Adding transformer to dynamically generated shapes? - javascript

I have the button which add new group which have square, to layer when clicked very simple code I guess no need to post. But my question is that how can I add transformer to it when on clicked?, I have done it with this mouseleave and mouseenter functions.
group.on('mouseenter', () => {
group.on('mouseleave', () => {
It is in loop which creates new group named "group", It works fine but in circle when I hover it the transformer appears but then when I go to transformer's boxes to resize it consider as it is mouseleave but this is doing only in circle not in line text.
So can I have solution for active transformer on element which is clicked or for considering hover on transformer boxes as a hover on node? Thanks

The mouseleave() will always fire because the pointer must leave the group to use the transformer handles or spinner.
An alternative approach would be
click to enable the transformer,
leave the transformer in place even when the mouse moves away
wait for a click on some other shape to know you can hide the transformer.
That is the standard GUI approach I believe.
If you need to show hover focus then stick a transparent rectangle the size of the groups clientrect into the group and change its stroke from transparent to some colour in the mouseenter and back in the mouseleave. You will also maybe want to set the rect.listening to false so as it coes not interfere with mouse events on the shapes in the group, but then again it might help in dragging.
Demo below.
// Set up the canvas and shapes
let stage = new Konva.Stage({container: 'container1', width: 300, height: 200});
let layer = new Konva.Layer({draggable: false});
// Add a transformer.
let transFormer1 = new Konva.Transformer();
// Create a sample group
let group1 = new Konva.Group();
group1.add(new Konva.Circle({x: 20, y: 30, radius: 15, fill: 'magenta', stroke: 'black'}))
group1.add(new Konva.Circle({x: 60, y: 40, radius: 15, fill: 'magenta', stroke: 'black'}))
group1.add(new Konva.Rect({x: 90, y: 60, width: 25, height: 25, fill: 'magenta', stroke: 'black'}));
let pos = group1.getClientRect();
let boundRect1 = new Konva.Rect({name: 'boundRect', x: pos.x, y: pos.y, width: pos.width, height: pos.height, fill: 'transparent', stroke: 'transparent'});
// When mouse enters the group show a border
group1.on('mouseenter', function(){
let boundRect = this.find('.boundRect');
// and remove border when mouse leaves
group1.on('mouseleave', function(){
let boundRect = this.find('.boundRect');
// If the group is clicked, enable the transformer on that group.
group1.on('click', function(){
// For a more pleasing demo let us have 2 groups.
// Make a copy of group1, offset new group, and change fill on its child shapes except the bound rect
let group2 = group1.clone();
group2.position({x: 120, y: 30});
for (let i = 0, shapes = group2.getChildren(); i < shapes.length; i = i + 1){
shapes[i].fill(shapes[i].fill() !== 'transparent' ? 'cyan' : 'transparent');
<script src="^3/konva.min.js"></script>
<p>Move mouse over the shapes to see the group borders, click a group to apply the transformer.
<div id='container1' style="display: inline-block; width: 300px, height: 200px; background-color: silver; overflow: hidden; position: relative;"></div>

Got the answer!, I just create a public transformer and on stage click I am adding nodes to it no transformer to each group just one public transformer which hold one node at a time.


Konva mousedown triggers dragging but mouseup doesn't stop it

Firstly, I'm very grateful for this excellent library.
I will do my best to explain this but I think the demo will explain it best.
I have a class that extends konva group because it needs other properties. One of those other properties can be called accessories, which is another konva group. (I don't want accessories to simply be a 'child' of the main group as I need to perform other operations on that array).
When I click the main groups children, I want it to drag the accessories, however, it also drags the accessories when I just click the main group.
I can't bind the startDrag() to the "dragstart" event because that only fires when the mouse is down AND the mouse moves, meaning there's an x,y offset to the accessories after they have moved.
constructor() {
x: 0,
y: 0,
draggable: true,
this.accessories = new Konva.Group({
x : this.attrs.x,
y : this.attrs.y,
draggable: true,
this.on("mousedown", () => {
this.on("mouseup", () => {
this.on("click", () => {
let newgroup = new supergroup();
newgroup.add(new Konva.Rect({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 50,
height: 50,
fill: "black",
newgroup.children[0].on("click", () => {
console.log("Rect Clicked");
newgroup.children[0].on("dragstart", () => {
console.log("Group Drag Started");
newgroup.accessories.add(new Konva.Rect({
x: 55,
y: 55,
width: 50,
height: 50,
fill: "red",
I have made a simple demo here:
If you click the grey background, it shifts the screen as intended. If you drag the black square, it drags the red one with it as expected. If you drag the red square, it only drags the red square as expected.
However, if you just click the black square, it begins dragging the red square, this is not what I want. It seems like the mouseup event doesn't fire.
I need the red square drag to NOT be initiated when I click the black square.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you

