Chaining Drop-Down Lists - javascript

I'm doing my first project in HTML/CSS/JavaScript. I'm fluent in Java and C.
I have a group of images that are separated in multi level groups/subgroups. Before I present them I need to choose the groups using DDL (Drop-Down Lists). I want to display the first DDL and only after selected, present the 2nd and so on. For example I have a DDL with [Group A, Group B, Group C] and if I choose Group A then it appears a 2nd DDL with the options [Group AA, Group AB]. If I choose the Group AA then it appears a 3rd DDL. If I choose the Group AB the pictures from that group should be presented (because there are no subgroups inside Group AB). I only need at most 3 levels (like in the picture). The groups are fixed, they never change.
Keep in mind that if I'm in Group AAA and I change the first DDL to Group B, the 2nd DDL should reset (and change its options) and the 3rd DDL should disappear.
How can I achieve this?

I made a fiddle to demo this. Hopefully it is what you are trying to accomplish. The fiddle is very basic and could be refined and refactored to be more dynamic/generic
var optionAppendValues = ["A", "B", "C"];
function createTwo() {
var selectOneValue = document.getElementById('images_one').value;
var selectTwo = document.getElementById('images_two');
if(selectOneValue !== "default") {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = "Group " + selectOneValue + optionAppendValues[i];
option.value = selectOneValue + optionAppendValues[i];
} = "block";
function createThree() {
var selectTwoValue = document.getElementById('images_two').value;
var selectThree = document.getElementById('images_three');
if(selectTwoValue !== "default") {
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
option.text = "Group " + selectTwoValue + optionAppendValues[i];
option.value = selectTwoValue + optionAppendValues[i];
} = "block";
function resetTwo(){
var selectTwo = document.getElementById('images_two');
for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
} = "none";
function resetThree(){
var selectThree = document.getElementById('images_three');
for (i = 3; i > 0; i--) {
var option = document.createElement("option");
} = "none";
#images_two, #images_three {
margin-left: 55px;
margin-top: 5px
<div class="container">
<label for="images_one">Images:</label>
<select name="images_one" id="images_one" onchange="createTwo()">
<option value="default">Please select...</option>
<option value="A">Group A</option>
<option value="B">Group B</option>
<option value="C">Group C</option>
<select name="images_two" id="images_two" onchange="createThree()">
<option value="default">Please select...</option>
<select name="images_three" id="images_three">
<option value="default">Please select...</option>


Need to select text of selected dropdown using JavaScript

I have a dropdown with values. I have an array array with a list of values that will match the drop down values. If the value of text option of the dropdown exists in the array, it shouldn't show in the dropdown as an option. I am stuck on the approach I should use. This is what I have so far.
Car Plates:
<select title='car/id' id='car_x0020_Plate_x002f'>
<option selected="selected" value="0">none</option>
<option value="16">233-jj2</option>
<option value="10">934-zxy</option>
<option value="90">330-nbh</option>
<option value="11">930-orj</option>
var hideOption = ['233-jj2', '330-nbh']
var e = document.querySelector([id^='car']);
var strUser = e.value;
var e = document.getElementById("ddlViewBy");
var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].text;
for (var x=0; x<hideOption.length; x++){
if (hideOption[x] === strUser){
//remove from dropdown
I made your idea in a very simple way, if you have any question please tell me
var hideOption = ['233-jj2', '330-nbh'],
select = document.getElementById("select");
for (let i = 0; i < hideOption.length; i = i + 1) {
for (let t = 1; t < select.options.length; t = t + 1) {
if (hideOption[i] == select.options[t].textContent) {
Car Plates:
<select title='car/id' id='select'>
<option selected="selected" value="0">none</option>
<option value="16">233-jj2</option>
<option value="10">934-zxy</option>
<option value="90">330-nbh</option>
<option value="11">930-orj</option>
// remove from dropdown
use this code to remove from dropdown
you can use this also
var hideOption = ['233-jj2', '330-nbh']
var e = document.querySelector("[id^='car']");
var selTextArr = Array.from(e.options).map(option => option.text)
for (var x=0; x<selTextArr.length; x++){
if (hideOption.includes(selTextArr[x])){
Car Plates:
<select title='car/id' id='car_x0020_Plate_x002f'>
<option selected="selected" value="0">none</option>
<option value="16">233-jj2</option>
<option value="10">934-zxy</option>
<option value="90">330-nbh</option>
<option value="11">930-orj</option>
var options = document.querySelector("[id^='car']").children;
var hideOption = ['233-jj2', '330-nbh']
for (var i = 0; i < options.length; i++){
if(hideOption.indexOf(options[i].text) > -1){

