I'm quite new with PIXI but I expected it to behave somehow like DOM in a web browser.
I've created two Graphics (I tried as well with sprite and works in the same way) the first one is interactive with zIndez=1
var g1 = new PIXI.Graphics();
// ...
For the second one I made it to overlap the first one just leaving 10px visible:
var g2 = new PIXI.Graphics();
Clicking on the second one in the overlapped area still fires the event in the first one.
I expected the covered area of g1 not to be clickable
Is this as expected? And if so, There is any kind of work around for this kind of problems?
Thanks in advance.
Somehow seems the opposite problem to this question : Do not fire interaction listener if something "covering" interactive element was clicked
I just tried to replicate this behabiour (but with Graphics) and I couldn't.
edited: Somehow seems the opposite problem to this question : Do not fire interaction listener if something "covering" interactive element was clicked
As #gman noticed, the solution is to make the g2 graphics interactive aswell: https://jsfiddle.net/e9r04gjx/
In my project, I am trying to place "enemies" in random spots on the canvas I am working with. I have got that part down, but I am trying to remove the older instance of the image "enemies" and only have the re-randomized enemy on screen.
Here is the code for the "enemy"
function enemies(){
var movementX= Randomizer.nextInt(midW,width-50);
var movementY= Randomizer.nextInt(midH,0);
var enemyMove= new WebImage("https://codehs.com/uploads/2d57d03e4ed3a0aaa0bc43f4cb37509b");
I have this program running every 9 seconds to place another enemy in a different location than the last. I would like to remove the old instance of this image each time the program executes so only the newly positioned "enemy" is on screen. It currently just places "enemies" all over the screen and does not remove the previous instance. If possible I would appreciate any insight into how to remove the old instances of the code running. I have tried putting if(enemyMove == 2){ remove(enemyMove); after add(enemyMove); to see if would remove one instance of enemyMove from the screen once two images were present but that did nothing. I would really appreciate any feedback on how this would work
You should download the image once during a setup phase and either keep the image in some global variable for reuse or pass it as a function argument containing the main loop.
I been seeing this pattern a lot on websites where user drag between points along a path that trails as they drag and drop which in the ends triggers and event.
Here is one example on
http://aaa.thehitmansbodyguard.movie( You have to go through the motions to get to the questions section where you will get this)
What is this method called and is there a framework that does this?
Are is another example
http://www.sevenhillswholefoods.com/experience/#/( when you "start the journey) you have to "drag and drop" to navigate the drag and drop effect though not entirely what is the norm is the effect I'm looking for
Here is yet another example that controls a video
http://www.resteravectoi.com (NSFW)
Use the drag and drop to control the video play
Here is another one that when dragged and drop changes the slide
Ok after researching and digging I think I found something that so far seems to be the closet match.
var D = document.createElement('div');
var tl = new TimelineMax({paused:true})
function Update(){tl.progress(Math.abs(this.x/300))};
which uses GSAP framework. I'm not sure if the examples I quoted in my question are using this framework so if anyone else has any idea if/ how they are using a framework let me know
probably the strangst thing I've ever seen: I want to load a grid after the document is loaded. Since the grid (infragistics) seems to delay, I set a interval, in the interval I try to get the needed element, if I cant find it, I wait another 500 ms:
function trySetEditMode(obj) {
var testObj = $('#' + obj.btnId).parents("tr[type='row']").get(0);
if (testObj && testObj._object){
The funny thing is: Even if I see the with the IE debugging tool the row is there, it justdoenst find it. It works just when I move arround with the mouse. This effect seems totally random.
Has anyone an idea how this is possible? I tried to tinker arorund with .focus, .blur etc, but nothing seems to work.
btw: obj is a custom object from me, the button id is the clientid of the button and is there. For example:
$('#' + obj.btnId).parents('tr').length
returns a length.
Can this be a bug from the infragistics control? If yes, how could I simulate this mouseMove?
Best regards
Creating the row objects is costly on the client and as such they are created on demand to avoid a large performance hit if all row objects were created initially. The actual creation of these objects is on mouse over or when you use the get_row() method that is provided as part of the client side object model. As such the recommended approach is to use the client side object model to get a reference to the row, for example the following will get the first row:
var grid = $find("webDataGrid1");
var row = grid.get_rows().get_row(0);
probably someoneelse will have this problem as well with infragistics webdatagrid:
Sidenote: I cant believe the ig support couldnt tell me that:
The Grid is kinda lazyLoaded, the dom gets loaded but the ig relevant attributes AND the object behind just get loaded when you go with the mouse over. So it didnt matter how long I waited, the object wasnt just there.
Since I had no time to get a proper solution, I basically fired manually the mouse over event on a cell. It doesnt matter on what you do this, but I tested it with the first one and it worked proper.
//The grid doesnt load data (except the first row) until the mouse did hover over it
//Get a cell, and hover over it
var parentTd = btn.parents('td').first();
var cell = parentTd.siblings()[0];
var rows = $find('dgrRoles').get_rows();
if (cell && rows) {
cell.target = cell;
I'm aware that this is an 'old question' by now, but I have searched and not yet found an explanation that makes sense to me.
Note: I know just enough html, css, and wordpress to have developed my website: (http://www.gregorygainsborough.com), and am just beginning to learn javascript.
