Manipulate objects and merge similar data using Javascript - javascript

I'm struggling with manipulating a Javascript object and will appreciate your advice:
I have the following object:
const source = {
id: '1',
name: 'Customer A',
projects: [
id: '10',
name: 'Project 2',
description: 'Project 2 description',
products: [
id: '100',
name: 'Product 1',
vendor: 'Vendor 1',
instances: [
id: '1000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.1',
notes: '',
id: '200',
name: 'Product 2',
vendor: 'Vendor 2',
instances: [
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
id: '20',
name: 'Project 1',
description: 'Project 1 description',
products: [
id: '200',
name: 'Product 2',
vendor: 'Vendor 2',
instances: [
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
id: '3000',
operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '3.12',
notes: '',
I would like to extract from the object above a list of instances grouped by products (this part is working fine):
const products = [
id: '100',
name: 'Product 1',
vendor: 'Vendor 1',
instances: [
id: '1000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.1',
notes: '',
id: '200',
name: 'Product 2',
vendor: 'Vendor 2',
instances: [
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
id: '3000',
operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '3.12',
notes: '',
The above is achieved by mapping the projects, flattening the products-array, and reducing the results.
My next goal is to add each instance the projects it associated to. I need to attach the project id and project name. In the example above, you can see the instance with the '2000' id is associated with 2 projects, and therefore, the expected results should look like this:
const expected = [
id: '100',
name: 'Product 1',
vendor: 'Vendor 1',
instances: [
id: '1000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.1',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '10',
name: 'Project 2',
id: '200',
name: 'Product 2',
vendor: 'Vendor 2',
instances: [
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '10',
name: 'Project 2',
id: '20',
name: 'Project 1',
id: '3000',
operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '3.12',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '20',
name: 'Project 1',
I tried to manipulate the array by several 'forEach' loops, maps, and so on but with no success.
Would appreciate having your ideas with how it can be achieved.

const { inspect } = require('util'); // if Node.js
const source = {
id: '1', name: 'Customer A', projects: [
id: '10', name: 'Project 2', description: 'Project 2 description', products: [
id: '100', name: 'Product 1', vendor: 'Vendor 1', instances: [
{ id: '1000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.1', notes: '', },
id: '200', name: 'Product 2', vendor: 'Vendor 2', instances: [
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
id: '20', name: 'Project 1', description: 'Project 1 description', products: [
id: '200', name: 'Product 2', vendor: 'Vendor 2', instances: [
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
{ id: '3000', operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7', environment: 'Prod', version: '3.12', notes: '', },
const projectToIdMap = source.projects.reduce((projectToIdMap, { name, products }) => {
projectToIdMap[name] = [];
products.forEach(({ instances }) => {
instances.forEach(({ id }) => {
return projectToIdMap;
}, {});
const products = [
id: '100', name: 'Product 1', vendor: 'Vendor 1', instances: [
{ id: '1000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.1', notes: '', },
id: '200', name: 'Product 2', vendor: 'Vendor 2', instances: [
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
{ id: '3000', operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7', environment: 'Prod', version: '3.12', notes: '', },
products.forEach(({ instances }) => {
instances.forEach(instance => {
instance.projects = [];
const { id } = instance;
Object.entries(projectToIdMap).forEach(([project, os], i) => {
if (projectToIdMap[project].includes(id)) {
instance.projects.push({ id: (i + 1) * 10, project });
console.log(inspect(products, false, null, true)); // if Node.js
This does not remove the duplicate Microsoft Windows 2016 entry, but I'm sure you can take it from here.

