React.js Appropiate structure of a multiple language app - javascript

Background: I'm using Django as the framework for the backend, here, I have a single app with multiple models (one per each language) and React.js as the framework for the fronted. Once the main version is over, I want to make the site multilanguage.
Question: Should I duplicate the original app (say this app is in English) deploy these two versions or maybe create these versions inside of the main version?
Directory structure case A
Directory structure case B
-> EN
-> ES
Note. The site is not complex so both options are suitable for me.
Thank you in advance for your time and help!

You don't need multiple modules to do that. In fact I would strongly suggest you do not do that, it will become very hard to maintain (IE: bugs and features need to be fixed on each language).
Django's support for multiple locales is great (official docs):
from django.utils.translation import gettext as _
def my_view(request):
output = _("Welcome to my site.")
return HttpResponse(output)
On the React side, there are many libraries, the one I like for its simplicity is Airbnb's Polyglot:
locale: 'es',
phrases: {
"hello": "hola"
const polyglot = new Polyglot(SPANISH_PHRASES);
polyglot.t("hello"); // returns "hola"
Usually, you would like to define a, say, Translate component that does this under the hood:
// basic example, needs more elaboration!
export default function Translate({ phrase }) {
return <span>{ polyglot.t(phrase) }</span>
Then to use it:
function SomeComponent() {
return (
<SomeMenu><Translate phrase="hello" /></SomeMenu>


Webpack code splitting breaks instanceof between chunks

class ModuleInBundleA extends ModuleInBundleC { … } ModuleInBundleA())
class ModuleInBundleB {
public foo(bar: ModuleInBundleA|ModuleInBundleC|number) {
if (bar instanceof ModuleInBundleA || bar instanceof ModuleInBundleC) {
// always false
I'm trying to start using TypeScript + Webpack 4.41.6 on the project that has mostly old codebase. Basically I want to package several small modules onto bundles to migrate softly without moving whole project onto new js stack.
I found out that Webpack can do this with code splitting, and package shared code into bundles on it's own with some configuration. However I can't really control what will be in every bundle unless I build every bundle separately and then only share types, using my own modules as external libraries and that's bit frustrating.
Maybe on this point you can say that I'm doing something wrong already and I would like to hear how can I achieve my goal of using bundles just as vanilla javascript (controlling defer/async on my own and using script tag on my own as well), and I don't really want to pack everything as an independent package with own configuration, types export and so on.
Hope you got overall context. Closer to the point.
I have the following function, that is bundled to it's own chunk called modal-manager.js.
public showModal (modal: ModalFilter|AbstractModal|number) {
let modalId: number;
console.log(typeof modal);
console.log(modal instanceof ModalFilter);
console.log(modal instanceof AbstractModal);
if (modal instanceof AbstractModal) {
modalId = modal.getId();
} else {
modalId = modal;
(Originally it had no ModalFilter as ModalFilter inherits AbstractModal but I included it for demonstration purposes)
The abstract modal is bundled automatically to modal-utils.js as it's shared between modules.
Next, I have another big bundle called filter.js. This one literally creates instance of ModalFilter const modalFilter = new ModalFilter(...). I think it's work mentioning that instance of modalFilter declared to the global window variable. The trouble is that filter.js calls modal.js code (through window.modalFilter.showModal(modalFilter)) with no problems whatsoever, but I see the following result of console.log:
ModalFilter {shown: false, loading: false, closing: false, html: init(1), id: 0, …}
modal.bundle.23e2a2cb.js:264 object
modal.bundle.23e2a2cb.js:265 false
modal.bundle.23e2a2cb.js:266 false
I disabled mapping to get more into code and see this:
ModalManager.prototype.showModal = function (modal) {
var modalId;
console.log(typeof modal);
console.log(modal instanceof _builder_component_modal_filter__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_1__[/* default */ "a"]);
console.log(modal instanceof _modal_abstract__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* default */ "a"]);
if (modal instanceof _modal_abstract__WEBPACK_IMPORTED_MODULE_0__[/* default */ "a"]) {
modalId = modal.getId();
else {
modalId = modal;
With my understanding of how javascript works, instanceof should check the object-creator function. As code chunks separated (modal.js has no same code with modal-utils.js) the creator function should be the same. However, getting more to the details I see that webpackJsonp can be really tricky and calling them from kind-of independent environments, still it should be the same environment where FilterModal, AbstractModal is called. The ModalManager could have own environment I believe. But code called is 100% the same. Could that webpackJsonp bundle-arrays be the source of the problem? If so, how can I avoid that and make modal.js bundle understand that both filter.js and others reference the same AbstractModal from modal-utils.js?
If I'm doing it wrong, is there a simple way to start bundling small and efficient scripts build with TypeScript and Webpack (or other tools)?
Also, I see the externals feature of Webpack, but haven't figured out how to use that in my case. In general, I'm ok with current set up except instanceof issue. The reason I want to avoid multiple builds is that I'll probably have dozens of smaller bundles that shared across different modules and having dozen of npm packages for each seems excessive.
Prefacing this with; I don't know the answer to the exact issue that you are facing in regards to the instanceOf part of your question. This is aimed at the "how did you do it" part.
Approx. 4 weeks ago we also changed from a .js to .ts implementation with about 1-2 hunderd .js files. Obviously we didn't want to migrate these all at once over to .ts as the effort was too high.
What we ended up doing was identifying .js scripts which needed to run on specific pages and added these into webpack as entry files. Then for all of the other suporting scripts, if we required their contents in our new .ts files, we actually created a large index/barrel file for them all, imported them in and then webpack will automatically include these in the correct scope alongside their respective .ts files.
What does this look like?
legacy.index.ts: For every single supporting .js file that we wanted to reference in any way in .ts.
var someFile_js = require("someFile.js");
export { someFile_js };
This then allowed us to import and use this in the .ts files:
import { someFile_js } from './legacy.index';
In reply to #tonix. To load a defined list:
const SITE_INDEX = require('./path-to-js-file/list.js')
module.exports = {
"filename1": "./some-path/filename1.js"
"filename2": "./some-path/filename2.ts"

