Convert Float32Array to base64 in javascript - javascript

There are many Q&A's about converting blobs or Uint8Array to base64. But I have been unable to find how to convert from 32-bit arrays to base64. Here is an attempt.
function p(msg) { console.log(msg) }
let wav1 = [0.1,0.2,0.3]
let wav = new Float32Array(wav1)
p(`Len array to encrypt=${wav.length}`)
let omsg = JSON.stringify({onset: { id: 'abc', cntr: 1234}, wav: atob(wav) })
The atob gives:
Uncaught InvalidCharacterError: Failed to execute 'atob' on 'Window':
The string to be decoded is not correctly encoded."
What intermediate step is needed to allow proper encoding of the floats to base64 ? Note that I have also tried TweetNacl-util instead of atob this way:
This results in the same error.
Update Using JSON.stringify directly converts each float element into its ascii equivalent - which bloats the datasize . For the above that is:
We are transferring large arrays so this is a suboptimal solution.
Update The crucial element of the solution in the accepted answer is using Float32Array(floats).buffer . I was unaware of the buffer attribute.

The problem with your current code is that nacl.util.encodeBase64() takes in either a string, Array, or Uint8Array. Since your input isn't an Array or Uint8Array, it assumes you want to pass it in as a string.
The solution, of course, is to encode it into a Uint8Array first, then encode the Uint8Array into base64. When you decode, first decode the base64 into a Uint8Array, then convert the Uint8Array back into your Float32Array. This can be done using JavaScript ArrayBuffer.
const floatSize = 4;
function floatArrayToBytes(floats) {
var output = floats.buffer; // Get the ArrayBuffer from the float array
return new Uint8Array(output); // Convert the ArrayBuffer to Uint8s.
function bytesToFloatArray(bytes) {
var output = bytes.buffer; // Get the ArrayBuffer from the Uint8Array.
return new Float32Array(output); // Convert the ArrayBuffer to floats.
var encoded = nacl.util.encodeBase64(floatArrayToBytes(wav)) // Encode
var decoded = bytesToFloatArray(nacl.util.decodeBase64(encoded)) // Decode
If you don't like functions, here's some one-liners!
var encoded = nacl.util.encodeBase64(new Uint8Array(wav.buffer)) // Encode
var decoded = new Float32Array(nacl.util.decodeBase64(encoded).buffer) // Decode


How to convert a hex binary string to Uint8Array

I have this string of bytes represented in hex:
const s = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8bV23J15O4\xb14\xb1H61417KKLL\xb50L5U\x8a\x05\x00\xf6\xaa\x8e.\x1c\x00\x00\x00"
I would like to convert it to Uint8Array in order to further manipulate it.
How can it be done?
The binary string is coming from python backend. In python I can create this representation correctly:
encoded = base64.b64encode(b'\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8bV23J15O4\xb14\xb1H61417KKLL\xb50L5U\x8a\x05\x00\xf6\xaa\x8e.\x1c\x00\x00\x00')
Since JavaScript strings support \x escapes, this should work to convert a Python byte string to a Uint8Array :
const s = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8bV23J15O4\xb14\xb1H61417KKLL\xb50L5U\x8a\x05\x00\xf6\xaa\x8e.\x1c\x00\x00\x00";
const array = Uint8Array.from([...s].map(v => v.charCodeAt(0)));
In Node.js, one uses Buffer.from to convert a (base64-encoded) string into a Buffer.
If the original argument is a base64 encoded string, as in Python:
const buffer = Buffer.from(encodedString, 'base64');
It if's a UTF-8 encoded string:
const buffer = Buffer.from(encodedString);
Buffers are instances of Uint8Array, so they can be used wherever a Uint8Array is expected. Quoting from the docs:
The Buffer class is a subclass of JavaScript's Uint8Array class and extends it with methods that cover additional use cases. Node.js APIs accept plain Uint8Arrays wherever Buffers are supported as well.
const s = "\x1f\x8b\x08\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xff\x8bV23J15O4\xb14\xb1H61417KKLL\xb50L5U\x8a\x05\x00\xf6\xaa\x8e.\x1c\x00\x00\x00"
//btoa(base64) - transforms base64 to ascii
let str = btoa(s)
let encoder = new TextEncoder()
let typedarr = encoder.encode(str) //encode() returns Uint8Array

