Too Many classes assigned to divs on click - javascript

I manage the design for this company, they had someone else write the code for these tabs and it keeps adding too many "active" classes on inactive tabs.
I have been trying to fix this for hours, but this seems overly complicated.
This is the result on the page and on the code.
Thank you for your help!
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
// ======================================================================
var IngredientsViewer = {
init: function() {
// ====================================================================
switchProduct: function(e) {
var $target = jQuery(e.currentTarget);
var $navs = jQuery('.js-ingredients-product-nav');
var $lists = jQuery('.js-ingredients-product-content');
var id = $'id');
var $list;
if ($target.hasClass('active')) { return; }
$lists.each(function(i, list) {
$list = jQuery(list);
if ($list.hasClass('active')) {
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
} else {
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
// ====================================================================
switchList: function(e) {
var $target = jQuery(e.currentTarget);
var $wrapper = $target.closest('.js-ingredients-product-content');
var $navs = $wrapper.find('.js-ingredients-nav-item');
var $lists = $wrapper.find('.js-ingredients-list');
var id = $'id');
var $list;
if ($target.hasClass('active')) { return; }
$lists.each(function(i, list) {
$list = jQuery(list);
if ($list.hasClass('active')) {
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
} else {
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 250);
(function($list) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
// ====================================================================
switchDescription: function(e) {
var $target = jQuery(e.currentTarget);
var $description = jQuery('.js-ingredients-description');
var template = this.createDescriptionTemplate({
title: $'title'),
details1: $'details-1'),
details2: $'details-2')
if (template) {
setTimeout(function() {
}, 300);
// ====================================================================
scrollToIngredients: function() {
var ingredients = jQuery('.js-product-content-wrapper')[0];
var offset;
if (ingredients && window.innerWidth <= 900) {
offset = this.getOffsetTop(ingredients) - 50;
if (navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPod|iPhone|iPad|Android)/)) {
setTimeout(function() {
window.scrollTo(0, offset);
}, 300);
} else {
jQuery('html').animate({ scrollTop: offset }, 300);
// ======================================================================
getOffsetTop: function(el) {
var top = 0;
while(el) {
top += el.offsetTop;
el = el.offsetParent;
return top;
// ====================================================================
createDescriptionTemplate: function(data) {
var template = '';
var subTemplate;
if (data.title && data.details1) {
template += '<h3>What is <span>' + data.title + '</span>?</h3>';
template += '<div>' + data.details1 + '</div>';
if (data.details2) {
template += '<h3>Why did we choose it?</h3>';
template += '<div>' + data.details2 + '</div>';
return template;
// ====================================================================
adjustHeights: function() {
// ====================================================================
adjustIngredientHeights: function() {
var $wrapper = jQuery('.js-ingredient-label');
var $inner = jQuery('.js-ingredient-label-inner');
var heights = $, p) { return p.offsetHeight; });
var max = Math.max.apply(Math, heights);
if ($inner.length && max) {
$wrapper.css({ 'minHeight': max + 'px' });
// ====================================================================
openModal: function() {
if (window.innerWidth <= 900) {
// ====================================================================
closeModal: function(e) {
// ====================================================================
setupEventListeners: function() {
jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-ingredients-nav-item', this.switchList.bind(this));
jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-ingredients-list-item', this.switchDescription.bind(this));
jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-ingredients-modal', this.closeModal.bind(this));
jQuery(document).on('click', '.js-ingredients-product-nav', this.switchProduct.bind(this));
jQuery(window).on('resize', this.adjustHeights.bind(this));
// ======================================================================
// ======================================================================


Default filtering item

I have a page like this page:
In the filtering Gallery, the default item is "all"
How do I change the default to something else on page load, for example: Portrait?
