Start and close element on condition in AngularJS ng-repeat - javascript

I've a HTML structure which looks like this :
<div class="row">
<div class="md-4">1</div>
<div class="md-4">2</div>
<div class="md-4">3</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="md-4">4</div>
<div class="md-4">5</div>
<div class="md-4">6</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="md-4">7</div>
<div class="md-4">8</div>
<div class="md-4">9</div>
and I've JS :
var abc = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
currently as per my structure I can't directly run ng-repeat as after every 3 records I want starts and ends
I want something similar like
<div ng-repeat="val in abc" class="row" ng-if="$index%3==0">
but above codes don't work and I know its incorrect way but I want something similar to that

please try with this code:
<div ng-repeat="val in abc track by $index" class="row" ng-if="$index%3==0">

If you've used lodash before
var arr = _.chunk(abc,3);
//makes your array like [[1,2,3],[4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
<div ng-repeat = "a in arr" class = "row">
<div ng-repeat="b in a" class="md-4">{{b}}</div>
you can lookup lodash here


Could I get to an element using two ids?

Here's my code:
<div id='layer1'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
<div id='layer2'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
<div id='layer3'>
<div id='a'>
<div id='b'>
I want to try to get the element [a] of layer1.
Could I do this using pure javascript and withOUT jquery and other stuff?
An ID uniquely identifies one single element on the page. The behavior you described is more like "a class" inside of an ID:
document.querySelector("#counter-for-drinks .up-arrow")
and so if you want a different up-arrow, it is:
document.querySelector("#counter-for-burgers .up-arrow")
document.querySelector() is what is similar to jQuery $(" "). It also has the form document.querySelectorAll() for getting all matched elements.
Your HTML is missing closing tags. You can always validate your code here.
Also, you should use class instead of id.
<div id='layer1'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
<div id='layer2'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
<div id='layer3'>
<div class='a'></div>
<div class='b'></div>
You can use javascript to get elements:
document.querySelector("#layer1 .a")
var firstA = document.querySelectorAll('#layer1 #a');
var nodeString = '';
if (firstA.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < firstA.length; i++) {
nodeString = nodeString + firstA[i].innerText + '<br/>';
document.getElementById('founded-nodes').innerHTML = nodeString;
#founded-nodes {
color: brown;
<div id='layer1'>
<div id='a'>layer1 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer1 bbb</div>
<div id='layer2'>
<div id='a'>layer2 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer2 bbb</div>
<div id='layer3'>
<div id='a'>layer3 aaa</div>
<div id='b'>layer3 bbb</div>
<div id="founded-nodes"></div>
As all said in above over comments and answers, one must use a single id on the same page, or else the use of classes is a must. But if you want to achieve this, you can have a look at code.

javascript - select a div within a particular div

The content of the divs is going to be populated with javascript json. Now, I know how to select a div in javascript:
var hsc = document.getElementByID("hsc");
But how would I refer to eg. the title but only in the hsc div.
<div id="hsc">
<div id="title"></div>
<div id="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div id="title"></div
<div id="jobs"></div>
On a separate note, wouldn't 'title' and 'jobs' be better classified as classes, and not ids?
This would work:
var hsc = document.querySelectorAll("#hsc > .title");
But you need to change to valid html and use unique IDs and classes instead:
<div id="hsc">
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div class="title"></div>
<div class="jobs"></div>
IDs must be unique in HTML.
Change them to classes, and then you can use querySelector() to target them:
document.querySelector('.hsc .title').style.color= 'blue';
document.querySelector('.cc .title').style.color= 'red';
<div class="hsc">
<div class="title">Make me blue!</div>
<div class="jobs">Jobs</div>
<div class="cc">
<div class="title">Make me red!</div>
<div class="jobs">More jobs</div>
Just try
<div id="hsc">
<div id="a" class="title"></div>
<div id="b" class="jobs"></div>
<div id="cc">
<div id="c" class="title"></div
<div id="d"class="jobs"></div>
Because your HTML code is invalid because the id is already taken.

Conditional open/close tag display

I'm wondering how to implement a task (which is very easy in server-side templating) in angular like:
{{ if condition }}
<div class="container">
{{ endif }}
<div class="child"></div>
{{ if condition }}
</div> <!-- closing container -->
{{ endif }}
I'm of course aware of ng-hide, ng-show and ng-hide... but it think I can't use these directives to implement my task... so what should I do?
ps: I can't do the following:
<div class="container" ng-if="condition">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child" ng-if="!condition"></div>
because I'm using the module operator (%) in order to wrap "child" nodes into "container" every X element (where X is a dynamic parameter)
the final result would be (supposing X is 4):
<div class="container">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="container">
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
<div class="child"></div>
... and so on (I'm in a ng-repeat)
Group by filter in the template :
The key part of the solution is that we are computing a property containerId, which depends on the container size and on the index of the element in the array :
$scope.arrayItems.forEach(function(item, index) {
item.containerId = Math.floor(index / size);
Then in the template we group the elements by the property containerId :
<div class="container" ng-repeat="containers in arrayItems | groupBy: 'containerId'">
<div class="child" ng-repeat="item in containers">{{}}</div>
That groupBy filter in the template comes from angular-filter
See fiddle
Group by in the controller:
In case you don't want to add angular-filter as a dependency, you could group the elements in the controller. The following example makes use of the groupBy function of lodash :
In the controller :
$scope.itemsGroupedByContainer = _.groupBy($scope.arrayItems, 'containerId');
In the template :
<div class="container" ng-repeat="containers in itemsGroupedByContainer">
<div class="child" ng-repeat="item in containers">{{}}</div>
See fiddle
I think that you need the ng-repeat directive. Try something like this:
<div ng-repeat="item1 in repeat1 track by $index">
<div ng-repeat="item2 in repeat2 track by $index"></div>
You don't need an if block to add a closing </div>

AngularJS Loops and Formatting

very new to AngularJS so please forgive me if this is a stupid question.
I need to output my data in a grid like format (using Ionic) and i need to have a div for a row and separate divs for columns, like this
<div class="row">
<div class="col-33">Item 1</div>
<div class="col-33">Item 2</div>
<div class="col-33">Item 3</div>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-33">Item 4</div>
<div class="col-33">Item 5</div>
<div class="col-33">Item 6</div>
My data is within a list, much like this.
$scope.images = [];
$scope.images.push({text: 1});
$scope.images.push({text: 2});
$scope.images.push({text: 3});
$scope.images.push({text: 4});
$scope.images.push({text: 5});
$scope.images.push({text: 6});
How can i use the $scope.images list to output my as a grid?
The closest i have got is below, but it doesnt work.
<div class="list list-inset" ng-init="myIndex = 0">
{{myIndex }} : {{ images.length }}
<div ng-repeat="myIndex < images.length" >
<div class="row" ng-repeat="colIndex in [0, 1, 2]" ng-init="colIndex = 0">
<div ng-show="myIndex + colIndex < images.length" class="col-33" ng-init="myIndex = myIndex + 1">
{{ myIndex }}:{{ colIndex }}:{{myIndex + colIndex}}:{{ images[myIndex + colIndex].text}}
Is there such a thing as a while loop? I was hoping i could increase the $index variable if i used ng-repeat="item in images", but not sure how to do that either.
Thanks in advance
Something like this? fiddle
<span style="float: left">{{item}}</span><br ng-if="($index+1)%3 == 0"/>
I simply break the line every three items, but we could expand on this approach.
Update with complete, working solution: fiddle
<div class="container">
<div ng-repeat="item in items" ng-if="$index%3==0" class="row">
<span ng-if="$index<items.length" style="float: left">{{items[$index]}}</span>
<span ng-if="($index+1)<items.length" style="float: left">{{items[$index+1]}}</span>
<span ng-if="($index+2)<items.length" style="float: left">{{items[$index+2]}}</span>
The code is pretty self-explaining: the solution creates a row every three elements, and inserts the elements only if they actually exist.
<div class="row" ng-repeat="photo in photos" ng-if="$index % 3 == 0" ng-init="photoIndex = $index">
<div ng-repeat="i in [0,1,2]" ng-if="(photoIndex + i)<photos.length" class="col-33">
<img ng-src="{{photos[photoIndex+i]}}">
Here is a more compact version of the above answer.

AngularJS ng-repeat with seperator every two items

The layout I'm trying to achieve is this:
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
<div class="row">
Doing this gets me the divs, but how can I add separators between every two items? I feel like Angular should have an easy way to do this.
<div class="row">
<div ng-repeat="object in objects"></div>
I think, you can solve it using a bit of javascript and ng-repeat like
<div class="row" ng-repeat="array in obj2">
<div ng-repeat="object in array">{{object}}</div>
then in your angular controller create a new object called obj2 using the objects array like
$scope.obj2 = [];
while ($scope.objects.length) {
$scope.obj2.push($scope.objects.splice(0, 2))
Demo: Fiddle
If i get what you want to do, you could use the $index property of rgRepeat and then use modulo for that index like:
<div ng-repeat="object in objects">
<div>My Content</div>
<div data-ng-show="$index % 3 == 0">My Seperator</div>

