Javascript - remove object out of nested Object array - javascript

I have a nested Object array and I would like to remove an item out of this nested array, but for some reason this does not seem to work with my approach:
export const completeNavigationItemsV2Response = [
id: 'Erlebniskategorien',
title: 'Erlebniskategorien',
uri: '/on/',
children: [
id: 'fliegen-fallen',
title: 'Fallen & Springen',
uri: '/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html',
children: [
id: 'fallen-springen',
title: 'Fallen & Springen',
uri: '/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html',
children: [],
id: 'Weit-Weg',
title: 'Reisen & Kurzurlaub',
uri: '/reisen/Weit-Weg,default,sc.html',
children: [
id: 'staedtereisen',
title: 'Städtereisen',
uri: '/reisen/staedtereisen,default,sc.html',
children: [],
id: 'motorpower',
title: 'Motorpower',
uri: '/geschenke-maenner/motorpower,default,sc.html',
children: [
id: 'rennwagen',
title: 'Rennwagen',
uri: '/motorpower/rennwagen,default,sc.html',
children: [],
id: '10',
title: 'Erlebnisse mit Stars',
uri: '/erlebnisse-mit-stars/l/10',
children: [
{ // <== remove this object with id === 'glossar'
id: 'glossar',
title: 'Glossar',
uri: '/erlebnisstandorte/glossar,default,pg.html',
children: [],
Does someone of you would now a handy es6 way how to remove that subObject from the whole object in a somewhat dynamic way like with the .map() or .filter() function?

If you want it for any level in your object, you could do it with a recursive function like so:
// Object is the same, just minified
const completeNavigationItemsV2Response=[{id:"Erlebniskategorien",title:"Erlebniskategorien",uri:"/on/",children:[{id:"fliegen-fallen",title:"Fallen & Springen",uri:"/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html",children:[{id:"fallen-springen",title:"Fallen & Springen",uri:"/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html",children:[]}]},{id:"Weit-Weg",title:"Reisen & Kurzurlaub",uri:"/reisen/Weit-Weg,default,sc.html",children:[{id:"staedtereisen",title:"Städtereisen",uri:"/reisen/staedtereisen,default,sc.html",children:[]}]},{id:"motorpower",title:"Motorpower",uri:"/geschenke-maenner/motorpower,default,sc.html",children:[{id:"rennwagen",title:"Rennwagen",uri:"/motorpower/rennwagen,default,sc.html",children:[]}]},{id:"10",title:"Erlebnisse mit Stars",uri:"/erlebnisse-mit-stars/l/10",children:[{id:"glossar",title:"Glossar",uri:"/erlebnisstandorte/glossar,default,pg.html",children:[]}]}]}];
const removeItemWithId = (array, id) => {
return array
.filter(obj => !== id) // filter out if the id matches
.map(obj => ({ // Do the same for children (if they exist)
children: obj.children !== undefined
? removeItemWithId(obj.children, id)
: undefined
console.log(removeItemWithId(completeNavigationItemsV2Response, 'glossar'));

Although newer than ES6, if you can support .flatMap(), you can do this recursively by calling .flatMap() on your initial array and then calling it on your children array. If you reach the element which you want to remove, you can return an empty array [], which will remove the object when concatenated into the resulting array.
const arr = [{ id: 'Erlebniskategorien', title: 'Erlebniskategorien', uri: '/on/', children: [{ id: 'fliegen-fallen', title: 'Fallen & Springen', uri: '/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html', children: [{ id: 'fallen-springen', title: 'Fallen & Springen', uri: '/fliegen-fallen/fallen-springen,default,sc.html', children: [], }], }, { id: 'Weit-Weg', title: 'Reisen & Kurzurlaub', uri: '/reisen/Weit-Weg,default,sc.html', children: [{ id: 'staedtereisen', title: 'Städtereisen', uri: '/reisen/staedtereisen,default,sc.html', children: [], }], }, { id: 'motorpower', title: 'Motorpower', uri: '/geschenke-maenner/motorpower,default,sc.html', children: [{ id: 'rennwagen', title: 'Rennwagen', uri: '/motorpower/rennwagen,default,sc.html', children: [], }], }, { id: '10', title: 'Erlebnisse mit Stars', uri: '/erlebnisse-mit-stars/l/10', children: [{ id: 'glossar', title: 'Glossar', uri: '/erlebnisstandorte/glossar,default,pg.html', children: [], }, ], }, ], }];
const removeId = "glossar";
const res = arr.flatMap(function fn(o) {
return !== removeId ? ({...o, children: o.children.flatMap(fn)}) : [];


How to filter a nested object and transform the resut at the same time?