Import dynamically named exports

Is it possible to import named exports dynamically?
I have a file, banana.js with hundreds of named exports. Id like to import them on demand. Is this possible? And if it is, will it only load that export and not all?
I know its possible to import them dynamically from individual files but I want them in the same file.
Example below..
// banana.js
export const banana_1 = {
export const banana_2 = {
// main.js
const currentPage = 1
async getSomething(){
let { `banana_${currentPage}` } = await import('./banana.js');
const foo = `banana_${currentPage}`
Fyi im using Vue.js
From what I know, you might have to use require('./banana.js') here. Please note that require is synchronous, so need for await. If you use eslint and it forbids usage of require, just add // eslint-disable-line to the end of that line. BTW, I don't know Vue at all.
About the object you import, you should probably make an array instead of suffixing each export with a number.
Edit: I just realized that dynamic imports are a thing not only possible with require, so ignore the first paragraph.
Based on your response to my question I offer the following solution. I understand not wanting to deploy and use a full database solution for the sake of hot loading some JSON objects. I'm unsure of your use case and other details related to your project.
You can use a self contained database like SQLite. Instead of setting up a NoSQL or SQL server. You can instead just store what you need to the SQLite file. Since Vue requires Node.js you can use the Node.js SQLite3 library
I hope this helps.

Is it possible to auto import JS files for all react components?

I have created a logging utility function that I plan to use on 99% of components in my site. I am wondering if it is possible to access this file without having to write "import { logger } from 'utils/logging';" for every React component? Sort of like an auto import?
I am using create-react-app.
If I understand your requirement properly, you want the similar usage of console.log (without importing console), then below is something you can try.
In your index file, set it as a global object(for server side js) or window object (for client side js). So that , it can be accessed anywhere.
We had something like this with a mmiddleware(using redux-logger package):
const logger = require('redux-logger').createLogger
return middleware.concat(logger({
collapsed: true,
duration: true
Hope this helps!
What you're trying to do sounds like a bad way to do it. I think the best solution if you need custom data logged, would be to create/add a middleware. Or in React's case maybe a wrapper component. I'm not sure.
Otherwise look into React / Redux Dev Tools Extension.
If you want to ignore good practices then you can do this:
// in index.js or app.js or wherever
import { logger } from 'utils/logging'
// if you have an env for development use it here
process.NODE_ENV = 'development' && window.logger = logger
// or just
window.logger = logger
// SomeComponent.js

