jQuery Promise async await in an object - javascript

I have a object with loads of functions inside. some of them are ajax calls. the idea is to call one of this functions from another place and wait until it's resolved but i don't know if it is possible and if it is im not sure how to do it. here is the code so you get an idea of what i'm trying to do.
let some_id = $(this).val();
let ajax_test = binder.firstLayer['ajaxcall'](some_id);
Then i have an object with all the functions i use, among them this ajax call looking something like this:
let binder = {
firstLayer : {
ajaxcall: function(some_id){
return new Promise( (resolve, reject) => {
// all the details
}).then((response) => {
I haven't included the keywords async and await because im not sure where to put them. in the case of the ajaxcall function, i tried putting the async after the ajaxcall: and before function(some_id) but when i put await like:
let ajax_test = await binder.firstLayer['ajaxcall'](some_id);
but it doesn't work. so again, the question is if it can be done the way im trying to do it and if so, what im doing wrong or putting in the wrong place. with this attempt i get undefined if i try to look into the response or [object Promise] (from console.log(ajax_test);) if i just console log the response (from same place as before)

you can use let ajax_test = await binder.firstLayer['ajaxcall'](some_id); as long as you mark the function as async:
$(".button").click(async function(){ ...


Javascript Promise handler called before beeing resolved

In an effort to remove the use of jQuery from my code, I tried to replace the $.Deferred(); by new Promise().
I noticed the usage are slightly different, and I'm still learning how it works.
Here is a simplified extract from my code:
function do_match (resolve, reject) {
fetch( /* ... */).then (async function(response) {
/* do some suff */
document.getElementById("match").insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', '<div class="player"></div>');
function do_myMarket () {
var elements = document.querySelectorAll('.player');
//here elements is sometimes null...
p1 = new Promise(do_match);
p1.then(do_myMarket, null);
While I would have expect do_myMarket to only be called after the promise is resolved, if the fetch is not fast enough, do_myMarket can be called before the elements are available in the page.
Putting breakpoints if elements is null and resolve() confirmed me this behavior.
Am I missing something? Why would this happen?
After some readings from #VLAZ and more testing, I found out it's because of the async in the unnamed function.
The promise p1 was resolved by the return value of the fetch function, which would not wait for completion because of the async keyword, thus making resolve("done"); useless.
And I tried, same behavior with or without the call to resolve.
This comes from, what I think now, as a wacky example from MDN:
// Function to do an Ajax call
const doAjax = async () => {
const response = await fetch('Ajax.php'); // Generate the Response object
if (response.ok) {
const jVal = await response.json(); // Get JSON value from the response body
return Promise.resolve(jVal);
return Promise.reject('*** PHP file not found');
// Call the function and output value or error message to console
The above is all antipattern if I understood correctly.
The correct way is the page dedicated to the .json() method:
function doAjax() {
fetch(/* ... */)
.then(response => response.json())
.then(data => {

