Sliders not Removing Properly - javascript

Here is all the code:
import React, { Component } from "react";
import "./App.css";
import Slider from "#material-ui/core/Slider";
import Typography from "#material-ui/core/Typography";
class App extends Component {
state = {
users: [],
componentDidMount() {
fetch("/users").then((response) =>
response.json().then((data) => {
this.setState({ users: data.users });
removeSlider(user) {
const users = [...this.state.users];
users.splice(users.indexOf(user), 1);
this.setState({ users: users });
render() {
return (
<div className="App">
{ => (
<div className="slider" id="di">
<Typography id="range-slider" gutterBottom>
<button className="btn" onClick={() => this.removeSlider(user)}>
{user.first_name[0].toUpperCase() + user.first_name.slice(1)}
defaultValue={[0, 50]}
export default App;
The users come from another server. The in the typography each user has a button that essentially removes them from the list of users (handled by the removeSlider handler).
The problem here is that when I do this the slider that correspondes with the end of the list gets removed instead of the one I want to delete.
So in the pictures I go to delete Jordan, but Imagine's slider gets removed. Jordan was in fact removed from the array of users though.
Any help would be appreciated.

When a user is removed, because of a state change, React re-renders the page, and inside the map React will draw 5 sliders, which it will associate with the first 5 sliders as you haven't added keys to them.
So a first step would be to add keys to the sliders in map, then the re-rendering should keep and re-use the correct old objects and not re-draw or mis-align them.
Also, you might want to store the sliders' values in the state, making them "controlled components" (set their value from state, and handle their change events to update the state) so that they don't lose their info between renders.


react-window stop unnecessary rendering of child FixedSizeList rows when scrolling parent FixedSIzeList

In my react project I am using react-window package to render nested lists. Each parent FixedSizeList row renders a component which uses another FixedSizeList. Parent List doesn't have more than 14 rows at the moment. But the child List may contain upto 2000 rows. Now my problem is, when I try to scroll through the parent List, all the child list items in the viewport seem to re rendering. This is a little bit problematic for me because in my child list item I am using d3js to draw bar chart with transition effect. So these unnecessary re rendering is giving a overall weird UI. Can anyone help me how can I stop these unnecessary renders.
Here is codesandbox link to a very simple example of my problem.
Please open the console log. After initial load the topmost log should be like this: initial console log.
Then if you clear the console and scroll the parent list, you will see log like this: console log after parent scrolling. Here you can see that the child list items of child list 0 is re rendering which is not needed for me.
Can anyone give me a solution that can stop these re rendering?
*P.S. I am not using memo since every row is updating the dom on its own.
I think this problem would solve if the parent list would stop propagating scroll event to child. I tried to add event.stopPropagation() and event.stopImmediatePropagation() in the parent list row but the output was the same as earlier.
We can use memo to get rid of components being re-rendered unnecessarily for same set of props. And use useCallback to prevent re-creation of a function and thus secure child components being re-rendered. Applying those, we can get this solution:
import "./styles.css";
import { FixedSizeList as List } from "react-window";
import { memo, useCallback } from "react";
const Row = memo(({ index: parentIndex, style: parentStyle }) => {
console.log("rendering child list", parentIndex);
const InnerRow = useCallback(({ index, style }) => {
console.log("rendering child list item", index, "of parent ", parentIndex);
return <div style={style}>Child Row {index}</div>;
}, []);
return (
<div style={parentStyle}>
<List height={200} itemCount={1000} itemSize={35} width={270}>
const Example = () => {
console.log("rendering parent list");
return (
<List height={400} itemCount={16} itemSize={300} width={300}>
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Example />
although the above code works fine, it can be optimized more if we use areEqual method from react-window as react memo dependency. And for more if we want to use other react hooks inside InnerRow component, we must add a middleware component of InnerRow. The full example is given below:
import { FixedSizeList as List, areEqual } from "react-window";
import { memo, useCallback } from "react";
const Row = memo(({ index: parentIndex, style: parentStyle }) => {
console.log("mounting child list", parentIndex);
const data = new Array(15).fill(new Array(500).fill(1));
const InnerRowCallback = useCallback(
({ index, style }) => {
return <InnerRow index={index} style={style} />;
const InnerRow = ({ index, style }) => {
console.log("mounting child list item", index, "of parent ", parentIndex);
return <div style={style}>Child Row {index}</div>;
return (
<div style={parentStyle}>
<List height={200} itemCount={1000} itemSize={35} width={270}>
}, areEqual);
const Example = () => {
console.log("mounting parent list");
return (
<List height={400} itemCount={16} itemSize={300} width={300}>
export default function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Example />
Here I am passing data array as useCallBack dependency because I want to re render the InnerRow component if data gets changed.