Ok, I think I made it :)
Thanks #GirkovArpa for the assistance!
You can find the source object in the code snippet or in the original question.
The expected object is:
const expected = [
id: '100',
name: 'Product 1',
vendor: 'Vendor 1',
instances: [
id: '1000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.1',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '10',
name: 'Project 2',
id: '200',
name: 'Product 2',
vendor: 'Vendor 2',
instances: [
id: '2000',
operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '4.0',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '10',
name: 'Project 2',
id: '20',
name: 'Project 1',
id: '3000',
operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7',
environment: 'Prod',
version: '3.12',
notes: '',
projects: [
id: '20',
name: 'Project 1',
First I added each instance its project in the form of an array
Then I flatten the products array results so it will not be split into objects
Then I used #Yevgen Gorbunkov help from the following thread: Merge duplicate items in array of objects, concating nested arrays
I changed his function to also remove duplicate products while merging associated projects (this is why I initialize the project field with an array in the first place)
If you will find a better or more efficient wat to improve the method - I will love to hear :)
I changed the code snippet from
dupe.instances = { ...o.instances };
dupe.instances = Object.values({ ...o.instances });
for adding the instances as an array instead of an object.
/* Source object */
const source = {
id: '1', name: 'Customer A', projects: [
id: '10', name: 'Project 2', description: 'Project 2 description', products: [
id: '100', name: 'Product 1', vendor: 'Vendor 1', instances: [
{ id: '1000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2012R2', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.1', notes: '', },
id: '200', name: 'Product 2', vendor: 'Vendor 2', instances: [
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
id: '20', name: 'Project 1', description: 'Project 1 description', products: [
id: '200', name: 'Product 2', vendor: 'Vendor 2', instances: [
{ id: '2000', operatingSystem: 'Microsoft Windows 2016', environment: 'Prod', version: '4.0', notes: '', },
{ id: '3000', operatingSystem: 'RedHat Linux 7', environment: 'Prod', version: '3.12', notes: '', },
/* flattenArray function */
function flattenArray(data) {
const initialValue = [];
return data.reduce((total, value) => {
return total.concat(Array.isArray(value) ? flattenArray(value) : value);
}, initialValue);
/* Adding an array of project on each instance */
source.projects.forEach(project => {
project.products.forEach(product => {
product.instances.forEach(instance => {
instance.project = [
/* flatten the array */
let products = flattenArray( => p.products));
/* reducing products and merging id equaly instances + projects */
products = [
.reduce((r, o) => {
const dupe = r.get(;
if (dupe) {
const a = flattenArray(dupe.instances).reduce(i => i);
o.instances.forEach(i => {
if ( === {
const merged = [...i.project, ...a.project];
i.project = merged;
dupe.instances = Object.values({ ...o.instances });
} else {
r.set(, o);
return r;
}, new Map())
console.log("products", products);


Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'size')

