Find 'text' in Span and enter in input and click button.... jQuery - javascript

In Wordpress I have a 'single' template for a certain post type. One of the metas displayed on the page is an address which is displayed in a span.
Additionally I have a FacetWP template which returns other posts. There is a single 'facet' for location.
I need to take the address from the span and enter it into the input and effectively hit 'return' on the input. This will trigger a refresh of the results which will now be sorted according to their proximity to the address entered in the location input.
So the markup abstract is in effect this..
<span>1 main street, london, uk</span>
<input type="text" class="facetwp-location" value="" placeholder="Enter location" autocomplete="off" id="facetwp-location">
Does anyone know how I might achieve this?
This is the FULL markup associated with the input. Ordinarilya user would begin typing in the area and a google list of addresses would appear. The user would select one and the facets would be triggered upon making that selection. Alternatively an address could be fully entered manually and the user may hit enter.
<div class="facetwp-facet facetwp-facet-location facetwp-type-proximity" data-name="location" data-type="proximity"> <span class="location-wrap"><i class="locate-me"></i><input type="text" class="facetwp-location" value="" placeholder="Enter location" autocomplete="off" id="facetwp-location"><div class="location-results facetwp-hidden"></div></span>
<input class="facetwp-radius facetwp-hidden" value="250" id="facetwp-radius">
<input type="hidden" class="facetwp-lat" value="">
<input type="hidden" class="facetwp-lng" value="">
Screenshot of page's markup;


Passing value to input with a link/button?

I would like to pass a value to an input area on another page by clicking on a specific link.
For example, if a user clicks on a Inquire Now button/link:
<a href="/contact.html">Inquire Now<a>
it will take them to the Contact page and the subject input of the form will automatically fill to "Inquiry about Service".
<input type="text" name="subject" value="Inquiry about Service" required />
Is there a way to do this with HTML?

How to send a pre-defined text of a <form> element into action page, without having the user to type

As you know, the <input type="text" name = "input_field"> element creates a space for the user to type in an HTML form. But in this case, I know what the user is going to enter.
For instance, the user wants to send 'hello' to the action page. It isn't a particular piece of information like his/her name, email id, etc. It will be the same for everyone. Then why not just create a button like this:
<input type="submit" value="click to send 'hello'">
When the user will click on the button, 'hello' will be sent to the action page specified in the action attribute of the <form> element.
How do I do it? Also, I need to mention that I am not much experienced in HTML or JS, so I would appreciate a beginner-like solution.
I apologize if this question already exists somewhere.
Thanks in advance!
You can include predefined information when submitting a form by using a type="hidden" field:
<input type="hidden" name="input_field" value="hello">
That doesn't appear visibly on the page, but is submitted just like any other field when you submit the form.
As far as I understand your problem, you want to create a form where few fields will have predefined information
I would suggest not to hide the input according to the UI/UX perspective but instead, you can show those fields as read-only.
In this way, the user will have an idea of predefined values
<form action="/action_page.php">
<label for="fname">First name:</label>
<input type="text" id="fname" name="fname"><br><br>
<input type="number" disabled readonly id="custId" name="custId" value="3487">
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Edge browser populating multiple textboxes

I'm having some problems with textboxes in Edge browser. When I click on a textbox (regular <input type="text"), it shows some options I entered before. That's fine but when I select one, other textboxes gets affected. Here is a screenshot:
You see in this image, in the modal div, I selected Notebook and the textbox at the background also changed. They have different name and id attributes and also I haven't even picked anything yet on the modal, just hovering on the items in the dropdown already affects the textbox at the background.
What could be causing this? I've already checked several times that they have different attributes. Here is their markup:
This is for the modal:
<div styleName="field-container">
<label className={classes.label} htmlFor="termName">Name:</label>
<input type="text" styleName="field-container__input-text field-container__input-text--long" name="termName" id="termName" required autoFocus autoComplete="off" />
This is for the background:
<div styleName="field-container">
<label className={classes.label} htmlFor="name">Name:</label>
<input type="text" styleName="field-container__input-text field-container__input-text--long" name="name" id="name" required autoFocus autoComplete="off" />
This Edge dropdown show "Manage Personal Info..." at the bottom by the way.