how do I assign a returned value from an async function to a variable

I am new to JavaScript and have been trying to read up a lot on why this is not working. Here is my code. I have also read a number of articles here on stack overflow but still feeling dense
Also if my title does not make sense, please suggest an edit
.then(response => {
let files = []
response.items.forEach(item => {
var text
getText(item.name).then(res=>{text = res});
const id = {uid: guid()}
const url = item.getDownloadURL().then(url => {return url} )
const gsurl = `gs://archivewebsite.appspot.com/${folder}/${item.name}`
files.push({...item, name:item.name, url, gsurl, id:id.uid, text})
this.files = files;
.catch(error => console.log(error));
async function getText(docID) {
var docRef = firestore.collection("recipes").doc(docID);
let doc = await docRef.get()
if (doc.exists){
return doc.data().text
that code "works" in that it logs the response to the console but the text variable is a pending promise object.
I understand that async functions return a promise so when I call getText I need to use .then - what I am struggling with and have refactored this code a few times is this:
how can I assign the value of doc.data().text to a variable to be used later in other words, how can var text be an actual string and not a promise object pending
Also for my own learning on javascript inside the async function if I replace
if (doc.exists){
return doc.data().text
if (doc.exists){
return Promise.resolve(doc.data().text)
I get the same result in console.log - is this expected? is return simply short hand for the handler to resolve the promise?
I have also refactored this code to be non async and I get the same result where my var text is basically a pending promise and never the resolved data
Thanks for your help - also any articles to help explain this to me would be great! I have been going through courses on udemy but little confused by this right now
Actually you are assigning the complete promise to the variable text
var text = getText(item.name).then(res=>console.log(res))
var text = await getText(item.name);
var text
getText(item.name).then(res=>{text = res});
Of course text is going to be a Promise. Promise.then() always returns a Promise.
Consider this code:
function doA(n) {
// do something here...
console.log("A" + n);
asnyc function doB(n) {
// do something here...
console.log("B" + n);
doB(3); // async
doB(5); // async
doB(6); // async
What do you expect the output to be?
1, 2, 4, and 7 will always be in order, because they are executed synchronously.
3 will not ever print before 1 and 2. Likewise, 5 and 6 will not ever print before 1, 2, and 4.
However, 3, 5, and 6 can be printed in any order, because async functions do not guarantee execution order once created.
Also, 4 can print before 3. Likewise, 7 can print before 5 and 6.
Basically, think of async functions as a parallel task that runs independently (although not really; single thread JS only simulates this behavior). It can return (fulfill/reject) at any moment. For this reason, you cannot just simply assign a return value of an async function to a variable using synchronous code - the value is not guaranteed to be (and probably is not) available at the moment of synchronous execution.
Therefore you need to put all the code that requires the value of text to be set into the callback block of the Promise, something like this:
getText(item.name).then((text) => {
// put everything that uses text here
This can of course lead to the infamous "callback hell", where you have layers inside layers of async callback. See http://callbackhell.com for details and mitigation techniques.
async/await is just one of the newer ways to do the same thing: MDN has an excellent article here: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Learn/JavaScript/Asynchronous/Async_await
OK I worked with someone at work and found a solution - it was related to this post
I was using async function inside a for each loop
the refactored code is here
async function buildFiles(){
let items = await listRef.listAll()
let files = []
for (const item of item.items){
const text = await getText(item.name)
const url = await item.getDownloadURL()
const gsurl = `gs://archivewebsite.appspot.com/${folder}/${sermon.name}`
files.push({...item, name:item.name, url, gsurl, text})
return files
async function getText(docID) {
var docRef = firestore.collection("recipies").doc(docID);
let doc = await docRef.get()
if (doc.exists){return await doc.data().text}}
buildFiles().then(res=>this.files = res)
Thanks also to #cyqsimon and #Nav Kumar V

How to iterate a JSON array and add data from an async arrow function?

I'm new on MEAN stack and also on JS. What I'm trying to accomplish is to adapt the response that I get from the DB adding to it another field.
I have a mongoose method that gave me all the Courses that exist and I want to add to that information all the Inscriptions for each one. So I'm trying this:
exports.getAllCourses = async(req, res) => {
try {
const rawCourses = await Course.find();
const courses = await courseAdapter.apply(rawCourses)
await res.json({courses});
} catch (error) {
res.status(500).send("Ocurrio un error imprevisto :/");
My courseAdapter
exports.apply = (courses) => {
return courses.map(async course=> (
number: await coursetUtils.getNumberOfInscriptions(course._doc._id)
And my courseUtils:
exports.getNumberOfInscriptions = async courseId => {
return await CourseInscription.countDocuments({courseId: courseId});
I think my problem is with the async-await function because with this code i get this:
or changing some stuff i get this:
But never the number of inscription on the response. By the way i use function getNumberOfInscriptions() in other part of my code for make a validation and works.
Trying a lot of stuff i get to this:
I change the way I process the data from DB in the apply function and I treat it like an array.
exports.apply = async (courses) => {
var response = [];
for (let c of courses) {
var doc = c._doc;
var tmp = [{course: doc, inscriptionNumber: await courseUtils.getNumberOfInscriptions(c._doc._id)}];
response = response.concat(tmp);
return response;
I think is not a pretty good way to accomplish my goal, but it works. If I find something better, performance or clean I will posted.
Anyways I still don't know what I was doing wrong on my previous map function when I call my async-await function. If anybody knows, please let me know.