I have a tree structure like this:
const tree = [
slug: 'item-1',
children: [
slug: 'item-1-1',
children: [
{ slug: 'item-1-1-1' },
{ slug: 'item-1-1-2' }
slug: 'item-2',
children: [
slug: 'item-2-1',
children: [
{ slug: 'item-2-1-1' },
{ slug: 'item-2-1-2' }
I want to filter it based on the slug which is not hard. I've seen some recursive solutions on StackOverflow. But I want only the direct children of the item to be in the result. For example, if I search for slug === "item-1", the result should be:
slug: "item-1"
children: [
slug: "item-1-1"
Maybe I can combine filter() and reduce() or even map() and somehow solve this but it doesn't seem optimal. The tree is likely to be big and complex. How would you solve this?
Here's a recursive approach. Basically, we are doing a breadth-first search, firstly we search at a level, and if the required item is found return the result after modifying the children array. If the key is not found in that level search the children.
const tree = [
slug: 'item-1',
children: [
slug: 'item-1-1',
children: [{ slug: 'item-1-1-1' }, { slug: 'item-1-1-2' }],
slug: 'item-2',
children: [
slug: 'item-2-1',
children: [{ slug: 'item-2-1-1' }, { slug: 'item-2-1-2' }],
const search = (data, key) => {
if (!data?.length) return null;
const children = [];
let found = null;
data.forEach((obj) => {
if (obj.slug === key) {
found = obj;
children.push(...(obj.children || []));
return found
? {
slug: key,
...(found.children?.length && {
children:{ slug }) => ({ slug })),
: search(children, key);
console.log(search(tree, 'item-1-1'));

How to change all occurrences of an object key in an array of objects

I have this sample data:
const data = [
id: 1,
title: 'Sports',
menus: [
id: 2,
title: 'Basketball',
menus: [
id: 3,
title: 'NBA',
id: 4,
title: 'NCAA',
id: 5,
title: 'G-League',
id: 100,
title: 'Names',
menus: [],
I want to change all the menus keys into children, so the result would be:
const result = [
id: 1,
title: 'Sports',
children: [
id: 2,
title: 'Basketball',
children: [
id: 3,
title: 'NBA',
id: 4,
title: 'NCAA',
id: 5,
title: 'G-League',
id: 100,
title: 'Names',
children: [],
I'm trying with this code:
const replacer = { menus: 'children' };
const transform = useCallback(
(obj) => {
if (obj && Object.getPrototypeOf(obj) === Object.prototype) {
return Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(obj).map(([k, v]) => [replacer[k] || k, transform(v)]));
return obj;
but it only changes the keys at the first level. How can I make it work?
You can use a recursive function that makes use of destructuring:
const replaceKey = arr =>{menus, ...o}) =>
menus ? {...o, children: replaceKey(menus)} : o);
const data = [{id: 1,title: 'Sports',menus: [{id: 2,title: 'Basketball',menus: [{id: 3,title: 'NBA',},{id: 4,title: 'NCAA',},{id: 5,title: 'G-League',},],},],},{id: 100,title: 'Names',menus: [],},];
To provide the old/new key dynamically, use the following variant:
const replaceKey = (arr, source, target) =>{[source]: v, ...o}) =>
v ? {...o, [target]: replaceKey(v, source, target)} : o);
const data = [{id: 1,title: 'Sports',menus: [{id: 2,title: 'Basketball',menus: [{id: 3,title: 'NBA',},{id: 4,title: 'NCAA',},{id: 5,title: 'G-League',},],},],},{id: 100,title: 'Names',menus: [],},];
console.log(replaceKey(data, "menus", "children"));
This code assumes that values for the given key are arrays. If for some reason their values could be something else, then the code needs a bit more extension:
const data = [{id: 1,title: 'Sports',menus: [{id: 2,title: 'Basketball',menus: [{id: 3,title: 'NBA',},{id: 4,title: 'NCAA',},{id: 5,title: 'G-League',},],},],},{id: 100,title: 'Names',menus: 13,},];
const replaceKey = (arr, source, target) =>
Array.isArray(arr) ?{[source]: value, ...o}) =>
value !== undefined ? {...o, [target]: replaceKey(value, source, target)} : o
) : arr;
console.log(replaceKey(data, "menus", "children"));
To see the effect of this code, the value for the very last menus key was changed to 13.
If the object is not big:
let data=[{id:1,title:'Sports',menus:[{id:2,title:'Basketball',menus:[{id:3,title:'NBA',},{id:4,title:'NCAA',},{id:5,title:'G-League',},],},],},{id:100,title:'Names',menus:[],},];
data = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(data).replace(/"menus"\:/g,'"children":'))
check this package: paix: that's take original source object and desired keys replacement then return a new object with desired keys, ex:
npm i paix
import { paix } from 'paix';
const data = [
id: 1,
title: 'Sports',
menus: [
id: 2,
title: 'Basketball',
menus: [
id: 3,
title: 'NBA',
id: 100,
title: 'Names',
menus: [],
const keys_swap = {menus: "children"};
const result = => paix(i, keys_swap));