Chrome email field autocomplete options not showing for my website

As I visit many new websites for the first time, I see that:
For some websites, putting my cursor in the email field of signup form immediately shows me email options from what I had entered in other websites.
For other websites, putting my cursor in the email field does not give me any email options. And, I have to manually type every letter of the email.
I couldn't find what piece of code differentiates the two cases. For my website, I am stuck with #2. I am trying to achieve #1, where user can just re-use emails entered in other websites.
I used some code like this:
<input type="email" name="email" id="frmEmailA" placeholder="" required autocomplete="email">
It seems that you want to enable autocomplete, but you have specified the wrong attribute.
Autocomplete="on | off"
In order to save the email address entered for the first time though, you need to have a form tag with the attribute method="POST" on it. It is also recommended to use the autocompletetype attribute to help the browsers populate the forms more accurately.
NOTE: In some cases on older browsers you may also need to add an action if the form doesn't have one. action="javascript:void(0)" works.
An example with autocomplete on and method="POST":
<form method="POST" action="javascript:void(0)">
<input type="email" name="email" id="frmEmailA" placeholder="" required autocomplete="on" autocompletetype=”email”>
<input type="submit">
An example without autocomplete and method="POST":
<input type="email" name="email" id="frmEmailA" placeholder="" required autocomplete="off">
<input type="submit">
See also How to trigger Autofill in Google Chrome?
Difference is in autocomplete attribute of input element.
Syntax : <input autocomplete="">
It allows the browser to automatically filled the input field based on the previously filled data.
Hence, In #1 value of autocomplete attribute should be on.
E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" autocomplete="on">
In #2 value of autocomplete attribute should be off.
E-mail: <input type="email" name="email" autocomplete="off">
The answers so far are wrong/outdated or incomplete.
Using autocomplete="email" is perfectly valid. But the browsers do not handle it very well at the moment. In Firefox and Chrome, only the name attribute is used for autocompletion. So you should stick with name="email".
If the Chrome user really wants to have a proper autocompletion for every type that autocomplete supports, he/she has to fill out the Autofill settings. After these settings are filled, the autocompletion does not depend on the name attribute anymore, but uses the type of autocomplete. I.E. it will suggest the user's email address for fields with autocomplete="email".
So in order to have the best browser support, you should keep <input name="email" autocomplete="email" [...]>. As soon as there has been at least one submitted form with name="email" or prefilled Autofill settings, the browser should actually autocomplete your input field.
Further Resources:
caniuse: autocomplete attribute: on & off values
caniuse: input[autocomplete] (values besides on/off)
For some websites, putting my cursor in the email field of signup form immediately shows me email options from what I had entered in other websites.
I cannot reproduce that on the latest Chrome on Mac OS X. You actually have to doubleclick the input for the autocompletion to show up.
The correct values for the autocomplete attribute is "on" or "off" as you can see at :
Use autocomplete="on" in form tag. like below.
<form action="" method="post" autocomplete="on">
<input type="email" name="email" id="frmEmailA" placeholder="" required>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">

Copy input field from one to another?

UPDATE: I got in contact with the developer and he said to use this code as a foundation:
(function($) {
It doesn't work at the moment and I'm not sure why but you can also see my original post below this text for more details and I appreciate all of your help:
I am trying to copy one input field to another when a user types. I would like to accomplish something like this: Notice that when you type into the input box on the left, it duplicates the text on the right.
To be more specific, on my website, I am using this form
I want what the user types in the "Car Manufacturer" input box to directly be copied to the "Testfield" input box as they type. Also, the "Testfield" input box text cannot be deleted or altered by the user once text is inputted in the car manufacturer field. They both have to be exactly the same.
Please note that the car manufacturer input field shows a hidden input which the user cannot see and should be ignored in this case. If you look at the HTML, the car manufacturer input looks like this:
<input id="myrelatedfield" class="jrAutoSuggest ui-autocomplete-input acInstructions" type="text" autocomplete="off" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list" aria-haspopup="true"></input>
You'll notice I put my own customer ID in there called "myrelatedfield" The field it needs to copy text to looks like this which has a custom class "jr_testfield"...
<input class="jr_testfield jrText" type="text" data-click2add="0" name="data[Field][Listing][jr_testfield]"></input>
I ave updated the code
have a look at it
Use readonly="true" property to prevent write access.Input value will also be available when u submit the form
<input type="text"id="EmailAddress" name="EmailAddress" value="" >
<input type="text" id="Username" readonly="true" name="Username" value="">