meteor: import directory - modular import of methods which are needed

I'm migrating my meteor application to the import-function of meteor 1.3.
But I think this is not quite the best way it should be done. Isn't it possible to load/import just the method which is really needed?
I mean, right now just all methods are loaded by importing the the methods.js. But I would like to do that in a modular way. So if the form .fomNewElement is used in the app, the method insertArticle will be imported and so on. Not just loading everything...
Below you can see my folder structure for /imports and some content of the files. Is there anything more I could improve in the structure itself?
Also it would be great if the import would depend on user roles. Is this possible?
import { Articles } from '../';
import { insertArticle, updateArticle } from '../methods.js';
// some helpers
Template.Artilces.onCreated(function() {
// some code
Template.Artilces.onRendered(function() {
// some code
'submit .formNewElement': function(event) {
var title =;{
title: title
'click .anything': function() {}
As you can see, I put into that js-file all helpers, events and onCreated/onRendered code. Hope this is 'correct'... Please give me some hint, if this isn't very smart.
export const Articles = new Mongo.Collection('articles');
import { Articles } from './';
export const insertArticle = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'article.insert',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
title: { type: String }
run( document ) {
Articles.insert( document );
export const updateArticle = new ValidatedMethod({
name: 'article.update',
validate: new SimpleSchema({
_id: { type: String },
'update.title': { type: String }
run( { _id, update } ) {
Articles.update( _id, { $set: update } );
And the other files:
import '../../api/redactor-article/client';
import '../../api/redactor-article/server/publications.js';
import '../../api/redactor-article/methods.js';
import './article.html';
import './article.sass';
import './article.js';
Maybe it would be a better way to structure an import module like this:
article.js // contains helpers, events and onCreated/onRendered
Then I have to import the files in startup/client (-> all ui files of this module AND all api files) and startup/server (-> just all api files)...
A few points:
You've put everything under imports/api. That directory is designed for collections, methods, helpers, 'business logic' and public API (e.g. if you expose a REST API, you'd do it from within that directory). Use imports/ui for your templates (including their styles and associated .js files).
You don't need to differentiate between client and server directories within imports. Just import the files you need from the respective main entry points (i.e. client/main.js and server/main.js). This point is a little more complex than I suggest here, see the link to 'structure' in the Meteor Guide, below.
index.js doesn't seem like a logical place to put your Articles collection. I'd make a file at /imports/api/articles/articles.js for it. See for a good overview about where to put things and why.
Also, in the interests of following best-practices, use a default export for your Articles collection:
To answer your question about how much of the file is exported (i.e. which functions), there's not much you can do about everything being loaded. The bundler needs to read the entire JS file anyway (imagine you exported an object and then changed it further down in the same file– not the best practice, but possible). If you're not using a function though, by all means, don't import it! And you can always split up your methods into seperate files if they get unmanageable.
Regarding your question about only importing bits for certain user roles: always avoid using imports or other types of obfuscation for security. The ideal way to do security on Meteor is to assume ANYTHING is accessible on the client (it pretty much is) and code your server-side code accordingly. That means, if you have an admin area, assume that anyone can access it. You can do checks in server methods and publications for this.userId and do a database lookup there to ensure the user has the correct privileges. Again, the guide has more info about this:
A final note about imports/exports: the idea behind them is not to reduce code size, but to provide a graph of what is actually being used (and leaving out the files that aren't) to make hot code reloading faster for a better development experience. They also make for cleaner application code that is easier to understand, because you don't have random magical globals swimming around that could have come from anywhere, and help to keep logically distinct pieces of code separate.
Best of luck :)