Flatten a deeply nested array with objects and arrays

I have an array of objects that contain another array with objects. The nesting is four levels deep.
The structure of the array is:
title: 'Title',
type: 'section',
links: [
label: 'Label',
id: 'id_1',
links: [
title: 'Title',
type: 'section',
links: [
label: 'Label',
id: 'id_2',
links: [
label: 'Label',
id: 'id_3',
links: [],
title: 'Other title',
type: 'section',
links: [
label: 'Label',
id: 'id_4',
links: [],
I want to have a flattened array with the id's of the link arrays that contain links (they are parents of submenu's).
So the desired outcome is like:
["id_1", "id_2"]
I have tried to get the outcome with this function taken from MDN:
flatDeep(arr, d = 1) {
return d > 0
? arr.reduce((acc, val) =>
? this.flatDeep(val.links, d - 1)
: val.links), [])
: arr.slice();
This gives me an empty array.
Use Array.flatMap(). Destructure each object and use an empty array as default for missing id values. Concat the id and the result of flattening the links recursively.
const flattenIds = arr => arr.flatMap(({ id = [], links }) =>
[].concat(id, flattenIds(links))
const data = [{ title: 'Title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_1', links: [{ title: 'Title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_2', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_3', links: [] }] }] }, { title: 'Other title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_4', links: [] }] }] }] }];
const result = flattenIds(data);
You could get a flat array with a recursion and a check for id for missing property.
getId = ({ id, links }) => [
...(id === undefined ? [] : [id]),
data = [{ title: 'Title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_1', links: [{ title: 'Title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_2', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_3', links: [] }] }] }, { title: 'Other title', type: 'section', links: [{ label: 'Label', id: 'id_4', links: [] }] }] }] }],
result = data.flatMap(getId);
Here is a non-recursive version.
const data = [{title:'Title',type:'section',links:[{label:'Label',id:'id_1',links:[{title:'Title',type:'section',links:[{label:'Label',id:'id_2',links:[{label:'Label',id:'id_3',links:[]}]}]},{title:'Other title',type:'section',links:[{label:'Label',id:'id_4',links:[]}]}]}]}];
const stack = data.slice();
const result = [];
let obj;
while (obj = stack.shift()) {
if ("id" in obj && obj.links.length > 0) result.push(;
This uses breath first, but can easily be changed into depth first. You'll only have to change the stack.push call into stack.unshift.
For a more detailed explanation about the two, check out Breadth First Vs Depth First.
var array = JSON.parse('[{"title":"Title","type":"section","links":[{"label":"Label","id":"id_1","links":[{"title":"Title","type":"section","links":[{"label":"Label","id":"id_2","links":[{"label":"Label","id":"id_3","links":[]}]}]},{"title":"Other title","type":"section","links":[{"label":"Label","id":"id_4","links":[]}]}]}]}]');
arr = [];
while(array.length != 0) {
var ob1 = array.splice(0,1)[0];
for(var ob2 of ob1.links) {
if (ob2.links.length !== 0) {
array = array.concat(ob2.links);
Here's the output as you requested:
I think recursive function will simplify. (recursively look for lists array and push the id into res).
const data = [
title: "Title",
type: "section",
links: [
label: "Label",
id: "id_1",
links: [
title: "Title",
type: "section",
links: [
label: "Label",
id: "id_2",
links: [
label: "Label",
id: "id_3",
links: []
title: "Other title",
type: "section",
links: [
label: "Label",
id: "id_4",
links: []
const res = [];
const ids = data => {
data.forEach(item => {
if ("id" in item) {
if (item.links) {

