Access Table Header Row Key React - javascript

I was working with tables and I came across this issue: I want to access the data-row-key attribute (shown in the image below) in the table header row at a child row and I'm stuck. Code:
class App extends React.Component {
render() {
const columns = [
// sample of how the JSON API is read
title: "Title", dataIndex: "title", key: "title",
// the one that actually matters. becomes the actions column eventually
title: "Action", dataIndex: "", key: "x", width: "12%",
render: () => (
title="Are you sure to delete this task?"
// retrieve the data here as a parameter into the confirm(n) call
onConfirm={() => confirm(43)} okText="Yes" cancelText="No"
return (
<Table columns={columns} dataSource={}/>
Right now I have the actual number (43) in there, but I want it to be dynamic as to be able to retrieve the data from the <tr data-row-key=...> tag, shown in the image below.
As a note, there is not a leading id column at the start of the table. The keys are provided through Django's rest framework -- which is in JSON format, in the very last image. Rendered results:
JSON format:
Can anyone please help me? Thanks in advance.

You can use the querySelector for it.
let value = document.querySelector('data-row-key')


ais-refinement-list in VueInstantSearch(Algolia) doesn't renders list

I have stucked with an issue using refinement list widget of algolia.
First of all my resulting data structure is like that:
objectID: 999,
title: 'some title',
categories: [
id: 444,
name: 'some name',
I have that type of structure on my page:
index_Name: { query: searchedValue },
<ais-index index-name="index_Name">
<ais-refinement-list attribute="" />
<div> ...Some other widgets nested in divs as ais-search-box, ais-sort-by, etc </div>
Within ais-configure I have passed to filters a facetsFilters variable which contains string with such content:
" OR"
and it works ok, I'm getting results within selected categories,
problems starts, when i try to get refinement-list here:
<ais-refinement-list attribute="" />
I have an empty list despite that on dashboard this attribute is added as an attributesForFacetings and in ais-configure filters parameters with in it also works well.
Any suggestions is highly appreciated !
Problem was in Dashboard of Algolia.
When we clicked on 'searchable' instead of 'filter only' radiobutton for chosen attributeForFaceting - everything starts working good.

How to format a list of string into columns of react bootstrap table 2 such that data doesn't flows out of actual columns

I am trying to render some data in tabular form using react-bootstrap-table but the data of one column is overlapping with the data of other columns. i wanted to keep my layout fixed and thus have added the css layout:fixed which is actually a requirement as well. But the final result is:
Actually for this column i'm getting an array of string from backend. e.g. ["DEPT","OLD","CUSTOM_FUNCTION",...] which is getting converted into a single string internally by react and i'm not sure how to further format it.
I also searched in react table docs at : but didn't find anything.
My ultimate goal is to visualize the data in a much better way like drop down or each element of array in new line within the same column expandable on some mouse click.
The above image can be considered as sample requirement where only the first element of list will be displayed on load and after clicking on arrow button it will show all the list items below one another in the same column as shown below.
I am not able to figure out which column prop will help me or whether it's even possible or not. The goal is exactly the same but a simple new line separated data will also do.
Column Definition Code:
dataField: 'data',
text: 'DATA',
editable: false,
filter: textFilter(),
headerStyle: () =>
return { width: '100px', textAlign: 'center'};
Table Creation Code:
data={ }
columns={ this.state.columns }
filter={ filterFactory() }
pagination={ paginationFactory({sizePerPage: 4}) }
cellEdit={ cellEditFactory({ mode: 'click'}) }
Kindly help or suggest something appropriate.
Check this sandbox.
const columns = [{
dataField: 'id',
text: 'Product ID',
}, {
dataField: 'name',
text: 'Product Name'
}, {
dataField: 'labels',
text: 'Labels',
formatter: (cell) => {
return <>{ => <li>{label}</li>)}</>
You need to define your own formatter in order to include "complex" html inside your table cell.

Vue with VCalendar component: Keep data in sync with another Vue instance

I'm programming a page that displays a list of meetings in a table. It's also possible to edit and delete meetings. Now I'd like to offer an alternative view using VCalendar.
Data is received from the server on page load and stored in a JS variable. Both the Vue instance containing the table and the VCalendar component share this data. If I edit a table cell, the changes are reflected in the component. But when I delete a date in the table view, it remains in the calendar.
This is the relevant HTML (edit: Added some attributes to the td):
<table id='meetings-table'>
<tr v-for='meeting in meetings' :key=''>
<td contenteditable #blur='handleInput($event,meeting,"name")>
#{{ }}
<input type='checkbox' v-model='selected'
<button v-if='selected.length' #click='deleteMeetings'>
Delete selected rows
My JS (edit: Added handleInput method):
let table = new Vue({
data: {
selected: [],
meetings: window.meetings,
methods: {
* Deletes selected meetings.
deleteMeetings: function () {
let requests = [];
// Make a single request and store it
for (let id of this.selected) {
requests.push(axios.delete('/termine/' + id)
.then(response => {
// Remove meetings
this.meetings = this.meetings.filter(t => != id);
// Remove id from list of selected meetings
this.selected = this.selected.filter(elem => elem != id);
const axiosArray = axios.all(requests);
* Handles edits in table cells.
handleInput: function($event, meeting, field) {
const newValue = $;
// Update value in $data
meeting[field] = newValue;
// AJAX request follows, but is not necessary for this example to work
The relevant parts of the component:
<v-calendar :attributes='attributes'>
slot-scope='{ customData }'>
<!-- Popover content omitted -->
let meetings = window.meetings;
export default {
data() {
return {
incId: meetings.length,
editId: 0,
computed: {
attributes() {
return [
// Today attribute
// ...
// Meeting attributes => ({
dates: new Date('2018,11,31'),// moment(, 'DD.MM.YY').format('YYYY, MM, DD'), //meeting.dates,
customData: meeting,
dot: {
backgroundColor: '#ff8080',
popover: {
// Matches slot from above
slot: 'meeting-row',
This is what happens:
I load the page containing only a single meeting. The meeting is
shown both in the table and the calendar component. Vue devtools show
it in both meetings arrays (in the component as well as in the other
Vue instance). Using the console, I can also see it in
After clicking the delete button (triggering the deleteMeetings method in my JS), the meeting is gone from the table, but remains in
the calendar, in the component's meetings array and in
What do I have to change to keep the meetings arrays in sync even when deleting a meeting in the table? Note that I haven't yet implemented any methods for the calendar component.
Calendar, and table components should share a single state: currently selected meetings. From what I understand, right now you have that state in 2 separate places: table Vue instance, and a calendar-component, which is a child of some other Vue instance.
It may look like you're sharing the state already (with window.meetings), but it's not the case: you only initialize the same set of meetings when the components are created. And then changes in one component are not reflected in another component.
What you can try to do is to have meetings stored in the 'main' Vue app on your page, pass them as props to table and calendar components, and then trigger events from table and calendar components, when meetings array is modified. You should also define the event hanlders in the 'main' Vue app, and listen on components. A rough sketch of the solution:
<div id="app">
let app = new Vue({
data: {
meetings: []
methods: {
handleMeetingUpdate(event) {
handleMeetingDeletion(event) {
I hope the above is enough to point you in the right direction. If not, please let me know, and I'll do my best to help you with this further.

