How can I bold an appended text using javascript? - javascript

Working on a project in which I'm wanting to make the appended text appear bold. Based on my research it should be .bold() but that's not making my appended text bold, and is instead showing my text surrounded by "< b >< /b >". What am I doing incorrectly? Here is my code:
var breweryname=response.results[i].name;
var breweryName = $("<p class='title'>").text(response.results[i].name.bold());

I would suggest not using .html() as it could have injections (Which you should avoid). .name is just a text name which you want it bold then keep using .text.
To apply css (bold fonts) to your dynamically added elements (response.results[i].name).
You can simply use jQuery .css function which will let you design your element as exactly as normal css is a much better approach.
Run snippet below to see it working.
//Div to append to
var breweryDiv = $('#breweryDiv')
var breName = 'Random Name' //response.results[i].name;
var breweryName = $("<p class='title'>").text(breName);
//Apply Css
'font-weight': 'bold'
//Append Results
<script src=""></script>
<div id="breweryDiv">

Instead of using .text(), use .html() (ensure that you trust the response - you dont want any injection!) You could also make your CSS class title with font-weight: bold if you'd like to separate behavior and presentation.


javascript replace text after the page has loaded

I want to remove/hide a piece of text that loads on my page.
The element doesn't have an id to relate to so I want to use a text-specific method.
Let's say the text is:"remove this line of text".
The html looks like this:
<div class="aClassName">
<strong>remove this line of text</strong>
... the rest of the content.
I have tried the following:
document.body.innerHTML = document.body.innerHTML.replace('remove this line of text', '');
Didn't work. So I tried this:
$("body").children().each(function () {
$(this).html( $(this).html().replace(/remove this line of text/g,"") );
Didn't work. The idea is that after the page is loaded it removes the line.It doesn't produces any errors as well. Not even in the firebug.
Target Elements Based On Their Content
You could accomplish this using the :contains() pseudoselector in jQuery that would allow you to target certain elements based on their contents :
// This will remove any strong elements that contain "remove this line of text"
$('strong:contains("remove this line of text")').remove();
You can see a working example of this here.
Broader Approach (Just Targets Elements Based On Selectors)
If you wanted a more simply target it by a more general selector (i.e. any <strong> tags that appear beneath a class called aClassName :
$('.aClassName strong').remove();
You can see an example of this approach here.
I guess you can use find() and text(), i.e.:
<script src=""></script>
<div class="aClassName">
<strong>remove this line of text</strong>
... the rest of the content.
Or simply:
$('strong:contains("remove this line of text")').text("New text");
After analyzing the link supplied on the comments, you can use the following:

Make html() include content typed into textarea

I've got webpage with this structure:
<div id="report_content">
Some information
<textarea name="personal"></textarea>
<b>Other information</b>
<textarea name="work"></textarea>
After writing some text in the textareas, I use jquery to get the entire html. The result is that the textareas are empty, as if I hadn't written anything inside.
I'm guessing it's because they do not accept html, but I need to get the html including textarea's content.
The only solution I've found so far is to convert textareas to divs and then assign them the textarea content.
Is there any other way to avoid this conversion?
The problem is that .html() will not get the value (which is what the content people type into the textearea will go into). You can set the innerHTML to what the value is before getting the full html, like this...
$('textarea').each(function () {
var html = $("#report_content").html();
or... with less jquery wrapping...
var html = $("#report_content").find("textarea").each(function () {
this.innerHTML = this.value;

Javascript : Replace Detect a string and replace html in a div after changing color

