obtaining certain information from the api to paint the pdf buffer and thus put it in the content of the emails.
But now what I want to do is search within the matrix that performs the step before dividing the files those that are equal to the array that obtains the information and if they are equal, carry out the instruction that it sends
I will explain with a graph:
If getAmount.pdfBuffer === attachmentMap
// doAction console.log('Equals)
But even though I tried to do it, I couldn't, I don't know if it's because for each attachment that the array has divided, it generates a getAmount array. What do you think I'm doing wrong?
async sendEmail(
para: to,
asunto: subject,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
}: CorreoInfoDto,
attachments: EmailAttachment[],
driveConfig: OAuthGoogleConfig
) {
const totalSize: number = this.getSizeFromAttachments(attachments);
const chunkSplit = Math.floor(isNaN(totalSize) ? 1 : totalSize / this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) + 1;
const attachmentsChunk: any[][] = _.chunk(attachments, chunkSplit);
if ((totalSize > this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) && attachmentsChunk?.length >= 1) {
await Promise.all(
attachmentsChunk?.map(async (attachment: EmailAttachment[], index) => {
console.log('attachment', attachment)
if (this.getSizeFromAttachments(attachment) > this.LIMIT_ATTACHMENTS) {
const result: GenerateDriveLinkResponse[] = await Promise.all(
attachment?.map(item => {
const file = new GoogleDriveUploadFile({
name: item?.filename,
mimeType: MimeTypesEnum.PDF,
body: item?.content
return this.uploadFilesService.uploadToDrive(driveConfig, file) as any;
const texto = result?.map((item, index) => {
console.log('item', item?.webViewLink);
console.log('index', index);
return new SolicitudXLinkDrive({
texto: attachment[index].filename,
link: item?.webViewLink
context.links = texto;
const link = `(${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
const newContext = {
getCurrent: link,
const prepareEmail = this.prepareEmail({
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject} (${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length})`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: newContext,
}, []);
return prepareEmail
} else {
// this.getCantidad = `(${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
console.log('getCantidad', this.getAmount );
const attachmentMap = attachment.map(element => element.content);
this.getAmount .forEach(element => {
if (element.pdfBuffer === attachmentMap) {
console.log('do action');
const link = ` (${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`;
const newContext = {
getCurrent: link,
return this.prepareEmail({
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject} (Correo ${index + 1}/${attachmentsChunk?.length - 1})`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: newContext,
}, attachment);
} else {
await this.prepareEmail(
para: to,
asunto: ` ${subject}`,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
async prepareEmail(
para: to,
asunto: subject,
plantilla: template,
contexto: context,
}: CorreoInfoDto,
attachments: EmailAttachment[],
) {
return await this.mailerService.sendMail({
from: `${process.env.SENDER_NAME} <${process.env.EMAIL_USER}>`,
attachments: attachments,
context: context,
async sendEmails(correos: EnvioMultiplesCorreosDto) {
let pdf = null;
let info: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let GDriveConfig: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let logo: ConfiguracionDocument = null;
let forContext = {};
const documents = Array.isArray(correos.documento_id) ? correos.documento_id : [correos.documento_id];
const solicitudes = await this.solicitudesService.findByIds(documents);
const nombresPacientes = solicitudes.reduce((acc, cv) => {
acc[cv.correlativo_solicitud] = cv['info_paciente']?.nombre_paciente;
return acc;
}, {});
await Promise.all([
await this.getPdf(correos.tipo_reporte, correos.documento_id, correos?.dividir_archivos).then(data => { pdf = data; }),
await this.configuracionesService.findByCodes([
]).then(data => {
info = data[0];
GDriveConfig = data[1];
logo = data[2];
forContext = this.configuracionesService.castValorObjectToObject(info?.valor_object)
const attachmentPrepare = this.prepareAttachments(pdf as any, nombresPacientes);
await this.sendEmail(
para: correos.para,
asunto: correos.asunto,
plantilla: 'muestras',
contexto: {
cuerpo: correos.cuerpo,
titulo: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.titulo],
direccion: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.direccion],
movil: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.movil],
pbx: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.pbx],
email: forContext[EnvioCorreoMuestraEnum.email],
logo: logo?.valor,
this.configuracionesService.castValorObjectToObject(GDriveConfig?.valor_object) as any,
const usuario = new UsuarioBitacoraSolicitudTDTO();
solicitudes.forEach((solicitud) => {
const actual = new BitacoraSolicitudDTO();
const newBitacora = new CrearBitacoraSolicitudDTO();
newBitacora.createNewItem(null, actual, actual, usuario, AccionesBitacora.EmailEnviado);
prepareAttachments(item: BufferCorrelativosDTO | BufferXSolicitudDTO[], nombresPacientes: { [key: string]: string }) {
if (this.sharedService.isAnArray(item)) {
const castItem: BufferXSolicitudDTO[] = item as any;
this.getCantidad = castItem;
return castItem?.map((s) => {
const namePatient = nombresPacientes[s.correlativo_solicitud];
return new EmailAttachment().setFromBufferXSolicitudDTO(s, namePatient, 'pdf');
} else {
return [new EmailAttachment().setFromBufferCorrelativosDTO(item as any, 'pdf')];
Thank you very much for your attention, I appreciate it. Cheers
You could try using lodash as this has _.intersectionBy and _.intersectionWith functions that should allow you to compare 2 arrays and filter the common values.
There are some good examples here:
How to get intersection with lodash?