Append options to select box depend on extracted part from array

I have 4 selectboxs moduleName, submoduleName, ProgrameName and last selectbox has all data for username, module, submodule and programe name merged and splited with ";" between each other, I need: when user select module name from moduleName Selectbox it filters values in all data selectbox and splites submoduleNames under this moduleName and append it as options to submoduleName Selectbox, also the same when user select from submoduleName selectbox it filters programeNames under this module and subModuleNames and append it as options in programeName selectbox. I tried to splite each line in allData selectbox but i failed to continue. here what i tried but it is not working.
Thank you for your help.
function check(){
var lines = $('#splitedOptions').val().split(/\n/);
var texts = [];
for (var i=1; i < lines.length; i++) {
for (var i=0; i < texts.length; i++) {
var extractedPart = texts[i].split(';'),
ModuleNameVal = $("#moduleName option:selected").val();
if(extractedPart[1] == ModuleNameVal){
var newOption = "<option value='"+extractedPart[2]+"'>"+extractedPart[2]+"</option>";
function c1() {
var optionsCount = $('#allData').find('option').size();
var textArea ="";
for (var i = 1; i <= optionsCount; i++) {
textArea += '\n';
var xItem = $('#allData').find('option:nth-child(' + (i) + ')').text();
textArea += xItem ;
<script src=""></script>
<select class="moduleName" id="moduleName">
<option value="HR">HR</option>
<option value="Marketing">Marketing</option>
<option value="Purchase">Purchase</option>
<option value="Finance">Finance</option>
<select class="SubModuleName" id="SubModuleName"></select><br><br>
<select class="programeName" id="programeName"></select><br><br>
<label>All Data:</label>
<select class="allData" id="allData">
<option value="userName;HR;Transactions;EmployeeMaster">Option1</option>
<option value="userName;HR;Master;EmployeeMaster">Option2</option>
<option value="userName;Marketing;Master;MarketingMaster">Option3</option>
<option value="userName;HR;Reports;HRReports">Option4</option>
<option value="userName;Purchase;PurchaseOrders;LPO">Option5</option>
<option value="userName;Purchase;PurchaseOrders;IPO">Option6
<option value="userName;Finance;Master;FinanceMasterPrograme">Option7</option>
<option value="userName;Finance;Reports;FinanceReportsPrograme">Option8</option>
<label>splited Options:</label>
<textarea id="splitedOptions" name="splitedOptions" ></textarea>
One way to achieve above is to filter the options from allData select-box and get only those option which has the value which user has selected using value*="yourvalue".
Then , onces you get the options you need to know which select-box has been change so that we can get required value only when we do split and pass required index .
Lastly , we need to loop through the options which we have got from filtering select-box .Suppose user select Master so there are Master in many places so to avoid getting data from all option i have check the value of select with the first select-box as well if matches apppend only those options.
Demo Code :
$('select').change(function() {
//get value
var name = $(this).val();
//filter option and get only option which has the value which user has slected
var s = $("#allData").find('option').filter('[value*=' + name + ']').each(function(ele) {
return $(this).val();
var module_namess;
var index;
//check the id of select-box
if ($(this).attr("id") == "moduleName") {
module_namess = "SubModuleName";
index = 2;//set index
} else if ($(this).attr("id") == "SubModuleName") {
name = $("#moduleName").val()
module_namess = "programeName"
index = 3
$("#" + module_namess).empty()
$('#' + module_namess).append("<option >Select one</option>")
var valuess = ''
//loop through options
for (var i = 0; i < s.length; i++) {
valuess += $(s[i]).val()
//if first value is same
if ($(s[i]).val().split(";")[1] == name) {
var sub_value = $(s[i]).val().split(";")[index]//get the value
var newOption = "<option value='" + sub_value + "'>" + sub_value + "</option>";
$('#' + module_namess).append(newOption);//append
<script src=""></script>
<select class="moduleName" id="moduleName">
<option value="HR">HR</option>
<option value="Marketing">Marketing</option>
<option value="Purchase">Purchase</option>
<option value="Finance">Finance</option>
<select class="SubModuleName" id="SubModuleName"></select><br><br>
<select class="programeName" id="programeName"></select><br><br>
<label>All Data:</label>
<select class="allData" id="allData">
<option value="userName;HR;Transactions;EmployeeMaster">Option1</option>
<option value="userName;HR;Master;EmployeeMaster">Option2</option>
<option value="userName;Marketing;Master;MarketingMaster">Option3</option>
<option value="userName;HR;Reports;HRReports">Option4</option>
<option value="userName;Purchase;PurchaseOrders;LPO">Option5</option>
<option value="userName;Purchase;PurchaseOrders;IPO">Option6
<option value="userName;Finance;Master;FinanceMasterPrograme">Option7</option>
<option value="userName;Finance;Reports;FinanceReportsPrograme">Option8</option>
<label>splited Options:</label>
<textarea id="splitedOptions" name="splitedOptions"></textarea>

How do I remove old options in Jquery when parent select box is changed?