I am trying to change color of a part of strings. I have a list of DOM elements, and for each of them, the text can contain some hashtags. I would like to put in color all hashtags words which could be found in the text.
Here is the begin of the code :
var listOfText = document.getElementsByClassName("titleTweet");
for (var nodetext in listOfText) {
var divContent = listOfText[nodetext].innerHTML;
if (divContent.indexOf("#") !== -1) {
// Do job here
For example, divContent can be equals to "Hello my #friends ! How are you ?"
I would like to update the dom elements to put in red color the word "#friends".
I don't know how to do that using javascript or jQuery.
You can use a regexp to find the hastags and wrap them with html. Then use the .html() method to replace the original element's html with the new string.
Example snippet
$('#myDiv').replace(/#[a-z0-1A-Z]+/g, '<span style="color: red;">$&</span>'));
Working example -
Edited the example to work on all divs on the page.
Note: This will only work so long as your element only contains text, because it is replacing all the child nodes with its text value.
use regex for this, find text having hashtag and replave that in span tag for each element.
var $this=$(this);
.replace(/#[a-z0-1A-Z]+/g, '<span style="color: red;">$&</span>'));
See demo here
.innerHTML is a poor basis to starting replacing text. You'll want to navigate down to the text nodes and use .nodeValue to get the text. Then you can start splitting up the text nodes.

extracting text from html file

I'm trying to get nodes containing text from html file using Javascript and jQuery.
if I have a node like
How can I select elements that meets this criteria??
Meaning, I need to retrieve thedivand thespan` , and it would be even better to know location of the text.
I'm trying to get the text to replace it with images in a later function.
I tried this
$('*').each(function(indx, elm){
var txt = $(elm).text();
// my code to replace text with images here
but it does not get the required results.. it does all the parsing in the first element, and changes the html totally.
I don't know exactly what you're trying to solve, but perhaps you can be a bit more specific with your selector?
$("div span").text(); // returns 'txt1'
$("div").text(); // returns 'txt0txt1txt2'
By adding ids and/or classes to your html, you can be very specific:
<div class="name">Aidan <span class="middlename">Geoffrey</span> Fraser</div>
// returns all spans with class
// "middlename" inside divs with class "name"
$(" span.middlename").text();
// returns the first span with class
// "middlename" inside the fourth div
// with class "name"
$("[3] span.middlename[0]").text();
JQuery has pretty good documentation of these selectors.
If this doesn't help, consider explaining the problem you're trying to solve.
Your markup structure is a bit uneasy. Consider changing to something like this
Then using jQuery
$("div span").each(function(k,v) {
$(this).html("<img src=\""+v+".jpg\" />"); //replace with the image

Write inside text area with Javascript

I am trying to write something in text area when I click on a link.
function writeText(txt){
document.getElementById("writeArea").innerHTML = txt;
I would like to pass html tag in place of txt as parameter to this function so that I can get image, link etc inside text area. Is it possible in Javascript? || JQuery will be good?
Or if jquery tag was there for a reason:
You should use value:
document.getElementById("writeArea").value = txt;
If you want to render some images and anchor tags on the screen then don't use a textarea. Use any other container like <div>, <span>, <p> etc.
will put the text (in your case HTML) inside the element with id yourelementid
<p id="para1"></p>
var txt = "<a href=''>Google</a>";
See a working sample
You can easily do it in jQuery if you just want to set the text of a textarea:
See it working:
If you're looking to have HTML in it then it needs to be a container element (such as a div).
// Html
<div id="yourid"></div>
$("#yourid").html('My link');
Otherwise, another option is to have a Rich Text Editor (like Yahoo Editor) so that it renders the HTML that's in the textarea input - this will make it user editable. This is slightly more complicated, as you'll need to include the correct files to make the editor work. Then just do something like the following:
var myEditor = new YAHOO.widget.SimpleEditor('yourid', {
height: '200px',
width: '350px',
toolbar: 0 // Hides the toolbar
$("#yourid").val("Click for <a href=''>Yahoo</a>");
You can see this working: In this case, I've removed the toolbar by setting it to 0 but it is customisable to show different buttons, etc. Just remove that line to display the default toolbar.
just give like this
$("#ID").val("<img src='images/logo.png' />");
If you want to write long text in the textarea, you can use this way:
<textarea id="theId"></textarea>
var a = 'Test textarea content. Google" ';