Firebase 9 Web: how do I get download url for stored files?

I'm trying to get download urls for files in firebase storage.
const listRef = ref(storage, `photos/${route.params.id}`)
onMounted( async () => {
await listAll(listRef)
.then((res) => {
res.items.forEach( (item) => {
}).catch((error) => {
I can just find path in the response object, which I can't use as an img src. How can I get a proper download url?
After you upload files you have to send request using function getDownloadURL() to a storage to get downloadURL. It is because of database are adding tokens to files so there is possibility to download files with no need to be logged in. Function uploadBytes() is write operation not read so for security reason you have separate function to get/read downloadURLs from storage.
Here you have function example in typescript. It upload array of files and return array of objects: { name: string, fullPath: string, downloadURL: string }.
async function uploadFiles(path: string, files: File[], id: string) {
if (!files.length) return []
const promises = []
const data = []
for (const item of files) {
const storageRef = ref(storage, `${path}/${id}_${item.name}`)
promises.push(uploadBytes(storageRef, item))
const uploadResults = await Promise.all(promises)
const downloadURLs = []
for (const item of uploadResults) {
data.push({ fullPath: item.metadata.fullPath, downloadURL: '', name: '' })
const downloadURLsResult = await Promise.all(downloadURLs)
for (var i = 0; i < downloadURLsResult.length; i++) {
data[i].downloadURL = downloadURLsResult[i]
data[i].name = files[i].name
return data

How do I get user details in Firebase Storage?

I'm a new programmer and very new to firebase and I'm trying to get the current user files info to display on the screen, it seems that my problem is that I can get the URL and the metadata separately, how do I combine them? how can I take everything at once?
I need to show the file name, date, time, link to download.
const getUserFiles = async () => {
if (!userUID) {
return null;
let listRef = storageRef.child(userUID);
listRef.listAll().then(res => {
// res.prefixes.forEach((item) => {
// });
res.items.forEach(item => {
item.getMetadata().then(item => {
var file = {
name: item.name.toString(),
timeCreated: item.timeCreated.toString(),
link: '',
res.items.forEach(item => {
let counter = 0;
item.getDownloadURL().then(url => {
myFiles[counter].link = url.toString();
the current method don't work! and notice that the userUID its only the uid without the user (local state)
The problem is with the asynchronous calls. You're making an async call in forEach and forEach expects a synchronous function.
You can change the logic to use for-of instead.
See below:
const getUserFiles = async () => {
if (!userUID) {
return null;
let listRef = storageRef.child(userUID);
const res = await listRef.listAll();
for (const itemRef of res.items) {
const itemMetadata = await itemRef.getMetadata();
const url = await itemRef.getDownloadUrl();
var file = {
name: itemMetadata.name.toString(),
timeCreated: itemMetadata.timeCreated.toString(),
link: url,