KineticJS: How can I include custom canvas shapes in a toDataURL function

My problem started with the version 5 of KineticJS, before that it was not a problem. Native KineticJS shapes such as squares and circles can be saved to an image file using the stage.toDataURL function. But it doesn't work for non-Kinetic shapes drawn with normal canvas methods such as beginPath(); and canvas.fill(); (version 4 did this fine). The following code draws two rectangles, one red and one blue. The red is custom, the blue is a native kinetic rectangle.
<div id="container"></div>
<button id="save">
Save as image
<script src=""> </script>
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 578,
height: 200
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var box = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 400,
y: 80,
width: 100,
height: 50,
fill: '#00D2FF',
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4,
draggable: true
var canvas = layer.getCanvas().getContext('2d');
canvas.setAttr('strokeStyle', 'black');
canvas.setAttr('fillStyle', '#FF2222');
canvas.setAttr('lineWidth', 8);
document.getElementById('save').addEventListener('click', function() {
callback: function(dataUrl) {
window.location.href = dataUrl;
}, false);
Both shapes appear, but only the blue rectangle appears in the image generated by the toDataURL function. The way they are drawn has changed in KineticJS 5, where you set attributes for fillStyle etc. so I'm thinking that may have something to do with it, or maybe the fact that the custom shape is added after the layer is added to the stage...
You are correct, between recent versions much has changed, and this has probably broken something in your drawing function.
You should consult the official docs on each item, but basically a custom shape has slightly updated properties... first of all "StrokeStyle" is no longer a valid property. Just use 'stroke'. Same thing with FillStyle.
Also -- 'dashArray' is no longer valid, now it's just 'dash' -- so I'm sure there are more things that changed that I'm not recalling... right, such as 'lineWidth' is now 'strokeWidth'...
Also -- the way you show or don't show strokes and fills has changed... yep, pretty much most of the way you used to do it has been changed slightly. 'drawFunc' is now 'sceneFunc' also...
var ctx = layer.getContext();
var customShape01 = new Kinetic.Shape({
sceneFunc: function(ctx) {
ctx.moveTo(162.1, 213.8);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(162.1, 213.8, 180.7, 215.3, 193.5, 214.5);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(205.8, 213.7, 221.8, 212.3, 222.8, 221.4);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(222.9, 221.7, 222.9, 222.0, 222.9, 222.3);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(222.9, 232.4, 204.6, 232.7, 192.0, 227.1);
ctx.bezierCurveTo(179.4, 221.5, 163.1, 213.8, 162.1, 213.8);
id: 'customShape01',
fill: 'rgb(255, 0, 255)',
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 2,
lineJoin: 'round',
dash: [5,5],
dashEnabled: 'true',
strokeEnabled: 'true'
check out a full working sample (you'll have to allow popups).

KineticJS shape opacity

I need some assistance changing the opacity of a shape using KineticJS (5.0.0.).
In an mouse event, I want to change the opacity of the shape, which triggered the event. Whenever the shape is hovered, it gets visible ( opacity 1.0 ) and when it's left, it becomes invisible ( opacity 0.0 ). It works fine, whenever I redraw the whole Layer of the specified shape.
The point is, I can't redraw the whole Layer because it takes to much time ( ~300 shapes ). For that reason I changed some code, to just draw the shape.
jsFiddle: ( see lines 25 and 30 of HTML )
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width: 578,
height: 200
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
var pentagon = new Kinetic.RegularPolygon({
x: stage.width()/2,
y: stage.height()/2,
sides: 5,
radius: 70,
fill: 'red',
stroke: 'black',
strokeWidth: 4,
opacity: 0.1
pentagon.on('mouseover', function() {
this.draw(); // instead of layer.draw();
pentagon.on('mouseout', function() {
this.draw(); // instead of layer.draw();
// add the shape to the layer
// add the layer to the stage
( Code is based on this: )
Even though I set the opacity of the shape to 0.0 when left, it's still visible as you can see. Every time it is hovered, it becomes more and more visible ( I guess the shape gets redrawn ).
Is there any way to (re)draw the shape with an opacity of 0.0 WITHOUT drawing the whole stage and/or layer ?
Thanks in advance.
Yes, a quick look indicates node.draw() might be broken in 5.0.1.
Drop back to version 4.4.0
Use layer.drawScene() which saves redraw time by not redrawing the hit-canvas.