React render list only when data source changes

Basically I have a modal with a state in the parent component and I have a component that renders a list. When I open the modal, I dont want the list to re render every time because there can be hundreds of items in the list its too expensive. I only want the list to render when the dataSource prop changes.
I also want to try to avoid using useMemo if possible. Im thinking maybe move the modal to a different container, im not sure.
If someone can please help it would be much appreciated. Here is the link to sandbox:
Since you said you want to avoid React.memo, I think the best approach would be to move the <Modal /> component to another "module"
export default function App() {
return (
<Another list={list} />
<List dataSource={list} />
And inside <Another /> component you would have you <Modal />:
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Modal } from "antd";
const Another = ({ list }) => {
const [showModal, setShowModal] = useState(false);
return (
onCancel={() => setShowModal(false)}
onOk={() => {
list.push({ name: "drink" });
<button onClick={() => setShowModal(true)}>Show Modal</button>
export default Another
Now the list don't rerender when you open the Modal
You can use React.memo, for more information about it please check reactmemo
const List = React.memo(({ dataSource, loading }) => {
console.log("render list");
return (
{ => {
return <div>{}</div>;
sandbox here

Access props/attributes from child component with hooks

I'm trying to create a feature to easily hide/show all items (subcomponents). By using useState I am able to set whether or not all items are hidden/shown. By using useEffect I am able to toggle items that are hidden/shown. I'm having issues accessing the props in the subcomponent to determine whether or not a an item has already been expanded. I wish I could explain this better, but hopefully this coding example will paint a better picture.
import React, { useState } from "react";
import ReactDOM from "react-dom";
import "semantic-ui-css/semantic.min.css";
import { Button } from "semantic-ui-react";
import Item from "./Item";
const Services = props => {
const [allExpanded, setAllExpanded] = useState(false);
return (
<Button onClick={() => setAllExpanded(false)} content="Hide all" />
<Button onClick={() => setAllExpanded(true)} content="Show all" />
<Item expanded={allExpanded} />
<Item expanded={allExpanded} />
<Item expanded={allExpanded} />
const rootElement = document.getElementById("root");
ReactDOM.render(<Services />, rootElement);
import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react";
import { Accordion } from "semantic-ui-react";
const Item = props => {
const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState(props.expanded);
useEffect(() => {
}, [props.expanded]);
return (
<Accordion styled>
onClick={() => {
<p>{expanded ? "- Hide Item" : "+ Show Item"}</p>
<Accordion.Content active={expanded}>Lorem ipsum...</Accordion.Content>
export default Item;
To replicate my current bug, click any "+ Show Item", then click "Hide All". It will not hide everything, however clicking "Show All", then "Hide All" will hide everything.
You're facing this issue because your parent component actually has three possible states:
All expanded
All collapsed
Neither all expanded or collapsed
To reflect the third state, you could use null/undefined (and pass the setter down into your children components).
Updated example here:
Since you are handling the expanded state of your accordions on the top level, I suggest you just pass down the expanded state and the 'toggler' to your items. index.js will handle the logic and your Item component will be presentational.
Here's a fork of your CodeSandbox.
It doesn't look great and probably the item state and toggling can (and probably should) be moved elsewhere (for example a separate reducer with the usage of the useReducer hook)
If you are planning to create these components dynamically, IMO this is the easiest way to go.
If you still want to go your way, you can refactor your Item to a class component and use Refs to get their current state, however I not recommend this approach.
Hope this helps!
Here's a codeandsandbox, forked from yours:
I changed it so that instead of having something like this:
let [allExpanded, setAllExpanded] = useState(true)
You have something like this:
let [whichExpanded, setWhichExpanded] = useState({0: true, 1:true, 2: true})
Then, on for your callback to expand/collapse all buttons, you have this:
<button onClick=()=>{
let newState = {}
for(let order in whichEpanded){
newState[order] = false //change every key to false
}> hide all</button>
Then, I passed down an "order" prop to your items. The "order" prop is used as an argument to a callback function that I pass down, so when you click on each item, it updates the whichExpanded state, to toggle the visibility of just that one item.
// pass this to eac of the items:
const setIndividualItemExpanded = order => {
let newItemsExpandedState = { ...itemsExpanded };
newItemsExpandedState[order] = !newItemsExpandedState[order];
Each item component:
expanded={itemsExpanded[0]} //is reading from the state
Then, you can remove the useState from the rendered component and just update with the "setExpanded" prop
(See complete code in codesandbox pasted at top)