I tried to change in the code section the variable dataFilterVal from "All" to something else and it did not work well
var masonryFilter = {
massMasonry: [],
dataFilterVal: "all",
init: function () {
var self = this;
self.filterEl('.j-filter', '~ .j-filter-content');
masonry: function () {
var self = this;
var msnry;
var i = 0;
$('.j-masonry').each(function () {
var el = $(this),
newClass = 'j-masonry-' + i;
el.addClass(newClass).attr('data-masonry-id', i);
el.imagesLoaded(function () {
var container = document.querySelector('.' + newClass);
msnry = new Masonry(container,
itemSelector: '.j-masonry-item',
columnWidth: '.' + newClass + ' .masonry-gridSizer',
transitionDuration: '1.2s'
self.massMasonry.push(msnry);'masonry', msnry);
filterEl: function (filterNav, filterContent) {
var self = this;
$(filterNav + ' a').click(function (e) {
var el = $(this);
var activeClass = "is-category-filter-active";
var activeContainer = $(filterContent, $(this).parents(filterNav)).eq(0);
$('li', $(this).parents(filterNav)).removeClass(activeClass);
self.dataFilterVal = el.attr('data-filter');
self.filterStart(self.dataFilterVal, activeContainer);
filterStart: function (dataFilterVal, filterContent) {
var self = this;
if (dataFilterVal == "all") {
$('[class*="j-filter-"]', filterContent).show().stop(true, false).animate({
opacity: 1
}, 400);
} else {
var hideItems = $('[class*="j-filter-"]', filterContent).not(dataFilterVal);
hideItems.stop(true, false).animate({
opacity: 0
}, 400);
setTimeout(function () {
}, 301);
$(dataFilterVal, filterContent).show().stop(true, false).animate({
opacity: 1
}, 400);
setTimeout(function () {
var masonryId = $(filterContent).find('.j-masonry').attr('data-masonry-id');
}, 501);

Start stop function on scroll event within if/else statement

I have a script which animates a headline.
I am trying to make this script fire on page load, but if a user scrolls more than 200px, I'd like this function to stop.
Below is my animated headline script, and also my scroll/if else statement. This should fire the wordAnimate() function on page load, but stop if user scrolls more than 200px. There is also some classes being added and removed conditionally in the scroll for a sticky navbar that appears after the 200px scroll.
$(document).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
return (scroll < 200) && $(window).wordAnimate();
if (scroll >= 200) {
else {
function wordAnimate() {
//set animation timing
var animationDelay = 2500,
//loading bar effect
barAnimationDelay = 3800,
barWaiting = barAnimationDelay - 1000, //3000 is the duration of the transition on the loading bar - set in the scss/css file
//letters effect
lettersDelay = 50,
//type effect
typeLettersDelay = 150,
selectionDuration = 500,
typeAnimationDelay = selectionDuration + 800,
//clip effect
revealDuration = 600,
revealAnimationDelay = 1500;
function initHeadline() {
//insert <i> element for each letter of a changing word
//initialise headline animation
function singleLetters($words) {
var word = $(this),
letters = word.text().split(''),
selected = word.hasClass('is-visible');
for (i in letters) {
if(word.parents('.rotate-2').length > 0) letters[i] = '<em>' + letters[i] + '</em>';
letters[i] = (selected) ? '<i class="in">' + letters[i] + '</i>': '<i>' + letters[i] + '</i>';
var newLetters = letters.join('');
word.html(newLetters).css('opacity', 1);
function animateHeadline($headlines) {
var duration = animationDelay;
var headline = $(this);
if(headline.hasClass('loading-bar')) {
duration = barAnimationDelay;
setTimeout(function(){ headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
} else if (headline.hasClass('clip')){
var spanWrapper = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper'),
newWidth = spanWrapper.width() + 10
spanWrapper.css('width', newWidth);
} else if (!headline.hasClass('type') ) {
//assign to .cd-words-wrapper the width of its longest word
var words = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper b'),
width = 0;
var wordWidth = $(this).width();
if (wordWidth > width) width = wordWidth;
headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').css('width', width);
//trigger animation
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord( headline.find('.is-visible').eq(0) ) }, duration);
function hideWord($word) {
var nextWord = takeNext($word);
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
var parentSpan = $word.parent('.cd-words-wrapper');
}, selectionDuration);
setTimeout(function(){ showWord(nextWord, typeLettersDelay) }, typeAnimationDelay);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('letters')) {
