How can I show my client a node js website - javascript

I have a nodejs app, which I made for my client, I want to show him his website on his machine (we live at different sides of the globe) Is there any way it is possible?

This is a pretty long winded question. There are a couple different solutions to this.
1: You could host a server locally and then open up some firewall ports to allow traffic to route information from your IP address on port 80 or 443 to your application. This is pretty risky though and would need to be secured on your end to prevent intrusion. This would also mean that anytime your IP changes from the ISP you would either need to update the customer with the new IP or use a domain name that is being updated with something like dyndns.. Here's a link for some info on that route.
2: You could use a hosting company like AWS, Azure, or any VPS based hosting solution. This can sometimes cost money and take some time to setup but long term this is a great solution as long as you are willing to put forth the time and effort to learn whatever tech stack you choose. Here's a link to some info on this route with AWS


Maintain communication between two clients even if their IP addresses change

I'm trying to figure out if it is possible to have something like this scenario:
Say we have two people, Alice and Bob. Alice wants to send some data (doesn't matter what this data is) to Bob, and vice versa. I know that WebRTC can be used to serverless-ly exchange messages, but that requires Alice and Bob knowing each other's IP addresses. Now, it's relatively easy for Alice and Bob to share their IP addresses once, to initialize a connection, but what happens if one of them happens to connect to a different network; maybe Bob is in a coffee shop, for instance, and his IP address is thus different? The previously initialized connection wouldn't be to his current IP address, so they'd have to reinitialize the connection; but how?
It would seem to me that there would already need to be some sort of preexisting communication between the two so they could share their IP addresses, but then why not just communicate through the method they communicate their IP addresses instead? Alternatively, there could be a server that connects the two, but that defeats the serverless part of the system.
So, is there any way to maintain communication between two clients even if they happen to change networks, and thus IP addresses? Perhaps there is a more fixed method of identifying devices than their IP addresses, like I've seen in this SO answer, but it's years old, so maybe there's something new? I'd be implementing this in JS, across multiple devices/OSs, so that answer probably wouldn't work. Any ideas/examples would be greatly appreciated; I mainly want to know if this is even possible, and, if so, how.
Simple Answer
No, while this is possible, it is unrealistic and not needed. See my longer explanation below. Also, if you really want to do this, although it is possible through QUIC, it’s not likely to be needed (as explained below).
Longer Answer/Question to think about
In short, this is not a needed feature of WebRTC. Let me ask you a question:
Alice and Bob are in a data channel, exchanging chat messages over WebRTC. To create a WebRTC connection, you need to use an ice server ( first link, second link ) to get both Alice and Bob to, to quote Wikipedia: find ways for the two computers to talk to each other as directly as possible..
This means that it will use Alice’s current IP address to make an offer to Bob through a STUN or TURN server. If, like you said, Alice were to change IP addresses, she would need to change location. That means that she will need to move a sufficient distance so that the IP address will change. In practice, this probably means that she goes in a car and drives somewhere. If not, she calls an Uber or a cab or rides her bike. In most of these scenarios, she will need to close her computer, hence ending the p2p connection. If, by some weird wizardry, she doesn’t close her computer/the connection, the browser will very likely refresh, hence re-connecting to the WebRTC data channel from the new IP address. When will you need to create a WebRTC data channel and handle IP changes? Long explanation coming to a conclusion, clients changing IP addresses without ending/resetting the connect just doesn’t happen in practice.
If you want to look into other alternatives, here are some examples:
Adding an IP event listener ★
Now this isn’t an actual global variable that you can check, but you can use an online API (some are listed here) to check the user’s IP address, store it in a variable (or localStorage), and check if the IP changes. In a loop, you would do some simple logic to check If it does, you reset the WebRTC connection, if not, you keep the loop going.
Using a “piping” server
You can set up a simple chat by using a http/https server, already set up, explained here, called a piping server. You can look at the article for more information, but it promotes a serverless chat system (can be used without creating a server) that isn’t exposed to the difficulties of changing IP addresses. However, you need to know the peer’s ID, and they need to know your ID, which effectively makes solution obsolete because you need to have some sort of communication before establishing this simple chat.
Using Node.js, Websockets, and/or ★
If you want to create a simple chat app or create a data channel, Node.js and is the way to go. This is super simple, however, it involves a server, which is why I left it for last. However, I highly recommend this for ease and simplicity, and is not reliant on IP addresses. See here for a very good starting immersion into Node.js and the Express framework. I am far from an expert from Websockets, but MDN is always a good place to start. However good Websockets are, I think that is much easier for beginners, so if you are willing to sacrifice a bit of speed over simplicity, you should start here. These are all good server-side chat starting points.
Simple Answer
QUIC connection migration
IP Listener
SO Question,
Ice Servers
MDN docs, Wikipedia
Piping Server
Simple article, Github repo
Node.js, Websockets, and
Node.js and Express setup, Websocket intro, and intro
All alternatives that are starred (★) are personally recommended.
Yes, It is possible.
You need to use FQDN (or a sub-domain) instead of IP Address and a DNS server, and a client side util or tool to update DNS record while IP Address changing.
There's free solutions on the web like, cloud-flare and etc.
A more modern approach to this would be using QUIC for transport. It has a session ID in the payload and uses UDP as the transport. This handles the very common case where a NAT will change it's Public IP. From Cloudflare's blogpost:
One of the features QUIC is intended to deliver is called “connection migration” and will allow QUIC end-points to migrate connections to different IP addresses and network paths at will.
So assume Alice and Bob are sending messages via QUIC and their connection is given a session ID. Alice's NAT changes it's public IP and source port. Since UDP is being used, Alice's messages still are being sent to Bob's Public IP. Bob receive these UDP messages and looks at the embedded QUIC header and sees that it contains the same session ID as when he was speaking to Alice. Bob then starts using Alice's new public IP and port as a destination for the conversation.
Naturally this seems open to redirection attacks, but there is crypto layered on top of these mechanisms to prevent this and other attacks.
Cloudflare Blog
Amazing blog on NAT behavior and setting up initial connectivity behind them
QUIC connection migration