Wait for async calls inside a loop to finish

I know questions similar to this have been asked many times, but some are old and suggest deprecated solutions, some describe a solution but not in the context of a loop, and none of them directly answers my question. I want to know what is the latest and greatest approach to having a piece of code run after another piece of code is done running a bunch of async calls.
Here is the general structure of the code as I have it:
function fetchProperty(input) {
url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/1' + input
return $.parseJSON(resp).title;
inputValues = [1, 2];
outputValues = [];
$.each(inputValues, function(index, value){
console.log(outputValues); // will return an empty array
Essentially, I want that last line of code to not be executed until after all of the AJAX calls made inside the $.each() are finished. Obviously, I don't want to use async: false because it is deprecated. What is the best practice on how to defer the console.log until after all of the other deferred AJAX calls are done?
Try to use async await, like in the code below.
The problem seems to be that the fetch is async but the console log is not so it print before it fetch the data
async function fetchProperty(input) {
const resp = await $.ajax({
url: 'http://some.api/' + input + '/foobar'
return $.parseJSON(resp).someProperty;
inputValues = ['this', 'that'];
outputValues = [];
$.each(inputValues, async function(index, value){
outputValues.push(await fetchProperty(value));
I'm not sure that $.ajax return a thenable (Promise like) object or not. Then I will convert $.ajax to the Promise first, and use await keyword to get the value from the function. I use for...of instead of $.each to this task, because $.each use callback style, then it will hard to make it working with async/await.
function fetchProperty(input) {
return new Promise((resolve) => { // return a Promise
url: 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/' + input
}).done(function (resp) {
resolve(resp.title); // resolve here
async function main() {
const inputValues = [1, 2];
const outputValues = [];
for (const value of inputValues) {
outputValues.push(await fetchProperty(value));
console.log(outputValues); // the values

Async/Await Not Waiting as I expect it

Please bear with me I've been dropped into a new project and trying to take it all in. I've been making progress over the last couple of day but can't seem to get over this last hump. Hopefully I can explain it correctly.
I'm loading up a web form and need to make a call out to the API to get some information that may or may not be present based on the data currently loading up. I've simplified my page to basically be this.
...Get some information the user wants and start to do some work to load
up the page and set up the form.
...old stuff working fine...
//Time for my new stuff
var testValue
async function test() {
await http.post(appConfig.serviceRootUrl + '/api/XXX/YYY',
{ mProperty: myObject.collectionInObject.itemInCollection }).then(function (result) {
if (result.length < 1) {
testValue= false;
else if (result[0].infoIWant.trim().length > 0) {
testValue= true;
//Originally above in the if I was just seeing if I got a result
//and setting testValue to true/false but changed it for debugging
//and I am surely getting back correct values when the data exists
//or result.length zero when no data for it
...Do a bunch of more stuff that is old and working correctly....
//Test the new stuff up above
Most of the time I get back the correct true or false in the alert but once in a while I get back undefined. I'm guessing the undefined is because it is getting to the alert before the async/await finishes. I was under the impression it won't go past the line where I call "test();". I thought it was in effect making it halt anything below test(); until the await finished. Originally it was a bit more complex but I keep stripping it down to make it (hopefully) more basic/simple.
What am I missing in my thoughts or implementation?
Any help greatly appreciated as I'm chasing my tail at this point.
This isn't how async functions work. The function only appears to wait inside the function itself. Outside the function it is called and returns a promise synchronously.
In other words if you write:
let t = test()
t will be a promise that resolves when test() returns. In your current code, if you want to respond outside the function you would need something like:
async function test() {
let result = await http.post(appConfig.serviceRootUrl + '/api/XXX/YYY',
{ mProperty: myObject.collectionInObject.itemInCollection })
if (result.length < 1) return false
else if (result[0].infoIWant.trim().length > 0) return true;
// test is an async function. It returns a promise.
test().then(result => alert("result: " + result ))
Edit based on comments
Here's a working version using Axios for the http.post command:
async function test() {
let result = await axios.post('https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts',
{ mProperty: "some val" })
return result.data
// test is an async function. It returns a promise.
test().then(result => console.log(result ))
<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/axios/0.18.0/axios.min.js"></script>
How about doing this?
...Get some information the user wants and start to do some work to load
up the page and set up the form.
...old stuff working fine...
//Time for my new stuff
var testValue
async function test() {
let promise = new Promise( (resolve, reject) => resolve( http.post(appConfig.serviceRootUrl + '/api/XXX/YYY',
{ mProperty: myObject.collectionInObject.itemInCollection }).then(function (result) {
if (result.length < 1) {
testValue= false;
else if (result[0].infoIWant.trim().length > 0) {
testValue= true;
await promise;
//Originally above in the if I was just seeing if I got a result
//and setting testValue to true/false but changed it for debugging
//and I am surely getting back correct values when the data exists
//or result.length zero when no data for it
...Do a bunch of more stuff that is old and working correctly....
//Test the new stuff up above
If you use .then() syntax, don't await, and vice versa. I was incorrect about browser compatibility with async/await, seems I haven't kept up with browser scripting, in favor of Node. But also, since you're using jQuery, $.ajax() might be a good option for you, because you don't need async/await or .then(), and you can do like so:
$.ajax(appConfig.serviceRootUrl + '/api/XXX/YYY', {
method: 'POST',
data: { mProperty: myObject.collectionInObject.itemInCollection }
}).done(function(data) {
//use result here just as you would normally within the `.then()`
I hope this is more helpful than my original answer.