var bool = ($word.children('i').length >= nextWord.children('i').length) ? true : false;
hideLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, bool, lettersDelay);
showLetter(nextWord.find('i').eq(0), nextWord, bool, lettersDelay);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
$word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ width : '2px' }, revealDuration, function(){
switchWord($word, nextWord);
} else if ($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('loading-bar')){
switchWord($word, nextWord);
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, barAnimationDelay);
setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
} else {
switchWord($word, nextWord);
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, animationDelay);
function showWord($word, $duration) {
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
showLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, false, $duration);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
$word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ 'width' : $word.width() + 10 }, revealDuration, function(){
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, revealAnimationDelay);
function hideLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {
if(!$':last-child')) {
setTimeout(function(){ hideLetter($, $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);
} else if($bool) {
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(takeNext($word)) }, animationDelay);
if($':last-child') && $('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions')) {
var nextWord = takeNext($word);
switchWord($word, nextWord);
function showLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {
if(!$':last-child')) {
setTimeout(function(){ showLetter($, $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);
} else {
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) { setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('waiting'); }, 200);}
if(!$bool) { setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, animationDelay) }
function takeNext($word) {
return (!$':last-child')) ? $ : $word.parent().children().eq(0);
function takePrev($word) {
return (!$':first-child')) ? $word.prev() : $word.parent().children().last();
function switchWord($oldWord, $newWord) {
What is a better way to do this?
Currently myFunction won't fire unless I call it from the debugger in the browser dev tools.
Problem solved by adding a stopAnimating() and restartAnimating() function to the large, animated headline script. This way we can call those specific functions from within the scroll if/else.
$(window).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
if (scroll >= 200) {
else {
//set animation timing
var stop
var animationDelay = 2500,
//loading bar effect
barAnimationDelay = 3800,
barWaiting = barAnimationDelay - 1000, //3000 is the duration of the transition on the loading bar - set in the scss/css file
//letters effect
lettersDelay = 50,
//type effect
typeLettersDelay = 150,
selectionDuration = 500,
typeAnimationDelay = selectionDuration + 800,
//clip effect
revealDuration = 600,
revealAnimationDelay = 1500;
function initHeadline() {
//insert <i> element for each letter of a changing word
//initialise headline animation
stop = false;
function stopAnimating() {
stop = true;
function restartAnimating() {
stop = false;
function singleLetters($words) {
var word = $(this),
letters = word.text().split(''),
selected = word.hasClass('is-visible');
for (i in letters) {
if(word.parents('.rotate-2').length > 0) letters[i] = '<em>' + letters[i] + '</em>';
letters[i] = (selected) ? '<i class="in">' + letters[i] + '</i>': '<i>' + letters[i] + '</i>';
var newLetters = letters.join('');
word.html(newLetters).css('opacity', 1);
function animateHeadline($headlines) {
var duration = animationDelay;
var headline = $(this);
if(headline.hasClass('loading-bar')) {
duration = barAnimationDelay;
setTimeout(function(){ headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
} else if (headline.hasClass('clip')){
var spanWrapper = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper'),
newWidth = spanWrapper.width() + 10
spanWrapper.css('width', newWidth);
} else if (!headline.hasClass('type') ) {
//assign to .cd-words-wrapper the width of its longest word
var words = headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper b'),
width = 0;
var wordWidth = $(this).width();
if (wordWidth > width) width = wordWidth;
headline.find('.cd-words-wrapper').css('width', width);
//trigger animation
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord( headline.find('.is-visible').eq(0) ) }, duration);
function hideWord($word) {
var nextWord = takeNext($word);
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
var parentSpan = $word.parent('.cd-words-wrapper');
}, selectionDuration);
setTimeout(function(){ showWord(nextWord, typeLettersDelay) }, typeAnimationDelay);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('letters')) {
var bool = ($word.children('i').length >= nextWord.children('i').length) ? true : false;
hideLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, bool, lettersDelay);
showLetter(nextWord.find('i').eq(0), nextWord, bool, lettersDelay);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
$word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ width : '2px' }, revealDuration, function(){
switchWord($word, nextWord);
} else if ($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('loading-bar')){
switchWord($word, nextWord);
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, barAnimationDelay);
setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('is-loading') }, barWaiting);
} else {
switchWord($word, nextWord);
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(nextWord) }, animationDelay);
function showWord($word, $duration) {
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) {
showLetter($word.find('i').eq(0), $word, false, $duration);
} else if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('clip')) {
$word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').animate({ 'width' : $word.width() + 10 }, revealDuration, function(){
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, revealAnimationDelay);
function hideLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {
if(!$':last-child')) {
setTimeout(function(){ hideLetter($, $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);
} else if($bool) {
setTimeout(function(){ hideWord(takeNext($word)) }, animationDelay);
if($':last-child') && $('html').hasClass('no-csstransitions')) {
var nextWord = takeNext($word);
switchWord($word, nextWord);
function showLetter($letter, $word, $bool, $duration) {
if(!$':last-child')) {
setTimeout(function(){ showLetter($, $word, $bool, $duration); }, $duration);
} else {
if($word.parents('.cd-headline').hasClass('type')) { setTimeout(function(){ $word.parents('.cd-words-wrapper').addClass('waiting'); }, 200);}
if(!$bool) { setTimeout(function(){ hideWord($word) }, animationDelay) }
function takeNext($word) {
if(stop == true) {
return $word.parent().children().eq(0);
else {
return (!$':last-child')) ? $ : $word.parent().children().eq(0);
function takePrev($word) {
return (!$':first-child')) ? $word.prev() : $word.parent().children().last();
function switchWord($oldWord, $newWord) {
Here's a way:
$(window).scroll(function() {
return ($(this).scrollTop() < 200) && $(window).myFunction();
The function will only execute under 200px scrollTop position.
JS Fiddle Demo
Edit Updated with your code:
$(document).scroll(function() {
var scroll = $(this).scrollTop();
return ( scroll < 200
&& $(window).wordAnimate()
&& $('.logo').removeClass('opaque').addClass('transparent')
|| $('.logo').removeClass('transparent').addClass('opaque');

JQuery: How to refactor JQuery interaction with interface?

The question is very simple but also a bit theoretical.
Let's imagine you have a long JQuery script which modifies and animate the graphics of the web site. It's objective is to handle the UI. The UI has to be responsive so the real need for this JQuery is to mix some state of visualization (sportlist visible / not visible) with some need due to Responsive UI.
Thinking from an MVC / AngularJS point of view. How should a programmer handle that?
How to refactor JS / JQuery code to implement separation of concerns described by MVC / AngularJS?
I provide an example of JQuery code to speak over something concrete.
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
var sliderMenuVisible = false;
/*dom object variables*/
var $document = $(document);
var $window = $(window);
var $pageHost = $(".page-host");
var $sportsList = $("#sports-list");
var $mainBody = $("#mainBody");
var $toTopButtonContainer = $('#to-top-button-container');
var displayError = function (form, error) {
var calculatePageLayout = function () {
if ($window.width() > 697) {
if ($(".betslip-access-button")[0]) {
sliderMenuVisible = false;
} else {
var formSubmitHandler = function (e) {
var $form = $(this);
// We check if jQuery.validator exists on the form
if (!$form.valid || $form.valid()) {
$.post($form.attr("action"), $form.serializeArray())
.done(function (json) {
json = json || {};
// In case of success, we redirect to the provided URL or the same page.
if (json.success) {
window.location = json.redirect || location.href;
} else if (json.error) {
displayError($form, json.error);
.error(function () {
displayError($form, "Login service not available, please try again later.");
// Prevent the normal behavior since we opened the dialog
//preliminary functions//
$window.on("load", calculatePageLayout);
$window.on("resize", calculatePageLayout);
//$(document).on("click","a",function (event) {
// event.preventDefault();
// window.location = $(this).attr("href");
/*evet listeners*/
$("section.navigation").on("shown hidden", ".collapse", function (e) {
var $icon = $(this).parent().children("button").children("i").first();
if (!$icon.hasClass("icon-spin")) {
if (e.type === "shown") {
} else {
$(".collapse[data-src]").on("show", function () {
var $this = $(this);
if (!$"loaded")) {
var $icon = $this.parent().children("button").children("i").first();
$icon.removeClass("icon-caret-right icon-caret-down").addClass("icon-refresh icon-spin");
console.log("added class - " + $icon.parent().html());
$this.load($"src"), function () {
$"loaded", true);
$icon.removeClass("icon-refresh icon-spin icon-caret-right").addClass("icon-caret-down");
console.log("removed class - " + $icon.parent().html());
$("#sports-list-button").on("click", function (e)
if (!sliderMenuVisible)
$sportsList.animate({ left: "0" }, 500);
$mainBody.animate({ left: "85%" }, 500)
.bind('touchmove', function (e2) { e2.preventDefault(); })
sliderMenuVisible = true;
$sportsList.animate({ left: "-85%" }, 500).removeAttr("style");
$mainBody.animate({ left: "0" }, 500).removeAttr("style")
sliderMenuVisible = false;
$mainBody.on("click", function (e) {
if (sliderMenuVisible) {
$sportsList.animate({ left: "-85%" }, 500).removeAttr("style");
$mainBody.animate({ left: "0" }, 500)
sliderMenuVisible = false;
$document.on("click", "div.event-info", function () {
if (!sliderMenuVisible) {
var url = $(this).data("url");
if (url) {
window.location = url;
function whatDecimalSeparator() {
var n = 1.1;
n = n.toLocaleString().substring(1, 2);
return n;
function getValue(textBox) {
var value = textBox.val();
var separator = whatDecimalSeparator();
var old = separator == "," ? "." : ",";
var converted = parseFloat(value.replace(old, separator));
return converted;
$(document).on("click", "a.selection", function (e) {
if (sliderMenuVisible) {
var $this = $(this);
var isLive = $"live");
var url = "/" + _language + "/BetSlip/Add/" + $"selection") + "?odds=" + $"odds") + "&live=" + isLive;
var urlHoveringBtn = "/" + _language + '/BetSlip/AddHoveringButton/' + $"selection") + "?odds=" + $"odds") + "&live=" + isLive;
$.ajax(urlHoveringBtn).done(function (dataBtn) {
if ($(".betslip-access-button").length == 0 && dataBtn.length > 0) {
$.ajax(url).done(function (data) {
if ($(".betslip-access").length == 0 && data.length > 0) {
var placeBetText = $("#live-betslip-popup").data("placebettext");
var continueText = $("#live-betslip-popup").data("continuetext");
var useQuickBetLive = $("#live-betslip-popup").data("usequickbetlive").toLowerCase() == "true";
var useQuickBetPrematch = $("#live-betslip-popup").data("usequickbetprematch").toLowerCase() == "true";
if ((isLive && useQuickBetLive) || (!isLive && useQuickBetPrematch)) {
var dialog = $("#live-betslip-popup").dialog({
modal: true,
dialogClass: "fixed-dialog"
dialog.dialog("option", "buttons", [
text: placeBetText,
click: function () {
var placeBetUrl = "/" + _language + "/BetSlip/QuickBet?amount=" + getValue($("#live-betslip-popup-amount")) + "&live=" + $"live");
window.location = placeBetUrl;
text: continueText,
click: function () {
if (data.length > 0) {
$(document).on("click", "", function (e) {
if (sliderMenuVisible) {
var $this = $(this);
var isLive = $"live");
var url = "/" + _language + "/BetSlip/RemoveAjax/" + $"selection") + "?odds=" + $"odds") + "&live=" + isLive;
$.ajax(url).done(function (data) {
if (data.success) {
if (data.selections == 0) {
$("section.betslip .total-stake").click(function (e) {
if (sliderMenuVisible) {
var action = $(this).data("action");
var amount = parseFloat($(this).data("amount"));
if (!isNumeric(amount)) amount = 1;
var totalStake = $("#live-betslip-popup-amount").val();
if (isNumeric(totalStake)) {
totalStake = parseFloat(totalStake);
} else {
totalStake = 0;
if (action == "decrease") {
if (totalStake < 1.21) {
totalStake = 1.21;
totalStake -= amount;
} else if (action == "increase") {
totalStake += amount;
function toggleBackToTopButton() {
isScrollable() ? $ : $toTopButtonContainer.hide();
$("#to-top-button").on("click", function () { $("#mainBody").animate({ scrollTop: 0 }); });
function isScrollable() {
return $("section.navigation").height() > $(window).height() + 93;
var isNumeric = function (string) {
return !isNaN(string) && isFinite(string) && string != "";
function enableQuickBet() {
My steps in such cases are:
First of all write (at least) one controller
Replace all eventhandler with ng-directives (ng-click most of all)
Pull the view state out of the controller with ng-style and ng-class. In most of all cases ng-show and ng-hide will be sufficed
If there is code that will be used more than once, consider writing a directive.
And code that has nothing todo with the view state - put the code in a service
write unit tests (i guess there is no one until now:) )

Add Multiple Elements to Page

I have created a JQuery tooltip plugin and I am applying it to a few A tags.
For each A tag there should be a different tooltip associated with it so I have:
var $tooltip = $("<div>").attr("id","class", options.class).appendTo('body');
Where the tooltip id includes a random number created as follows:
id: "Tooltip_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 2000 + 1) + 2000)
The plugin does not behave well. I checked the HTML added to the page.
Only one tooltip is being added to the page ... Always the same.
How can I fix this? What am I doing wrong?
I have an example in:
And the plugin code is the following:
$(document).ready(function () {
$("table a").Tooltip();
// Tooltip
(function ($) {
$.fn.Tooltip = function (options) {
var defaults = {
class: 'Tooltip',
delay: [200, 200],
offset: [0, -10],
hide: function ($element, $tooltip) {
show: function ($element, $tooltip) {
var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
var tooltip = { id: "Tooltip_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 2000 + 1) + 2000), ready: false, timer: null, title: '' };
$(this).each(function (e) {
var $this = $(this);
tooltip.title = $this.attr('title') || '';
$this.mouseenter(function (e) {
if (tooltip.ready) {
var $tooltip = $("#" +;
} else {
var $tooltip = $("<div>").attr("id","class", options.class).appendTo('body');
tooltip.ready = true;
$this.attr('title', '');
var position = [e.clientX + options.offset[0], e.clientY + options.offset[1]];
$tooltip.css({ left: position[0] + 'px', top: position[1] + 'px' });
tooltip.timer = window.setTimeout(function () {$this, $tooltip.stop(true, true));
}, options.delay[0] || 0);
$("#" + () {
tooltip.timer = null;
}); // Tooltip enter
$("#" + () {
tooltip.timer = setTimeout(function () {
options.hide($this, $tooltip);
}, 0);
}), // Mouse enter
$this.mouseleave(function (e) {
tooltip.timer = setTimeout(function () {
options.hide($this, $("#" +, true));
}, options.delay[1] || 0);
}) // Mouse leave
}); // Each
}; // Tooltip
})(jQuery); // JQuery
And the HTMl is the following:
<tr><td>Tooltip 01</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tooltip 02</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tooltip 03</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tooltip 04</td></tr>
<tr><td>Tooltip 05</td></tr>
Thank you!
you have the var tooltip definded outside the this.each loop, which means there will be only one tooltip instance
(function ($) {
$.fn.Tooltip = function (options) {
var defaults = {
class: 'Tooltip',
delay: [200, 200],
offset: [0, -10],
hide: function ($element, $tooltip) {
show: function ($element, $tooltip) {
var options = $.extend({}, defaults, options);
$(this).each(function (e) {
//moved this inside the loop
var tooltip = { id: "Tooltip_" + Math.floor(Math.random() * (9999 - 2000 + 1) + 2000), ready: false, timer: null, title: '' };
var $this = $(this);
tooltip.title = $this.attr('title') || '';
$this.mouseenter(function (e) {
if (tooltip.ready) {
var $tooltip = $("#" +;
} else {
var $tooltip = $("<div>").attr("id","class", options.class).appendTo('body');
tooltip.ready = true;
$this.attr('title', '');
var position = [e.clientX + options.offset[0], e.clientY + options.offset[1]];
$tooltip.css({ left: position[0] + 'px', top: position[1] + 'px' });
tooltip.timer = window.setTimeout(function () {$this, $tooltip.stop(true, true));
}, options.delay[0] || 0);
$("#" + () {
tooltip.timer = null;
}); // Tooltip enter
$("#" + () {
tooltip.timer = setTimeout(function () {
options.hide($this, $tooltip);
}, 0);
}), // Mouse enter
$this.mouseleave(function (e) {
tooltip.timer = setTimeout(function () {
options.hide($this, $("#" +, true));
}, options.delay[1] || 0);
}) // Mouse leave
}); // Each
}; // Tooltip
Demo: CodePen

S3Slider jQuery Stop After One Rotation

I'm using an S3Slider on WordPress. I'd like it to stop after one rotation, but can't seem to figure out the setting.
The following code is used in the slider.js file. Right now it's live at on the frontpage, would like it to show the two slides and then stop until the user refreshes the page.
$.fn.s3Slider = function(vars) {
var element = this;
var timeOut = (vars.timeOut != undefined) ? vars.timeOut : 4000;
var current = null;
var timeOutFn = null;
var faderStat = true;
var mOver = false;
var capOpacity = vars.captionOpacity || .7;
var items = $("#" + element[0].id + "Content ." + element[0].id + "Image");
var itemsSpan = $("#" + element[0].id + "Content ." + element[0].id + "Image div");
'opacity': capOpacity,
'display': 'none'
items.each(function(i) {
$(items[i]).mouseover(function() {
mOver = true;
$(items[i]).mouseout(function() {
mOver = false;
var fadeElement = function(isMouseOut) {
var thisTimeOut = (isMouseOut) ? (timeOut/2) : timeOut;
thisTimeOut = (faderStat) ? 10 : thisTimeOut;
if(items.length > 0) {
timeOutFn = setTimeout(makeSlider, thisTimeOut);
} else {
var makeSlider = function() {
current = (current != null) ? current : items[(items.length-1)];
var currNo = jQuery.inArray(current, items) + 1
currNo = (currNo == items.length) ? 0 : (currNo - 1);
var newMargin = $(element).width() * currNo;
if(faderStat == true) {
if(!mOver) {
$(items[currNo]).fadeIn((timeOut/6), function() {
if($(itemsSpan[currNo]).css('bottom') == 0) {
$(itemsSpan[currNo]).slideUp((timeOut/6), function() {
faderStat = false;
current = items[currNo];
if(!mOver) {
} else {
$(itemsSpan[currNo]).slideDown((timeOut/6), function() {
faderStat = false;
current = items[currNo];
if(!mOver) {
} else {
if(!mOver) {
if($(itemsSpan[currNo]).css('bottom') == 0) {
$(itemsSpan[currNo]).slideDown((timeOut/6), function() {
$(items[currNo]).fadeOut((timeOut/6), function() {
faderStat = true;
current = items[(currNo+1)];
if(!mOver) {
} else {
$(itemsSpan[currNo]).slideUp((timeOut/6), function() {
$(items[currNo]).fadeOut((timeOut/6), function() {
faderStat = true;
current = items[(currNo+1)];
if(!mOver) {