JavaScript Azure Blob Storage move blob

I have a NodeJS backend which use the official blob storage library (#azure/storage-blob) from Microsoft to manage my Blob Storage:
It is necessary to move a blob from one folder, to another.
Unfortunately I can't find any documentation for that.
What I did until now is:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
const blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(process.env.storageconnection);
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient('import');
const blobClient = containerClient.getBlobClient('toImport/' + req.body.file);
const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download();
... do some stuff with the value of the files
Like you can see in the code, I read a file from folder "toImport". After that I want to move the file to another folder "finished". Is that possible? Maybe I need to create a copy of the file and delete the old one?
As such move operation is not supported in Azure Blob Storage. What you have to do is copy the blob from source to destination, monitor the copy progress (because copy operation is asynchronous) and delete the blob once the copy is complete.
For copying, the method you would want to use is beginCopyFromURL(string, BlobBeginCopyFromURLOptions).
Please see this code:
const { BlobServiceClient } = require("#azure/storage-blob");
const connectionString = "DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=account-name;AccountKey=account-key;EndpointSuffix=core.windows.net";
const container = "container-name";
const sourceFolder = "source";
const targetFolder = "target";
const blobName = "blob.png";
async function moveBlob() {
const blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString(connectionString);
const containerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(container);
const sourceBlobClient = containerClient.getBlobClient(`${sourceFolder}/${blobName}`);
const targetBlobClient = containerClient.getBlobClient(`${targetFolder}/${blobName}`);
console.log('Copying source blob to target blob...');
const copyResult = await targetBlobClient.beginCopyFromURL(sourceBlobClient.url);
console.log('Blob copy operation started successfully...');
do {
console.log('Checking copy status...')
const blobCopiedSuccessfully = await checkIfBlobCopiedSuccessfully(targetBlobClient);
if (blobCopiedSuccessfully) {
} while (true);
console.log('Now deleting source blob...');
await sourceBlobClient.delete();
console.log('Source blob deleted successfully....');
console.log('Move operation complete.');
async function checkIfBlobCopiedSuccessfully(targetBlobClient) {
const blobPropertiesResult = await targetBlobClient.getProperties();
const copyStatus = blobPropertiesResult.copyStatus;
return copyStatus === 'success';
The previous best solution seem working but I don't like use an infinite loop.
So this is an alternative way to move blob file
const move = async (
fileName: string,
src: string,
dest: string
) => {
try {
const = blobServiceClient = BlobServiceClient.fromConnectionString();
logger.info(`Move storage file [ ${src} -> ${dest} | ${fileName} ]`);
const srcContainerClient = blobServiceClient.getContainerClient(src);
const destContainerClient =
const blobClient = srcContainerClient.getBlobClient(fileName);
const downloadBlockBlobResponse = await blobClient.download();
const buffer = await streamToBuffer(
const blockBlobClient = containerClient.getBlockBlobClient(fileName);
await blockBlobClient.upload(buffer, buffer.length);
return `${this.storageUrl}/${containerClient.containerName}/${fileName}`;
} catch (e) {
throw new Error(
`Fail to move storage file [ ${src} -> ${dest} | ${fileName} ]`
const streamToBuffer = async (readableStream: NodeJS.ReadableStream): Promise<Buffer> => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
const chunks: Buffer[] = [];
readableStream.on("data", (data) => {
chunks.push(data instanceof Buffer ? data : Buffer.from(data));
readableStream.on("end", () => {
readableStream.on("error", reject);

upload multiple files to firebase storage issues

i am working on a cooking android app where firebase is the backend, i need to upload multiple images of a recipe in firebase stoarge and then store the downloadurl into firebase database.
i managed to upload the files into firebase but i am having some trouble to get the downloadUrl of these files.
i have created an array of promises to upload the files and i had created another array to store the url of each file which i get when it finishes the uploading task.
here is my code
var promises = [];
for (var i=0 ;i< prepaImages.length;i++)
var storageRef = firebase.storage().ref("receipes"+"/"+category+"/"+title+"/"+uploadTime+prepaImages[i].name );
var uploadTask = storageRef.put(prepaImages[i]);
uploadTask.on('state_changed', snapshot => {
var percentage = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
$("#prepaImageUploadprogress").attr("style", "width:"+percentage+"%");
}, error => { alert(error) }, () => {
uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL().then(downloadURL => {
the problem is i am getting an array of the length of the number of uploaded files minus one (the legnth it should be equal to the number of uploaded files) and it has the same value (the same downloadurl)
. any help will be appreciated
Thank you.
I think the problem is with the promisies. I suggest you to use Promise.all and await. Therefore your code will be more reliable. Here is my solution to multiple file upload (adapt to your variable names):
const array = Array.from({ length: prepaImages.length }, (value, index) => index);
const uploadedImages = await Promise.all(array.map(async index => {
const image = prepaImages[index];
const metadata = { contentType: image.type };
const storageRef = firebase.storage().ref(`receipes/${category}/${title}/${uploadTime}${prepaImages[i].name}`);
const uploadTask = storageRef.put(image, metadata);
const url = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
uploadTask.on('state_changed', snapshot => {
const percentage = (snapshot.bytesTransferred / snapshot.totalBytes) * 100;
$('#prepaImageUploadprogress').attr('style', `width: ${percentage}%`);
}, error => reject(error),
async () => {
const downloadUrl = await uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
return { name: image.name, url };
The uploadedImages will contains an array with the image names and download urls. You can make this without await of course, but I prefer this way.
Here is my own code (without error handling) to achieve this, also, I need to mention that I'm using this with react, redux and using the firebase, firestore wrapper for redux redux-firestore and react-redux-firebase but these are just wrappers:
export const addNewWork = work => async (dispatch, getState, { getFirebase, getFirestore }) => {
const { files, ...restWork } = work;
const firebase = getFirebase();
const firestore = getFirestore();
const storageRef = firebase.storage().ref();
const array = Array.from({ length: files.length }, (value, index) => index);
const uploadedFiles = await Promise.all(array.map(async index => {
const file = files[index];
const metadata = { contentType: file.type };
const uploadTask = storageRef.child(`works/${file.name}`).put(file, metadata);
const url = await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
uploadTask.on('state_changed', () => {}, error => reject(error), async () => {
const downloadUrl = await uploadTask.snapshot.ref.getDownloadURL();
return { name: file.name, url };
await firestore.collection('works').add({
image: uploadedFiles[0], // Use only one image for the clean example
createdAt: new Date()