How to point my node.js app to a non existing domain

I have an app running on a server where I access using the servers ip. But now I need to have a subdomain configured in order to make an external API work but I have no clue of how achieve it.
Now I access to my server using IP -> XX.XXX.XXX.XXX:3000
And I need to change it for something like ->
You don’t, because the Internet doesn’t work that way.
You create the subdomain by configuring the DNS server for the domain to point that subdomain at the IP address.
If you want to change the port number (from the default of 80 to 3000) without putting it in the URL itself, then you need to change the Node.js program or put a proxy server in front of it.
This is indeed a notorious problem with distributed web development. Presumably your API requires you to register your own hostname in some sort of allow-list, and then checks incoming requests for matches to that allow-list. (Why? Cybercreeps.)
You need to find out the IP address of your development machine (not, that's the loopback IP and every machine has it). It's OK if your development machine's address is on a private network, like ' example. Give the commandifconfigand look for the address (it'sipconfig` on Windows).
You then need to put that IP address into a DNS server.
Here's a free way to do that.
Create a FreeDNS account by visiting
Click on Subdomains.
Click the Add link.
Create a subdomain hostname under one of FreeDNS's public domains. Maybe is a good choice
Put your machine's IP address into it.
Then, use to hit your development machine's nodejs app.
You can pay FreeDNS to register your own domain name and use that if you prefer.
The solution I needed was modifying the file hosts from -> system32/divers/etc/hosts and adding there the configuration relative to the ip - domain relation I was lookin for.