I have 3 chained select boxes using jquery and json.
Depending on first 2 values I filter third one my code actually works but the problem is when I change values of first 2 select boxes third select recieves new datas while keeping old ones.
I've tried to empty my array but it didn't work.
$(document).ready(function() {
var json = JSON.parse(jsonString);
var makesArray = [];
var selectedyear;
var selectedcourse;
var $yearDropDown = $("#DropDown_Year");
var $course_type = $("#course_type");
$yearDropDown.change(function() {
selectedyear = this.value;
//filter based on selected year.
selectedcourse = this.value;
makesArray = jQuery.grep(json, function(course, i) {
return course.course_type == selectedcourse && course.year_code == selectedyear;
var selectBox = document.getElementById('DropDown_Make');
for(var i = 0, l = makesArray.length; i < l; i++){
var option = makesArray[i];
selectBox.options.add( new Option(option.course_code, option.course_code, option.course_code) );
makesArray= []; //makesArray.empty();
<div id="DrpDwn">
<select id="DropDown_Year">
<option value="15">2015-2016</option>
<option value="16">2016-2017</option>
<select class="form-control" id="course_type" name="course_type" required>
<option value="" selected> Choose</option>
<option value="Yos">YÖS</option>
<option value="SatMatGeo">SAT (MAT)</option>
<option value="SatCriRea">SAT (ENG)</option>
<option value="TomerABC">TÖMER (ABC)</option>
<option value="TomerAB">TÖMER (AB)</option>
<option value="TomerBC">TÖMER (BC)</option>
<option value="TomerA1A2">TÖMER (A)</option>
<option value="TomerB1B2">TÖMER (B)</option>
<option value="TomerC1C2">TÖMER (C)</option>
<select id="DropDown_Make">
and this is JSFIDDLE
Make DropDown_Make empty using selectBox.innerHTML = "" in $course_type.change() like following.
$course_type.change(function () {
selectedcourse = this.value;
makesArray = jQuery.grep(json, function (course, i) {
return course.course_type == selectedcourse && course.year_code == selectedyear;
var selectBox = document.getElementById('DropDown_Make');
selectBox.innerHTML = ""; //added this line
for (var i = 0, l = makesArray.length; i < l; i++) {
var option = makesArray[i];
selectBox.options.add(new Option(option.course_code, option.course_code, option.course_code));

Creating multiple Select options from an Object

Im stack on creating multiple select options
I have an Object with multi objects inside and want create select options in condition of the previous select option , i provide js fiddle for better understanding .
my objectif is
first select category ----(then)---> select sex -----(then)---> select kind---(then)-->then select size
by this order from that Object.
i could do the select sex and it works but not kind and size.
this is my html
<form name="myform">
<select name="category_group" id="category_group" >
<option value="0">choose category</option>
<option value='401' > clothes </option>
<option value='403' > shoes </option>
<select id="clothing_sex" name="clothing_sex" onChange="showclothesKind(this.value,this.form.clothing_kind)">
<option value="0">choose Type»</option>
<select id="clothing_kind" name="clothing_kind">
<option value="0">choose clothes</option>
<select id="clothing_size" name="clothing_size">
<option value="0">choose size</option>
and js in the fiddle.
much appreciate your help.
This was kind of fun to play around with. Thanks for posting. I used the following:
var optionTemplate = "<option class='newOption'>sampleText</option>";
$(document).ready(function() {
var removeFromNextSelects = function(firstSelector) {
var selNum = sels.indexOf(firstSelector);
for (var i = selNum; i < sels.length; i++)
var populateNextSelect = function(neededObject, targetSelector) {
for (var key in neededObject)
var name;
neededObject[key].name ? name = neededObject[key].name : name = neededObject[key];
var obj1 = {}, obj2 = {}, obj3 = {};
var sels = ["#clothing_sex", "#clothing_kind", "#clothing_size"];
$('#category_group').change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 0)
obj1 = {};
var selection = $(this).val();
obj1 = clothes[selection];
populateNextSelect(obj1, sels[0]);
$('#clothing_sex').change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 0)
obj2 = {};
var selection = $(this).val();
obj2 = obj1[selection].types;
populateNextSelect(obj2, sels[1]);
$('#clothing_kind').change(function() {
if ($(this).val() == 0)
obj3 = {};
var selection = $(this).val();
var arr = obj2[selection].sizes;
for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++)
obj3[Object.keys(arr[i])[0]] = arr[i][Object.keys(arr[i])[0]];
populateNextSelect(obj3, sels[2]);
Here's the fiddle

selecting value in dropdown by searching a keyword in array using javascript

<select id="carlist" name="cars">
<option value="volvo">Volvo</option>
<option value="fiat">Fiat</option>
<option value="audi">Audi</option>
var best = "fiat";
for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++)
if (cars.value == best.value)
document.getElementById('carlist').selectedIndex= 2;
the final result of drop down is always audi because of the .selectIndex as 2 in the last line. What changes do i make in the last line so that the value of drop down changes according the variable " best" ??
var best = "audi";
for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++)
if (cars[i] == best)
document.getElementById('carlist').selectedIndex= i;
JS Fiddle
try this
var selectobject=document.getElementById("carlist")
for (var i=0; i<selectobject.length; i++){
if(selectobject.options[i].value == best)
ocument.getElementById('carlist').selectedIndex= i;
Write this logic in for loop
var best = "fiat";
for (var i=0;i<cars.length;i++)
if (cars[i] == best)
document.getElementById('carlist').selectedIndex= i;