Vue.js 2 - retrieve form elements from server and render CRUD

I'm Vue.js newbie and my task is:
make an ajax call (GET) to server, using RESTful API (Laravel on background)
retrieve a (JSON) list of Form CRUD items in array (like checkbox, input text, textarea...) with their properties (value, checked, custom classes...)
render CRUD form with these form items maybe using Vue's loop
I'm wondering if it could be rendered using components somehow. But I don't know the correct way.
Frankly, I exactly don't know how to solve this problem with Vue.js - rendering items from array and each item has it's own markup and properties (checkbox has it's own, textbox, select, textarea...).
I'm building a web application based on CRUD operations and I'm trying to write universal components. The easiest way is to do a special component with hard-written sub-components for each subpage, but I don't like this way if not needed.
Thank you!
EDIT: I don't have much code yet, but this is where I am...
// ./components/CrutList.vue
export default {
mounted() {},
data() {
return {
items: []
props: ['resource'],
methods: {
getItems() {
var resource = this.$resource('api/'+this.resource+'{/id}');
if(items.body.status == 'success'){
this.items = items.body.items;
deleteItem(item) {
// perform CRUD operation DELETE
alert('delete action');
My idea is using CrudList component to CRUD listing...
<crud-list resource="orders">
In laravel I do something like this:
return response()->json([
'status' => 'success',
'items' => [
'itemComponent' => 'checkbox',
'props' => [
'checked' => true,
'label' => "Checkbox č.1",
'name' => 'checkbox1'
'itemComponent' => 'checkbox',
'props' => [
'checked' => true,
'label' => "Checkbox č.2",
'name' => 'checkbox2'
'itemComponent' => 'checkbox',
'props' => [
'checked' => true,
'name' => 'checkbox3'
]);'s very simplified, but it's just example of what I'm doing.
Now the problem is:
take the 'itemComponent' part from the returned array item (this is in a loop),
if it's a checkbox, take (for example) Checkbox.vue component, fill it with properties ('props' part of the array item)
I read about slots, but it's not what I'm looking for. Is there something I can use for dynamic components?
Check out this jsFiddle working example for dynamic forms:
You can do it easily by using a lot of v-ifs for each and every form element type you might get from server. It is a bit cumbersome but I can't find any other way.
In the above example, I have the form structure as follows:
var formItems = [{
input_type: "text",
input_label: "Login",
values: {
value: ""
Once you have that data, then it is a matter of iterating through formItems, checking input_type and activating the relevant form control.
Here is how my dynamic form template looks like, for the above input:
<div v-for="formItem in formValues">
<div v-if="formItem.input_type == 'text'">
<input type="text" v-model="formItem.values.value">
<div v-if="formItem.input_type == 'password'">
<input type="password" v-model="formItem.values.value">
<div v-if="formItem.input_type == 'checkbox'">
<input type="checkbox" v-model="formItem.values.checked">
My jsFiddle example uses form-horizontal from bootstrap, and I am also able to display the labels well. If I put that in the example above, it will get cluttered and will not let you see how it works.
Hope it helps! You can change the formItems data structure to meet your needs, and modify the template accordingly.

How to render a form in a grid row

I'm trying to render a form within a custom row grid without success.
handler: function (button, record, pressed, eOpts) {
var grid = this.up('grid');
var store = grid.getStore();
var innerPanel = Ext.widget('form', {
//renderTo: record,
title: 'Title Test',
name: 'test',
items: [{
xtype: "textfield",
name: "testfield",
fieldLabel: "FooTest"
// store.add(record);
Any idea how to do this?
EDITED with taubi19 sugestion.
I think you don't quite understand the concepts yet. The form is a part of the view, the store is an object, that takes care of the data. You want to have a column in which each row is a form. This means you need a column whose xtype is not textfield, but something custom. I found out on senchas kitchen sink, that we need a 'widgetcolumn ' . In your fiddle, change the columns array with the following code and you will have a form in each new row.
And I suggest you remove adding the form to the store. You add records/data to stores. The store.add method takes a model instance as a parameter (

