Javascript Output is giving empty response - javascript

I'm making a binary calculator. Following is my javascript code:
// let operator = document.getElementsByClassName('operator');
let plus = document.getElementById('btnSum');
let minus = document.getElementById('btnSub');
let into = document.getElementById('btnMul');
let divide = document.getElementById('btnDiv');
let resultBox = document.getElementById('res');
var val1;
var val2;
var clicked = false;
plus.addEventListener("click", function(){
clicked = true;
let middleOperator = '+';
resultBox.innerHTML += ' + ';
minus.addEventListener("click", function(){
clicked = true;
let middleOperator = '-';
resultBox.innerHTML += ' - ';
into.addEventListener("click", function(){
clicked = true;
let middleOperator = '*';
resultBox.innerHTML += ' * ';
divide.addEventListener("click", function(){
clicked = true;
let middleOperator = '/';
resultBox.innerHTML += '/';
function pushZero(){
//if middleOperator is pressed
resultBox.innerHTML += '0';
val2 = resultBox.innerText;
//if middleOperator is not pressed
resultBox.innerHTML += '0';
val1 = resultBox.innerText;
function pushOne(){
//if middleOperator is pressed
resultBox.innerHTML += '1';
val2 = resultBox.innerText;
//if middleOperator is not pressed
resultBox.innerHTML += '1';
val1 = resultBox.innerText;
//passing array to this function
function binaryToNum(a){
let num = 0;
for(var i=0; i<a.length; i++){
num += a[i]*Math.pow(2, a.length-i-1);
return num;
//Function to convert a number to binary
function numToBinary(x){
var s='';
let n;
n = x%2;
s += `${n}`;
x /= 2;
return s;
function result(middleOperator){
var ans;
var num1 = binaryToNum(val1);
var num2 = binaryToNum(val2);
if(middleOperator == '+'){
ans = num1 + num2;
if(middleOperator == '-'){
ans = num1 - num2;
if(middleOperator == '*'){
ans = num1*num2;
if(middleOperator == '/'){
ans = num1/num2;
var output = numToBinary(ans);
resultBox.innerHTML = output;
When I'm trying to display the result it shows empty output.
While assigning any random string to the output displays the same on the screen.(Thus there is no issue on Html or Dom side).
Also when I'm console.log() gives an empty output. How to solve this?


when i do calculation num1 + num 2 anwser is coming num1+num2undefind on screen

(function () {
let screen = document.querySelector('.screen');
let buttons = document.querySelectorAll('.btn');
let clear = document.querySelector('.btn-clear');
let equal = document.querySelector('.btn-equal');
buttons.forEach(function (button) {
button.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
let value =;
screen.value += value;
equal.addEventListener('click', function () {
if (screen.value == '') {
screen.value = "Please Enter Value";
} else {
let answer = eval(screen.value)
screen.value = answer;
when i do calculation num1 + num 2 anwser is coming num1+num2undefind on screen
but answer should be like num1 + num 2 = answer