How to add a background color to Kinetic JS stage or layer?

I have a Kinetic JS stage and a layer
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'container',
width : STAGE_WIDTH,
var layer = new Kinetic.Layer();
I've set the page color to be #bbb.
body {
background: #bbb;
I'd like to set the canvas color to be white. But I can't seem to find a method or a way to add a background color to the stage itself or the layer that I add all the object on.
You can also set the background color of your container element through CSS. That's essentially the same as setting the background color of the stage. If you want a background at the layer level, you'll need to add a filled rectangle or similar, as previously mentioned.
I had the same problem, I wanted to add a "background". I added a rectagle with the 100% height and width, with this code:
var rect = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: stageDimensions.width, //full width
height: stageDimensions.height, //full height
fill: 'white', //background color
Since I wanted to be able to remove the "background", this is how I manage to solve my problem.
Hope it helps you.
You can change the background color with JavaScript...
document.getElementById('container').style.background = '#fff';
There isn't an API method to add a background color.
Instead add a colored rectangle that covers the layer.
Of course, add the background rectangle before all other shapes.
Old question, but you can use the get properties of the stage, and fill a full rectangle, adding it to the layer before anything else. Sample code:
var stage = new Kinetic.Stage({
container: 'canvas-container',
width: 900,
height: 450
// create background
var stageBg = new Kinetic.Rect({
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: stage.getWidth(),
height: stage.getHeight(),
fill: "rgb(40,40,40)"

RaphaelJS HTML5 Library : creating a button with text and glow on mouseover

I am trying to create a button with text inside using the Raphael JavaScript library. I would like to have a glow around the button on mouseover. I achieved this by using the set on rectangle and text and applying the glow on the set. I tried two approaches binding the mouseover and mouseout methods to the resulting button set. In the first case the glow stays if the cursor reaches the text, in the second one the glow disappears. Here is the code :
// canvas
var paper = Raphael(0, 0, "100%", "100%");
// background of the first button
var bBox1 = paper.rect(100, 100, 120, 50, 10).attr({
fill: 'darkorange',
stroke: '#3b4449',
'stroke-width': 2
// text of the first button
var text1 = paper.text(bBox1.attrs.x + bBox1.attrs.width / 2, bBox1.attrs.y + bBox1.attrs.height / 2, 'Click to expand').attr({
"font-family": "Helvetica",
"font-size": 16
// set of rectangle + text = button
var button1 = paper.set().attr({
cursor: 'pointer'
button1.mouseover(function (event) {
this.oGlow = bBox1.glow({
opacity: 0.85,
color: 'gray',
width: 15
}).mouseout(function (event) {
// ********** now the second button **********
// background of the second button
var bBox2 = paper.rect(100, 200, 120, 50, 10).attr({
fill: 'lightblue',
stroke: '#3b4449',
'stroke-width': 2
// text of the first button
var text2 = paper.text(bBox2.attrs.x + bBox2.attrs.width / 2, bBox2.attrs.y + bBox2.attrs.height / 2, 'Click to expand').attr({
"font-family": "Helvetica",
"font-size": 16
// set of rectangle + text = button
var button2 = paper.set().attr({
cursor: 'pointer'
// function for the mousover event for buttons
var buttonMouseoverHandler = function (event) {
this.oGlow = this.glow({
opacity: 0.85,
color: 'gray',
width: 15
// function for the mouseout event
var buttonMouseoutHandler = function (event) {
Here is a working jsfiddle example :
I absolutely do not understand the difference in the behavior, can anyone please give me a hint?
Simple: In the first mouseover, you're setting the glow on the rect object, regardless of what's being moused over:
this.oGlow = bBox1.glow({...
In the second, you're setting it to "this", which would apply to the text object when you mouse over it:
this.oGlow = this.glow({...
How to prevent the loss of hover on interior elements of an element is one of the most common Raphael-related questions on SO. See this for a simple solution for small projects, and this open thread for an alternative for bigger projects.