JavaScript - GPS position in mobile browser and HTTPS/SSL certificate

I'm running a web app where users can request a map with their position through gps. In order to do that browsers like Chrome and Safari require an HTTPS protocol, not just http, otherwise call to JS function "getCurrentPosition" will fail. (but on Firefox, for example, it's working)
First question: are there any other possibilities to get user location (through gps, not just by ip)?
If not, the only way (I think) is to switch to https.
Now, app is running on a cheap shared hosting (and I can't do anything about that right now), the only thing that I can do is purchase an SSL certificate in order to enable https protocol.
Second question: hosting offers both ssl certificate with dedicated ip and without dedicated ip. Which is the difference? Well, I know what's a dedicated ip, but for my needs (website + this small app) which advantage could I have from a dedicated ip?
Third question: if I choose a certificate from another CA then I need root access to server in order to install it, is it right?
Last one: some hostings offer SSL with identity verification and without it, how theese last work? I mean, https should't guarrantee encrypted connections with a verified website?
If you have any links please post them, most of resources that I found are too old and they don't talk about acquiring gps data with JS.
Thanks a lot!
EDIT: just for completion: this page is about this deprecated js call for non-secure site. Are there other possibilites to get same result?
First question: are there any other possibilities to get user location
(through gps, not just by ip)?
You can track users’ real time location by using Google Maps APIs, I hope below links will help you.
Using Google Map Tracks API
Second question: hosting offers both ssl certificate with dedicated ip
and without dedicated ip. Which is the difference? Well, I know what's
a dedicated ip, but for my needs (website + this small app) which
advantage could I have from a dedicated ip?
In the past, SSL requires dedicated IP to secure web applications. But in the mean time, SSL doesn’t require dedicated IP due to SNI technology. If your website hosted on shared IP address, then SNI permits a server to implement multiple certificates on a single IP address.
There are plenty of advantages using a dedicated IP instead of shared IP - read this article
Third question: if I choose a certificate from another CA then I need
root access to server in order to install it, is it right?
Whether you continue with current provider or new one, you don’t need root access of server in order install an SSL certificate.
Last one: some hostings offer SSL with identity verification and
without it, how theese last work? I mean, https should't guarrantee
encrypted connections with a verified website?
All SSL certificates are come with industry standard 256 bit encryption and ensures about encrypted connections. There is varying upon their validation process as below.
Domain Validation Certificates - CA will follow automated validation process and confirm only your control over the domain. You will get this certificate in just minutes.
Business Validation Certificates - CA will check your business existence by verifying official documentations. CA will take 2 to 3 business days to issue your certificate.
Extended Validation Certificates - CA will follow strict validation process and validate legal, physical and operational identity of business. EV SSL will enable most visible sign “the company name in the green address bar”, it will increase trust of your website visitors.
I hope this will helpful for you!

Node.js server to webapp connections

I'm running a game which contains a server.js backend (which is hosted and run on my localhost), and the frontend is on a github website. The github page connects to the server on my localhost through the config which points to I realize that I will be able to play this from my localhost this way, but will other people be able to?
Basically the index.html connects to the visitor's localhost to look for the running server.
A visual representation (sort of):
[] ----> [localhost(]
What should I do to allow myself to play from the computer that's hosting the server backend as well as others being able to play?
You would need to host it in a live environment. There are ways via port forwarding to use your computers ip (gateway) to allow others to connect, however typically ISP's will try to stop you from using your dynamic IP statically. Safest bet is to launch a cheap VPS and host it there.
This article seems to explain port forwarding well enough.
As for the VPS, you can find extremely cheap ones really easily, if you do not expect a lot of players it should be fine, if you expect more then using your own connection is dangerous.
unless they have the same server running on their localhost, no. And they almost surely don't. You should get a host ( is very popular and good, but there are many others), and then run it there and connect to that instead of localhost

How to trace friend's ip address while chating

How do I trace my friends IP address while chating (in facebook,gmail ) ?
Can we do this in jquery ?
Please let me know your pointers.
No you cannot because your javascript chat application does not communicate directly with your friend's browser. It all goes through the server side chat application (gmail, fb... etc) so you are only communicating with that IP which communicates with all the rest.
Of course the server side chat application could be somehow revealing the chat participants IP addresses but this is highly unlikely in any web based chat application that it's used in production right now.
The easiest way to find out the IP of a chat participant is to make him/her click on link for which you'll be monitoring http traffic. I hope it's for a good reason :)
I do not think it is possible since you both connected to the chatting server and all information go through them and there are no direct link between you and your friend.
You can't from a browser. The chat protocol is implemented on the server side, and your browser doesn't know the IP address of your correspondant.
As others have said, you can't do this directly. The only way around it then is to give your friend a link to a script on your server that then alerts you of the IP address.
Basically, such a script would check the remote address, and then log it somewhere or e-mail it to you. That script might then return an image or redirect somewhere so that the person you sent the link to isn't so aware of what happened.
You should also know that the remote address isn't necessarily the IP of your friend. It could be a proxy server, or something else getting in the way. It's more common than you might think.