If you visit my site, you'll see the problem - much of the content is revealed when various boxes are hovered on. On tablet, since there is no :hover, I'd like to make it do this:
First tap -> reveal the style that would have been applied on :hover.
Second tap -> follow the link like a mouse click would.
ALSO helpful would be to 'close' the :hover style when a) another element is tapped, or b) ten seconds elapse.
Thanks for any help you can offer. I'm aware that some of this will be above my js knowledge at present, and I'm looking for explanations or references which can help me target my learning and close that gap.
I would in PHP make a IF statement to check if Tablet is used.
You can use this Library for this. Then I would in the IF statement echo this javascript out:
var clicked = 0;
var old_clicked = clicked;
var number = $(this).attr('tablet_id'); // Get the tablet ID for this item
var clicked = number;
if (old_clicked != number){ return false;} // This might do the trick, so that on first click, it doesn't link.
NOTE: I use jQuery, so you need the jQuery library.
NOTE 2: Add class="iftablet" to the links around the boxes, and add as well tablet_id="X" (Where X is a unique number for that box, so that when click on one box, the others will disapear).
Maybe there is some errors on the code, put then let me know. Good luck
I've got a pretty simple problem whose solution turns out not to be that simple at all.
I want to add images in front of each option of a selectfield. To be more accurate, I want to add images to the picker it triggers, and also to the selectfield's current value.
For the sake of simplicity, I'll create a little example:
Let's say, you want a user to choose between one of the four playing card suits Diamonds, Hearts, Spades and Clubs. To support visual recognition, you want to prepend the corresponding symbol to each suit name, so it could look something like this:
My first choice of a sencha touch component, that enables selecting from a given set of options naturally was selectfield. Unfortunately, it only seems to be able to display pure text, and nothing more. After digging into the sencha touch sources, I finally came up with half a solution. Basically, I pass the selectfield a custom defaultPhonePickerConfig, in which the corresponding picker(that is used by the selectfield to display the options) gets assigned a custom itemTpl. The itemTpl does the rest, namely adding some html to display the image:
defaultPhonePickerConfig: {
listeners: {
initialize: function() {
var slots = this.query('pickerslot');
Ext.each(slots, function(slot) {
slot.setItemTpl('<img src="someImage.jpg"> {text}');
change: function() {
// reconstruct the selectfield's change handler,
// since it gets overwritten
var iconSelect = Ext.Viewport.query('#IconSelect')[0];
iconSelect.onPickerChange.apply(iconSelect, arguments);
A working fiddle for this solution can be found here.
My solution isn't that bad, but there's a slight cosmetical problem, that's just not acceptable to me: The icons are only displayed in the picker (lower part of the screenshot above), but not the selectfield itself (upper, grayed out part) when the option was selected. And there seems to be no good way to add an icon to the selectfield's current value aswell.
And that's the main concern of my question: What good way is there to add an icon to both the picker's options and also to the selecfield's current value? Do I maybe just have to add relatively little code to my existing solution or should I take a whole nother approach?
Every contribution is appreciated. Thank you!
After some hacking around, I found a way (an ugly one) to prepend an icon to the selectfield itself. It is mostly based on brutal HTML DOM manipulation: I now also define event handlers for the selectfield itself (change and painted). On initialization and every time the value is changed, my handlers search the generated DOM for the underlying <input> and mess around with it. (That bad boy is probably the reason why we can't assign HTML in the first place, since the framework changes its value attribute. And value on the other hand can only contain plain text.)
This is how I define the selectfield's listeners:
listeners: {
change: function () {
var pickerDOM = document.querySelector('#' + this.getId() + ' input[name="picker"]');
PickerIcons.app.prependIconToSelectfield(arguments[1], pickerDOM);
painted: function () {
// Initialize an icon on creation
var pickerDOM = document.querySelector('#' + this.getId() + ' input[name="picker"]');
PickerIcons.app.prependIconToSelectfield(this.getValue(), pickerDOM);
The corresponding function prependIconToSelectfield() just defines some CSS:
prependIconToSelectfield: function (optValue, domElement) {
var iconUrl = this.getIconUrl(optValue);
domElement.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + iconUrl + ')';
domElement.style.backgroundSize = '20px 20px';
domElement.style.backgroundRepeat = 'no-repeat';
domElement.style.backgroundPosition = 'left center';
domElement.style.paddingLeft = '30px';
Check out this fiddle for a working example.
This is still no good solution to me, since doing this kind of hackish DOM manipulation is way too rogue for my taste. I don't know what the side effects of actively messing around in the DOM could be in bigger projects, and don't want to learn it the hard way. So, I'm still looking for a cleaner solution.
First kudos on working so hard sencha touch is extremely hard to manipulate when you try to do something out of the box. Having said that let me try & propose a solution for what you want.
A selectfield in sencha has the following DOM tag structure.
Now concentrate on the x-clear-icon it is normally hidden since a selectfield does not need a clear button. First write a css class for it to show it(display: block). This would display it with an X button similar to text field & it will be positioned towards the right corner. You can through css position it to the left and on change of the select field you can change its background to what you want. It is not a very straight forward solution but i have tried it for a similar problem & it works. Judging from what you have done above i think you can do it. All the best.
Hope my solution helps.