I run the following test which works using playwright, however sometimes I got a certificate popup like below, if I click on cancel button the test proceed and pass,
How can I avoid this pop-up, I click on inspect button for the cancel button but noting happen.
Any idea how to avoid it? as this is my certificate... and it shouldn't be used on the tests.
How can I overcome this?
(async () => {
const browser = await chromium.launch({ headless: false });
const page = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https://app.com');
await page.fill('input[type="text"]', 'user#test.com');
await page.fill('input[type="password"]', 'Abcd1234!');
I am testing two websites that are linked between each other. I starts on website one where there is a link (_blank) to the second website. And I want to continue my test on that tab.
test('test', async ({ page }) => {
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const context = await browser.newContext();
await page.goto('https://example.io/');
const [newPage] = await Promise.all([
page.locator('a.browser-button').first().click() // Opens tab
await newPage.waitForLoadState();
console.log(await newPage.title());
await page.screenshot({ path: 'test.png', fullPage: true });
await browser.close();
So I click on the button, a new tab opens. And then I want to continue from there.
Instead I get the error:
Timeout of 30000ms exceeded.
I have tried as in documentation as well, dont get it to work either:
Handling new pages is documented here
You can capture the new page from the click event.
const [newPage] = await Promise.all([
page.locator('a[target="_blank"]').click() // Opens a new tab
await newPage.waitForLoadState();
console.log(await newPage.title());
I'd remove the target=_blank attribute on the element and then click it.
await page.$eval("a.browser-button", el => el.removeAttribute("target"))
Then click it and it will open in the same window. Unless you're really determined to test it as is.
At the following site, after entering a search phrase such as "baby" (try it!), the Puppeteer call page.mouse.down() doesn't have the same effect as clicking and holding the physical mouse: https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc
After entering a search phrase, a fake dropdown select menu appears, which is really an UL, and I am trying to click the first search result. So I use code like this
await page.mouse.move(200, 350); // let's assume this is inside the element I want
await page.mouse.down();
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 2000)); // wait 2 secs
await page.mouse.up();
The expected effect of this code is that, for the 2 seconds that Puppeteer is "holding" the mouse button down, the fake dropdown stays visible, and when Puppeteer "releases" the mouse button, the site redirects to the search result for the item selected.
This is exactly what happens when I use the physical mouse.
However, what happens with Puppeteer is, the dropdown just disappears, as if I had hit the Escape key, and the page.mouse.up() command later has no effect any more.
I am aware that PPT has some quirks in respect to mouse, keyboard, holding and releasing buttons and modifier keys, especially when doing all of the above at once. For example, Drag & Drop doesn't work as expected, but none of the workarounds proposed here work for me: https://github.com/puppeteer/puppeteer/issues/1265
I cannot reproduce the issue with this test script. The link is clicked with following navigation:
import puppeteer from 'puppeteer';
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false, defaultViewport: null });
try {
const [page] = await browser.pages();
await page.goto('https://www.dextools.io/app/bsc', { timeout: 0 });
const input = await page.waitForSelector('.input-container input');
await input.type('baby');
const link = await page.waitForSelector('.suggestions-container.is-visible a:not(.text-sponsor)');
await link.click();
} catch (err) { console.error(err); }
Instead of two separate mouse-down and up operations, you could try this according to puppeteer docs:
// selector would uniquely identify the button on your page that you would like to click
selector = '#dropdown-btn'
await page.click(selector, {delay: 2000})
Once you have the element of the list that you wanna click, you should look for the first <a> tag inside this element and use the reference you make on this <a> to perform a click.
From puppeteer's documentation it's saying if there is a navigation you should use:
const [response] = await Promise.all([
page.click(selector, clickOptions),
where selector will be a reference to the mentioned <a> tag.