I have 2 arrays. I'm using a for loop on arr1 and checking if arr2 contains some of the same shoe sizes as in arr1. If the condition checks that a shoe size from arr1 does not exist in arr2, then it will push an object ({size: '-'}) to the newArr, if it does exist it will just push the shoe object from arr2 into newArr
const newArr = []
const arr1 = [
{ size: 'US 3' },
{ size: 'US 4' },
{ size: 'US 5' },
{ size: 'US 6' },
{ size: 'US 7' },
{ size: 'US 8' },
{ size: 'US 9' },
{ size: 'US 10' },
{ size: 'US 11' },
{ size: 'US 12' },
{ size: 'US 13' },
{ size: 'US 14' },
{ size: 'US 15' },
{ size: 'US 16' }
const arr2 = [
{ size: '4', cost: '170' },
{ size: '6', cost: '75' },
{ size: '7', cost: '75' },
{ size: '8', cost: '78' },
{ size: '9', cost: '80' },
{ size: '10', cost: '85' },
{ size: '11', cost: '73' },
{ size: '12', cost: '77' },
{ size: '14', cost: '100' }
for (const arr1Item in arr1) {
let arr1Size = arr1[arr1Item].size
let includes = arr1Size.includes(arr2[arr1Item].size);
if(includes) {
} else {
newArr.push({size: '-'})
The problem is whenever I run this I get this error: TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'size')
This error is happening because of this code here:
The thing I'm confused about is if I console.log(arr2[arr1Item]) INSIDE the for loop, it returns each object from arr2 with no error, only gives an error when I add .size.
I've been stuck on this for a bit, would appreciate any help. Thank you.
You iterate over arr1 using the index variable arr1Item, but then use that to index into arr2. As arr1 has more elements than arr2, you end up trying to accessarr2[9] === undefined and undefined does not have a size attribute hence the error TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'size').
Couple of other problems
newArr is not a const.
Array.protoype.includes() is used to see if, say, 4 of arr2.size matches arr.size like US 4 but this will also incorrectly (substring) match US 14.
Potential solution
Using the fact that both arr1 & arr2 are sorted by the (normalized) size attribute, and that the set of (normalized) arr2.size is a subset of (normalized) arr1.size you can do the transformation in linear time (O(arr1.length)):
const arr1 = [
{ size: 'US 3' },
{ size: 'US 4' },
{ size: 'US 5' },
{ size: 'US 6' },
{ size: 'US 7' },
{ size: 'US 8' },
{ size: 'US 9' },
{ size: 'US 10' },
{ size: 'US 11' },
{ size: 'US 12' },
{ size: 'US 13' },
{ size: 'US 14' },
{ size: 'US 15' },
{ size: 'US 16' }
const arr2 = [
{ size: '4', cost: '170' },
{ size: '6', cost: '75' },
{ size: '7', cost: '75' },
{ size: '8', cost: '78' },
{ size: '9', cost: '80' },
{ size: '10', cost: '85' },
{ size: '11', cost: '73' },
{ size: '12', cost: '77' },
{ size: '14', cost: '100' }
let newArr = []
for(let i1 = 0, i2 = 0; i1 < arr1.length; i1++) {
if(i2 < arr2.length && arr1[i1].size.substr(3) === arr2[i2].size) {
} else {
newArr.push({size: '-'});
I think you want to use filter for matches.
let newArr = []
const arr1 = [
{ size: 'US 3' },
{ size: 'US 4' },
{ size: 'US 5' },
{ size: 'US 6' },
{ size: 'US 7' },
{ size: 'US 8' },
{ size: 'US 9' },
{ size: 'US 10' },
{ size: 'US 11' },
{ size: 'US 12' },
{ size: 'US 13' },
{ size: 'US 14' },
{ size: 'US 15' },
{ size: 'US 16' }
const arr2 = [
{ size: 'US 4', cost: '170' },
{ size: '6', cost: '75' },
{ size: '7', cost: '75' },
{ size: '8', cost: '78' },
{ size: '9', cost: '80' },
{ size: '10', cost: '85' },
{ size: '11', cost: '73' },
{ size: '12', cost: '77' },
{ size: '14', cost: '100' }
arr1.forEach(a1Item => {
let foundItems = arr2.filter(a2Item => a2Item.size === a1Item.size);
// OR PARTIAL MATCH (arr1.size '4' would match arr2.size 'US 4')
// let foundItems = arr2.filter(a2Item => a2Item.size.includes(a1Item.size));
if (foundItems.length > 0) {
foundItems.forEach(fItem => {
} else {
newArr.push({size: '-', cost: '-'});

How do you set tooltip labels for multiple series using Apache Echarts?