Converting text to small number javascript

I am trying to make a real time chat system. I am sending messages and saving them to the database. But before saving the message into database i need to encrypt it with using NTRU for Integers algorithm. In order to use this algorithm i have to convert text into numbers. I already tried to convert to ASCII code but its creating too big number for algorithm. Is there any way to convert text into small numbers? Saving into database with parent.send_message(chat_input.value)
var parent = this;
var title_container = document.getElementById('title_container')
var title = document.getElementById('title')
var chat_container = document.createElement('div')
chat_container.setAttribute('id', 'chat_container')
var chat_inner_container = document.createElement('div')
chat_inner_container.setAttribute('id', 'chat_inner_container')
var chat_content_container = document.createElement('div')
chat_content_container.setAttribute('id', 'chat_content_container')
var chat_input_container = document.createElement('div')
chat_input_container.setAttribute('id', 'chat_input_container')
var chat_input_send = document.createElement('button')
chat_input_send.setAttribute('id', 'chat_input_send')
chat_input_send.setAttribute('disabled', true)
chat_input_send.innerHTML = `<i class="far fa-paper-plane"></i>`
var chat_input = document.createElement('input')
chat_input.setAttribute('id', 'chat_input')
chat_input.setAttribute('maxlength', 11)
chat_input.placeholder = `${parent.get_name()}. Say hello..`
chat_input.onkeyup = function(){
if(chat_input.value.length > 0){
chat_input_send.onclick = function(){
chat_input_send.setAttribute('disabled', true)
if(chat_input.value.length <= 0){
chat_input.value = chat_input.value.toLocaleUpperCase()
chat_input.value = ''
I was able to solve my problem with this code
// Vocabulary
let vocabulary = new Array();{
vocabulary[10] = "A";
vocabulary[11] = "B";
vocabulary[12] = "C";
vocabulary[13] = "D";
vocabulary[14] = "E";
vocabulary[15] = "F";
vocabulary[16] = "G";
vocabulary[17] = "H";
vocabulary[18] = "I";
vocabulary[19] = "J";
vocabulary[20] = "K";
vocabulary[21] = "L";
vocabulary[22] = "M";
vocabulary[23] = "N";
vocabulary[24] = "O";
vocabulary[25] = "P";
vocabulary[26] = "Q";
vocabulary[27] = "R";
vocabulary[28] = "S";
vocabulary[29] = "T";
vocabulary[30] = "U";
vocabulary[31] = "V";
vocabulary[32] = "W";
vocabulary[33] = "X";
vocabulary[34] = "Y";
vocabulary[35] = "Z";
vocabulary[36] = " ";
vocabulary[37] = "a";
vocabulary[38] = "b";
vocabulary[39] = "c";
vocabulary[40] = "d";
vocabulary[41] = "e";
vocabulary[42] = "f";
vocabulary[43] = "g";
vocabulary[44] = "h";
vocabulary[45] = "i";
vocabulary[46] = "j";
vocabulary[47] = "k";
vocabulary[48] = "l";
vocabulary[49] = "m";
vocabulary[50] = "n";
vocabulary[51] = "o";
vocabulary[52] = "p";
vocabulary[53] = "q";
vocabulary[54] = "r";
vocabulary[55] = "s";
vocabulary[56] = "t";
vocabulary[57] = "u";
vocabulary[58] = "v";
vocabulary[59] = "w";
vocabulary[60] = "x";
vocabulary[61] = "y";
vocabulary[62] = "z";
vocabulary[63] = "!";
// Converting Text into numbers
var number = "";
for(var z = 0 ; z < chat_input.value.length ; z++)
for(var i = 10 ; i < 64 ; i++) {
if(chat_input.value.charAt(z) == vocabulary[i]) {
var test = i;
test = test.toString();
number = number + test;
// Seperating numbers into array
var numbers = new Array() ;
var index = 0 ;
while(number.length !== 0) {
if (number.length == 3) {
numbers[index] = number.substring(0, 3);
number = number.substring(3,number.length);
} else if (number.length == 2) {
numbers[index] = number.substring(0, 2);
number = number.substring(2,number.length);
} else if (number.length == 1) {
numbers[index] = number.substring(0, 1);
number = number.substring(1,number.length);
} else
numbers[index] = number.substring(0, 4);
number = number.substring(4,number.length);
//Encrpyting numbers and getting cipher text
var indexofe = 0 ;
var ciphertextz = new Array();
while(indexofe !== numbers.length) {
ciphertextz[indexofe] = parent.Encrypt(numbers[indexofe]);

javascript function to add values outside of bracket into values inside the bracket

i am trying to create a function that automatically create questions to do.
function getRandomInt(min, max) {
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
var totalvar = getRandomInt(2,4);
var main = "";
for (var i = 1; i <= totalvar; i++) {
var test = getRandomInt(1,3);
// alert(test);
var myArray = ["A","B","C","A&apos;","B&apos;","C&apos;"];
var text ="";
for (var a = 1; a <= test; a++) {
function random(array) {
return array[Math.floor(Math.random() * array.length)]
var testing = random(myArray);
if (testing =="A") {
var testing2 ="A&apos;";
} else if (testing =="A&apos;") {
var testing2 ="A";
} else if (testing =="B") {
var testing2 ="B&apos;";
} else if (testing =="B&apos;") {
var testing2 ="B";
}else if (testing =="C") {
var testing2 ="C&apos;";
} else if (testing =="C&apos;") {
var testing2 ="C";
text += testing
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var index = myArray.indexOf(testing2);
if (index > -1) {
myArray.splice(index, 1);
var brackets = getRandomInt(1,3);
var chances = getRandomInt(1,3);
var lastLetter = main.charAt(main.length - 1);
if (brackets == 1) {
text = "(" + text + ")";
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
} else {
if (main == "") {
main = text;
} else if ( lastLetter == ')') {
if ( chances !== 1) {
main += text;
main += "+" + text;
main += "+" + text;
I have manage to get it to display questions that i want
I am stucked as i couldnt get the function for the next step where it multiples the value outside the bracket
The above is what i hope to achieve but im unable to create the function out
any tips guys?
use replace:
var str = "B'C'+(A'C'B')+BCA";
var response = str.replace(/([\(\)]+)/g, '');
// output: "B'C'+A'C'B'+BCA"

How to delete object in array using localstorage?

I have to delete object in array and it should be deleted from localstorage. I am trying to delete it by using splice method but not actually getting how to use it.
Folloeing is my code which i have tried-
var details = [];
function addEntry() {
var existingEntries = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("allEntries"));
if (existingEntries == null) existingEntries = [];
var srno = document.getElementById("txtpid").value;
var name = document.getElementById("txtpname").value;
var dob = document.getElementById("txtpdob").value;
var email = document.getElementById("txtpemail").value;
var address = document.getElementById("txtpaddr").value;
var contact = document.getElementById("txtpmobile").value;
var obbbj = {
txtpid: srno,
txtpname: name,
txtpdob: dob,
txtpemail: email,
txtpaddr: address,
txtpmobile: contact
localStorage.setItem("details", JSON.stringify(obbbj));
localStorage.setItem("allEntries", JSON.stringify(existingEntries));
function showEntry() {
var messageBox = document.getElementById("display");
messageBox.value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpid").value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpname").value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpdob").value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpemail").value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpaddr").value = "";
document.getElementById("txtpmobile").value = "";
var render = "<table border='1'>";
render += "<tr><th>Srno</th><th>Name</th><th>Birthdate</th><th>Email</th><th>Address</th><th>Contact</th></tr>";
var allEntriesoo = {};
var detailsOOO = {};
for (i = 0; i < localStorage.length; i++) {
var key = localStorage.key(i);
var person = localStorage.getItem(key);
if (key == 'allEntries')
allEntriesoo = JSON.parse(person);
if (key == 'details')
detailsOOO = JSON.parse(person);
var data = JSON.parse(person);
for (var key in allEntriesoo) {
render += "<tr><td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpid + "</td><td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpname + " </td>";
render += "<td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpdob + "</td>";
render += "<td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpemail + "</td>";
render += "<td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpaddr + "</td>";
render += "<td>" + allEntriesoo[key].txtpmobile + "</td>";
render += "<td><input type='button' value='Delete' onClick='return deleteEntry(" + i + ")'></td>";
render += "<td><input type='button' value='Edit' onClick='return editInfo(" + i + ")'></td></tr>";
render += "</table>";
display.innerHTML = render;
function nameVal() {
var n = document.getElementById("txtpname").value;
var r;
var letters = /^[a-zA-Z]+$/;
if (n == null || n == "") {
alert("please enter user name");
return null;
} else {
if (n.match(letters) && n != "") {
r = ValidateEmail();
return r;
} else {
alert("please enter alphabates");
document.getElementById("txtpname").value = "";
return null;
function ValidateEmail() {
var uemail = document.getElementById("txtpemail").value;
var mailformat = /^\w+([\.-]?\w+)*#\w+([\.-]?\w+)*(\.\w{2,3})+$/;
if (uemail.match(mailformat)) {
return true;
} else {
alert("You have entered an invalid email address!");
document.getElementById("txtpemail").value = "";
return null;
function alphanumeric() {
var uadd = document.getElementById("txtpaddr").value;
var letters = /^[0-9a-zA-Z]+$/;
if (uadd == null || uadd == "") {
alert("plz enter address");
} else {
if (uadd.match(letters)) {
return true;
} else {
alert('User address must have alphanumeric characters only');
document.getElementById("txtpaddr").value = "";
return false;
function cntVal() {
var n = document.getElementById("txtpmobile").value;
var r1;
var letters = /^\d{10}$/;
if (n !== null || n !== "") {
if (n.match(letters)) {
r1 = alphanumeric();
return r1;
} else {
alert("please enter contact number");
document.getElementById("txtpmobile").value = "";
return null;
} else {
alert("please enter contact Number");
return null;
function deleteEntry(id) {
var entry = localStorage.getItem('allEntries') JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('allEntries')): [];
var index;
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (entry[i].id === id) {
index = i;
if (index === undefined) return
entry.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.setItem('entry', JSON.stringify(entry));
function clearstorage() {
window.onload = function() {
In your deleteEntry function you are setting a new item in localStorage called 'entry'. So you are not setting 'allEntries' and thats probably why its showing up like that, 'allEntries' has not been updated. So just set all entries again. localStorage.setItem('allEntries', JSON.stringify(entry));
You are also missing the '?' for you variable 'entry'...
var entry = localStorage.getItem('allEntries') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('allEntries')) : []; <-- it should look like this.
Its the same as an 'if else statement'
function deleteEntry(id){
var entry = localStorage.getItem('allEntries') ? JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('allEntries')) : [];
var index;
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (entry[i].id === id) {
if(index === undefined) return
entry.splice(index, 1);
localStorage.setItem('allEntries', JSON.stringify(entry)); <--- like this
You can use create a temporary object and then replace it in localStorage.
function deleteEntry(id){
var entry = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem('allEntries'));
var temp= [];
for (var i = 0; i < entry.length; i++) {
if (entry[i].id !== id) {
localStorage.setItem('entry', JSON.stringify(temp));

four repeating letters check javascript, spam detection

Is there a a "smarter" way to do this? This works but I imagine has something to do with for loops, what if I was checking for 20 repeating characters?
What happens if javascript is disabled?
Is there an easier way to check for "sensical" posts instead of say aldjfalkfja;lfjaklfjlkfj how would I filter that out without storing a library of words and comparing the string to those?
function counter(){
this.value = 0;
var count = new counter();
function updatecount(fnc){
fnc.value = count.value + 1;
function charbank1(){
this.value = "";
var cb1 = new charbank1();
function insertchar1(fnc){
fnc.value = cb1.value + String.fromCharCode(keynum);
function charbank2(){
this.value = "";
var cb2 = new charbank2();
function insertchar2(fnc){
fnc.value = cb2.value + String.fromCharCode(keynum);
function charbank3(){
this.value = "";
var cb3 = new charbank3();
function insertchar3(fnc){
fnc.value = cb3.value + String.fromCharCode(keynum);
function charbank4(){
this.value = "";
var cb4 = new charbank4();
function insertchar1(fnc){
fnc.value = cb4.value + String.fromCharCode(keynum);
function repeatingcharcheck(){
if(count.value < 4){
if(count.value == 1){
if(count.value == 2){
if(count.value == 3){
if(count.value == 4){
if(cb1.value == cb2.value == cb3.value == cb4.value){
alert('four letters in a row is not allowed');

