Filter nested obejct - javascript

So I have this function that in theory should filter an array of movies by a given genre, but i get this error:
TypeError: movie.genres.some is not a function.
(in 'movie.genres.some(function(item){return === genre;})',
'movie.genres.some' is undefined) `
Movie class =>
title: string,
genres: Genre[]
Genre class =>
id: number,
name: string
FilterMovies = (genre: string) => {
let fmovies: Movie[] = this.state.movies.filter((movie) => {
let data = movie.genres.some((item) => === genre);
return data;
Am I doing this stuff right or did i mess up one of the functions? Any help would be very much appreciated!
edit: here's an example of a movie object

From the error message you're getting. The genres property of the Movie class is not really an array of Genre as all arrays have a some property (assuming you didn't remove it). Most likely genres property is just a single Genre object (a typo).

as some comments suggested, i was able to solve the problem with the following:
found out my object wasn't an array so i used Object.values to get the collections values
i made sure to check if every movie has a genre object that is not null nor undefined
although it probably still isn't perfect yet it works as of now so here it is:
FilterMovies = (genre: string) => {
let fmovies: Movie[] = this.state.movies.filter((movie) => {
let genreObj;
movie.genres != null || typeof movie.genres !== "undefined"
? (genreObj = Object.values(movie.genres))
: null;
let genreNames: string[] = [];
genreObj != null || typeof genreObj !== "undefined"
? genreObj?.forEach((genre) => {
: null;
let data = genreNames.some((item) => item === genre);
return data;


Search function that iterates through an array and returns the values matched init also in the child object

I'm trying to search an array of objects with objects that are nested in, so for example i have this array:
website: 'Stackoverflow',
info: {
"extension": "com",
"ssl": true
website: 'Faceoobok',
info: {
"extension": "com",
"ssl": true
So I want to search all fields, and then also search the object inside and return an array with the method filter, also the char cases won't matter, it needs to return the object in the array even for example Stackoverflow is not the same as stackoverflow with the casing methods that come with JS.
Here is what I've tried, and It searches the objects and returns them but It doesn't search the object inside, what I mean is for example it searchs the website, but not the .info:
const searchMachine = (arr, query) => {
let queryFormatted = query.toLowerCase();
return arr.filter((obj) =>
Object.keys(obj).some((key) => {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {
return obj[key]
return false;
You could take a closure over the wanted string and use a recursive approach for objects.
searchMachine = (array, query) => {
check = (query => object => Object
.some(value =>
typeof value === 'string' && value.toLowerCase().includes(query) ||
value && typeof value === 'object' && check(value)
return array.filter(check);
data = [{ website: 'Stackoverflow', info: { extension: 'com', ssl: true } }, { website: 'Faceoobok', info: { extension: 'com', ssl: true } }];
console.log(searchMachine(data, 'stack'));
console.log(searchMachine(data, 'com'));
You can split the task in two step. The first one is to get all string in the object.
function getAllStrings(obj) {
if(typeof obj === 'object'){
return Object.values(obj).flatMap(v => getAllStrings(v));
}else if (typeof obj === 'string'){
return [obj];
return [];
And the second one is to filter.
const searchMachine = (arr, query) => {
const queryFormatted= query.toLowerCase();
return getAllStrings(arr).filter(s => s.toLowerCase().includes(queryFormatted));
You can reuse the Object.keys.some(...) code you used to search in the object, to search in
First make a function of it that lets us pass in the object:
const findInObject = (obj) =>
Object.keys(obj).some((key) => {
if (typeof obj[key] === 'string') {
return obj[key]
return false;
Then call it within arr.filter. findInObject(obj) is your original logic, and check for the presence of and then call findInObject on
return arr.filter((obj) =>
findInObject(obj) || && findInObject(

How to get the value of the key present inside an object in Javascript

Below is my sample data from which I want to extract the string present inside ResponseVariations array's object : CriterionExpression
"CriterionExpression":"User: internal AND Country: CA"
Code Snippet:
function getChannel(agent){
const channelInfo = agent.Articles;
channelInfo.forEach((ResponseVariations) => {
var iterator = channelInfo.values();
But the above criteria is not fitting well to extract information of those criteria in which the String is not DEFAULT_SELECTION.
Any suggestions how to traverse this array object's value ?
The below code worked in order to fetch the key:
const _dir1 = path.resolve(__dirname, `../`);
const _config1 = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(_dir, "./export.4862052732962492282_2.json"), "utf-8"));
const filteredArr = {};
_config1.Articles.forEach(el => {
if (el.ResponseVariations && el.ResponseVariations.length > 1 ) {
el.ResponseVariations && el.ResponseVariations.forEach((rv) => {
if(rv.CriterionExpression !== 'DEFAULT_SELECTION') {
console.log('not default', rv);
filteredArr[rv.CriterionExpression]= rv.Text;

How can I access a nested object inside an array to validate it?

This is my schema:
detail: [{
quantity: Number,
name: String,
code: Number,
price: Number
subtotal: Number
This is my validations method
const validations = values => {
const errors = {
product: {}
if(!values.detail ||
errors.detail = {_error: 'at
least one item must be
const detailArrayErrors = []
(item,itemIndex) =>{
const detailErrors = {}
if(!item || !item.quantity){
if(!item || !item.subtotal){
= 'required'
= detailErrors
//How can I access product
// in validations method
errors.detail =
return errors;
export default validations;
product is my nested json object inside detail. Detail is an array. I want to validate product. How can I access a nested json object inside an array for validate it?
I've tried using for... of, but it makes not results.
I was searching on web but I couldn't find nothing.
How can I do that?
Anyone who knows?
values.detail.forEach(d=> console.log(d.product));
To get array of invalid e.g.:
let invalidItems = values.detail.filter(d => !d.product || !d.quantity ||
To do something on each item in array:
this.values.detail.forEach(i =>
let detailErrors = {'quantity': null, product: null};
if (!i.quantity)
detailErrors.quantity= 'Required'
if (!i.product)
detailErrors.product = 'Required'
if (i.product && !i.product.price)
detailErrors.product = {'price' :'Required'}

Warning in React js array

I have this function
static getDerivedStateFromProps(nextProps, prevState) {
let { fetching } = nextProps
const { error } = nextProps
if (prevState.fetching !== fetching && !fetching) {
fetching = error
const userId =
Object.keys(nextProps.match.params).length > 0
? nextProps.match.params[Object.keys(nextProps.match.params)[0]]
: 'new'
if (userId !== 'new') {
const itemUser = nextProps.usersList.filter(item => {
if (String(item.userid) === userId)
return item
return { profileItem: { ...prevState.profileItem, ...itemUser[0] }, index: userId, fetching }
return { fetching }
It works and does what it is suppoused to do, but I want to get rid of this warning:
Expected to return a value at the end of arrow function array-callback-return
It says the problem is on the line
const itemUser = nextProps.usersList.filter(item => {
Since filter's callback expects you to return a boolean, you can just rewrite that line to:
const itemUser = nextProps.usersList.filter(item => String(item.userid) === userId)
The problem exists, because of this function:
item => {
if (String(item.userid) === userId)
return item
If item.userid != userId, you're currently not returning anything, so it implicitly returns undefined. It's good practice to always return something, even if it's null or false. In this case, your function is working as expected, because the filter callback expects a boolean. When you return item, item is truthy and thus the filter includes that item. Additionally, if you don't return anything, it implicitly returns undefined, which is falsy, and thus filters out the item.
In the end, since you're trying to return one item, you should ideally be using .find() instead. This will prevent excess iterations after the item is found, since you're only ever looking for exactly one item:
const itemUser = nextProps.usersList.find(item => String(item.userid) === userId);
return { profileItem: { ...prevState.profileItem, ...itemUser }, index: userId, fetching }

lodash orderby with null and real values not ordering correctly

I have an Angular 2 typescript application that is using lodash for various things.
I have an array of objects that I am ordering using a property in the object...
_.orderBy(this.myArray, ['propertyName'], ['desc']);
This works well however my problem is that sometimes 'propertyName' can have a null value.
These are ordered as the first item in a descending list, the highest real values then follow.
I want to make these null values appear last in the descending ordering.
I understand why the nulls come first.
Does anyone know how to approach this?
The _.orderBy() function's iteratees can use a method instead of a string. Check the value, and if it's null return an empty string.
const myArray = [{ propertyName: 'cats' }, { propertyName: null }, { propertyName: 'dogs' }, { propertyName: 'rats' }, { propertyName: null }];
const result = _.orderBy(myArray, ({ propertyName }) => propertyName || '', ['desc']);
<script src=""></script>
The check can be simple (like the one I've used), which converts all falsy values to an empty string:
propertyName || ''
If you need a stricter check, you can use the ternary operator, and handle just null values:
propertyName === null ? '' : propertyName
Edit: Example with multiple ordering:
const result = _.orderBy(myArray, (item) => [get(item, 'propertyName', 0), get(item, 'propertyName2')], ['desc', 'asc']);
This will order by propertyName then propertyName2.
If propertyName is undefined/null then its default order will be set to 0. (and therefore will be displayed at last because of desc ordering on the propertyName field). In such case, propertyName2 will therefore determine the ordering.
The code I needed looks like this...
_.orderBy(this.myArray, [( o ) => { return o.myProperty || ''}], ['desc']);
Just for future reference to others you can do this to sort ascending with falsey values at the end.
items =>
i => !!i.attributeToCheck,
i => {
return i.attributeToCheck ? i.attributeToCheck.toLowerCase() : ''
['desc', 'asc']
mine looks like this. PropName and sort are both variables in my solution
return _.orderBy( myarray, [
( data ) => {
if ( data[propName] === null ) {
data[propName] = "";
return data[propName].toLowerCase();
], [sort] );
I wanted tolowercase because otherwise the sorting is not correct if different casings
This will put bad values at the bottom, and it differentiates between numbers and strings.
const items = [] // some list
const goodValues = isAscending => ({ value }) => {
if (typeof value !== 'string' && isNaN(value)) {
return isAscending ? Infinity : -Infinity
return value || ''
const sortedItems = orderBy(
[goodValues(isAscending), 'value'],
[isAscending ? 'asc' : 'desc']
This worked for me
orders = [{id : "1", name : "test"}, {id : "1"}];
sortBy = ["id", "name"];
orders, => {
return (r: any) => {
return r[s] ? r[s] : "";
I created a function for this (ts code):
const orderByFix = (array: any[], orderKeys: string[], orderDirs: ('asc' | 'desc')[]) => {
const ordered = orderBy(array, orderKeys, orderDirs);
const withProp = ordered.filter((o) => orderKeys.every(k => o[k]));
const withoutProp = ordered.filter((o) => !orderKeys.every(k => o[k]));
return [...withProp, ...withoutProp];
I've extended gwendall's answer to also handle case when "order keys" are functions (_.orderBy allows that)
const orderByFix = (
array: any[],
orderKeys: (string | ((o: any) => any))[],
orderDirs: ('asc' | 'desc')[]
) => {
const ordered = orderBy(array, orderKeys, orderDirs)
const withProp = ordered.filter((o) =>
orderKeys.every((k) => {
if (typeof k === 'string') {
return o[k]
} else if (typeof k === 'function') {
return k(o)
} else {
throw Error(`Order key must be string or function not ${typeof k}`)
const withoutProp = ordered.filter(
(o) =>
!orderKeys.every((k) => {
if (typeof k === 'string') {
return o[k]
} else if (typeof k === 'function') {
return k(o)
} else {
throw Error(`Order key must be string or function not ${typeof k}`)
return [...withProp, ...withoutProp]

