How to display BaseX get results in http website? - javascript

I have create a BaseX database and a mytest.xq file containing an XQuery for that database. When I write in my browser the following:
I get the desired results in an xml form. However I want to perform this using the html language to display those results in a website. Is this possible? If it is, can the results from xml be visualized better for example a table?
I have looked all the documentation regarding baseX http and have not found a way

You can add &method=html to your url like so:
As long as you are returning html from your query then it will render with the method argument. You don't need RESTXQ for your simple needs.
The main BaseX page has an example file in the webapp folder called restxq.xqm where you can see how the basic home page is set up. You don't need RESTXQ but you can use the header information from that file in your test query and render your page with that in mind.
Also there is an entire app in the webapp/dba folder that is written entirely in RESTXQ.


How to get the link of table from where data is coming onto html?

For example there is a table like in this link
How to access the database from where it is coming. Like let's say to get whole ranking table at a place
I tried reading HTML file but didn't get it
One extension scrapes the table only
How can we achieve this?
There is no simple answer here - it really depends how is it implemented on the server side. As rv.kvetch pointed you can get part of result from url:
You can notice pagination query parameter here, indeed you can access second page, third page and so on. Sometimes there is some parameter like page_size implemented on server but it doesn't look like that case.
So to access full table you probably need to iterate over that pages and glue the results.
EDIT: How to get such url for some page?
Open your favorive browser, run web inspector (usually right click - inspect) and go to network tab, where you can find all requests sent during page rendering.

NextJS How to create dynamic backend routes

Is there away for me to create dynamic backend routes? I am creating and image host. I am wanting the user to be able to get their image saved on the server under a domain like this http://localhost/<random_id> and example of the link would be http://localhost/a3Fafght5, I have looked around online and I could not find anything about creating dynamic backend routes and then when I did find one thing it said I needed to use getStaticPaths to declare all the possible ids. I dont know what the id is going to be when I build the project, I need to be able to query the database with it and check if it exists and do things from there.
You can use dynamic page routing if you have file like pages/[imageId].js
and then simply put getServerSideProps in your file which can call your database and determine if this is valid ID or not. For valid ID your would return image, for not valid simply 404.
If you don't want to have server-side rendering, but static one instead. You could have the same file as above and have getStaticPaths function which would query the database and return array of all possible IDs. This however could be issue if you have a lot of images, then the server-side solution would be easiest.

PowerBi: Query HTML table

What I need
I need to retrieve data from this source . Let's assume I must use only PowerBi for this.
What I did so far
If I use the basic web source option, then the query is just basically an htlm parsing with which I can easily get the data found in the html scope of the page, example:
The steps I'm following through Web source option:
(to simplify the example, assume we don't need the dates)
You can download that example .pbix file here.
The problem
The problem is that I need more data, which can't be accessed through the html preview. For example, let's imagine I need to retrieve the data from January 2010 to April 2020. Those king of queries can only be done via this button located in the webpage (which exports the requested data to an Excel workbook):
The idea is to get this process automated, so going to the source and export the excel file all the time is not an option.
Inspecting the element I realized that what it does is execute a javascript function:
The question
As a PowerBi/PowerQuery noob I wonder: Is there any way I can get that data directly with PowerBi (maybe calling the js function somehow)? If there is so, then how?
Thank you in advance.
The solution to my case was to use URL parameters to retrieve de data without parsing the html table.
❌Original URL I was using:
✔️New URL for the query, adding some parameters:
This procedure only works in this case, because obviously the parameters will not be the same on other web pages.
However, I post this answer to keep the main idea for those who are in a similar situation: first try with the appropriate url parameters to get the data in a different format. Of course you first must know which are the available parameters, which is a limitation.

Re-run PHP rss feed

I couldn't really find anything online for what I was looking for.
Currently, I have some php code that grabs news feeds and every time the loop runs through, it stores it in an array slot {0,1,2} etc. The interesting part is, I don't know how to refresh the php rss grab function without refreshing the page.
Essentially I have index.php, and with code inside, and I'd like to re-run the php script in those arrows <> through javascript.
I know in javascript you can assign script names and call them in html, that's essential what I want to do but for php, is it possible?
Currently your RSS fetching logic is intertwined with your presentation logic. You need to separate them so the RSS logic can be called independently.
Consider a structure like this:
rss.php - script with logic to fetch RSS feed and package it up as PHP array
index.php - require(s) rss.php and wraps the results in HTML
api.php - another script which require(s) rss.php, but responds with JSON data that can be consumed by Javascript
Now you can present the RSS data when the page loads and then periodically call api.php via Javascript to update the results.
You could also forgo calling rss.php from index.php, merely have it present an HTML skeleton with the javascript and when the page loads, have the javascript call api.php right away to build the initial list. That way you don't have the presentation logic in two places.
PHP is a server-side language, meaning your script will be run by the server before it is returned to your client (the browser).
What you can do if you want to continuously get new data from your script is call your server periodically with JavaScript using an AJAX call and display that to your user.
See this and this.

I have been given a cust_key I can use to import and display data from an API and need specific examples

I am barely getting around in HTML5, and trying to do PHP and AJAX and js all at the same time. LOL. I have been given a cust_key and an API that produces an XML output based off the criteria you send in via a url. To integrate this feature to your site you will need to be able to pull information from an XML file. I have an html table built, and the radio buttons, ... now I'd like to GET the info from the remote site (how do I attach my cust_key to results from all the radio buttons?) and display the results on my own site?

