I have the following html code from some CMS:
<esw-input _ngcontent-ysg-c21="" class="address-form__middleName ng-touched ng-pristine" type="text" _nghost-ysg-c16="" maxlength="60"><input _ngcontent-ysg-c16="" class="textInput ng-pristine ng-touched" triggers="manual" id="middleName" type="text" placeholder="Отчество" required="" maxlength="60"><!----><div _ngcontent-ysg-c16="" class="error"><esw-field-validation _ngcontent-ysg-c16="">Пожалуйста, введите ваш отчество
How to set value of this field with javascript or jquery? I try following
var element = $("#middleName");
With this code I see new value, but field reported as invalid(empty) and not possible to submit form. Some CMS used, and blocks me to do what I want.
You can do it like this with pure JS.
UPD with focus and blur methods
// Shortcut
const s = document.getElementById("middleName");
// Focus field
// Add value
s.value = "Джонович";
// Set value attribute to input tag
s.setAttribute("value", "Джонович");
// blur field
<esw-input _ngcontent-ysg-c21="" class="address-form__middleName ng-touched ng-pristine" type="text" _nghost-ysg-c16="" maxlength="60">
<input _ngcontent-ysg-c16="" class="textInput ng-pristine ng-touched" triggers="manual" id="middleName" type="text" placeholder="Отчество" required="" maxlength="60">
<div _ngcontent-ysg-c16="" class="error">
<esw-field-validation _ngcontent-ysg-c16="">Пожалуйста, введите ваш<b style="color:red">e</b> отчество</esw-field-validation></div></esw-input>
I have the below posted input element. I want to know how can i add a listner to the inputelement in such a way that, every time the user change the input values that listener gets invoked and displays the current values
HTML template
<div id="idDoseLabel1" class="date">
<p>{{ "SITE.INSECTICIDES.DOSE_LABEL" | translate }}:</p>
<input id="idDoseValue1"
[disabled] = "false"
You can add onChange event on your input element, so as soon as the value changes. You can do something like this:
<input id="idDoseValue1" [disabled]="false" required placeholder="" maxlength="7" clrInput type="number" name="doseValue" [(ngModel)]=iPesticidesDosesPasser.dose #name1="ngModel" (change)="someFunction($event)"/>
and in someFunction() function you can get the value from variable iPesticidesDosesPasser.dose
You can use the change event for input, like this:
<input id="idDoseValue1"
[disabled] = "false"
(change) = "test()"
You can use FormControl to achieve the same.
HTML Code:
<div id="idDoseLabel1" class="date">
<p>{{ "SITE.INSECTICIDES.DOSE_LABEL" | translate }}:</p>
<input [disabled] = "false"
TS code:
doseControl = new FormControl('');
ngOnInit() {
this.doseControl.valueChanges.subscribe(value => {
//to retreive value
//to set value
this.doseControl.setValue('new value');
I am the very beginner for html and js.
I have a js which can set the value of id="tk___kiaVlink" by using the following.
this.form.formElements.get('tk___kiaVlink').update('abcedf ghi');
But both label and link values are updated. How could I specify js code to update only [link] value?
<div class="fabrikSubElementContainer" id="tk___kiaVlink">
<input type="text" name="tk___kiaVlink[label]" size="200" maxlength="200" class="form-control fabrikinput inputbox fabrikSubElement" placeholder="Label" value="Video">
<input type="text" name="tk___kiaVlink[link]" size="200" maxlength="200" class="form-control fabrikinput inputbox fabrikSubElement" placeholder="URL" value="test value">
I tried using the name tk___kiaVlink[label] and it doesn't work.
const [label, link] = [...document.querySelectorAll('#tk___kiaVlink input')];
[label.value, link.value] = ['my label value', 'my link value'];
Angular 4 template driven validation fails. Is this a known issue, or my bug?
<div class="form-group">
<label for="email">Email</label>
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" required
[(ngModel)]="model.email" name="email" #email="ngModel" #spy>
<div>TODO remove: {{spy.className}}</div>
<div [hidden]="email.valid || email.pristine" class="alert alert-danger">
Valid email is required
Component class has property:
model = new SignupModel('','','','');
input:invalid:not(.ng-pristine) {
border-left: 5px solid #a94442; /* red */
input:valid:not(.ng-pristine) {
border-left: 5px solid #42A948; /* green */
When page first loads, you can see email class names: form-control ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-invalid
The alert message is hidden due to email.pristine === true
When user starts typing "aa" the class names change: form-control ng-dirty ng-valid ng-touched
Now the message is hidden due to email.valid === true
However, since "aa" is not a valid email, the left border shows as red via css.
Why does Angular consider email.valid to be true and sets ng-valid class, when the css correctly interprets the input as invalid?
The style class does change to ng-invalid when you remove "aa", correctly interpreting "required" property.
Solution is to add additional "email" attribute to input tag:
<input type="email" class="form-control" id="email" required email
[(ngModel)]="model.email" name="email" #email="ngModel">
i have a any hidden input element. i want get value from a element. but tis code $('#chin').val() return ''. hidden element for keep default value from the cotroller.
my code is:
<input placeholder="تاریخ ورود" class="datepicker" name="from" id="from" value="#Model.FromDate" />
<input ng-model="searchFilters.CheckInDate" name="chin" id="chin" hidden value="#Model.CheckInDate" />
and html is:
<input ng-model="searchFilters.CheckInDate" name="chin" id="chin" hidden="" value="2016/12/21" class="ng-pristine ng-untouched ng-valid ng-empty">
the input has value.
how to get value from this?
You should be using Angular to retrieve that value. It will be in the model (#Model.CheckInDate).
delete hidden input and Instead it use this code:
<input placeholder="تاریخ ورود" class="datepicker" name="from" id="from" value="#Model.FromDate" data-gdate="#Model.CheckInDate" />
add data-gdate="#Model.CheckInDate" into end code.
I am trying to show JavaScript output value in form input.Bellow my div which output the value.
<div id="geo" class="geolocation_data"></div>
But I want to show in input box. I tried bellow code but not showing any
<input type="text" placeholder="Please type a location" class="form-control input-lg noredius geolocation_data" value="" id="geo">
<input type="text" placeholder="Please type a location" class="form-control input-lg noredius geolocation_data" value="" id="geo">
You should use the below Javascript code to populate the textbox with some value:
document.getElementById("geo").value= Your_variable_containing_the_value;