Do we need to run pod install with Expo project - javascript

I'm new with app developing. I'm using react-native 0.63.2 and i've created my project with Expo.
There are no ios and android folders
So, should we have to have these folders to run pod install and correctly link the React Native app to the futur iOS app or this is not necessary anymore?
Because with the command npx create-react-native-app to create a project, they do exist.

You don't need to install Pod. Just run expo start or expo build:ios

No you don't need pod install here.. you can build your application without using xcode or android studio... expo handles it all :)


how to run cloned/github remote react native app, err msg no android

NOTES: Im new in react native and i see there are so many approaches and with this error i thought the developer who built this app build it differently from what i learn so i don't understand why he didn't put the android folder
so i just joined a project and im going to run the apps in my pc by cloning it from github but when i try to npx react-native run-android it failed to run and the log is like this
error Android project not found. Are you sure this is a React Native project?
If your Android files are located in a non-standard location (e.g. not inside 'android' folder),
consider setting option to point to a new location.
info Run CLI with --verbose flag for more details.
the folder structure is like this
The files show that the project is created with Expo. Specifically, you have a managed expo project.
npx react-native run-android would compile an android app from source, with Expo's managed workflow that's not needed. You will need the Expo Go App.
Expo also comes with its own commands to start the bundler. Instead of running npx react-native ... make use of the expo-cli running: npx expo start
However, in the package.json there is very likely a script called start. In that case, it's easier for you to run npm start.
After running this command the expo console opens. Here you can press a to open the app using expo go (or instructions on how to do so).
Alternatively, you can run npx expo run:android to start the expo go app on android yourself.
you are using an expo, there is a folder named .expo-shared, after
npm install
Try to run
npm start
expo start
npx expo start
something like this will appear:
after that go to the terminal, open the emulator in you computer and click on the terminal and press 'a',

Issue with the ios folder, after expo ejecting

I'm trying to integrate paypal payments into my expo app, but as expo not yet supports paypal i was trying the react-native-paypal package. This requires to add some extra dependencies into the ios/android folders so i was trying to eject from expo using expo eject. Note that im running this command from a windows operating system and i also did find a way to install cocoapods. But the thing is that after running expo eject it warns me that i should do this procedure from macOS or linux to get the ios folder. How else can i get this? Thanks in advance.

How can I update android demo app on expo?

I am a new expo and react-native user.
I am building mny react-native app with expo SDK36 and there is a QR code for my app on my dashboard on
Scanning the QR code with my Android phone will open the demo app with the expo client. Unfortunately, it is an old build
I want to publish the change so the demo app is the latest.
I have tried to run locally:
expo build:web: build the web-build
expo build:android: build a signed apk
expo build:ios -t simulator: build a tar.gz
None of these build commands seems to publish the online demo app. I haven't found a publish command.
How can I update the online expo demo android app?
You can try npm install -g expo-cli

How to build react-native app for iOS properly?

I developed a react native app (version 57.4) on windows for android and it works fine.
Now I'm trying to build for iOS with no luck (as I don't have any experience with Xcode).
What I tried so far:
I knew that it requires a Mac and Xcode so I downloaded a VM, install Xcode.
Git clone myApp
react-native run-ios
But I got a lot of errors and build failures so after some search, I make these more steps:
react-native link
link some fonts manually
add a pod file and pod install
make some Xcode changes which I can't remember
react-native run-ios
And it works :)
BUT I had an issue with axios so I tried to fix it but I ruined the app so I removed the folder and re-cloned it again.
This time, I can't build successfully again!! and if it builds it crashes instantly!
My Question is what the exact steps do I need to make to build successfully on Mac (especially steps for Xcode)? including how to link all native dependencies correctly? and Is the pod file is necessary?

Steps to run a react native project in android studio after eject from create react native

What are the steps to run a react native project in android studio after eject from create react native. I didn't find a helpful step by step description online for this. I am pretty new to android development, facing different problems related to gradle versions and other stuffs in android. Do I need to run it from android studio, or just need to run the command npm run android
Install React Native using Mac OS
Please check React Native Document before start.
If you don’t have install brew in your computer then must hit that command line.
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"
Then Follow the Command step to step
brew install node
Once Complete node step up then you must Create React Native Directory in your Computer to do this follow the Following Steps:
Open Terminal and hit…
cd Documents
mkdir react-native
cd react-native/
Now You create your React Native Directory now once it’s done.
Node comes with npm, which lets you install the React Native command line interface.
Run the following command in a Terminal:
npm i react-native-cli - g
it need some time to complete install once it’s done make sure you check it’s npm version to do that hit the following command line.
npm -v
So you get your version code if you are using 4.6.1 above then maybe you are using some of the problems so remove above version and use this of a version using this command line.
npm I -g npm#4.6.1
Hit enter and you start with that npm version. So it’s Done now Follow the React Native Document if you are using Android and iOS then you can follow the Steps but skip installation node step because we set up all those steps and once you are using Setup Android or Xcode in your pc Follow the Command to run React Native app.
Using your React Native Folder that you create in a directory like this
cd Documents
mkdir react-native
cd react-native/
react-native init HelloWorld
Here we are Create our HelloWorld Programme Using Android Studio and React Native.
Once you have ejected you need to run below commands
exp run
react-native run-android
Make sure exp is installed. exp run will serve the js bundle locally which will be accessed when your android app runs via react-native run-android command on simulator or connected device.