First time using Puppeteer and trying to simply click this button
after clicking the deny cookies button. That's my code:
await page.goto('https://myurl.com');
await page.click('a.cc-btn.cc-deny');
// await page.waitForNavigation();
await page.waitForSelector("#detailview_btn_order", {visible: true});
await page.click("#detailview_btn_order");
Clicking the deny cookies button works like a charm. However, it seems the second button can't be identified by Puppeteer. If I don't use waitForSelector it just says it can't find it. If I use it, I get a timeout after 30 seconds even though the website finishes loading after 5 seconds. If I uncomment waitForNavigation (regardless of what options I use) I get a timeout there, even thoug the site loads within seconds. What am I doing wrong? Thanks!
Can you try this:
await page.goto('https://myurl.com');
await Promise.all([
const iframeElement = await page.waitForSelector("#my-iframe");
const frame = await iframeElement.contentFrame();
await frame.waitForSelector("#detailview_btn_order", {visible: true});
await frame.click("#detailview_btn_order");
Sometimes there is a race condition between a click and navigation.
I'm writing a script to purchase items on Amazon.
const puppeteer = require('puppeteer');
// Insert personal credentials
const email = '';
const password = '';
function press_enter(page) {
return Promise.all([
function click_wait(page, selector) {
return Promise.all([
(async () => {
const browser = await puppeteer.launch({headless:false, defaultViewport:null, args: ['--start-maximized']});
const page = (await browser.pages())[0];
await page.goto('https://www.amazon.it/');
await click_wait(page, "a[data-nav-role='signin']");
await page.keyboard.type(email);
await press_enter(page);
await page.keyboard.type(password);
await press_enter(page);
// Search for the "signout" button as login proof
if(await page.$('#nav-item-signout') !== null) console.log('Login done!');
else return console.log('Something went wrong during login');
// Navigate to the product page
await page.goto('https://www.amazon.it/dp/B07RL2VWXQ');
// Click "buy now" (choose either Option A or Option B)
// Option A: Here the code get stuck since the page isn't refreshing and page.waitForNavigation() will reach its timeout
// await click_wait(page, "#buy-now-button");
// Option B: Waiting time manually set to 5 seconds (it should be more than enough for popover to fully load)
await Promise.all([page.waitForTimeout(5000), page.click('#buy-now-button')]);
// Conclude the purchase
await click_wait(page, '#turbo-checkout-pyo-button');
So far I can login to Amazon, navigate to a product page and click the Buy Now button.
Then, if delivery address and payment option are all set up, (depending on Amazon domain) it may show up a pop-over box to conclude the purchase.
I wasn't able to replicate the popover response on .com and .co.uk, it seems that these domains will redirect you on a totally new page.
When I explore the page with Chrome Developer Tools I actually see the new chunk of the page being loaded (<!DOCTYPE html>) but I don't know where the representation of this element resides in Puppeteer.
If I use click_wait() to click Buy Now, the script gets stuck (it only returns after the default timeout of page.waitForNavigation()) so it's not considered a refreshing of the page. But even if I just wait a few seconds after clicking Buy Now and then attempt to click input[id='turbo-checkout-pyo-button'] (the orange button "Ordina") Puppeteer throws an error cause it can't find the element, despite it being clearly loaded.
On the login page, I'm trying to figure out whether the google recaptcha appears or not. If it does, I want to run a block of code and otherwise navigate as usual.
await page.goto(
await page.waitForSelector("#username");
await page.type("#username", process.env.EMAIL);
await page.type("#password", process.env.PSWD);
await page.$eval("#signIn > div > button", (el) => el.click()) //this line sometimes triggers recaptcha
{//here wait for navigation and check if google captcha appears}
//then run the following code:
await page.solveRecaptchas();
await Promise.all([
I've tried using page.waitForNavigation but it causes timeout if recaptcha appears. What can I do to run the bottom block of code ONLY if google recaptcha appears?
I also tried conditionally running the block of code on if recaptcha-token is present but I checked the dom and recaptcha element is always present and only prompts image select randomly. Basically I'm available to navigate sometimes without having to perform any captcha and sometimes i'm prompted with image select.
Maybe something like this?
const [_, navigation] = await Promise.allSettled([
if (navigation.status === 'fulfilled') /* There was navigation. */;
else /* There was timeout, no navigation. */;