Vuetify TreeView Data Manipulation

I am trying to use v-treeview to create a nested list of items. This list of items could be 10 layers deep or 100, each with 100 items within. How would I go about turning a few hundred objects into one large object with children nested within children?
Starting Data (2 or more objects):
id:1 ,
name: "hot-dog",
children: [
id:2 ,
name: "meat",
children: [
Desired Data (one master object):
id:1 ,
name: "hot-dog",
children: [
id:2 ,
name: "meat",
children: [
It seems that you want to rearrange those items to be displayed as a tree view.
As you've posted, each of then are displayed as objects in a flat array, like the following:
{ id: 1, name: "hot-dog",
children: [ { name: "meat" } ] },
{ id: 2, name: "meat",
children: [ { name: "salt" }, { name: "horse-meat" } ] },
{ id: 3, name: "salt" },
{ id: 4, name: "horse-meat" },
And need to be transformed into a array of master objects.
I've written a MRE that can display it working. Also, see this working example on codepen.
<div id="app">
<v-app id="inspire">
<v-treeview :items="formattedItems"></v-treeview>
new Vue({
el: '#app',
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
data: () => ({
items: [
id: 1,
name: "hot-dog",
children: [
id: 2,
name: "meat",
children: [
id: 3,
name: "pancake",
children: [
{name: "honey"},
id: 4,
name: "honey",
id: 5,
name: "salt",
id: 6,
name: "horse-meat",
computed: {
formattedItems() {
const mapper = function (current) {
let child = this.find(item => ===;
if (child.children) {
child.children =, this);
return child;
const reducer = (accum, current, index, array) => {
if (!array.find(item => !!item.children && item.children.find(child => === {
current.children =, array);
return accum;
return this.items.reduce(reducer, []);

Nested array filtering, is there a more elegant way?

I'm trying to filter a nested structure, based on a search string.
If the search string is matched in an item, then I want to keep that item in the structure, along with its parents.
If the search string is not found, and the item has no children, it can be discounted.
I've got some code working which uses a recursive array filter to check the children of each item:
const data = {
id: '0.1',
children: [
children: [],
id: '1.1'
id: '1.2',
children: [
children: [],
id: '2.1'
id: '2.2',
children: [
id: '3.1',
children: []
id: '3.2',
children: []
id: '3.3',
children: []
children: [],
id: '2.3'
const searchString = '3.3';
const filterChildren = (item) => {
if (item.children.length) {
item.children = item.children.filter(filterChildren);
return item.children.length;
data.children = data.children.filter(filterChildren);
/*This outputs:
"id": "0.1",
"children": [
"id": "1.2",
"children": [
"id": "2.2",
"children": [
"id": "3.3",
"children": []
I'm concerned that if my data structure becomes massive, this won't be very efficient.
Can this be achieved in a 'nicer' way, that limits the amount of looping going on? I'm thinking probably using a reducer/transducer or something similarly exciting :)
A nonmutating version with a search for a child.
function find(array, id) {
var child,
result = array.find(o => === id || (child = find(o.children, id)));
return child
? Object.assign({}, result, { children: [child] })
: result;
data = { id: '0.1', children: [{ children: [], id: '1.1' }, { id: '1.2', children: [{ children: [], id: '2.1' }, { id: '2.2', children: [{ id: '3.1', children: [] }, { id: '3.2', children: [] }, { id: '3.3', children: [] }] }, { children: [], id: '2.3' }] }] },
searchString = '3.3',
result = find([data], searchString);
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