Node.js API requests randomly stopping - javascript

This is my first project, yes the code is bad, please be nice!
I'm working on a Discord Bot, which requests Game APIs for a whole Guild. First I get all the Ids for a guild into an array and then I make a get request for every Id.
My problem is, that the request just randomly stops after some time (always different), and I don't know why. It's also not giving an error.
I've already tried to run it from another program, change the package I'm using, look that the key can be used, but in the end, everything is the same.
while (guildmembers[i2] != undefined) {
let url = '' + APIkey
let Guildmembersuuid = guildmembers[i2]
let profilelurl = url + '&uuid=' + Guildmembersuuid
const TESTguildPlayerinfos = await axios.get(profilelurl)
If I did anything wrong with the post or didn't give enough information please tell me!
Thanks a lot for the help!

try using Promise.all(),which takes an array of promises and then put a catch block afterwards to see if there is any problem.

It looks like you are hitting the Hypixel throttling limits - you need to be more careful with your requests. As it stands, they will stop you at 120 requests/minute. You either need to manually throttle yourself like one member in the thread mentioned (waiting .5 seconds between any call to the API to ensure you don't overflow the limit) or insert a cache in between so that calls don't actually always land on the Hypixel backend.


matrix-js-sdk setup and configuration

I am having some issues trying to connect to a matrix server using the matrix-js-sdk in a react app.
I have provided a simple code example below, and made sure that credentials are valid (login works) and that the environment variable containing the URL for the matrix client is set. I have signed into element in a browser and created two rooms for testing purposes, and was expecting these two rooms would be returned from matrixClient.getRooms(). However, this simply returns an empty array. With some further testing it seems like the asynchronous functions provided for fetching room, member and group ID's only, works as expected.
According to these should be valid steps for setting up the matrix-js-sdk, however the sync is never executed either.
const matrixClient = sdk.createClient(
await matrixClient.long("m.login.password", credentials);
matrixClient.once('sync', () => {
debugger; // Never hit
for (const room of matrixClient.getRooms()) {
debugger; // Never hit
I did manage to use the roomId's returned from await matrixClient.roomInitialSync(roomId, limit, callback), however this lead me to another issue where I can't figure out how to decrypt messages, as the events containing the messages sent in the room seems to be of type '' instead of ''.
Does anyone have any good examples of working implementations for the matrix-js-sdk, or any other good resources for properly understanding how to put this all together? I need to be able to load rooms, persons, messages etc. and display these respectively in a ReactJS application.
It turns out I simply forgot to run startClient on the matrix client, resulting in it not fetching any data.

Count how many times a message has been sent with discord.js

I just wanted to know if there's a way to count how many times a message has been sent in my Discord server, so the bot can send a message. I'm new with coding, so I don't know many things. Thank you in advance!
To store the amount of messages sent in a guild, you'll have to keep track of a count somehow. Each time a message is sent, you can increment it by 1. Then, upon a user's request, you can display that number.
One easy option would be to store this "message count" for each guild inside of a JSON file. However, this would greatly impact performance. Consider a database for much better speeds and reliability.
Example Setup
Before using this system, create a guilds.json file with a blank object ({}).
Declaring the necessary variables...
const fs = require('fs'); // fs is the built-in Node.js file system module.
const guilds = require('./guilds.json'); // This path may vary.
Adding the system to the message event listener...
client.on('message', message => {
// If the author is NOT a bot...
if (! {
// If the guild isn't in the JSON file yet, set it up.
if (!guilds[]) guilds[] = { messageCount: 1 };
// Otherwise, add one to the guild's message count.
else guilds[].messageCount++;
// Write the data back to the JSON file, logging any errors to the console.
try {
fs.writeFileSync('./guilds.json', JSON.stringify(guilds)); // Again, path may vary.
} catch(err) {
Using the system in a command...
// Grab the message count.
const messageCount = guilds[].messageCount;
// Send the message count in a message. The template literal (${}) adds an 's' if needed.`**${messageCount}** message${messageCount !== 1 ? 's' : ''} sent.`)
JSON is highly prone to corruption if a queue system is not created that will make sure multiple reads and writes are not happening to a file all at the same time. For the purpose of what you want, I would use something like SQLite that requires minimal setup, is easy to learn, and has helper frameworks to make it easier to use such as Keyv and Sequelize.
Here is a good guide on how to use sqlite in the nodejs runtime environment.

Twilio Nodejs - How to place call to twilio and gather entered digits to call another person

I'm trying to figure out how to create calls from my Twilio number after I've dialed into it and entered a number. After reading the docs I see that this is done with the gather feature, which can then be redirected to another Twiml document to handle the response. However, I can't quite get it to work. I'm extremely confused on how to execute Twiml correctly and how to access the request parameters in another Twiml doc. I've also looked into Twimlets but I wasn't able to construct what I needed there correctly either.
I've gone back and tried to just make a simple voice message play when only my number calls. If it's not me calling then it needs to be redirected to a Twiml url which will try to connect to my phone. If that fails it will prompt the caller to leave a message.
//Handle incoming call requests'/call', function(req, res) {
var twiml = new twilio.TwimlResponse();
if ( req.body.From === "+1555555555") {
twiml.say('Hello', {voice: alice});
} else {
// Do something here.
I've found the correct solution for my problem. I wasn't initiating the twilio.TwimlResponse() correctly.
In order to solve this issue, I needed to use == instead of === so that my req.body.from value wouldn't get coerced.

Parsing a large JSON array in Javascript

I'm supposed to parse a very large JSON array in Javascipt. It looks like:
mydata = [
{'a':5, 'b':7, ... },
{'a':2, 'b':3, ... },
Now the thing is, if I pass this entire object to my parsing function parseJSON(), then of course it works, but it blocks the tab's process for 30-40 seconds (in case of an array with 160000 objects).
During this entire process of requesting this JSON from a server and parsing it, I'm displaying a 'loading' gif to the user. Of course, after I call the parse function, the gif freezes too, leading to bad user experience. I guess there's no way to get around this time, is there a way to somehow (at least) keep the loading gif from freezing?
Something like calling parseJSON() on chunks of my JSON every few milliseconds? I'm unable to implement that though being a noob in javascript.
Thanks a lot, I'd really appreciate if you could help me out here.
You might want to check this link. It's about multithreading.
Basically :
var url = '';
var f = '(function() {
send = function(e) {
importScripts("' + url + '?format=json&callback=send");
var _blob = new Blob([f], { type: 'text/javascript' });
_worker = new Worker(window.URL.createObjectURL(_blob));
_worker.onmessage = function(e) {
//Do what you want with your JSON
Haven't tried it myself to be honest...
EDIT about portability: Sebastien D. posted a comment with a link to mdn. I just added a ref to the compatibility section id.
I have never encountered a complete page lock down of 30-40 seconds, I'm almost impressed! Restructuring your data to be much smaller or splitting it into many files on the server side is the real answer. Do you actually need every little byte of the data?
Alternatively if you can't change the file #Cyrill_DD's answer of a worker thread will be able to able parse data for you and send it to your primary JS. This is not a perfect fix as you would guess though. Passing data between the 2 threads requires the information to be serialised and reinterpreted, so you could find a significant slow down when the data is passed between the threads and be back to square one again if you try to pass all the data across at once. Building a query system into your worker thread for requesting chunks of the data when you need them and using the message callback will prevent slow down from parsing on the main thread and allow you complete access to the data without loading it all into your main context.
I should add that worker threads are relatively new, main browser support is good but mobile is terrible... just a heads up!

Speeding up an app that makes many Facebook API calls

I've got a simple app that fetches a user's complete feed from the Facebook API in order to tally the number of words he or she has written total on the site.
After he or she authenticates, the page makes a Graph call to /me/feed?limit100 and counts the number of responses and their dates. If there is a "next" cursor in the response, it then pings that next URL, which looks something like this:[UID]/feed?limit=100&until=1386553333
And so on, recursively, until we reach the time that the user joined Facebook. The function looks like this:
var words = 0;
var posts = function(callback, url) {
url = url || '/me/posts?limit=100';
FB.api(url, function(response) {
if ( { {
if (status.message) {
words += status.message.split(/ /g).length;
if (response.paging && {
} else {
alert("You wrote " + words + " on Facebook!");
This works just fine for people who have posts a total of up to 4,000 statuses, but it really starts to crawl for power users with 10,000 lifetime updates or more. Each response from the API is only about 25Kb, but I cannot figure out what's straining the most.
After I've added the number of words in each status to my total word count, do I need to specifically destroy the response object so as not to overload memory?
Alternatively, is the recursion depth a problem? we're realistically talking about a total of 100 calls to the API for power users. I've experimented with upping the limit on each call to fetch larger chunks, but it doesn't seem to make a huge difference.
So, you're doing this with the JS SDK I guess, which mean this runs in the Browser... Did you try to run this in Chrome and then watch the network monitor to see about the response time etc.?
With 100 requests, this also means that the data object/JSON must be about the size of 2.5mb, which for some browsers/machines could be quite challenging I guess. Also, it must take quite a while to fetch the data from FB. What does the user see in the meantime?
Did you think of implementing this in the backend on the server side, and then just passing the results to the frontend?
For exmple use NodeJS together with SocketIO to do it on the server side and dynamically update the word count?