I'm trying to generate a line chart that uses date for the x-axis and two different y-axis. I have it mostly working, but I can't get the tooltip to display the label properly for the second line.
To see this, go to the ECharts Demo Editor and enter the following code:
option = {
xAxis: {
type: 'time'
yAxis: [
type: 'value'
type: 'value'
dataset: {
source: [
{ date: '2020-01-24', orders: 4, sales: 250 },
{ date: '2020-01-25', orders: 3, sales: 250 },
{ date: '2020-01-26', orders: 2, sales: 375 },
{ date: '2020-01-27', orders: 2, sales: 380 },
{ date: '2020-01-28', orders: 4, sales: 325 },
{ date: '2020-01-29', orders: 5, sales: 375 },
{ date: '2020-01-30', orders: 6, sales: 500 },
{ date: '2020-01-31', orders: 4, sales: 425 },
{ date: '2020-02-01', orders: 2, sales: 280 },
{ date: '2020-02-03', orders: 3, sales: 580 },
{ date: '2020-02-04', orders: 4, sales: 250 },
{ date: '2020-02-05', orders: 4, sales: 350 }
series: [
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 0,
dimensions: [
type: 'time',
name: 'date',
displayName: ''
type: 'float',
name: 'orders',
displayName: 'Orders'
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
type: 'time',
name: 'date',
displayName: ''
type: 'int',
name: 'sales',
displayName: 'Sales'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis'
As you can see, the lines render correctly, as do both y axes, but the label for the second series (green line) is empty rather than Sales. However, if I delete the first series from the array, Sales becomes the blue line and the label works correctly in the tooltip, so there seems to be something I'm missing when using multiple series.
I suspect the fix for this is quite simple and obvious, but I've spent a fair amount of time on it and haven't had any luck. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Give name to series instead of displayName to dimension.
series: [
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 0,
name:'Orders', // Here
dimensions: [
type: 'time',
name: 'date'
type: 'float',
name: 'orders'
type: 'line',
yAxisIndex: 1,
name:'Sales', // Here
type: 'time',
name: 'date'
type: 'int',
name: 'sales'

how to change highcarts sunburst slice/level without clicking levels

I have a Sunburst Highcharts in my project. I was wondering if it is possible to change the level without clicking on them.
for example, I have a sunburst like this which has 4 levels.
var data = [{
id: '0.0',
parent: '',
name: 'The World'
}, {
id: '1.3',
parent: '0.0',
name: 'Asia'
}, {
id: '1.1',
parent: '0.0',
name: 'Africa'
}, {
id: '1.2',
parent: '0.0',
name: 'America'
}, {
id: '1.4',
parent: '0.0',
name: 'Europe'
}, {
id: '1.5',
parent: '0.0',
name: 'Oceanic'
/* Africa */
id: '2.1',
parent: '1.1',
name: 'Eastern Africa'
id: '3.1',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Ethiopia',
value: 104957438
}, {
id: '3.2',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Tanzania',
value: 57310019
}, {
id: '3.3',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Kenya',
value: 49699862
}, {
id: '3.4',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Uganda',
value: 42862958
}, {
id: '3.5',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Mozambique',
value: 29668834
}, {
id: '3.6',
parent: '2.1',
name: 'Madagascar',
value: 25570895
}, {
id: '3.226',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Samoa',
value: 196440
}, {
id: '3.227',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Tonga',
value: 108020
}, {
id: '3.228',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'American Samoa',
value: 55641
}, {
id: '3.229',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Cook Islands',
value: 17380
}, {
id: '3.230',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Wallis and Futuna',
value: 11773
}, {
id: '3.231',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Tuvalu',
value: 11192
}, {
id: '3.232',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Niue',
value: 1618
}, {
id: '3.233',
parent: '2.22',
name: 'Tokelau',
value: 1300
// Splice in transparent for the center circle
Highcharts.getOptions().colors.splice(0, 0, 'transparent');
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
height: '100%'
title: {
text: 'World population 2017'
subtitle: {
text: 'Source <href="">Wikipedia</a>'
series: [{
type: "sunburst",
data: data,
allowDrillToNode: true,
cursor: 'pointer',
dataLabels: {
format: '{}',
filter: {
property: 'innerArcLength',
operator: '>',
value: 16
levels: [{
level: 1,
levelIsConstant: false,
dataLabels: {
filter: {
property: 'outerArcLength',
operator: '>',
value: 64
}, {
level: 2,
colorByPoint: true
level: 3,
colorVariation: {
key: 'brightness',
to: -0.5
}, {
level: 4,
colorVariation: {
key: 'brightness',
to: 0.5
tooltip: {
headerFormat: "",
pointFormat: 'The population of <b>{}</b> is <b>{point.value}</b>'
Problem is
I want to go to specific levels without clicking on sunburst. for example, I create a button that if the user clicks on it, will do the same action as if I was clicking on Eastern Africa level of my sunburst.
<button onclick="clickOnEasternAfrica()">Do click here</button>
What code should I use for clickOnEasternAfrica() method!?
You can use fireEvent to trigge a click event:
document.getElementById('easternAfrica').addEventListener('click', function(){
var series = chart.series[0];
Highcharts.fireEvent(series, 'click', { point: series.points[6] });
Live demo:
API Reference:

Highcharts drill down to detailed graph

I would like to create a drill-down highchart.
You can find the jsfiddle link which is not working but the sample data is in it.
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, ...
name: 'B1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, ...
name: 'C1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, ...
The vice versa is running here:
datanormal = [{
name: '6',
data: [{
name: 'A1',
y: 14,
drilldown: 'Details1'
}, {
name: 'B1',
y: 19,
drilldown: 'Details1'
}, {
name: 'C1',
y: 21,
drilldown: 'Details1'
name: '7',
data: [{
name: 'A1',
y: 5,
drilldown: 'Details1'
} ...]
datadrill =
id: 'Details1',
name: 'Details1',
data: [
['D1', 4],
['D2', 2],
['D3', 1],
['D4', 4]
I need the opposite, from the basic to complex.
This is the main column chart image
This is the detailed drill-down chart image
If you look fot the working example there is another object for the datadrill:
datadrill =
id: 'Details1',
name: 'Details1',
data: [
['D1', 4],
['D2', 2],
['D3', 1],
['D4', 4]
You need to do the same on your code.
Could you check this? Is that what you want?
This is jsfiddle link =>
$(document).ready(function() {
var datadrill;
datadrill = [{
name: 'A1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
name: 'B1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
name: 'C1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
Highcharts.chart('container', {
chart: {
type: 'column'
title: {
text: 'Highcharts multi-series drilldown'
subtitle: {
text: 'The <em>allowPointDrilldown</em> option makes point clicks drill to the whole category'
xAxis: {
type: 'category'
plotOptions: {
series: {
borderWidth: 0,
dataLabels: {
enabled: true
series: datadrill
Would you like to achieve something like this? Please test the drilldown only for the first point (A1).
I did some changes in your data, like:
datadrill = [{
id: 'Details1',
name: 'A1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
id: 'Details2',
name: 'B1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
id: 'Details3',
name: 'C1',
data: [{
name: '6',
y: 14
}, {
name: '7',
y: 19
}, {
name: '8',
y: 21
}, {
name: '9',
y: 34
}, {
name: '10',
y: 5
}, {
name: '11',
y: 9
Also, I added null points to trigger different drilldown to each.

ExtJs checkbox Error

I want to enable or disable checkboxes in EXTJS.
checkbox shape is bug. looks like button.
Ext.create('Ext.form.Panel', {
title: 'Checkbox Group',
width: 300,
height: 125,
bodyPadding: 10,
renderTo: Ext.getBody(),
xtype: 'checkboxgroup',
fieldLabel: 'Two Columns',
// Arrange checkboxes into two columns, distributed vertically
columns: 2,
vertical: true,
listeners: {
change: function(field, newValue, oldValue, eOpts){
console.log('change:' + field.fieldLabel + ' ' + newValue.rb);
items: [
{ boxLabel: 'Item 1', name: 'rb', inputValue: '1' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 2', name: 'rb', inputValue: '2', checked: true },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 3', name: 'rb', inputValue: '3' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 4', name: 'rb', inputValue: '4' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 5', name: 'rb', inputValue: '5' },
{ boxLabel: 'Item 6', name: 'rb', inputValue: '6' }
How can I enable these checkboxes?
Disable one checkbox:
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('checkboxgroup checkbox[boxLabel=Item 1]')[0].disable()
Enable one checkbox:
Ext.ComponentQuery.query('checkboxgroup checkbox[boxLabel=Item 1]')[0].enable()
Disable group:
Enable group:

