test class method that return another class - javascript

I want to test whether the main class method of getService return the correct new class based on the correct conditional
// main.js
import ServiceA from './serviceA'
import ServiceB from './serviceB'
class Main {
case 'serviceA':
return new ServiceA()
case 'serviceB':
return new ServiceB()
return null
Would it be possible to test that the returned class is correct? I tried something like this
import Main from './Main'
describe('Main method', () => {
describe('getService given ServiceA', () => {
it.skip('should return an instantiate of ServiceA class', function () {
const main = new Main();
const getService = spy(main, 'getService');

There shouldn't be a need to spy on getService(). Since you are just testing the input and output of the getService() without any dependencies. Spying would allow to see call count and arguments passed to the spy to see if it was called inside the method you are testing. How you had it is mostly correct as it is.
import Main from './Main'
describe('Main method', () => {
describe('getService given ServiceA', () => {
it('should return an instantiate of ServiceA class', function () {
const main = new Main();
const result = main.getService('serviceA');


How to call a method in another module JavaScript?

I have a class with method performing login
class loginPage {
fillCredentials(username, password) {
return this;
clickLogin() {
export default loginPage;
I have another spec file for testing:
import {fillCredentials,clickLogin} from '../../support/PageObjects/loginPage'
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
it('Verification email', () => {
However, it is giving an error of
(0 , _loginPage.fillCredentials) is not a function
I know its a wrong way of calling a method. Is there any way I can use the methods without creating an instance of class to access methods
You can do so if you make the methods static
class loginPage {
static fillCredentials(username, password) {
//return this; // you can't return "this" because there is no this for static methods
static clickLogin() {
export default loginPage;
import {fillCredentials,clickLogin} from '../../support/PageObjects/loginPage'
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
it('Verification email', () => {
With static methods you lose this which refers to the class instance, and therefore lose the ability to chain methods,
import {fillCredentials,clickLogin} from '../../support/PageObjects/loginPage'
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
it('Verification email', () => {
fillCredentials('username','password').clickLogin() // can't do this with static
As functions instead of a class, this is the pattern
// LoginPage.js
export const fillCredentials = (username, password) => {
return this;
export const clickLogin = () => {
// login.spec (same as you have above)
import { fillCredentials, clickLogin } from '../../support/PageObjects/loginPage'
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
it('Verification email', () => {
Be wary of encapsulating test code in page objects, it can lead to over-complicated code.
For example, if you now want to test what happens if password is not entered, you can't use fillCredentials because you can't omit the password parameter. So do you add a fillCredentialsWithoutPassword function? Do you modify fillCredentials to test if password is undefined?
So, what's going on is that you are mixing up the module structure with is defined by Closures with the class-instance pattern.
For this scenario (which is class-instance) the functions are NOT part of the object itself, but of it's PROTOTYPE.
So in order to get that function you should access it's prototype.
//create a class (class syntax and this one is pretty much the same)
function xx (){}
//this is what class syntax makes to create a method for the class
xx.prototype.theFunctionIwant = function (){}
//create an instance
var example = new xx()
//this is how you can spy that function in the test
//ƒ (){}
Try it out : )
The other answers given will work and solve your exact question, but I fear that making the functions static is an anti-pattern for the Page Object Model. Check out this article on how to set up a POM for Cypress. I would highly encourage you to instantiate the class, similar to below.
export class LoginPage { ... }
import { LoginPage } from '../../support/PageObjects/loginPage';
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
it('Verification email', () => {
const loginPage = new LoginPage()
You could also use a beforeEach() block to instantiate the variable before each test.
describe('User Onboarding Emails', () => {
let loginPage: LoginPage;
beforeEach(() => {
loginPage = new LoginPage();
it('Verification email', () => {
As an aside, it is usually preferred to name classes beginning with an uppercase (LoginPage vs. loginPage). When naming a class this way, you can easily differentiate the class vs. the instantiated variable.

Mock method from class 'b' that is called in class 'a'