react native use variable for image file

I know that to use a static image in react native you need to do a require to that image specifically, but I am trying to load a random image based on a number. For example I have 100 images called img1.png - img100.png in my directory. I am trying to figure out a way to do the following
<Image source={require(`./img${Math.floor(Math.random() * 100)}.png`)}/>
I know this intentionally does not work, but any workarounds would be greatly appreciated.
For anyone getting to know the react-native beast, this should help :)
I visited a couple of sites in the past too, but found it increasingly frustrating. Until I read this site here.
It's a different approach but it eventually does pay off in the end.
Basically, the best approach would be to load all your resources in one place.
Consider the following structure
In index.js, you can do this:
const images = {
profile: {
profile: require('./profile/profile.png'),
comments: require('./profile/comments.png'),
image1: require('./image1.jpg'),
image2: require('./image2.jpg'),
export default images;
In your views, you have to import the images component like this:
import Images from './img/index';
render() {
<Image source={Images.profile.comments} />
Everybody has different means to an end, just pick the one that suits you best.
Da Man - Q: How is this answer using a variable?
Well, since require only accepts a literal string, you can't use variables, concatenated strings, etc. This is the next best thing. Yes, it still is a lot of work, but now you can do something resembling the OP's question:
render() {
var images = { test100: "image100" };
return (
test {images["test" + "100"]}
In JS require statements are resolved at bundle time (when the JS bundle is calculated). Therefore it's not supported to put variable expression as an argument for require.
In case of requiring resources it's even more trickier. When you have require('./someimage.png'), React Native packager will locale required image and it will be then bundled together with the app so that it can be used as a "static" resource when your app is running (in fact in dev mode it won't bundle the image with your app but instead the image will be served from the server, but this doesn't matter in your case).
If you want to use random image as a static resource you'd need to tell your app to bundle that image. You can do it in a few ways:
1) Add it as a static asset of your app, then reference to it with <Image src={{uri:'name_of_the_image_in_assets.png'}}/> (here is how you can add it to the native iOS app)
2) Require all the images upfront statically. Sth in a form of:
var randomImages = [
Then in your code you can do:
<Image src={randomImages[Math.floor(Math.random()*randomImages.length)]}/>
3) Use network image with <Image src={{uri:''}}/>
class ImageContainer extends Component {
this.state ={
<Image source={this.state.image} />
In the context of this discussion,I had this case where wanted to dynamically assign images for a particular background. Here I change state like this
I came to this thread looking for a way to add images in a dynamic way. I quickly found that passing in a variable to the Image -> require() was not working.
Thanks to DerpyNerd for getting me on the correct path.
After implementing the resources in one place I then found it easy to add the Images. But, I still needed a way to dynamically assign these images based on changing state in my application.
I created a function that would accept a string from a state value and would then return the Image that matched that string logically.
Image structure:
In index.js, I have this:
const images = {
logos: {
kl: require('./logos/small_kl_logo.png'),
a1: require('./logos/small_a1_logo.png'),
kc: require('./logos/small_kc_logo.png'),
nv: require('./logos/small_nv_logo.png'),
other: require('./logos/small_other_logo.png'),
export default images;
In my SearchableList.js component, I then imported the Images component like this:
import Images from './assets/images';
I then created a new function imageSelect in my component:
imageSelect = network => {
if (network === null) {
return Images.logos.other;
const networkArray = {
'KL': Images.logos.kl,
'A1': Images.logos.a1,
'KC': Images.logos.kc,
'NV': Images.logos.nv,
'Other': Images.logos.other,
return networkArray[network];
Then in my components render function I call this new imageSelect function to dynamically assign the desired Image based on the value in the
render() {
<Image source={this.imageSelect(} />
Once again, thanks to DerpyNerd for getting me on the correct path. I hope this answer helps others. :)
Here is a simple and truly dynamic solution(no renaming or import required) to the problem if you have a bigger no of files.
[Won't work for Expo Managed]
Although the question is old I think this is the simpler solution and might be helpful. But I beg a pardon for any terminological mistakes, correct me please if I do any.
URI can easily be manipulated as per the requirement but normally it's used for network/remote assets only but works for local and native assets too. Whereas require can not be used for dynamic file names and dirs
Open android/app/src/main/assets folder from your App.js or index.js containing directory, if the assets folder doesn't exist create one.
Make a folder named images or any NAME of your choice inside assets, and paste all the images there.
Create a file named react-native.config.js in the main app folder containing App.js or index.js.
Add these lines to the new js file:
module.exports = {
project: {
ios: {},
android: {},
assets: ['./assets/YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/'],
at the place of YOUR_FOLDER_NAME use the newly created folder's name images or any given NAME
Now run npx react-native link in your terminal from main app folder, this will link/add the assets folder in the android bundle. Then rebuild the debug app.
From now on you can access all the files from inside android/app/src/main/assets in your react-native app.
For example:
source={{ uri: 'asset:/YOUR_FOLDER_NAME/img' + Math.floor(Math.random() * 100) + '.png' }}