How can I convert from a Javascript Buffer to a String only containing 0 and 1

So I currently am trying to implement the huffman alg and it works fine for decoding and encoding. However, I store the encoded data as follows.
The result of the encoding function is a list containing many strings made up of 0 and 1 and all are varying length.
If i'd safe them in a normal txt file it would take up more space, if Id store them how they are in a binary file it could be that for example an 'e' which would have the code 101 would be stored in a full 8 bits looking like '00000101' which is wasteful and wont take up less storage then the original txt file. I took all the strings in the list and put them into one string and split it into equal parts of length 8 to store them more effectively.
However if I wanna read the data now, instead of 0 and 1 I get utf-8 chars, even some escape characters.
I'm reading the file with fs.readFileSync("./encoded.bin", "binary"); but javascript then thinks it's a buffer already and converts it to a string and it gets all weird... Any solutions or ideas to convert it back to 0 and 1?
I also tried to switch the "binary" in fs.readFileSync("./encoded.bin", "binary"); to a "utf-8" which helped with not crashing my terminal but still is "#��C��Ʃ��Ԧ�y�Kf�g��<�e�t"
To clarify, my goal in the end is to read out the massive string of binary data which would look like this "00011001000101001010" and actually get this into a string...
You can convert a String of 1s and 0s to the numerical representation of a byte using Number.parseInt(str, 2) and to convert it back, you can use nr.toString(2).
The entire process will look something like this:
const original = '0000010100000111';
// Split the string in 8 char long substrings
const stringBytes = original.match(/.{8}/g);
// Convert the 8 char long strings to numerical byte representations
const numBytes = => Number.parseInt(s, 2));
// Convert the numbers to an ArrayBuffer
const buffer = Uint8Array.from(numBytes);
// Write to file
// Read from file and reverse the process
const decoded = [...buffer].map((b) => b.toString(2).padStart(8, '0')).join('');
console.log('original', original, 'decoded', decoded, 'same', original === decoded);
var binary = fs.readFileSync("./binary.bin");
binary = [...binary].map((b) => b.toString(2).padStart(8, "0")).join("");
//Output will be like 010000111011010

Why String.protoptype.charCodeAt() can convert binary string into an Uint8Array?

Suppose I have a base64 encoded string and I want to convert it into an ArrayBuffer, I can do it in this way:
// base64 decode the string to get the binary data
const binaryString = window.atob(base64EncodedString);
// convert from a binary string to an ArrayBuffer
const buf = new ArrayBuffer(binaryString.length);
const bufView = new Uint8Array(buf);
for (let i = 0, strLen = binaryString.length; i < strLen; i++) {
bufView[i] = binaryString.charCodeAt(i);
// get ArrayBuffer: `buf`
From String.protoptype.charCodeAt(), it will return an integer between 0 and 65535 representing the UTF-16 code unit at the given index. But an Uint8Array's range value is [0, 255].
I was initially thinking that the code point we obtained from charCodeAt() could go out of the bound of the Uint8Array range. Then I checked the built-in atob() function, which returns an ASCII string containing decoded data. According to Binary Array, ASCII string has a range from 0 to 127, which is included in the range of Uint8Array, and that's why we are safe to use charCodeAt() in this case.
That's my understanding. I'm not sure if I interpret this correctly. Thanks for your help!
So looks like my understanding is correct.
Thanks to #Konrad, and here is his/her add-up:
charCodeAt is designed to support utf-16. And utf-16 was designed to be compatible with ASCII so the first 256 characters have exact values like in ASCII encoding.

Conversion from buffer of bytes to string then back to bytes in NodeJS / Javascript

Like the title states, I am just trying to encode some bytes in a string, then decode them back to bytes. The conversion of a Uint8 array of bytes to string then back to array does not happen perfectly. I am just wondering what encoding I should use in the conversion to make it happen correctly.
I try this as a dummy example:
var bytes = serializeToBinary(); // giving me bytes
console.log('bytes type:'+;
console.log('bytes length:'+ bytes.length);
var bytesStr = bytes.toString('base64'); // gives me a string that looks like '45,80,114,98,97,68,111'
console.log('bytesStr length:'+ bytesStr.length);
console.log('bytesStr type:'+;
var decodedbytesStr = Buffer.from(bytesStr, 'base64');
console.log('decodedbytesStr type:'+;
console.log('decodedbytesStr length:'+ decoded.length);
bytes type:[object Uint8Array]
bytes length:4235
bytesStr type:[object String]
bytesStr length:14161
decodedbytesStr type:[object Uint8Array]
decodedbytesStr length:7445
Shouldn't decodedbytesStr length and bytes length be the same?
TypedArray does not support .toString('base64'). The base64 argument is ignored, and you simply get a string representation of the array's values, separated by commas. This is not a base64 string, so Buffer.from(bytesStr, 'base64') is not processing it correctly.
You want to call .toString('base64') on a Buffer instead. When creating bytesStr, simply build a Buffer from your Uint8Array first:
var bytesStr = Buffer.from(bytes).toString('base64');

Javascript : Encode byte [ ] array to base64

I have a simple question: how to encode a byte [ ] to base64 format?
I have the following code:
var hash = CryptoJS.SHA1("payLoad");
hash = hash.toString();
var bytes = [];
for (var i = 0; i < hash.length; ++i)
Now I would like to encode bytes[ ] to base64 format. Is there a library to do that?
I will appreciate your help!
btoa and atob work with strings, which they treat as arrays of bytes, so to use these two functions, you should first convert your array of integers (provided they fall in the range 0-255) into a string.
something that worked here for me was these two simple functions:
b64encode = function(x) {
return btoa({return String.fromCharCode(v)}).join(''))
b64decode = function(x) {
return atob(x).split('').map(function(v) {return v.codePointAt(0)});
I'm sure you can write them in better style.
in your case though your data was already in the correct format, before you converted it to a 32 bit integer array. the fact that you call the array bytes is only misleading you I think. after that, btoa converted the bloated array, instead of the array of bytes you had in your hash.