I'm trying to test a method in the class test.controller.ts, this method also happens to call a method from a different class that is being tested seperately, so I want to mock that call.
Here is an example setup to show what i'm trying to do.
import {TestController} from "../../src/controllers/test.controller";
import {TestService} from "../../src/services/test.service";
describe("Test TestController", () => {
test("exampleController", () => {
let testService = new TestService();
let testController = new TestController();
// Mock testService.exampleService so it returns 2.
let result = testController.exampleController();
import {TestService} from "../services/test.service";
export class TestController {
private testService: TestService;
constructor() {
this.testService = new TestService();
public async exampleController() {
return await this.testService.exampleService();
export class TestService {
public async exampleService() {
return 1;
How do I mock the method 'exampleService' so that the call to the method 'exampleController' from test.controller.ts uses this mocked version?
You need to mock the testService field of your TestController class.
But with your current code, that isn't possible as it's a private member.
This is why using dependency injection is preferred, so we need to change your constructor to this,
constructor(testService: TestService) {
this.testService = testService;
Instead of instantiating testService within the constructor, we are now passing an object of TestService so that it is easy to mock.
And then you can test it like this,
import {TestController} from "./controller";
import {TestService} from "./service";
describe("Test TestController", () => {
test("exampleController", async () => {
let testService = new TestService();
jest.spyOn(testService, 'exampleService').mockResolvedValue(2)
let testController = new TestController(testService);
let result = await testController.exampleController();
Here you create an object of TestService.
Then you create a spy on the exampleService method of the testService object and mock its resolved value to return 2.
Then you pass it to TestController's constructor, this is called dependency injection, which makes it easier to test.
And then you proceed to assert as per your expectations.
For mocking functions you can use the sinon library. It can be done as shown below:
let testService = new TestService();
sinon.stub(testService, "exampleService").callsFake(function fakeFn() {
return 2;
If you need to specify the return values and full-on replace the implementation of a function with a mock function, it can be done with jest.fn and mockImplementationOnce method on mock functions.
TestController.test.ts should look like
import {TestController} from "../../src/controllers/test.controller";
import {TestService} from "../../src/services/test.service";
describe("Test TestController", () => {
test("exampleController", () => {
let testService = new TestService();
let testController = new TestController();
// Mock testService.exampleService so it returns 2.
testService.exampleService = jest.fn().mockImplementationOnce(() => Promise.resolve(2));
let result = testController.exampleController();

How to properly call an init function in a ts class

I'm writing some tests for a class. In my tests if I don't call browserViewPreload.init() the test fails, but when I do call browserViewPreload.init() it passes.
Why should I need to explicitly call browserViewPreload.init() in the test when I've already done it in my beforeEach block?
export default class BrowserViewPreload {
console.log('attaching mouse')
return document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', this.attachMouse)
import BrowserViewPreload from './browserViewPreload'
function bootStrapComponent() {
return new BrowserViewPreload();
describe('BrowserViewPreload Class', () => {
var browserViewPreload;
let initSpy
let docspy
let mouseSpy
browserViewPreload = bootStrapComponent();
initSpy = jest.spyOn(browserViewPreload, 'init')
docspy = jest.spyOn(document, 'addEventListener')
it('should report name', () => {
//browserViewPreload.init(); not including this makes the tests fail. Why do I need to make the call here when I've already done so in the beforeEach
document.dispatchEvent(new Event('DOMContentLoaded'));
I guess it's because you are creating BrowserViewPreload object before attaching the initSpy to it.

Mock an import from another file but still return a mock value

I'm testing a function which calls another function imported from anotherFile. That outsideFunc returns an object which contains 'name'. I need this to exist in order to progress through the rest of my test/the function to work correctly.
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile.js';
function myFunc() {
const name = outsideFunc().name;
export function outsideFunc() {
return { name : bob }
I don't care about testing anotherFile or the result of outsideFunc, but I still need to return a mock value as part of testing myFunc;
describe("A situation", () => {
jest.mock("./anotherFile", () => ({
outsideFunc: jest.fn().mockReturnValue({
name: 'alice'
it("Should continue through the function steps with no problems", () => {
expect(excludeCurrentProduct(initialState)).toBe('whatever Im testing');
The problem I get is that, when the unit test is working through myFunc, const name returns undefined where it should return alice. I would expect it to get the data from my jest.mock of the anotherFile file and its mock exported function, but it doesn't get the right response.
When I asset that I expect name = alice I actually get name = undefined.
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile.js';
// let's say that the function is exported
export function myFunc() {
const name = outsideFunc().name;
// and let's say that the function returns the name
return name;
you can describe in your
import { myFunc } from './systemUnderTest';
import { outsideFunc } from './anotherFile';
// using auto-mocking has multiple advantages
// for example if the outsideFunc is deleted the test will fail
describe('myFunc', () => {
describe('if outsideFunc returns lemons', () => {
outsideFunc.mockReturnValue({name: 'lemons'});
it('should return lemons as well', () => {
working example

How to test class instance inside a function with Jest

I have the following hypothetical scenario:
// file MyClass.js in an external package
class MyClass {
myfunc = () => {
// do something
// file in my project
function myFunctionToBeTested() {
const instance = new MyClass()
I need to create a test with Jest that makes sure instance.myFunc was called
One of the option is to replace MyClass module with mock implementation
const mockmyfunc = jest.fn()
jest.mock("path/to/external/package/MyClass", () => {
return jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {myfunc: mockmyfunc}
And then write following test
it("Test myfunc called in functionToBeTested", () => {
Note that this is not the only way, you can dive into https://facebook.github.io/jest/docs/en/es6-class-mocks.html for other alternatives.
If the myfunc would be an actual function (which i guess is not an option since it's external package?)
export class MyClass {
myFunc() {
// do smth
and you would not need to replace the implementation, you could be using jest's automock
import MyClass from "path/to/external/package/MyClass"
it("Test myfunc called in functionToBeTested", () => {
const mockMyFunc = MyClass.mock.instances[0].myFunc
you can mock out the class and assign the default export of that file to a variable as follows:
const FakeClass = require('../someFile.js').default;
then access calls to a function on your mock class like this:

