In array of objects count grouped values by certain key - javascript

I have a following data:
const data2 = [
App: "",
Name: "TEST A",
Category: "HR",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST D",
Category: "DevOps",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST E",
Category: "DevOps",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST F",
Category: "Business",
Employees: 7
I want to get the count of distinct categories: Right now I am getting the list of all distinct categories but I'm unable to compute their count.
Following snippet give me the Distinct Category:
let uniqueCategory = [];
for(let i = 0; i <; i++){
if(uniqueCategory.indexOf([i].Category) === -1){
What changes should I make to get the Counts of those Categories in the uniqueCategory - something like following:
uniqueCategory = [
{Category: "DevOps", count: 5},
{Category: "Business", count: 4},

Your approach implies looping your source array (with .indexOf()) every iteration of for(..-loop. That will slow down unnecessarily look up process.
Instead, you may employ Array.prototype.reduce() to traverse your source array and build up the Map, having Category as a key and object of desired format as a value, then extract Map.prototype.values() into resulting array.
That will perform much faster and scale better.
const src = [{App:"",Name:"TEST A",Category:"HR",Employees:7},{App:"",Name:"TEST D",Category:"DevOps",Employees:7},{App:"",Name:"TEST E",Category:"DevOps",Employees:7},{App:"",Name:"TEST F",Category:"Business",Employees:7}],
result = [...src
.reduce((r, {Category}) => {
const cat = r.get(Category)
cat ? cat.count ++ : r.set(Category, {Category, count: 1})
return r
}, new Map)

The easiest way to do it is to use Array.prototype.reduce
const arr = [ ... ];
const output = arr.reduce((result, obj) => {
if (!result[obj.category]) {
result[obj.category] = 0;
return result;
}, {});
console.log(output); // this should log the similar output you want

Here's another alternative using .map and Set:
const src = [
App: "",
Name: "TEST A",
Category: "HR",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST D",
Category: "DevOps",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST E",
Category: "DevOps",
Employees: 7
App: "",
Name: "TEST F",
Category: "Business",
Employees: 7
const categories = => obj.Category);
const distinctCategories = [ Set(categories)];


Can I sort an array of objects based on a array of subarrays?

I would ask a question regarding sorting.
Let's say I have an array of objects:
let arrayToBeSorted = [
And Let's say I have an array of sub arrays which each one is containing IDs string like that:
let sortArray = [["id2", "id1"], ["id5"], ["id6","id3","id4"]]
What I want to do is to sort the arrayToBeSorted based on the sortArray preserving each subarrays (in order to maintain an hermetic order)
This is the wanted result:
arrayToBeSorted = [
EDIT: I tried to:
arrayToBeSorted.sort((a,b)=> for(var i=0; i<sortArray.length;i++)
sortArr.indexOf( - sortArr.indexOf(
I also thought of sorting by each array and the concat the sorted result, but no success...
You seem to be overcomplicating the sort operation here. Use sort() on arrayToBeSorted and get the indexOf each array element in a flat()tened copy of sortArray:
let arrayToBeSorted = [{
name: "name1",
id: "id1",
}, {
name: "name2",
id: "id2",
}, {
name: "name3",
id: "id3",
}, {
name: "name4",
id: "id4",
}, {
name: "name5",
id: "id5",
}, {
name: "name6",
id: "id6",
let sortArray = [
["id2", "id1"],
["id6", "id3", "id4"]
console.log(arrayToBeSorted.sort((a, b) => sortArray.flat().indexOf( - sortArray.flat().indexOf(;
You could flat the array and build an object with wanted order and sort the array.
data = [{ name: "name1", id: "id1" }, { name: "name2", id: "id2" }, { name: "name3", id: "id3" }, { name: "name4", id: "id4" }, { name: "name5", id: "id5" }, { name: "name6", id: "id6" }],
sortArray = [["id2", "id1"], ["id5"], ["id6", "id3", "id4"]],
order = Object.fromEntries(sortArray.flat().map((k, i) => [k, i + 1]));
data.sort((a, b) => order[] - order[]);
.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }
You can use sort() based on a flattened sortArray using findIndex() or indexOf() as #esqew. You could also go a step further and pre-process sortArray and create an object ids as keys and indices of sortArray as values. Then the sort function would be based on the object as follows:
let arrayToBeSorted = [{
name: "name1",
id: "id1",
name: "name2",
id: "id2",
name: "name3",
id: "id3",
name: "name4",
id: "id4",
name: "name5",
id: "id5",
name: "name6",
id: "id6",
let sortArray = [["id2", "id1"], ["id5"], ["id6","id3","id4"]];
const flatO = Object.fromEntries( sortArray.flat().map((id,i) => [id,i]) );
const sortedArray = arrayToBeSorted.sort((a,b) => flatO[] - flatO[]);
console.log( sortedArray );
NOTE: This is equivalent to #NinaScholz's solution. Saw it just after I posted this. I have upvoted both #NinaScholz's and #esqew's solutions but I would take #NinaScholz's since the flat() method including the creation of the order object execute JUST ONCE.

Count array inside array of object

Suppose I have an array of Object as:
Expected O/P : {alpha:4, beta:8}
For this I tried as:
const apple = [{
name: 'alpha',
details: [{
"attachment": [123, 456]
}, {
"attachment": [1454, 1992]
name: 'beta',
details: [{
"attachment": ["12", 189]
}, {
"attachment": ["maggi", 1890, 2000]
}, {
"attachment": [1990, 2001, 2901]
const appleDetails = [];
for (let i = 0; i < apple.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < apple[i].details.length; j++) {
const {
} = apple[i];
const {
} = apple[i].details[j]
let appleData = [];
}) => {
attachment.forEach((attatchId) => {
_id: attatchId
const eachAppleCount = appleData.reduce((acc, item) => {
const key =
if (!acc.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
acc[key] = 0
acc[key] += 1
return acc
}, {})
This gives the O/P as required i.e. : {alpha:4, beta:8}
But the process involved is too much, is there any more efficient way such that,by using:
const apple = [{
name: 'alpha',
details: [{
"attachment": [123, 456]
}, {
"attachment": [1454, 1992]
}, {
name: 'beta',
details: [{
"attachment": ["12", 189]
}, {
"attachment": ["maggi", 1890, 2000]
}, {
"attachment": [1990, 2001, 2901]
We can count the value for each apple name. If anyone needs any further information please do let me know.
This will do the work
const apple = [{
name: 'alpha',
details: [{
"attachment": [123, 456]
}, {
"attachment": [1454, 1992]
}, {
name: 'beta',
details: [{
"attachment": ["12", 189]
}, {
"attachment": ["maggi", 1890, 2000]
}, {
"attachment": [1990, 2001, 2901]
const result = apple.reduce((acc, curr) => {
if (acc[] === undefined) acc[] = 0;
curr.details.forEach((d) => (acc[] += d.attachment.length));
return acc;
}, {});
Try like below. - The map() method creates a new array populated with the results of calling a provided function on every element in the calling array.
Create new object as {[]: values} where we use [] inside [] so value from will be set as object key.
To get value we use Array.prototype.flatMap() - The flatMap() method returns a new array formed by applying a given callback function to each element of the array, and then flattening the result by one level.
Get all attachments with a.details.flatMap(d => d.attachment) and use .length to get total count as value.
map will return result in format of array of objects.
Use Array.prototype.reduce() with spread syntax (...) to club array of objects into single object.
const apple = [
{ name: 'alpha', details: [{"attachment": [ 123, 456 ]}, {"attachment": [1454, 1992 ]} ]},
{name: 'beta', details: [{"attachment": [ "12", 189 ]},{"attachment": ["maggi", 1890,2000 ]}, {"attachment": [1990, 2001,2901 ]} ]}
// map will return result in format of array of objects
let resultArr = => ({[]: a.details.flatMap(d => d.attachment).length }));
// use reduce with spread syntax (...) to club array of objects into single object.
let result = resultArr.reduce((i, a) => ({...a, ...i}), {});

Javascript compare two JSON arrays and return key of the unmatched value

I have two JSON arrays, would like to know the key which don't match. I don't need the value.
livetable: [
{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },
{ id: 2, name: "John" },
backupTable: [
{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },
{ id: 2, name: "Peter" },
I can get the key/value pair which is diffrent with this Lodash script:
difference = _.differenceWith(livetable,backupTable,_.isEqual)
But I would just need the key, in this example "name" for "id: 2" is not matching, so I would need to get the "name" key to new array/variable.
(Using VUE CLI)
EDIT: Added example of current code output.
var livetable = [{"id": 1, "name": "Sandra", "id": 2, "name": "John"}]
var backupTable = [{"id": 1, "name": "Sandra", "id": 2, "name": "Peter"}]
<script src=""></script>
This will output the key:value pair, but I would just need the key which is diffrent.
I think I understand what you're trying to do. There are some unknowns though, like what should happen if there is a missing record in the second data set?
This solution assumes each table of data has the same amount of records and the records have the same IDs.
// define data
const livetable = [
{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },
{ id: 2, name: "John" }
const backupTable = [
{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },
{ id: 2, name: "Peter" }
const getDifferentRecordsByID = (sourceRecords, compareRecords) => {
// simple utility function to return a record object matching by ID
const findComparisionRecord = id => compareRecords.find(compareRecord => === id)
// using the utility function, we can filter out any mismatching records by comparing name
return sourceRecords
.filter(sourceRecord => !== findComparisionRecord(
// then map over all the records and just pull out the ID
.map(record =>
console.log(getDifferentRecordsByID(livetable, backupTable)) // [2]
Here is working VUE code for my problem.
Function returns [ "name" ], which is exactly what I need.
data() {
return {
livetable: [{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },{ id: 2, name: "John" }],
backupTable: [{ id: 1, name: "Sandra" },{ id: 2, name: "Peter" }],
difColumns: null,
methods: {
test3() {
let resultArray = []
this.livetable.forEach((array1, index) => {
const array2 = this.backupTable[index];
resultArray.push(this._.reduce(array1, (result, value, key) => this._.isEqual(value, array2[key]) ? result : result.concat(key), []))
this.difColumns = resultArray[0]

How to groupBy array of objects based on properties in vanilla javascript

How do you groupBy array of objects based on specific properties in vanilla javascript? For example this given:
const products = [
category: "Sporting Goods",
price: "$49.99",
stocked: true,
name: "Football"
category: "Sporting Goods",
price: "$9.99",
stocked: true,
name: "Baseball"
category: "Sporting Goods",
price: "$29.99",
stocked: false,
name: "Basketball"
category: "Electronics",
price: "$99.99",
stocked: true,
name: "iPod Touch"
category: "Electronics",
price: "$399.99",
stocked: false,
name: "iPhone 5"
{ category: "Electronics", price: "$199.99", stocked: true, name: "Nexus 7" }
i want to run a reduce function that would result to a new array of objects like this:
Intended Output:
const categorize = [
category:"Sporting Goods",
products: [
price: "$49.99",
stocked: true
price: "$9.99",
stocked: true
price: "$29.99",
stocked: true
category: "Electronics",
products: [
name: "iPod Touch",
price: "$99.99",
stocked: true
name: "iPhone 5",
price: "$399.99",
stocked: false
name: "Nexus 7",
price: "$199.99",
stocked: true
i based my solution from the tutorial here: using the reduce function.
Here's my code:
const groupBy = (arr,prop)=>{
return arr.reduce((groups,item)=>{
let val = item[prop];
groups[val] = groups[val]||[];
return groups
const categorize = groupBy(products,'category');
/* returns an Object like
Object {Sporting Goods: Array[3], Electronics: Array[3]}
however it's not the intended output.
I tried to return Object.values(obj) or Object.entries(obj) inside the groupBy function but it just returns an array of 2 arrays like [Array[3],Array[3]] and if i set the initial value (2nd parameter of reduce) to empty [] instead of {}, the output is just an empty array. Need help, thanks!
Because you want an array containing objects (rather than just an array of plain values), create a { category, products: [] } object if it doesn't exist in the accumulator:
const products=[{category:"Sporting Goods",price:"$49.99",stocked:!0,name:"Football"},{category:"Sporting Goods",price:"$9.99",stocked:!0,name:"Baseball"},{category:"Sporting Goods",price:"$29.99",stocked:!1,name:"Basketball"},{category:"Electronics",price:"$99.99",stocked:!0,name:"iPod Touch"},{category:"Electronics",price:"$399.99",stocked:!1,name:"iPhone 5"},{category:"Electronics",price:"$199.99",stocked:!0,name:"Nexus 7"}];
const output = Object.values(
products.reduce((a, { category, ...item }) => {
if (!a[category]) {
a[category] = { category, products: [] };
return a;
}, {})
function (){
var map = {};
products.forEach((p) => {
if (map[p.category]) {
var c = p.category;
delete p.category;
} else {
var c = p.category;
delete p.category;
Object.keys(map).forEach((m) => {
ans.push({category:m, products: map[m]})
you can collect in one go products and map them.
Then make your resultinng array

How to groupBy an object key inside nested array of objects?

I have a nested array of objects and I want to groupBy id and form a new array. Here's my array:
mainArray = [
{ name: 'a',age: 10, company: [ { desc: 'test1' , id: 6 }, { desc: 'testa' , id: 10 }] },
{ name: 'b',age: 20, company: [ { desc: 'test2' , id: 30 }] },
{ name: 'c',age: 40, company: [ { desc: 'test3' , id: 10 }, { desc: 'testc' , id: 30 }] }
I can flatten the entire array but it doesn't seem like the right way to do it.
My new array should look like something like this:
result = [
comapny_6: [
name: 'a',
age: 10,
desc: 'test1'
comapny_10: [
name: 'a',
age: 10,
desc: 'testa'
name: 'c',
age: 40,
desc: 'test3'
company_30 :[
name: 'b',
age: 20,
desc: 'test2'
name: 'c',
age: 40,
desc: 'testc'
I am open to suggestions on how the final data structure should look like. The bottom line is I want groupBy id so that I have information about each company separated out.
You can use reduce to loop thru the array and construct the desired object output. Use forEach to loop thru company
var mainArray = [{"name":"a","age":10,"company":[{"desc":"test1","id":6},{"desc":"testa","id":10}]},{"name":"b","age":20,"company":[{"desc":"test2","id":30}]},{"name":"c","age":40,"company":[{"desc":"test3","id":10},{"desc":"testc","id":30}]}];
var result = mainArray.reduce((c, {name,age,company}) => {
company.forEach(({id,desc}) => (c["company_" + id] = c["company_" + id] || []).push({name,age,desc}));
return c;
}, {});
You can first create a 1D array using flatMap() and then use reduce() to group
const mainArray = [
{ name: 'a',age: 10, company: [ { desc: 'test1' , id: 6 }, { desc: 'testa' , id: 10 }] },
{ name: 'b',age: 20, company: [ { desc: 'test2' , id: 30 }] },
{ name: 'c',age: 40, company: [ { desc: 'test3' , id: 10 }, { desc: 'testc' , id: 30 }] }
const flat = mainArray.flatMap(({company,}) => => ({,...a})));
const res = flat.reduce((ac,{id,}) => ((ac[`company_${id}`] || (ac[`company_${id}`] = [])).push(rest),ac),{})
reduce() is method with returns a single value after iterating through all the array. The accumulator i.e ac in above case is set to empty object {}(which is the second argument passed to function)
In each iteration we return the updated accumulator which becomes ac for next iteration. So what we return from function is following expression
((ac[`company_${id}`] || (ac[`company_${id}`] = [])).push(rest),ac)
ac[company_${id}] is using Bracket Notation which takes an expression company_${id}. It is same as
ac["company_" + id]
The above line checks if ac[company_${id}] exists in the ac then push() rest to the it.
If ac[company_${id}] is not created yet they set it to empty array [] then push() the rest to it.
The last part uses comma operator
((ac[`company_${id}`] || (ac[`company_${id}`] = [])).push(rest),ac)
The above whole expression will evaluate to the last value separated by comma , which is ac. So in each iteration we are pushing rest to the respective array and returning ac it the end. The code is equivalent to
const res = flat.reduce((ac,{id,}) => {
//check if company id doesnot exist as key in ac then set it empty array
if(!ac[`company_${id}`]) ac[`company_${id}`] = [];
//push rest(which will be an object with all the keys expect id)
//at last return ac
return ac;
You can achieve this with Array.reduce and inside it with an Array.forEach over the array of companies like this:
let data = [ { name: 'a',age: 10, company: [ { desc: 'test1' , id: 6 }, { desc: 'testa' , id: 10 }] }, { name: 'b',age: 20, company: [ { desc: 'test2' , id: 30 }] }, { name: 'c',age: 40, company: [ { desc: 'test3' , id: 10 }, { desc: 'testc' , id: 30 }] } ]
let result = data.reduce((r,{ name, age, company }) => {
company.forEach(({ id, desc }) =>
r[`company_${id}`] = (r[`company_${id}`] || []).concat({ name, age, desc }))
return r
}, {})