Communicate two React children components with onClick functionality

Alright, I'm going to do my best to explain how my project is setup so that you can appropriately aid me on my quest to figure out how to approach this configuration.
I have a parent component that is a smart component. Through this component all my data from my store is being accessed.
class DashboardPage extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
render() {
return (
<div className="row">
<div className="col-sm-7">
title="The Scoop"
footerText="Submit a Story"
content={<TipOfTheDay tips={} />}
DashboardPage.propTypes = {
getTips: PropTypes.func
function mapStateToProps(state, ownProps) {
function mapDispatchToProps(dispatch) {
return {
getTips: () => { dispatch(tipActions.loadTips());} ## This hits tipActions and runs the `action creator`: loadTips(). Which returns all tips from api.
export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(DashboardPage);
As you can see, I have included two dumb components inside my smart component, <ContentBox/> & <TipOfTheDay/>. On the dashboardPage there are about 7 <ContentBox/> components, each inheriting special a title for the header/footer and also being told whether or not to display the footer through the showSlider boolean. Here is what <ContentBox/> looks like:
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import Footer from './ContentBoxFooter';
const ContentBox = ({title, footerText, showSlider, content}) => {
return (
<div style={styles.root} className="col-sm-12">
<div style={styles.header} className="row">
<h3 style={styles.header.title}>{title}</h3>
<span style={styles.header.arrow} />
<Footer footerText={footerText} showSlider={showSlider} />
ContentBox.propTypes = {
title: PropTypes.string,
footerText: PropTypes.string,
showSlider: PropTypes.bool,
content: PropTypes.object
export default ContentBox;
And here is the footer:
import React, {PropTypes} from 'react';
import styles from './contentBoxStyles';
import Previous from './svg/Previous';
import Next from './svg/Next';
import Add from './svg/Add';
import consts from '../../styles/consts';
const ContentBoxFooter = ({footerText, showSlider}) => {
if (footerText != undefined) {
return (
<div style={styles.footer} className="row">
showSlider ?
<Previous fillColor={} height="20px" width="20px"/>
<span style={}>|</span>
<Next fillColor={} width="20px" height="20px"/>
</div> : <div style={styles.emptyArrow} />
<div style={}>
<span style={}>{footerText}</span>
<Add fillColor={} height="24px" width="24px" />
} else {
ContentBoxFooter.propTypes = {
footerText: PropTypes.string,
showSlider: PropTypes.bool
export default ContentBoxFooter;
Few! So here is where I need to add the onClick functionality. This functionality needs to be added to the <Previous/> & <Next/> component that is an SVG. What I am attempting to do is create a slider for the tips that I have pulled in. Obviously there will be <Footer/> components that will need the same functionality, but controlling different data other than the tips. Because I am new to React & Redux, I am not sure how I can perform this and not just do it, but do it in the 'Redux` way.
How do I get these two svg components that are nested within other dumb components that are dumb components, to perform onClick functions for specific data on the page? I hope this made sense. For more clarity, here is what I am doing with the <TipOfTheDay/> component:
const tipOfTheDay = ({tips}) => {
return (
<div style={styles.tipBody} className="row">
{, key) {
return (
<div key={key} className="myTips">
<h3 style={styles.tipBody.header}>{tip.title}</h3>
<p style={styles.tipBody.content}>{tip.content}</p>
tipOfTheDay.propTypes = {
tips: PropTypes.array.isRequired
export default tipOfTheDay;
Thank you for anytime you spend reading/responded/assisting with this question. I am a fairly new developer and this is also new technology to me.
I'm not sure how you've implemented your Next and Previous Components, but since you've using React-Redux, you can create extra Containers to wrap those components and pass in a Redux Action to them, e.g.:
// PreviousComponent.jsx
var Previous React.createClass({
propTypes: {
goToPrevious: React.PropTypes.func,
render: function() {
return (
<div onClick={this.props.goToPrevious}>
export default Previous;
import ReactRedux from 'react-redux';
import Previous from './PreviousComponent';
var mapStateToProps = (state, props) => {
return {};
var mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
return {
goToPrevious: () => {
var PreviousContainer = ReactRedux.connect(
export default PreviousContainer;
By adding a container wrapper directly around your component, you can connect a redux action for going to the previous image/slide/whatever directly into your React component. Then, when you want to use the action in your ContentBoxFooter, you import the PreviousContainer and place it where you want the Previous component, e.g.:
import PreviousContainer from './PreviousContainer'
const ContentBoxFooter = ({footerText, showSlider}) => {
if (footerText != undefined) {
return (
<div style={styles.footer} className="row">
showSlider ?
* Add the PreviousContainer here where before you were only using your regular Previous component.
<PreviousContainer fillColor={} height="20px" width="20px"/>
<span style={}>|</span>
<Next fillColor={} width="20px" height="20px"/>
</div> : <div style={styles.emptyArrow} />
<div style={}>
<span style={}>{footerText}</span>
<Add fillColor={} height="24px" width="24px" />
} else {
ContentBoxFooter.propTypes = {
footerText: PropTypes.string,
showSlider: PropTypes.bool
By wrapping both the Next and Previous components in containers that pass actions into them, you can connect the Redux actions directly into your components without having to pass them from the root component of your application. Also, doing this allows you to isolate where certain actions are called. Your Previous button is probably the only component that would want to call a Previous action, so by placing it in a Container wrapper around the component, you're making sure that the Previous action is only used where it is needed.
If you have to deal with multiple actions, it is better to define them at a higher level. In this case, since the ContentBox is the common breaking point, I would define separate Previous actions for each type of content box and pass them into each ContentBox instance:
var DashboardApp = React.createClass({
propTypes: {
TipsPrevious: React.PropTypes.function,
NewsPrevious: React.PropTypes.function,
render: function() {
Pass the actions down through the child components until you reach the Previous component and then attach the action to an 'onClick' handler on the Previous component.
The idea here behind this is that you want to limit the scope of parameters to the least amount of code possible. For example, if you added a profile component showing your user information on the page, you might want to add a container around that component and pass in the User-related information/actions without passing the information to the rest of your application. By doing this, it makes it easier to focus information where it is needed. It also helps you figure out where some change/action is taking place in your code if you have to fix a bug.
In the example above, if the Dashboard component is your root component, you'll just pass the Redux Actions into through a container wrapping it. However, if your dashboard component is a nested component itself, pass the actions into it through a custom container so that the actions aren't spread to code that don't need to see it:
<DashboardContainer />
<PageSidebar />
<PageFooter />

Programmatically open a route with state in react

I have two types of item, one of which can contain data similar to the other.
Currently when form is used to save an item it saves it then uses browserHistory.push to show the next page.
But I wish add a button that will
save the currently item
redirect them to the form to add the other item type,
partially fill out this form with the data from the first item.
Is there a way to do this using react and not using local storage or session variables?
You should take a look to Redux (or other Flux based libraries) to store data between components and routes, avoiding the excessive prop nesting.
browserHistory.push won't work. It only moves you to a certain location but it doesn't update the application state. You need to update application state, which then will reflect into location update, but not in the opposite direction. Keep in mind that, in React, data comes first, and its representation, even though mutable, doesn't change the data back. The same applies to the location.
To make the redirect alone work, I'd recommend wrapping your component into withRouter higher-order component.
import React, { Component } from 'react';
import { withRouter } from 'react-router';
class MyComponent extends Component {
render() {
return (
onClick={() => this.props.router.push('/new-location')}>
Click me to go to /new-location
But if you need to pass data from one component to another, and the two aren't in hierarchy, I'd agree with Alomsimoy and recommend using Redux. But if, for some reason, it's not an option, you can store this data in a component that is parent to both forms:
class FormA extends Component {
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={() => this.props.onSubmit()}>
onChange={(event) => this.props.handleChangeA(event)} />
class FormB extends Component {
render() {
return (
<form onSubmit={() => this.props.onSubmit()}>
onChange={(event) => this.props.handleChangeB(event)} />
while their parent would rule the location and state updates:
class Forms extends Component {
constructor() {
this.state = {};
handleChange(name, value) {
[name]: value
renderForm() {
const {
params: {
} = this.props;
if (stepId === 'step-a') { // <- will be returned for location /form/step-a
return (
handleChangeA={(event) => this.handleChange('inputA',}
onSubmit={() => this.props.router.push('/form/step-b')} />
} else if (stepId === 'step-b') { // <- will be returned for location /form/step-b
return (
handleChangeB={{(event) => this.handleChange('inputA',} />
render() {
const {
} = this.props;
console.log(this.state); // track changes
return (
onClick={() => this.props.router.push('/new-location')}>
Click me to go to /new-location
export default withRouter(Forms);
so the route for them would look like
<Route path="form/:stepId" component={Forms} />

